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  1. I just encountered this now and honestly, this personally irritates me the most when it came to this weapon skin. Now the weapon skin in question is Protokol Tekna skin based on the Heckler and Koch USP line of pistols. How and why is it missing the magazine? As seen in the first image. In the second image is the reload animation where you can clearly see my Ash Prime pulling out a new magazine from the hip. And as the magazine is inserted and as I am to chamber a new round the magazine disappears once again. Not something anyone will really notice unless they are looking for it, know how a firearm works, do fashion frame and notice a missing gap, or they know what a firearm is and how it operates to know, Hey there should be a magazine to shoot bullets, but yea mostly minor issue. I would assume this is affected across all platforms given this skin is from the nightwave and should be accessible on all platforms. Just saw this right after I posted this. The magazine isn't missing.... The Warframe is just holding it outside of the pistol and space magic happens
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