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Posts posted by Data-Zero

  1. Aginst it. Just by looking at the stats you should know if the gun has potential or not. Also the idea of your isnt great for DE :/

    So you are saying that MK-1 Braton is crap because of its numbers even if im having fun with it?


    On topic.Im ok with it. Prolly never gonna use it since im building everything to make my arsenal fatter. Then increase the fatness so i have a gun/warframe for each skin i own. (4 excals woot) ANd crapton of forma

  2. I do, which is why i do what i do when im playing on and off stream. I was just poking fun at a conversation i was having with a friend who said "you might end up setting the new meta for the vulkar". i love the vulkar and its nice seeing the sheer damage potential this weapon now has with the bane mods + augment. 

    BUilt for crit, or you dropped crit build and went for damage?

  3. tried it, he took zero damage.

    even my valk ult doesn't damage him.

    Not the only one.

    Did a sortie lvl 65-80 i think.

    Thought about using Valkyr to mop up and get a tick in chore list. Pressed 4 and prepped to kill him, no damage...

    Then I waited till he exposes his weakspot and killed him with melee (read number 4) anyway.

    I can deal with regular Juggernauts, having to deal juggernauts in sorties is just too much of a chore.

    I rather wait till juggernaut goes away in those to continue killing. I's not worth the migraine.

  4. Rhino stomps so hard he stops time. TIME.


    Depending on how cold Frost can make something, and how much range, he could counter Nova - possibly. To freeze something, he could possibly slow and/or stop molecular movement.


    Volt controls electricity - imagine him causing atoms to discharge electrons from the outer layers. The results could be catastrophic.


    ...I'll try to think about the others. lol

    Use electricity to break the bonds between water molecules, you got yourself small pockets of hydrogen gasses ready to blow.

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