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Posts posted by Data-Zero

  1. Instead of the scavenge auras which barely anyone uses why not an ammo regen aura instead? Yes there are the ammo mutation mods, the ammo restores but still this i'd like to see an ammo regen aura.


    I use them if I use a gun that eats that specific and aint concerened about accuracy.


    Built a high ROF Supra. Ate through all ammo. Ammo scavenger helped.

    Also, Twin Grakatas without Pistol Ammo scavenger? Not enough fun.

  2. The only reason it will be removed is so that you need to use the primed mods to give extra magazine ammo to the weapons after the multishot change, it's a way to balance the stuff.


    Yes you will likely need to forma your weapons, so start building formas because the change is going to hit you pretty hard.

    Yet im afraid that guns become useless.

  3. When DE changed warframe ability mods into built-in abilities all the ability mods were replaced with fusion cores, unranked if I recalled correctly.

    Actually it depended on the rank of your ability. I remember i had far less R5 cores when that update came out.

    OT at hand.

    Removing serration...

    Yes please, i would like to get smashed in the head with Jet Kittag.


    If they get removed without a proper replacements; I might as well throw my guns in to the trash pile called useless and go melee only.

    Lately i have been enjoying stealth runs more and having a one shotting damage makes stealthing fun.

    Removing something leaves an empty hole. Nature does not like empty spots and it will be quickly filled and that becomes new meta so you could cry about it again. Back to square one and new cycle till were back with serration.

    PS: Why every anti serration club member cries about OP damage and crap when they maxed their serration? Just get unmodded one, fuse it to a level you like and go on.

    Or better yet, remove split chamber and BOOOOOM



  4. More interesting if you check DeMonkey's answer:

    Thank you, I totally forgot about CD, and keeping in mind that the team might be previously organized, it's most likely they were using 3(cp+cd) combo to totally strip the enemy armor.


    Readed it. Intresting yes. but i like speed drift more. Find sprint speed and cast speed useful.

  5. You can still stealth throughout a whole entire exterminate mission if you use Ivara. I've done it by simply using sleep arrow every time an enemy was alerted by accident, or when there was a large group of them nearby. Sleep arrow resets their alert status completely, however you have to wait until they wake back up or your stealth combo will end.


    Large group = sleep arrow.


    Random enemy becoming alerted = sleep arrow, then run around and kill others until he wakes up, then kill him.


    As for Loki....Not really sure. In my opinion it's a good balance. Ivara is able to keep her stealth combo going, but is much slower and thus not viable for stealth speedruns, while Loki is great for doing exactly that, but unable to continue a stealth combo if other enemies are nearby.


    Of course I can imagine you could use an explosive to kill all enemies that are grouped together. Hushed Invisibility mod should work, but I'm just speculating.

    Hushed Invis works with explosives. Well with tonkor atleast.

  6. There was a nerf?

    *uses Tigris+Loki to clean up Ceres exterminate with breeze*

    You must be doing something wrong here lad.

    I clean house, enjoy taking time of the duration and collecting taters. (Dakra primes 15 potatos. sigh)

    Then again, I can take whatever warframe and complete the missions in stealth (if mission allows it). Takes time but I can do it.


    I don't do draco because i never liked the place much. I rather fight in survival and score badassery.

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