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Posts posted by MPonder

  1. 50 minutes ago, Serafim_94 said:

    And if you think about such a system for a second, there are immediate crippling problems with it. Hanging one squad up till the other decides to stop AFKing would ruin the whole thing (didn't play ops yet myself). From what I read on forums, it's an issue even with the box.

    Personally, I'm glad they shafted their original squad link idea. It was a recipe for disaster.

    Coop in Warframe is a recipe for disaster. Because the community is full of bad players that can't coop at all. People can't even do a lich properly, not even Railjack.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    its good....co-op has too much newbies, leechers and etc.


    Who complain about this is because love to be a leecher...right?

    And a few that work together, put effort into improving, which makes the game fun. Every game is full of newbies, but if the content is so brain-dead, you don't see them. Same for leechers, no place to leech, how you gonna see them? Not on Warframe content.

  3. 1 hour ago, Agnostus said:

    There is literally no point in arguing about all the bad things Destiny has going for it. The thread was definitely not started for this reason. My main take away after reading through all of your replies is that WF does excel in many areas (duh, obviously) but there are so many things that it can take away from other titles that i find frustrating that it doesn't. I cannot believe either money or a lack of bigger team are responsible for that, in fact when it comes to budget i honestly believe that most players would pay plat to have true content rather than being content with freebies that dont actually provide anything. WF is free to play done right, but in the end, is it?

    Wasting your time with this people. Warframe will never evolve cause people like them are happy playing the same game modes over and over again, like Liches, nothing added, same missions, same enemies (grinners), with a new one sponge HP mob that's your lich. and say Warframe is always innovative and keeps things fresh. 

  4. 18 hours ago, SmokinDice said:

    I had a hard time believing all this, but now that I am a captain myself... I am annoyed to a point where I not only write this thread, but ALSO for the FIRST TIME ever, have people on my ignore list in warframe... and I think this is a really really bad thing. As I usually love this community and I am proud of it not beeing toxic at all and always helpful and beeing part of it.

    This is a really cooparative game mode and communication is key.. and if people dont listen or are not willing to talk, you have to be able to make them listen, no matter what.

    these are REALLY big concerns and problems I have with the game mode right now. And I think we need more drastic solutions for that.

    The illusion of Warframe having a nice community is created by a game with almost 0 needs for cooperative play. Put some real cooperative game modes in the game and you can trully see what the community is. Everygame has people that help others btw.

    I hope Scarllet is really a cooperative mode, to see a lot of threads like this.

  5. 17 hours ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    What Should’ve BeenThe Endgame That Should’ve Been Included In This Update

    I think giving every node on the Starchart should get a “Endgame” option when choosing it would starting enemy level is 100 where you get increased affinity, increase dropped chance, & drop rewards (except the rewards from relics) like what you get from staying in a endless mission. 

    Don't call this "The Endgame". Nothing on starchart can become endgame, you can put 1000Lv there and it doesn't matter.

  6. 39 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    I am very curious as to how this could be implemented. Because:

    • My Chroma is a buffer, which makes him a DPS also. He has negative range so while he can buff the party, in practice he usually won't.
    • I'm playing Volt as a DPS with a Transistor/Vigilante sniper build. Pretty much invincible from the front, CC as backup.
    • My Baruuk build is pretty close to a WoW-style "tank", but that's pretty much just to hand-wave the question of my own survival. I'm not exactly protecting the rest of you at this time.
    • Legerdemain Mirage adapts to what's needed in the party (wide-reaching CC, damage, whatever). Would there be a "flex" role?
    • My support Mag and support Harrow both provide usefulness but in very different ways. Mag grants Shield and debuffs enemies, Harrow grants Health and Energy. Just "support" isn't helpful as a role, but menuing through different types of support would likely be too tedious.

    - Queue by position?! League of Legends?

    - Is buffer a class now? I dunno about other games queue types. A DPS with a form of party buff is still a DPS as long it can buff himself at least.

    - Warframe doesn't have tanks actually, something that actually protect the team by taking damage and aggroing, does it?

    - My support Mag provide usefulness -> Like Teemo Top. A support doesn't actually need to heal.


    All you guys points providing weird stuff with Warframe trying to counter argument a MM just show how Warframes are just throw there for the sake of  been throw there not even thinking how well they will perform on actual content and Coop. Like, why Grendel even exist, the next Warframe, Protea I think, can't see the usefullness in her kit at all in a Coop content, not even normal missions.

  7. On 2020-03-20 at 2:33 AM, Foo_Prime said:

    WF is not an MMO. It's a Co-op game FFS.

    Warframe is not a MMO, but it is not a Coop too. It is most a solo game with a matchmaking that put people in the same mission you are and that's it. And you do most of that in "group" because of Loot, XP and to bypass RNG (like Relics). Besides that, a lot of missions time efficiency is not even affected by having a lot of players in it nor increase the chance of success (Capture, mobile, survive, defense). The ones that having more people affect mission speedy or success are the missions that people play apart of each other (interception, desruption, excavation). The ones that kind require ppl are the ones that you play far from each other, don't seems coop to me.


    A good matchmaking could solve a little some game modes, like Eidolons, and the ammount of time wasted in recruit chat. Just how bad this matchmaking is, that can throw anyone with any MR playing any Warframe they want in any match and nobody complains about it, it is a prove that Warframe content is not true Coop. High MR doesn't means anything, but low MR does (MR 5).

    That said, with or not a decent matchmaking, pubs are usually horrible in true coop content.

  8. 6 hours ago, Siberius02 said:

    Hmm it seems that the community is good but not the forums, welp I experienced this alot with minecraft and dota forums 🙂 no biggies boys

    Till you get into a mission that need people to at least do 1 thing. With liches, you had people griefing others by not stabbing their lich. On Railjack update, you saw topics about people wanting to lock some components of their Railjacks and complaining about pubs, I was doing solo Railjack when anomaly was up cause people rush anomaly then leave without a care for the mission. Eidolons, most people hate, cause it is the most Coop content you have in the game.

    Told you, community is "good" cause they don't need to play with each other. Only when a game has true Coop content that you can see the colors of a game community.

  9. 4 hours ago, Siberius02 said:

    Hello! Just wanted to introduce myself to this lovely forum. I have been only playing Warframe for 4 months and started to get the hang of it. Already loving the friendly and non-toxic community! If anyone wants to add a newbie like, you can just message me! 



    Let me tell you the secret about why Warframe is "non-toxic". It is because nobody need to play with each other (Almost Zero Coop content) and every toxicity is disguised with generalization or using indirect statements.

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  10. Operator is just the biggest cheese you have to use in game. Cheese death, cheese revive, cheese Health/Energy gain, cheese healing, cheese life support, cheese cc, cheese mobility.


    Leave a Warframe behind with tons of enemies shooting it and slashing it with melees, and it is invulnerable, makes sense.

  11. Stagger in amps are dumb, annoying and bugged, and nothing you can do about it.

    1- Dumb because dying with Operator means almost nothing, they removed that risk for Warframe in exchange for stagger. But with operator, even if the shot with #*!%ing 50x void strike kills your operator, hardly mean anything.

    2- Annoying because amps are mostly used on EIdolons hunt, and people will lose a lot of shield time because of that mechanic. Shraksun is guaranteed stagger, propa even if the shot don't hit anything, if you don't walk way, you get the knockback. I don't fell nothing, since most of the time I play with organized squads, and we oneshot shields anyway. But Pubs, people let eidolon Walk and shoting through Volt shield is not happening most of the time because eidolon is walking, so people also have to walk because other Amps choice sucks, only Shraksun and Propa are really good to oneshot shields, you have some other amp components that are good on first eidolon, but that is it.

    3- Bugged because even in void mode, it hits you.

  12. On 2020-03-18 at 6:46 PM, dogbus said:

    Generally, all-purpose because I play pubs. Sometimes I need to be the one handling lures (with protective dash), other times I'm handling synovia. All depends on the needs of the team. Since they are pubs, theres never any guarantee that a Harrow will be there, thus I have more utility by using arcanes for other things than something I can simply bind a hotkey to. In every case, I bring Volt for both DPS and support, which I have no use for wisps, because the support role I generally play is with Shock Trooper. I'd much rather have a mobile +309% damage buff I can give others without locking them into a single location without stacks of shields. Alternatively, I can still drop shields as needed on top of that if there is someone that can provide more DPS than my build.

    Just because you don't understand the mechanics of a playstyle you arent familiar with doesn't make it less practical or a "bad" idea. You are in no position to determine what works best for me, and claiming you do is arrogant and ignorant.

    It is beyond bad, dude, it is plus ultra. I'm in a position to tell you that you are in no position to judge what an experienced or not Chroma is.

  13. 24 minutes ago, Vaeldious said:

    , and have adapted my playstyle to.

    Define your playstyle. Like of a DPS that is on a K-Drive instead of spawning unairu wisps for the team? I can't see playstyle in taking or not taking the magnetic procs. 

    24 minutes ago, Vaeldious said:

    it works wonderfully without sacrificing an arcane slot.

    But sacrificing buff for Shield phase for the team.

    24 minutes ago, Vaeldious said:

    Calling something "copy/past" without any actual justification only makes you look like an ignorant fool.

    "I observed other players actually practicing in matches, and have adapted my playstyle to.". Copying a bad idea from players that don't know what they are doing is what an ignorant fool would do. If you want something to negate magnetic procs in your build that don't sacrifice an arcane, go for Rolling Guard (if you can) + Amalgam barrel diffusion, but don't waste time that you should be spawning wisps with your operaton on an xit K-Drive.

  14. 4 hours ago, Vaeldious said:

    Never said he didn't need a rework. Saying Chroma is "absolutely killed" is completely wrong and something inexperienced players say because they have no understanding of how Chroma actually works, or don't know any different way to use him other than self-cheese methods.


    Guess you'll have to use Chroma now like he was intended to be used until if/when he does get a rework. Oh darn.


    Saying to use K-drive on eidolon hunt as DPS or not is pretty inexperienced, where people saw that stupid, STUPID IDEA, to keep repeating that xit? Youtube?  A Tip if yes, most of what that Youtuber said about Eidolon is bad or pretty "inexperienced", and maybe other topics too.

    Warframe was intended to be a Coop game, but it is not. Liches were intended to be a nemesis, but they aren't. Railjack was intended to be something, but it isn't. Nerf on Itzal was intended for diversity, but it is all Amesha now, Things were intended to be connected, but Islands every where. You were intended to at least think a little for yourself, but all I see is copy/past of inexperience players' sentences from this forum and/or Youtubers in eidolon hunt.

    "Self-cheese", at least Chroma need something else than just press key for buff like a lot of Warframes (Rhino, Mirage, Augments Warframes, etc).

  15. I think the system should be reworked for something better and fair. because it is clearly a cassino, has the worst RNG I have seen in my whole gamer life, and I did play a lot of Asian MMOs. It clearly have an abused market by people with coding knowlegde with bots, even for DE. It is clearly giving DE some money, because some riven are pretty, pretty expensive and DE is intentionally let it this way because of this.

  16. 3 hours ago, NekroArts said:

    Like wise with you stance. For all the meta that exist only a few have remain consistently used like in Eidolons and long Infested Excavation Arbitration. In cases where the mission are easy, where yeah you expect players to go meta (all Limbos in Mobile Defense, Mesas and Equinoxs in Exterminate), you'll see players stray away from it. By your standards, it'll be classified as inefficient. So why do they do it? Playing efficiently is only part of the desire, the other is level of engagement. Outside of those consistent-meta, there will be players that can and will play outside of the meta because they like something that exist outside of it. As inefficient as it is compared to the top efficient, it's not so low that players don't feel impactful yet fairly efficient; or in some cases they don't care. They just bring it for the sake of enjoying playing in that style. Whether any player goes meta or not depends on their goals and desires.

    If you haven't already seen this thread OP also express the same desire you want, but there are players express differently.

    From my game exp::

    So why do they do it? Most of the time, lack of knowledge, understanding and effort in trying to do something right, in other words, too lazy to learn. Arbitration excavation is an example, why the #*!% people went there with Inarus, Rhino, Wukong, etc, no Limbos or Frosts. Eidolons is an another big example, playing meta or off-meta, if the off-meta players have the knowledge in how to do it right, they would still be OK playing off-meta, but what you see is that people hate Eidolons because most people do it wrong in the most Coop content this game have, and the only one that require a little bit more effort in learning it, and I'm talking about playing and not Warframe choice. Even when these "forfun off-meta" players play the META, they do poorly. A META player can perform better than these forfun off-meta players with an off-meta choice easy, because they know what is the META and why. And when things change, META players are the ones that come with the changes to the META, not the off-meta players.

    In every game, why doing actual Coop content with randoms without any form of "elitism" like 200+ hydro caps is a lot of time a horrible exp? Because people like off-meta more or it is because most people dunno what to actually do? For me, it is because most people dunno what to do.

    For me, these things "I just wanna have fun" and hating the META is just a disguise for laziness.

    META is something that usually is discovered by a group of people, not just one, and when you try to understanding it, you are trying to understand something that came from a lot of brains. In other words, something a little more complex that just one person coudn't come up with it.


    Warframe content is all about killing, we need actual Coop content, tanks to be actual tanks (take damage for the team), not just Warframe that die slower than others. A lot of Warframes have no place in the game on the content it has because either, there is no content that require that Warframe abilities or simple there are much better choices, a lot of "for fun" made Warframes.

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