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Posts posted by (PSN)GEN-Son_17

  1. 23 hours ago, Prof-Dante said:

    I am kind of tired of Noctua already, Forma'd it so many times and just feel like it's a lot of energy wasted for a similar effect I can achieve with my weapons, besides I have a Noctua Copy and my own Grimoire Weapon...I'm not really missing out on anything.

    One of my favorite Noctua replacements is the Quassus, this melee weapon shoots multishot projectiles that deal all guaranteed slash, perfect for his tragedy.

    but that's not really the topic of this post, today I want to talk about potential subsumes...


    Nourish seems universally more important, especially since Roar is just a damage and dot damage increase, a massive one...but it's just that.

    I wonder which is the better option...if Roar is ever going to help me kill bosses faster and use any other Viral source, I'd probably use it.

    Noctua is GREAT!! High damaging, highly resourceful and an alt-fire on top of the time mod usage means I have a ton of power and utility in one ability! I run the Grimoire (with Xata and Vome mods for energy and strength boosts) as my secondary, offering two, very reliable alt firing utility weapons: Noctua for killing and using "per kill" tome mods, and Grimoire for "per hit" mods and stat procs. Really good stuff!

  2. 13 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    You can still do that. My whole point was that Melee Duplicate created a massive gap in weapon performance simply based on if they can get ~100% Crit using Umbra Steel or not. I feel it was a really bad design choice. There are so many melee weapons. Many of which are already bad and they made the selection even more slim.

    I'm not sure why you're saying Melee Duplicate is a bad design mod. It simply gives high stat/low crit weapons more variety in setups. If I could get the Mire into crit territory (which I currently have managed to do, thanks to a really good riven mod), then I now have an ultra high stat chance melee that now hits SIGNIFICANTLY harder and adds a fresh, new take on weapons that use different tactics than most. What makes this arcane even better is that it's an arcane, not a mod needing a mod slot. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Xzorn said:


    If a weapon can get near 100% Crit with Umbra Steel you save a mod slot by dropping Drifting and replacing it with Bane or Candis Mandible.

    The resulting per strike damage is more than double.

    If you like Heavy Attacks then by all means but Duplicate makes some melee far surpass others. Kinda not a fan or it.

    But you're missing out on a LOT of utility from the Tennokai heavy attacks. Adding range and status procs to a 12x heavy attack means you get a monstrous, CC applied, and free AoE attack from a slide, standard and heavy slam (which also lifts, providing more CC strategy). Adding alternative elemental combos like a gas + electric spreader mix, a rad + cold aggro reducer mix or viral + heat melter, you can easily stun lock and kill anything moving while the Life Strike mod guarantees full health from every hit, making survival much easier. Melee Duplicate just takes all of that and dips it in platinum, especially gas! 

    • Like 1
  4. On 2024-05-01 at 5:17 AM, Venus-Venera said:

    Combos were always more “fun,” right?
    Because Warframe is usually played for several hours and gameplay is like ancient chewing gum that hasn't tasted good since the Stone Age.
    and people don't want to pound on keys. but rather chill and farm and listen to music/youtube at the same time. That's why hardly anyone plays this ranged garbage where you have to hammer the left mouse button several times per second.

    Uhhh, I have no idea what this is or is trying to say. 

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, spider_enigma said:

    can you name all of the eximus units? also in some missions half of the enemies are eximus and have way more overguard then hp, the moment the overguard is gone they die so there is no cc play after

    What mission has half of the units as eximus? Again...and I'm going to keep saying this: very high level SP content should not be used in these discussions because the game we're supposed to be skilled enough to deal with the game ramping up unreasonable situations for unreasonable levels. Having the ability to coast to level 9999 sounds weird to expect.

  6. 18 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    Oh well. In terms of the usual content, it's actually hardly a problem because the games are usually very short.
    But what really bothers me is excav missions in SP circuit. I had just had a long game and the boys were probably bored. Played almost up to lvl 9999 and after assassination came excav, which no one wanted to play.

    cc immune things insta kill everyone and especially insta kill obj. How embarrassing and ridiculous is that...? At least here it should be urgently fixed. I defended the penultimate excav with slam spam. Without 14mil crits this would be a super boring and long mission.

    I think your experience is exactly where it should be nearly impossible and why it should not be fixed. Otherwise, what's the point of level 9999? 

  7. 56 minutes ago, (PSN)Madurai-Prime said:

    CC is fine. Some people got used to afk 280 range playstyles and are now frustrated because they have to pay attention, move around, and use their full arsenal.

    This is the same vibe I'm getting. It reminds me of the old days of YouTubers standing in one spot and CC'ing the room for hours upon hours. At least now, further action is required and there's a lot more meaning to the full arsenal. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 2024-04-28 at 2:02 AM, Tellmeninetails said:

    It doesn't make sense that undamaging cc abilities are so discouraged right now. Nullifiers and eximus basically have blanket immunity to all type of CC and it forces us into a damage only meta since damage is the only thing that still works on them and makes a ton of frames less viable when they should be very good.

    It would make more sense if for nullifiers at least it was reversed and they became significantly more resistant to damage and basically immune to damage abilities(unless you shot the drone) but CC actually works well on them, maybe they pop the bubble entirely because they can't maintain it or something idk.

    You started with "so many enemies" and then stated only the nullifiers and eximus units. Guys, when did we suddenly over exaggerate to this level. You can CC 98% of every enemy you will face...but you can't handle focusing on an extra mechanic on the rare enemies? 

    I will ask you the same thing I ask everyone else who brings this topic up: at what levels are you having trouble controlling the room due to excess eximus and nullifier units?

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, Kaggelos said:

    Personally i love it a lot more than Dash.

    it looks, sounds, feels better for me. Specifically the momentum feels so satisfying.

    Dash was "way too good" (therefore boring imo, kinda like archwing, hence why i prefer Honse and K-Drive for traversal), but at the same time slightly uncontrollable. 

    I understand where you're coming from, but personally im happier with what we have.

    Also bring the "once every mission" Void Beam back! 

    Completely agree here, especially that void beam part!!

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    from what was said on devshorts, I'd say it's happening, at least as a toggle, which is how it should be.

    functionally, yes, but only with the option enabled. plus the vast majority of semi-autos have a fire rate cap that will only let you fire them so fast, so it's not gonna turn a Veldt into a Grakata or anything like that.: as someone fortunate enough to have no physical problems, I can pull the trigger multiple times on most guns before the gun is actually allowed to fire again (also, years of playing shooters tends to wear out the resistance on controller triggers and make them more sensitive, and I don't bother using the Haptic Feedback settings because I'm so used to playing without them from my PS3/4 days before we even had that, that it's normal for me.)

    as long as semi/burst class weapons have limits that automatics don't, they'll still remain in their lane.


    Good point. Alright, I'm sold! 

  11. 12 hours ago, -Minibeave- said:

    What I mean by this, is an option (perhaps a toggle in accessibility) to allow our Primary fire key/button/trigger to fire continuously while held for Semi Automatic, and Burst style weapons.

    A fair amount of other games have implemented this, and frankly, this game needs it more than most.

    For comparisons sake, Destiny 2 has a feature where it's semi-automatic and burst weapons fire continuously by default. What Destiny 2 doesn't have, is Wisp, Volt, Harrow, Bond Mods, and various other sources of increased fire rate. To the point that weapons can't make use of these rates of fire without either giving yourself carpel tunnel, or setting up some sort of turbo/auto clicker function.

    Anybody who's used a burst style weapon, Burston, Tiberon, Sicarus etc, can tell you that it feels really bad when your shots "stutter" because you mistimed your clicks.

    Warframes may be machines, but we are not. So many weapons could get so much more use out of our arsenals with a simple quality of life adjustment here similar to the Auto-melee feature rolled out.

    Weapons like the Dual-Toxocyst, semi-automatic with varying fire rates would be a lot less awkward to handle if we could simply hold down to fire. Really any semi-auto/burst in situations with fluctuating fire rates would be much better overall to use if this were the case.


    But wouldn't this erase the category of semi-auto?

    Instead, I would like to see a power dominance of these weapons over automatics. 

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

    To me these modes are about demonstrating minimum competency, not superior high level skill. I've found it most efficient to lean on the same little cluster of survival mods and Helminth abilities on any under-modded or unfamiliar frame, so for me the randomization does end up reducing to just a particular set of builds.

    That's you demonstrating superior high level skill though. You've worked your way up to gathering all of the right mods for the job and earned your way through the entire game to get to Helminth. From there, you are highly skilled enough to use "any under-modded or unfamiliar frame" to complete the mission. 

    In contrast, demonstrating minimum competency would be selecting your most meta builds, your most powerful setup, and playing a mission with restrictions you could easily offset. 

  13. 1 hour ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

    >extremely poor joh of explaining to DE what "difficult" actually is.

    Its not that I or anyone else cant "explain" what difficulty is, its that nobody can ever agree on what "difficulty" means and even if they could, not everyone *wants* their experience to be super difficult. 

    At the very least I think people would generally agree that a "difficult videogame" should be *fair*.

    That winning or losing should be up to the player somehow. That it is inherantly beatable *somehow*.

    And if thats the case, sooner or later its just not gonna feel that hard after awhile.

    I agree here, and that's the problem. I think we should be pointing at 60 eyes and saying, "more of that, and always make it hidden". We then should be telling YouTubers "hey, don't spoil this!!!", and then let some super cool, but very conditional mods, shards and arcanes, be the rewards. If DE has a buffer from social media spoiling crap all of the time, or forum posters whining about how something hard is "annoying", then I think we can have difficulty added. 

    I would start by asking what were the most difficult first experiences you've had in Warframe? For me, it was Mot, the Eidolon, the Tridolons, PT, 60 Eyes, 1000+ SP Circuit and SP Fortuna Arena.


  14. 10 hours ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

    Lets start with the fact that pretty much every player learns pretty quick to save plat/forma/potatoes for weapons that they actually like, and or are actually good.

    Because hey, if blue potatoes are a limited resource that are either slow to come by or cost plat, you should invest them carefully right? 

    But wait! Between The Circuit and now archimedia, theres all of a sudden a reason to "invest" in weapons you would normally never use. 


    People defending the randomizer usually point to "but muh challenge".

    A) you cant tell me the circuit's random loadouts are meant to provide challenge when decrees exist and even a mid weapon with enough decrees piled on top of it, is gonna be more "overpowered" than anything in the game outside of that mode. You can also get carried.

    B) All you really "need" in deep archimedia is to first of all not die, and second have at least one viable weapon that can kill enemies in at least a semi reasonable amount of time.

    And pretty much every frame is survivable enough if built right and you can effectively ignore at least one personal modifier per week. Or just get carried.


    If DE actually "stuck to their guns" and didnt give us ways to "get around" the "challenge" or having to use randomized loadouts then i could at least say "well its them attempting to make challenging content", but that isnt the case so it really just feels like a cash grab more than anything.

    Why is challenge and difficulty still being placed in the same category? A challenge doesn't have to be difficult. I can challenge you to count to 10. It's just a game mode that offers a unique twist to the all day, everyday style of play.

    They gave us the 60 eyes boss as a "higher end difficulty challenge", with its own set of rewards structure. DA and EDA are other types of challenges, where some may find difficult (and there are many from what I'm experiencing), again with its own rewards structure. The challenge is the game mode and its conditions. The difficulty is the subjective toughness of the challenge.

    This has been a tiring issue with Warframe, where both completely different words are attempted to be combined as one. You guys gotta change this way of thinking because the message of what you want gets mixed with those who want what a challenge actually is: new game modes, new ways of playing, interesting conditionals, etc. You guys want it to be "difficult", but you honestly have done an extremely poor job of explaining to DE what that actually is. Every single time a difficulty topic is brought up, it's quickly blended with challenge, and challenge carries the weight of the topic's ideas. Separate the two and tell us exactly what a difficult mission looks like, because this seems to be the most difficult task we all have, me included.


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  15. 3 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

    I agree getting more rewards from a hard mode is good.

    I disagree that not being able to use our own setups on a high end gamemode is cool. Go into any other MMO and this isn't a thing. (WF is classed as an MMO due to the fact we all connect to the same servers at the same time, in large quantities)

    While we do have comfort setups, being told "You spent all this time getting your perfect builds that you enjoy using? Too bad, you're not allowed to use that, or your backups. You use what we tell you to use". That doesn't feel good for most people, especially anyone who's casual or is not confident/proficient with the choices they are given.
    It's also unreasonable to expect all players to keep everything in the game in their inventory. Just because a small few of us have done so, doesn't mean that's what 95% of players will do.

    Yes...but I would agree if the entire high end part of Warframe was based on Deep Archimedean. So far though, we only have 3 game modes that offer this: Sortie, Circuit and Deep Archimedean. The rest of the entire game, from beginning to high end, allows full arsenal choice and usage. This is why I'm hellbent on making sure "challenge " stays within its definition. It's a special contest within Whispers, and the Circuit was a part of Duviri, each with special rewards to match. 

    To an extent, I think it's unfair that we try to restrict DE from creating new modes for us to try out. It was this type of experimentation that got us over 10 years of play and enough variety to beat out every other game. I say let's at least try to get a laugh and the challenge of trying an unfamiliar loadout and see what we can do! 

    • Like 2
  16. 2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Quick guide to Sevagoth:

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    you cast 2 (Sow), then cast 1 (Reap) and do BIG damage. ever heard the saying "you reap what you sow"? well, that's basically Sevagoth in a nutshell. cast sow to put some damage in enemies, then cast reap to send out his shadow which then hits all the marked targets for a ton of damage. when you kill enemies this way it fills up his Death Well, which is tied to his 4th ability.

    his 3rd ability Gloom slows everything to a crawl and keeps him alive. it's excellent, and also subsumable, meaning that you can use helminth to put it on other frames (if you don't know what any of that means though, don't worry about it, Helminth is it's own thing you'll learn about later)

    his 4th ability (Sevagoth's Shadow) requires his death well to be nearly full, but then it lets you turn into his shadow form which can be used to cast 3 other abilities as well as slice enemies up with massive claws. if you get killed in shadow form, it puts you back in his regular form. also if sevagoth dies, he becomes a shadow, and if you can dash through 5 enemies in a certain amoutn of time, you get revived.

    he sounds more complex than he really is tbh. once you get used to him he is a powerhouse of a frame that can control and wipe out enemeis with ease. he also recently got an augment that boosted his capabilities even further, with multiple shadows that can roam around killing everything.

    quick guide to Nekros:

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    Nekros is an excellent frame IMO, and often a got-to for resource farming.

    his first ability Soul Punch is a very short range attack that deals a lot of damage, if the enemy has less than half health it's a guaranteed kill. personally though I don't use it much due to it's very short range, so I put Sevagoth's Gloom over it instead.

    his second Ability Terrify causes enemies to run away in fear, it's good for if you've taken damage and just need everything to leave you alone for a second. it also has an augment that slows enemies down, making it more effective at crowd control.

    his third ability Desecrate turns enemy corpses into loot. it works multiple times on enemies killed by slash as each giblet/piece of a body counts as a corpse. the augment for this ability is great because it makes it cost health instead of energy to keep active, and you get health orbs from desecrate anyway: the floor becomes littered with health/energy orbs and you get additional loot drops.

    his 4th ability Shadows of the Dead will "resurrect" the last 7 toughest enemies you killed as friendly ghosts that will draw agro and fight alongside you. they are key to Nekros' survival and ability to defend objectives. the augment for this makes shadows take a portion of damage in your stead, allowing Nekros to tank surprisingly well.


    quick guide to Octavia:

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    I'll preface by saying I'm not really a fan of Octavia, and therefore may not know all her intricacies as much as others. but here goes.

    her powers can be customized via the Mandachord, a musical instrument where you can make your own music. it's pretty much a whole minigame in itself, and soem of the songs people put on her range from cringe, to funny, to downright awesome)

    her first ability uses the percussion part of the music track to create a small "Mallet" that agro's enemeis and deals damage to them. it scales up really well and with enoguh power range can cover a wide area.

    her second ability uses the Bass music and summons a friendly roller that draws agro, and will also pick up any Mallets you have cast and start moving them around, allowing you to deal damage over more areas,

    her 3rd ability adds the melody and provides a wide range of buffs when you do certain thigns in time to the music; crouch in time to the music and you go invisible, shoot in time with music and you get mroe multishot etc.. there's at least 6 different ones I think, but those two are the main ones I see used the most.

    her 4th ability just increases all your other ability's strength across an area.

    generally, you win as Octavia just by keeping all your powers up at once. some love it, others hate it, I find it kinda borign personally but that's just me. is she strong? absolutely. does the music get annoying after a while? yes, yes it can..


    quick guide to Styanax

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    I LOVE styanax, his kit is fairly simple and robust, and he can brign a lot to the team, plus who doesn't want to be a Spartan/Hoplite?

    his first ability throws a spear. the spear damages enemies, but can also suck enemies in.

    his second ability removes enemy armor: if a big armored heavy dude like a bombard gets up in your grill, cast 2 and now he's soft as a marshmallow. follow up with a headshot or a quick spear throw if you're feeling Spartan-ish.

    his 3rd ability regenerates energy for you and allies, but also draws agro to styanax. allies get shields when they assist with kills.

    his 4th ability makes you get airborne, clone yourself and start throwing a whole bunch of spears at the enemy. he has an augment for it where you get overguard (a LOT of overguard, for killling with it, and it applies not just for you, but allies as well, meaning you can effectively protect everyone.


    whatever one interests you I guess! I don't know how long you've been playing or what your preferred playstyle is, so I'd say just go for what you feel like, every frame is capable of doing like 99% of content anyway, it all just comes down to how you build them with mods etc. you mentioned you Like Volt though, maybe give Gyre a look? she is another electric-themed frame with a very different set of abilities, but I really like her, you might too!

    we have several!

    if you want a straight up cannon like ripped off a pirate ship, the Zarr is pretty good: ammo is limited but it's very effective. 

    the Ogris is a more traditional rocket launcher, again, limited ammo but very effective.

    the Acceltra is an assault rifle that fires micro-missiles, so not hittign as hard per shot, but lots of tiny rockets at once look awesome as hell. still limited ammo compared to other assault rifles, but not nearly as much as the other options.

    we also have secondary rocket launchers, the Angstrum and the Kulstar (which has cluster munitions).

    if you want to complete the rocket theme, you can also add the Jat Kittag hammer as your melee weapon: it's a jet-powered hammer, and every bit as fun as it sounds IMO!


    I'm just here to +1 this presentation. Very nicely done sir!

  17. 49 minutes ago, Zahnny said:

    You're probably aware DE made some nerfs to how much food the Helminth will need for certain resources, as they used to cost a large amount.

    This was honestly a pretty good change, but whenever I look at the resource costs of Helminth food that were added after this, they seem to be just as expensive, if not worse than beforehand.


    Maw Fang = 10 (to be honest this one is one of the few reasonable ones but I thought it was worth noting)

    Nacreous Pebble = 80

    Ariette Scale = 250

    (All obtained from Maw Fishing)


    Kullervo's Bane = 20 (Obtained from completing the Primary Duviri bounty having defeated Kullervo on his island, can also be fought after completing it)

    Enigma Gyrum = 7 (Obtained from completing the Owl puzzles on Duviri)

    Belric and Rania Crystals = 250 per type (Obtained from Mars Mirror Defence)

    Lua Thrax Plasm = 20 (Obtained from Thrax units on Lua Conjunction Survival)

    Hemocyte Cysolith = 35 (Obtained from the Plague Star's Hemocyte boss)

    Omega Isotope = 30 (Obtained from Planets that a Fomorian is active over)

    Cryptographic Alu = 30 (Obtained from Archwing missions when a Razorback is active)

    Rune Marrow = 75 (Various obtainment methods in the Undercroft)

    Antiserum Injector Fragment = 900 (Obtained from Infested Salvage on Eris)

    Diluted Thermia = 5 (Obtained from Buried Debts)

    Orokin Cipher = 5 (Obtained from Derelict Vaults)

    Somatic Fibers = 10 (Obtained from Lua Disruption targets)

    Ticor Plate = 5000 (Obtained from Railjack missions)

    Vainthorn = 40 (Obtained from completing Dagath Syndicate missions)


    Not all of these are new resources, but these are all the resources I took a look at and and thought "These really aren't worth feeding to the Helminth for."

    Most notably, resources that can also be used as a Secondary function to purchase Warframes (Voruna, Citrine, Dagath, etc) seem to be the most expensive.

    The way I've been looking at this is, "hypothetically, if I was low on resources and wanted to farm something to feed to my Helminth, which resources are the best in terms of ease of farming and how much will be consumed at a time?"

    To which I honestly think it's a tie between Belric/Rania Crystals and Vainthorn. I consider Vainthorn as the worst since you are required to spend Syndicate standing for a one-time use key for a small handful of them.

    A lot of those resources are "in a pinch" types. We have plenty of general resources to go with and it's only when you're kinda overdoing Helminth that it becomes an issue.

    Actually, I never noticed the cost until I began moving shards around. The good thing here is that I had to back off and remember this game isn't going away anytime soon. 

    • Like 7
  18. 21 hours ago, _Anise_ said:


    I have Arcane resistance to stop getting toxic status, I have adaption as DR, I am persistently charging my overshields

    but I keep getting instantly downed while at full shields without being able to react!

    what gives? what could be doing this and are their other measures I can take to help mitigate this from happening?

    Try this combination: Rolling Guard, Umbra set, Prime Vigor, Prime Redirection Adaptation and one of the enhanced bullet jump mods in the exilus slot (heat or electric are great for infested). Use Arcane Grace or Guardian plus Arcane Aegis. Subsume her 1 for Fire Blast (and fill your final slot with Healing Flames).

    While you lose most of the ability enhancement options, you gain an INSANELY high eHP, with rolling guard providing a buffer as Fire Blast recovers your lost HP during the invincibility phase. She can also fire off multiple Fire Blasts without a remote risk of losing shields and Pillage refills shields asap. Lastly, the enhanced bullet jump mod clear Hildryn from the area and turn procs enemies for even more time to readjust.

    For even more fun, try the Rakta Dark Dagger with some range and the range Tennokai mod. 😁

  19. 4 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

    AH YES
    I'm talking about wanting difficulty... not challenge.. and your argument was about challenge, not difficulty... whereas mine was simply confusing the two

    Yep, I see what you mean now. From a "challenge" perspective, it's living up to it

    Believe me, I'm with ya on the difficulty thing. I always have a hard time trying to figure out what would that difficulty look like without pissing off the main playerbase. My only thought would be to introduce a retro Warframe mode, where we don't have shield gating and maybe our operators have Lavos style ability cooldown timers. That would force us to rethink a lot of our setups and beef up defenses and utilities like status proc reducers.

    • Like 2
  20. 18 minutes ago, ECCHOSIERRA said:

    >perfectly acceptable

    To you, maybe.

    Challenge #1: Can you clear Deep Archimedean?

    Yep, challenge accepted!

    Challenge #2: Can you complete DA with maybe a specific set of primaries, secondaries, melees OR warframes?

    Uhhh, sure, let's do it!

    Challenge #3: How about choosing your ENTIRE loadout based on what we offer?

    Dang...the whole loadout? Aight, Lego!!

    Challenge #4: Sooo....how about do that in ELITE DA!?!? HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!

    Son of a....screw it, I'm in!!

    All of the above are the challenges DA offers. Whether any of them are difficult, convenient, ideal or fun, is 100% subjective. What is not subjective is whether or not they are challenges.

    • Like 4
  21. 58 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

    Hmmm, this is true my post was more so venting from Duviri, rather than the newest game mode. I’m glad you can still get the main rewards. 
    I guess, building off of my poor claim… how is random considered challenging? That’s what I truly dislike about it. Random is not challenging… 

    It is a challenge...but it is not necessarily difficult (for some of us, at least). I think  this is where most of the discussions get a little mixed up, IMO. Challenge and difficulty are not the same, particularly difficulty because it's subjective and dynamic. The challenge is simply "can you do this with just this and that?". I would say EDA vs DA would be a better discussion on difficulty. 

    • Like 1
  22. 8 hours ago, Stormandreas said:

    The rewards in Deep archi are both more numerous for less runs, and higher quality.

    5 Rewards, 2 of which are exactly the same as the 2 netracell runs you'd do that you sacrifice to do it, and then 2 more with higher chances for Tauforged shards, and 1 more with no melee adaptor, and only the Legendary arcanes or a Tauforged shard.

    Deep archi rewards are far better, especially when you consider there's 3 more Netracells you can do after that for a total of 8 rewards instead of 5

    Agreed, and this is why I like the optional challenges associated with DA and EDA. To be able to get things faster should come with a consequence to push through. Whether that consequence is beneficial or not is as subjective as it gets, but the fact we can't use our comfort setups to get the rewards from this single, high end game mode is cool. 

    • Like 2
  23. 9 hours ago, Aruquae said:

    I took that excuse in Duviri, but clearly they are going to be adding that stupid randomized to more modes. This poor excuse doesn’t work anymore. Also “just play anything else” is a poor excuse in itself

    This is the only complaint I really dislike. A video game offering a type of game mode that asks you to use what we claim we have mastered is perfectly acceptable and is a standard type of challenge since video games began. Just because you don't like it does not mean it's stupid or a "poor excuse". What's even worse is that the complaints are based on a 100% optional method to claiming the rewards. Why wouldn't the most challenging situation also be the most rewarding? I don't get the complaints about this.

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