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Posts posted by Yxivi

  1. Just now, GnarlsDarkley said:

    I do this quite frequently. Nontheless OP isn't a veteran who knows 80+% of this game and has enough skill to pull this off.

    That's why I suggest they go back and take it a bit slower.

    Limbo is available since Europa (?), Ivara would also be possible. And not having at least a defensive frame in his state is naive

    Limbo is faster to claim than Ivara coz Ivara needs some real RNG luck, while Limbo just requires you to finish his quest.

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  2. You can get Limbo from a quest, and you don't really need to mod him coz the rift is his passive ability, so you can just throw in some vitality on your Limbo (to avoid getting 1-hit KO) and you're good to go.
    And about night time, you don't really need to engage with the vomvalysts, they're slow and they make a sound when they're near, they will shoot you but their projectile is slow so unless you're just standing still and admiring them, you shouldn't get hit by that. Just fly somewhere clear. Equipping enemy radar mod or any similar mods on your warframe or sentinel/companion can help you avoid some enemies when just lurking around the Plains.

  3. Kill everything. They can't disturb you if they're already dead.

    Kidding aside, I think you can use Limbo and just jump to rift if they start to swarm you, then fly around somewhere far so your alert level goes down.
    Using stealthy (invisible) frames can achieve the same.

    And I'm not sure if you can do conservation at night, but I always try to farm materials in the Plains at night because there are less Grineers patrolling, the Teralyst isn't a threat coz it's slow so as long you as you stay away from it, you're fine. The vomvalyst however might be annoying but they don't really swarm you like Grineers with all their missiles and dargyns, and they're kinda slow anyway, so you can just run away from them.

  4. I'm all for "thematic consistency" and I'm also kinda 😕 about the new deluxe skins. You can achieve "uniqueness" and still tie it close to the frame, like the Corpra Excalibur skin, although it's tennogen but still, Excal and Corpus doesn't seem to mix but you know in one look that the frame is Excalibur because some of its features. Those "features" I think, is what we're missing on the new deluxe skins so they feel "off".
    And no don't tell me "well duh! Because Tennogen can only use the base model so there's not much they can change on the model". It's not just the model, it's the "characteristics" of the frame.
    It just feels rambo jumbo now and while I know there's nothing we can do about it, it would really be interesting to know the thought process behind it.

    It is to be different and unique, ofc, however as I said before, you can achieve different and unique design without losing the frames' identity. 

    • Like 1
  5. Cooldown on bullet jump but not abilities? Okay, so now everyone will be using wormhole Nova and/or speed Volt in every non-endless missions 🙄
    IDK, I don't understand why you think bullet jump is an issue to be looked at to balance the game when it's clearly the insane power our warframes and weapons have that makes the game very easy.

    "In order to make a formidable opponent the player needs to be killable." 
    This is just...lol. Bullet jumping doesn't make us immortal. How far off are you into the game that you think bullet jumping makes warframes OP? O,o

  6. 13 hours ago, Gamalahalaf said:

    For this I can recommend putting in black for second color, this makes all this type of weapons effect much more bearable to watch. 

    I have tried changing the energy colors to black but there's like an effect on the weapon itself that you cannot modify that somehow's darkens the area where you shoot so your eyes keep adjusting on that short moment of dimness.
    This is the same dimness going on during Eidolon fights, they weren't as bad before, then some updates happened and now this dimming thing effect became more horrible for the eyes.

  7. As the posters above said, this is a mission where you will have to make use of your operator. You can either use void blast to reset their resistance and kill them with your weapons or just pew pew them with your amp (your kiddo's laser thingy).
    Try using Limbo, immediately roll to rift (so they can't hurt you when your kiddo gets shot and sent back to the warframe) and try to lure them one by one coz your kiddo is still too squishy to fight multiple enemies at the same time. I remember running around a lot, hiding and taking cover, jumping back to Limbo when my operator needs to recharge energy. Crouching also cloaks you so take advantage of that.

  8. 20 minutes ago, AJSATmacster1 said:

    If you like waiting just don't die we could bring back paid revives and see how fun that would be on top of removing trading so you had to actually buy platinum. 

    Oh, I honestly would like limited revives so people will actually try to be good at the game.
    And why are you assuming I love the waiting game? I don't like that I have to waste time by the foundry just so I can craft hundreds of energy pads for tridolon, though I understand those foundry timers are there for plat sink. But that doesn't mean I don't want some QoL change, maybe a "build queue" or a x100 energy pad bp lol but not a complete removal because I understand the purpose.
    As for the MR test wait time, IDK why there's really complaints about this. You can practice the test until you perfect it and you have ways to make it a cake walk. It is a test after all so idk, at least make the players work for it a little bit (emphasis coz seems like DE is afraid to make the game difficult). MR in this game is losing its meaning already, idk, maybe if they'll remove that then just remove the whole MR thingy coz it would really just be a number to gate you from standing/trades/weapons. 

  9. I would like something similar to SO/ESO minus the efficiency crap, you finish zones after zones, tileset and/or enemy faction change for every zones with better rewards or some bonus buff the longer you stay in the mission. 

    And while writing this, I thought of an idea for "mission variety", I assume because killing hordes that just run to you gets boring after some time?
    The game mode is kill hordes while waiting for a countdown (I'm still thinking of a better game mode lel)
    So this would be a different tileset because the map consists of different "areas", those areas are like "mini-missions", which means you can do the kill things while waiting for a timer and have a side mission that gives bonus rewards. The different areas can be spy, mobile defense, capture, rescue, pretty much the other game modes, so think if it you can do spy while doing the original mission. This would be pretty challenging for solo play, and would be fun for co-op (although probably frustrating when done with random, public group).

  10. It's DE saying "git gud".
    MR tests can be cheesed and if you can't pass it even with all the different ways you can cheese it, then you shouldn't really be getting a Mastery Rank up. XD
    24 hours penalty, it's either you practice more during that wait period or it frustrates you enough so you just give up climbing the mastery rank ladder, ahuehue.

  11. 1 minute ago, (PS4)LeBlingKing69 said:

    Try and run some missions and hope the Saturn Six Fugitives come running through.

    The Wolf of Saturn Six is long gone and over, there are no more fugitives randomly spawning in missions and the Wolf Creds is a different currency from Nora Creds so you can't use it in the current Nightwave shop.

    As for OP, if it makes you feel better...the Eidolon Ephemera will be available again but no one knows how it will be attainable in the future 🙁
    And I'm not sure how the "Catch Up" mechanic works but AFAIK if you completed all the challenges for this week, it will show you last week's challenges, clear those up and it will show you last, last weeks challenges, allowing you to pretty much do all of the season's challenges.

  12. 20 minutes ago, bak0n3 said:

    WAIT A MINUTE . I still can't find Revenant Blueprint.Those you are showing, are the parts 😞

    You will get Revenant Blueprint after you finish the whole questline. What the mission is asking you to do right now is to craft a component, which you can get as a random reward from Konzu's bounties.

  13. 3 hours ago, Zenviscerator said:

    Turn off Adaptive Exposure in your settings

    I have this turned off and color correction turned off but still I'm getting blinded during eidolons. Some fx on weapons like staticor also had this weird blinding crap going on since the idk 2nd energy update, I think  (it didn't bother me before but an update made the fx more eye cancerous somehow).

  14. 14 hours ago, Lutesque said:

    Getting Octavia was Difficult ? 


    He/she already said that it was difficult because of the amount of farming involved. Pretty sure this is regarding the derelict mission where her part is on rotation c and dog knows how awfully boring derelict survival is.

  15. OP completely forgets that the motes are "buff", they're just to increase stat or enhance damage, they're not for dealing high damage like offensive skills.

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