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Posts posted by HunterDigi

  1. I think giving the lens or medallion or whatever else as a separate bonus item is good, but not 100% chance, it can be kept the same chance as it is now but instead of it replacing your relic reward you get it in addition to the relic.

    As for people that want to keep A rotation, not much can do there xD maybe add another disruption that only gives Lith relics in the entire pool, if that's the use case here.


    On 2024-01-06 at 12:22 AM, Hexerin said:

    If you fail to protect a node in round 1, the mission concludes in failure and all players are immediately ejected from the mission.

    Remember that sorties also have disruption and people frequently fail at least one there, and I don't think DE wants to have exceptions on so many things so it'll be simpler to just not fail if one gets destroyed... it also teaches the wrong thing, that players HAVE to do all nodes.



    What I'd like for disruption is some QOL:

    - less time between rounds, people have no patience to not kill enemies and therefore we get slower for not waiting until round starts.

    (or alternatively keep the timer but allow keys to drop from the moment the last round ended)

    - don't despawn same color keys when one is used, either it's intended to carry them over or not, don't make it this awkward fiddling of holding keys

    (they should stop spawning ofc)

    - avoid spawning keyholder enemies far from nodes, like when someone goes towards extraction they get a lot of key holders there making it extra slow for people that want to continue, especially if they kill them and drop keys

    - allow keys to be picked up immediately as they drop, they have some painfully long delay.

    - mark keys with 3D markers, as someone playing with full map view I see people frequently go past them over and over xD

    - once a single player sees a demo (and is marked with enemy for them), mark that demo for EVERYONE, because that is what the player seeing that expects.

  2. If you have any kind of filter (search or tab) and you drag a mod over an existing mod causing it to go to the mods list, that mod will be "tied" to that search/tab and searching for its actual criteria would NOT show it anymore until you exit the mod window and enter again.

    This is a very old and sneaky bug, I've even maxed some mods twice before because of it.


    Steps to reproduce:

    Mind that it works with any kind of mod, I chose elemental ones because it's simpler to find and it's where I find this bug most with anyway.

    1. Ensure you have only one weapon toxin mod maxed, doesn't matter which one.

    2. Open any weapon's modding UI that has the toxin mod.

    3. Search for "heat"

    4. Drag any heat mod over the toxin mod to replace it. (do NOT unequip the toxin mod first)

    5. Clear search then search for "toxin", and boom, the mod you just unequipped is nowhere to be found. You have to search "heat" again to find it xD

    Similar thing happens with tabs, here's replacement steps:

    3. Change tab to riven or any symbol that is NOT matching the toxin mod you're using.

    5. Go to All tab and search for "toxin", it still won't be there with the extra bonus of it not being in the riven (or whatever tab you picked) tab where you "left it" (even without search).


    Please fix, it's very disorienting.


    EDIT: visual way: https://imgur.com/a/6KzARaR

  3. 38 minutes ago, X3ntra said:

    For example in picture challange says to kill 3 while aim glide but in mission says only to kill them before hit ground but won't work either

    Well your image asks for both, not either :P

    And I think you can use Vauban's tap 4 to keep them mid-air to make it easier (they don't need to be in flight, the pilots can be already on the ground)

  4. Hmm maybe a good way to handle charm without nerfing it into the ground might be to split some of its desired effect (double pickups and affinity) to different pets.

    The double pickups buff also has to be also split into 2 effects and to 2 pets, and preferably a bit higher chance to account for the nerf to actually be useful pets when ranking or when farming.

    I feel the double pickups one fits on a dog better... also it kind of needs a rename to "resource boost" because it affects mid-run mission rewards like kuva siphon... and pickups would also imply affinity items and ammo and all sorts of stuff.


    I guess the rest are not that wanted so they can all stay in charm mod: CHC setter, instant reload, energy refund, reinforced shields and giving rare resource.

    The CHC one sometimes it's a blessing (nukor) other times it's a curse (khora whip), depending on the build... or maybe it shouldn't ever set CHC lower than what you have 👀

    • Like 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, 3mptylord said:

    Amazing changes!

    Just piggy-backing off the audio-impaired section in Conservation - could you 👉please👈 add it to Disruption too? I feel like such a dead weight on those missions. 

    Disruption already has an on-screen indicator for where the demolyst is audible from, it blinks for a short time very similar to the sound, but yeah kinda hard to notice and might even be buggy :/

    • Like 13
  6. 3 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

    Buffs and Debuffs in Pause Menu
    The meme of Octavia players giving their squadmates enough buff indicators to look like an MMORPG screen is real and valid. Worry not -- we’re not changing the buffs you get, we’re simply adding the ability to see what the actual Buff and Debuff Icons mean when entering your Pause Menu:



    One thing I'd like is a mention of where it came from. In this case I could say Source: PlayerName's Mote ability. Or like Source: Grineer Nox's weapon for toxin status or etc.

    • Like 22
  7. 5 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

    Kavats, Kubrows, Moas, and Predasites will collapse on the ground and can be, optionally, manually revived to get them back into action quicker.

    Oh nice! So nothing actually changes for me. I was worried my cat would be forced to stay out for 60s compared to now where I can instantly revive her with Vazarin.


    Would be nice if vacuum was universal too like enemy radar is going to be universal... and needs a bit of loot radar too (especially in duviri when not on a horse, why do I need to get in a horse to find plants in a cave xD)


    I am also concerned how Charm will be nerfed in the next iteration :(

    • Like 21
  8. 17JfE54.png


    This is a few seconds after casting it (it has at least 10s of invulnerability before the critical phase), you can see the screen status and on teammates, nobody is invulnerable and I actually got my shield wiped shortly after that so it wasn't just visual.

    It happened a few times in that one map, no idea what's causing it, I can look for the log and submit that if might be useful.


    PS: none of the topic tags match this, why are they so specific but missing so many options while being required :/

    • Like 1
  9. Well the "to do" things have to have some impact on the mission duration otherwise it's identical to the current option to kill everything in sight.

    Optional tasks to provide more circuit progress is nice too, but then if we do the optional tasks in 1-2 mins there's still 4-3 mins of waiting around xD


    In regular star-chart survivals there's sometimes other tasks, like in steel path you have the acolyte spawning so you do kills to summon him, or other times you have medallions to find or you might have a gun/frame/pet you're levelling.
    None of that is applicable to circuit, only NW tasks might be which are extremely rare that their stars will align with the circuit survival.


    Sortie 10min survival is also a drag, but at least you can bring stuff to rank there, still makes it a borefest for it being so long, just like sortie defense.
    Interception with eximus sortie is probably the only one I enjoy because of the higher chance to get riven slivers (which can give kuva once a week too).

  10. Whenever survival pops up I'm hit with a boredom status effect =) All we have to do is pretty much wait 5 minutes while activating those life support things... it's super bland and we can't do anything to speed it up.

    It needs some incentive for players to do some kills or something else, maybe a random task of a specific way to kill enemies, like do X headshots or do Y kill with abilities or kill Z with melee. Maybe drop operator kills there too.

    For example, if it usually asks 200 kills for an exterminate, then in survival it could ask 50 headshot kills to reduce timer by 2 minutes, and progress should be applied per kill, like 120/50 = 2.4 second reduction from timer on every headshot kill.

    Could also have 2 optional tasks, each giving 1 min timer reduction, and 2nd task would be non-kill stuff like get all 3 shards or lift N enemies or handshake with operators =)

    • Like 4
  11. For example:



    "Sanctifies the ground before Oberon with righteous fire" is kind of meaningless.

    If that text area can't have too many words then replace this sentence with important things, like the fact that allies standing in this will be cleansed and immune to status, which is hard for people to find out by using it when it can simply tell you its benefits.

    How about this: "Sanctifies the ground before Oberon, cleansing and preventing status effects on allies and inflicting damage every half second to enemies that stand in it."

    If you don't like the "every half second" part then maybe mention it in the Damage label as "<Rad>200/s" (but then this affects the status chance because it's 15% rolled twice per second...)


    This is a common problem with abilities and weapons, the game should not require wiki to get basic but important information.

    • Like 1
  12. You can see I searched the entire map, and every other player also did the same, we were all searching for the 3rd cache for about 5mins there.



    So I can only assume it was never there to begin with.


    Here's the map info from the screenshot metadata:


    /Lotus/Levels/Proc/Grineer/GrineerForestSabotage/QsT5zEMdIqRL1B3Dw98Sg3UTBVUQAA.lp Z: /Lotus/Levels/GrineerForestRemastered/GftCaveExtraction01 P: 223, -19, 176  H:-42  Log: 2967.258

    I hope that gives you the seed so you can run the same tile choices and if there is a 3rd please let us know where it was 😇



    EDIT: Maybe loot-finding abilities can also pinpoint these caches? :P

  13. 2 hours ago, Shah-G said:

    I spent hours grinding those mods to max ranks, i spent actually money on this game and now everything is gone.

    So you lost the actual mod items, not just the builds? Contact support in that case.


    I've played WF since Fortuna update and can't say I experienced mod configs being erased, I did however experience my gear wheel getting cleared, twice that I can remember, which I also reported. No idea if it was ever fixed but I've not had it for at least a year.

  14. Only thing I did was last week I uninstalled soundcard drivers and installed new ones, can't really remember anything else.

    I think these settings have been like this for a long time:


    I sometimes changed to classic mid-game but seems the invisible-fishing-spot issue was fixed so didn't need to do that anymore.


    I only played mirror defense because of NW, and I rarely use specters to begin with =) I tried it again today as I mentioned above and I also used nidus specter in a 20-round defense fissure and was fine there too.
    I guess the true reason was lost with those logs 😅 I'll try to remember to backup logs next time I get any sort of freeze like that.

  15. Well the log from that game session is gone now xD I launched the game today and forgot about this report (which was yesterday for me).

    I really think the game should keep multiple previous logs as a backup, and delete ones older than a week on game launch.

    While the "Get logs" way is simple in theory, it does require someone knowing about it beforehand and not succumb to muscle memory of clicking Play as soon as the button is available... which did in fact happen to me just now, so even if I didn't start the game earlier I would've wiped the logs anyway =)


    I did the verify just now but there's no result given in the GUI so no idea if anything was wrong to begin with.
    And not sure what to look for in the log, which I assume it's Repair.log.

    I do see way too many "Budget overrun retiring read of " but I don't have context for that that means.

    It did mention nidusprime a few times:


    35.366 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Misc/Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/NidusPrimeBodyCMutated_skel.fbx (2.82 ms)
    105.016 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of F.Texture/Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeMutatedDetailsPack (2.35 ms)
    105.065 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of F.Texture/Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeBody_n.png (16.7 ms)


    That host migration tells me that the host also got the freeze, because after it stopped freezing the game was waiting around, players were stationary and a few sec later it triggered migration. I don't know if the same happens when only client freezes.


    I tried the nidus specter in the same mirror defense mission as last time but this time it didn't freeze.
    No idea if the verify helped or it was just a fluke at that time, probably from loading so many other worlds before it (duviri open world, circuit and random starchart missions IIRC), however it did still partially load him as it did previously, game froze for milliseconds and then filled the rest of him in.


    And the log does mention spot-loading:


    899.630 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/MaggotMarker.png
    899.630 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/MaggotMarker.png (root-type: /Lotus/Powersuits/PowersuitAbilities/InfestRuptureAbility)
    899.638 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/Powersuits/NidusPrimePortrait.png
    899.638 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/Powersuits/NidusPrimePortrait.png
    899.646 Sys [Info]: Spot-building /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/Powersuits/LargePortraits/NidusPrimeLargePortrait.png
    899.646 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Interface/Icons/Markers/Powersuits/LargePortraits/NidusPrimeLargePortrait.png
    899.674 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeBody_n.png
    899.698 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeBody_t.png
    899.722 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeDetailsPack
    899.742 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/SharedTileableTextures/Ivara/IvaraSurface_n.png
    899.764 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeBody_e.png
    899.811 Sys [Info]: Budget overrun retiring read of B.Misc/Lotus/Weapons/Tenno/LongGuns/PrimeFulmin/PrimeFulminSilencer.fbx (2.84 ms)
    899.823 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Misc batch (1) [0.80s and 40 frames at 20 ms/frame avg, 6 ms/update peak], 3/2/38, 956 item(s), 3968k total so far, 89.7% utilization
    899.823 Sys [Info]: Finished load of Flyweight batch (1) [0.00s and 0 frames at 1 ms/frame avg, 0 ms/update peak], 0/0/0, 1014 item(s), 4096k total so far, 0.00% utilization
    899.841 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/ChestClothData
    899.854 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA1ClothData
    899.861 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA2ClothData
    899.867 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA3ClothData
    899.872 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA4ClothData
    899.876 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA5ClothData
    899.881 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA6ClothData
    899.885 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyA7ClothData
    899.889 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyB1ClothData
    899.894 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyB2ClothData
    899.899 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyB3ClothData
    899.904 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyB4ClothData
    899.909 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyB5ClothData
    899.915 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyC1ClothData
    899.919 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyC2ClothData
    899.924 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyC3ClothData
    899.930 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyC4ClothData
    899.935 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyDLClothData
    899.940 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/BodyDRClothData
    899.945 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/HelmetAClothData
    899.950 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/HelmetBClothData
    899.956 Sys [Info]: Spot-loading /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrime/Cloth/HelmetBPonyClothData
    899.996 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeHelmet_n.png
    900.001 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
    900.001 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeHelmet_t.png
    900.007 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
    900.007 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeHelmetDetailsPack
    900.012 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.
    900.012 Sys [Info]: Flushing async load of /Lotus/Characters/Tenno/Infestation/NidusPrimeHelmet_e.png
    900.018 Sys [Info]: Flush completed.

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