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Everything posted by HunterDigi

  1. I'm not a fan of the screenshake recoil in general, it makes it very hard to see anything, my eyes start hurting from it. (my 60hz IPS monitor might contribute to this, but then people playing on TVs would get a much worse effect) I prefer regular recoil that punches view towards up. If this screenshake is accesibility for input, please make it an option to replace shake with recoil. Prime example is Titania's exalted pistols, they screenshake in all directions instead of just recoiling up. I can zoom to remove that entire screenshake but then I have this very narrow FOV that induces motion sickness if used too much.
  2. Can't tell if it's visual only, after we extracted it showed 2 extra relics, but I don't know how many I had before xD The first image is during the mission which was at start of round 7 (so we needed to have 6 rewards), host left during round 5 (hence it stuck at 4 rewards). https://imgur.com/a/2DsPb48
  3. The bug where it removes various basic things from you, most commonly disabling abilities and operator. I had the worst one today during an elite deep archimedia which disabled: abilities, operator, any kind of attacking, sprint, crouch, jump, picking up items and chat (I could only open it through the esc menu). I was only able to stroll around at the jogging speed, it was painful. The usual fix for this is to self-revive after you've fully died, which obviously I can't do in the game modes that don't allow it (which exactly what happened the first time I tried the 60-eye boss, got this bug and tried to self-rev, but surprise it's disabled so of course that was a waste time) And since this has been an issue for years with seemingly no progress, can we please get /unstuck to also respawn our character just like that self revive would? This should work in all modes especially ones where you can't self-revive after fully dying.
  4. They said they're collapsing health-types into per-faction and they won't change weakness/resistances in realtime if you strip armor or destroy shields, No more worries about fully stripping resulting in less damage 🙌
  5. Reminder that there's a legendary arcane that increase damage taken per cold stack, a cold stack cap would make that arcane no longer worth its tier. Is it really that big a deal to have uncapped stacks for cold? The freezing logic can work with it to keep it the way you guys want without it being capped. EDIT: There's also primary weapon arcane that gain multishot&CD per cold status, I sure hope that at least doesn't break from capping cold stacks 👀 What about allies? Most importantly ones we have to protect or mission fails.
  6. Doing today's sortie at Pluto/Minthe with Augmented enemy shields. After a few waves we just suddenly got defense failed, I've no idea what happened, I didn't notice the NPC going down (no sound or HUD marker). But then I also don't see anything in the log, I used https://semlar.com/deathlog to see what killed it and it's absolutely nothing there :/ Here's the log from EndOfMatch backwards a few hundred lines, I'm not sure what time scale this leading number is but I hope it's sec.ms =)
  7. Can you link where they've asked and responded like this? I want to see the wording used =) I seriously can't imagine anyone asking for a version like this akin to an oldschool game AND developers understanding that they are asking without jumping to unrealistic expectations that simply do not exist in this particular request. This suggestion has a "time limit" because it wouldn't really make sense to add this kind of thing after that update, so I just hope the dev(s) that reads this understand and if there is something I missed I hope they'll post about it to explain why it's not feasible.
  8. Added a list of "expectations" (or lack of) to the first post to keep things summarized :]
  9. Well scopes are not first person, it's the same aim-down-sights 3rd person position with more zoom and an overlay. If you look straight down while scoped and rotate, you can see you're rotating around a point to the left, indicating your camera is offset to the right. This is probably an intentional decision to not cause confusion to shift view towards where a real first person would be.As to why they unscope for those, I don't know and I doubt it's relevant to the camera perspective. With Rubico there's 2 mods that can un-zoom and it effectively remains in the same position as un-aimed 3rd person when you aimglide: https://imgur.com/a/UgvqEGl The frame and weapon are invisible but effects are not, you can see the particles from sliding, muzzle flash from the weapon (which is flipped O.o), etc. I suspect it's because you can also see the effects from rolling (e.g. Gyre). And whatever the result, it would still be fine! If those effects play when rolling in firstperson then who cares xD Not relevant, the weapon is detached from the frame and fixed to the camera, it does not care about anything that would've happened in 3rd person. The only usable animation would be the ones on weapon itself, like some bolt moving, some bits growing, and of course particle effects. None of that is relevant to the character that was holding it because it no longer holds it. For reloads it depends on how it's programmed to interact with the arm taking out a magazine, I'm fine with whatever is the easiest approach, if that means the magazine stays still, or vanishes, or levitates away and back, ANY of that is fine... please stop adding complexity and polish where none is expected xD The position of the weapon would be a fixed length right and down, nothing fancy. Some weapons will be a bit out of view, like the primary ones that go up your arm, and that's ok! As for fitting in view, the model boundingbox can be used as a general idea of how large it is on its width/height and use that to scale it to not occupy the entire screen if too large. Melee weapons would be most weird and that is again fine, I don't think anyone is expected to do much with melee in firstperson anyway. What I'm looking for is a dev that has the mindset of a modder and can understand jankily adding things that give it good-enough function. For example melee weapons can just be rotated in some manner every time it attacks, or it can just sit there frozen, either one is fine tbh. And when moving it can have a small hop to its position, it's pretty much how firstperson models worked for ages, it's not all fancy rigging. No, it's important to differentiate the requests and not just dismiss it entirely because of similar keywords exist in it... you wouldn't like if your suggestions were discarded just because devs skimmed it and jumped to conclusions about what you want now would you? And if you don't know the feeling then I wouldn't wish it on you, I just ask you to understand that it's not the same. I'm asking for literal jank here, even if someone asked this on a stream the devs likely misunderstood it for a proper feature, because their current mindset is on polished products. Also to address motion sickness: an FOV slider is all that's needed. People that have motion sickness issues in any FPS are just not the target audience for this optional feature, it does not concern you so you should ignore it. Being actively against it because you can't or don't want to experience it is like being against colorblind options... or like voting in a country's elections that you are not a citizen of.
  10. Mostly when needing to aim with non-spread guns while doing all sorts of sideways movement the frame gets in the way. The newer maps are bigger than the older ones so ceilings and walls behind you are less of an issue. Then there's cosmetics that get in the way like wings, capes, shoulderpads, etc, which I avoid for that reason. In first person we can also see the guns better, some of them have fancy firing and reloading animations that are barely enjoyed because they're far forward and obscured by the frame. I'm not sure why they would need new/different animations for firstperson @Pakaku, they would work the same but without being moved around... and yes on reloads there would be floating magazines but that's part of the charm and why it fits with WF 1999 =) I know it would require a lot of work to do properly, which is why I'm not asking for a proper firstperson camera, that's why I'm even saying no hands. I'm basically asking for a gimmick, similar to framefighter and such... but not a separate game mode, just an optional camera (ideally as a hotkey) in regular gameplay where it hides the frame/mech/operator/etc entirely, detaches the gun and sticks it to one side of the camera, and your camera gets placed N meters high. Not following the head, not rolling with the frame.... as basic and oldschool as it can get xD edit: well and a FOV slider for it =)
  11. Oh I mean this for the entire game yes, not just for whatever WF1999 is =) It just makes sense to be released with it as it fits the theme.
  12. With Warframe 1999 to release some time in the future and the pains of 3rd person I think it would be very fitting to add a basic first person camera option (to the entire game) where you only see the weapon. No hands, no frame, no fancy camera animations... would be very much like Quake with the speed we're going in this game xD EDIT: to clarify the expectations: This would be a very jank, akin to a game mod. And that's the whole point, a gimmick to spice things up. It won't be for everyone and that's fine. The frame/operator/mech/etc is completely gone, maybe even offset so we don't see any particle effects from it. The camera is identical to 3rd person just without the offset from the character center but with a small offset upwards depending if crouch/slide, that results in a basic firstperson camera. No special motion to the camera when doing acrobatics like bulletjump, rolling, etc. The weapon is detached from the character and glued to the camera, any animations that work are ok, any that don't are also ok even if that results in melee being static props. A FOV slider for this camera mode to alleviate motion sickness (low FOV is the bane of FPS) A hotkey to change to/from it in realtime. And if it's very popular it could be improved later, or left as-is, either way I'm going to use it a lot, not just for the combat but also seeing the levels and enemies from a new perspective.
  13. I did have it inverted before update, that might explain the difference in results =)
  14. Welp this is awkward, I dunno what I was pressing before. I tried it again now to make a video and it works fine 😅 sorry for wasting your time :(
  15. Steps to repro: 1. Make tap/hold = inverted for Vauban 2. In any mission with Vauban, hold 4th ability to spawn a lifting stasis field (bastille?) 3. Try to collapse the existing bastille into a vortex, I tried hold, tap, none seem to want to do it. Prior to Dante Unbound I also played with inverted and got muscle memory to tap 2 for mines and hold 4 for vortex, now I still do that so I accidentally summon a stasis field which is annoying when I can't get rid of it :(
  16. I did only one today and saw it not giving mod so I went here to report =) I can provide log if necessary. For now screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/LL4DfDS That was the lit up thing and it had an interactive, it just didn't drop anything when I did that. Then I remembered the F6 thing and I screenshot'd a few rooms after, here's the data from it: But it sounds like ALL of them don't drop anything xD
  17. Please see What was the original scaling based on light? The white and blue are also hard to differentiate between themselves especially on the held one... can the white be green or the blue one be a more saturated blue instead of that faded out blue?
  18. In Devshorts 9 it was said about Loki, Octavia, Ash, etc invisibility being customizable. However, any frame can become invisible from teammates, gear items, arcanes, companions, archwing, and probably more too. Will we get to customize all frames' invisibility, and if so can we get some global way to affect all of them (like a slider to decide percentage invisible) ? :}
  19. How much briefly we talking about for Negation Armor? My concern is in places like SP circuit where no amount of health will help, and that's probably the only place I'm gonna use him onwards =)
  20. Can you guys please remove force-voting too then? I only see it being used to grief. Or only allow it in squads where everyone was invited but even then when we do relic openings people had forced vote and made things complicated where we had to abort mission and etc.
  21. This is so poorly presented by the game, for example the Clavatus Zarr skin occasionally throws a little firework, but it's not mentioned anywhere. Are there any other lunar skins that provide a different sound for firing and/or special effect?
  22. Please fix whatever this attack is, it dealt 26k damage in the narmer hunt: And we of course lost the mission, what the Kuva Hek xD Like I get that it's supposed to be difficult but c'mon a single unit can just destroy it in a single hit is a bit too much... especially when it's rare like this, I played these narmer ones each week since they released and this is the first time this happened. Also this is how you get boring runs where people aggressively CC enemies with slow/grab/etc :(
  23. This is is with oberon prime's default energy color: Before this I had white+skyblue which was too bright, then I tried black+skyblue which was almost the same as the image above, it just does not allow us to control transparency, making it very painful for everyone in the squad.
  24. Wouldn't this be much easier for the game itself to monitor? Then you can log everything you think it might be to file and ask players for that. And that list of things it logs can change over updates to narrow down the source(s).
  25. All that is answered in the first post, including the last sentence.
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