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  1. Any guesses on the time of the update? Was expecting it around an hour ago but I guess I was wrong. New guess is 3 pm ET..
  2. You are a glorious ray of sunshine and i appreciate your input 💜 My hero of good news 💜 Off to grind.
  3. But it's like already past noon EST. I mostly complaining because it's getting late in my timezone, and this week will be short since Nora starts on a wednesday, and i want to get as much done as possible.
  4. So, Nora's new round had a false start, but when is the actual one? Like, the specific time? It's 29th, i was expecting her to be up already.
  5. Wait, no kexat skin?? You add Duviri challenges but not the most beautiful cat skin? Shame on you. Shame on DE for one thousand years.
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