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Everything posted by Eternal_Phenix_Prime

  1. Basically it struck me that too many augments have been added to the game that serve as band-aid fixes to a given warframe's kit (in lieu of a rework) rather the optional power up augments are supposed to be. This makes certain augments basically a requirement on some warframes. What's the issue? Augments take up mod slots, meaning a warframe whose kit requires a band-aid augment effectively only has 7 mod slots to work with (not counting aura and exilus). While loosing a single mod slot isn't the worst, let's be honest many warframes have issues with more than one of their abilities requiring use of more than one augment mod. Here is my idea, a change to how the polarizing a mod slot with the Zenurik polarity (the one augments use) works. Give it two behavior modes: 1. You place a matching polarity mod & the mod capacity load is halved. Exactly as it currently does... 2. You can place a second matching polarity mod and they will share the mod slot, but without the reduced capacity load for either mod. Meaning your build needs to account for the full 18 (9+9) capacity draw of the two augments without being able to reduce it with forma. But you get to enjoy using two augments for the cost of a single mod slot.
  2. Yeah archwings get around this by forcing you to craft odanata early on which gives you an archmelee and an archgun. Meaning you'll always already have weapons for what ever archwings you get later. Voidrig vs bonewidow... You can craft either of them first. So they both need to give you a starter weapon. With that said, most sane people would craft voidrig first & would probably already have imperator from crafting the aforementioned odonata. So it is really pointless to give it twice. Some kind of check where bonewidow only comes with mausolon if you have no other archgun would be nice.
  3. is it repeatable? from my testing not only did merulina not do that... She continued to protect me even in operator form.
  4. This is still happening. Still no mention on the known issues page.
  5. they already addressed the issue and mentioned that it might require changes to code... Which is bad because of consoles; all changes to the game's code itself first need to be approved by Microsoft, sony & nintendo before release to ensure they don't damage hardware. This process delays updates.
  6. While definitely fun, being limited to only secondaries was a serious drawback... Personally I wish the augment made mounting merulina optional. Like hold to mount.
  7. The issue is that tornadoes are an invisible object inside a VFX (BTW punch through on nataruk will let shoot through a tornado and hit another one for more dps), they register damage by taking damage like every other breakable object in game albeit with hugely more HP. We're simply managing to break the invisible objects inside the tornadoes.
  8. has anyone looked up? Something else that's bugged
  9. Sounds like someone gone and goofed by reintroducing the damage cap. Whispers in the walls update 35.1.0 says:
  10. Depending on how prevalent the bug is this might not be a viable fix; there is a CD on usage of /unstuck and certain mission involve switching in and out multiple times,
  11. Was doing the new disruption last night with banshee and the resonance augment. Enemies would still have sonar's glowy spots after the duration of the effect has run out. They did not appear to be taking the buffed damage, meaning it was likely just cosmetically persisting. I suspect maybe the VFX from additional sonar casts triggered by the augment incorrectly persists for the entire base duration of sonar & not just the remaining duration of the ability. I could be wrong... What's for sure is this: Banshee's Sonar duration has run out. Enemies still have a bunch of glowing spots. Enemies do not take additional damage from shooting said glowing spots. Recasting sonar works as intended, but it's hard/impossible to differentiate between new real weakpoints created by recasting and the phantom ones left behind.
  12. title, not much more to say. works normally in missions
  13. No? It procs like crazy with the new system. I legit don't remember ever seeing it proc on the old system (unless they just buffed the proc rate on the prime). If anything since new lighting system is broken it procs more than intended. Well it's not like this change is going to make Gara the only frame with a basically non existent passive; --cough--Rhino--cough, cough--Qorvex, titania --cough-- It just feels really sucky since I quite recently used her passive to great effect while doing Grendel's defense mission (like 5-6 radial blinds between recasting mass vitrify) and just casting shattered leash before recasting mass vitrify was pushing it energy wise.
  14. TBH it's horrible for casual gara players who mainly use her only for mass vitrify as a defensive tool, especially if using Blind rage. Such a play style is quite stingy on ability casts, to the point were this change would make gara's passive almost non existent Gara's passive doesn't have the same issue as mirage. For mirage you have to proactively manage where you were standing in order to get the desired buff & the maximum % bonus. For gara it's simply a question of moving around and it will proc on it's own as you navigate the map and the lighting conditions slightly change. You aren't trying to reliably maintain anything, there isn't a magic perma radial blind that you're trying to maintain. It's just a nice perk that would randomly proc, and this change effectively means it will never proc for certain play styles.
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