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  1. Riven mods should have done a long time ago what the Incarnon did. Changing the fire type of fire on some banana weapons (especially secondary) could probably make those weapons viable (who said Penta or Angstrom???). So much we wouldn't care about the damage output that much. But more on the fire type, magazine, reload time, or even the style and synergies. Being able to build the stats you want, even at a high price in Kuva would have been better to me (and yes I don't give a single solitary buck about having a unique riven mod). The only outcome of Riven mods is to nerf it when something is discovered. It's done with "disposition". Incarnon is still imperfect... Braton is one example. But it moves towards "building" instead of "rolling". I find it better. The problem is DE won't remove the cap. At end game level we feel it's necessary. Any other mission it would look like nuk'a'map effect which kills the game. As long as the game is based on damage and recently more on type of damage; it's gonna be stuck with nerfing and nerfing again.
  2. That I started opening relics. The granularity of fast missions makes it possible to never be late for diner. Try it, for real. Mom / wife will be happy. That I started to sell on the Warframe market. Those high mastery ranks have so many things to sell. I got 1000PL/hour on average... Exhausting ! I got rich enough so I stopped for a bit. That I checked factions for missing / uncompleted arcanes / items... Are they on sell on the market??? Hmmmmm... There is so many things to do actually. All those thread I see describing the same problems with a different approach (in their own words) made me realize. It's not worth my time. This time it's a plain bold failure. Ok move on. Try something else. Ask yourself : Any Eidolon Hunt recently ?? Just for the sake of keeping yourself in shape ? Any Lich ?? This specific weapon with THAT status effect you left behind ? Mod collection complete ?? Rivens (darn I must have so many to open I'm Afraid) ?
  3. Hi, I feel it's been around for a long time now. When I want to open a specific relic, I find myself fighting with the menu and mission rotations. Especially with Neo and Meso relics. It's obvious we want the fastest mission we can get. So Capture, Extermination, Espionage are on top. Defense like, Excavation, Survival are the least preferred ones (5 mins per relic). Sadly when I'm forced to run a mission that is not "my favorite one", I see other players joining late (and vice versa). What about a little change ? What if you could select : the mission type and being able to open one or more relics depending on this criteria. freely the relic type to open (the whole squad keeps the same relic type) a level of difficulty that enables you to open more relics (the incentive). In the form of a multiplier that leaves the fastest mission to the minimum number of opened relics. And the "longest" get some extra. Ex: Difficulty 1 : Capture opens 1, Defense opens 2 per 5 mins, Alchemy opens 3 per cycle. Difficulty 2 (steel path) : Capture opens 1, Defense opens 3 per 5 mins, Alchemy opens 4 per cycle. Difficulty 3 (Some nightmare mode) : Capture opens 2, Defense opens 4 per 5 mins, Alchemy opens 5 per cycle. I think there's enough people out there to be able to make a squad of 4 players with those kind of settings. In fact i think there would be some "farmers" that will totally invert their course of action concerning relics. It would be doable in the actual interface given a little size reduction to make it all fit in the screen. This would require a little tuning (for difficulty vs incentive) but as we have more types of relic, and more type of mission. This may be interesting. This would : be helpful for people who store in the attic hundreds if not thousands of relics. And just want to "pop" some to be something helpful for the market. The healthier the market, the healthier the game. the more parts on the market we see, the more diminished the little sharks are.
  4. I wasn't thinking of reset. I see that reset or not, less people are glued to the Loyd's spot.
  5. How many are playing Archimedea ? The Loyd's spot is clearly... let just say not crowded anymore for what i see. Maybe it's the instance where i end up but... well... other spots still have the same bunch of people around.
  6. I can buy it back if you like... (this made my day)
  7. Hi, To me it's an attempt to promote teamwork but... well... I'm sorry to say it's just plain bad. The loot isn't that great for the time spent. Seriously. It's still a chance to get a specific reward... that you can get elsewhere. The difficulty to access this loot is no way near logical. You have to take Warframes and weapons that for some is just like holding a banana in your hand. 3 of them and you just can't do anything with it. Because lets be honest. A Penta is not gonna make it without some help (warframe abilities that i won 't detail here) Add to that the "debuff" set of options if you want to get to "25" points and unlock the next stage. Which is totally ... (see below) Difficulty modifiers shouldn't make it possible to remove everything. And they should NOT contradict themselves. If you remove 2 pt of energy for each enemy close (<10m) what's the point of imposing a frame ? So we need range weapons. Imposing a load-out that can be 3 on 3 crappy weapons won't help. It should be avoided. If you remove transference you can't have an overcrowded room with status dealers all over the place (those veins...). At some point you will fall. The three missions are just full of those. We call it "wave" by the way. No bullet damage above 15m... ranged weapons. need i say more. Liminus vampire : They remove everything (status, HP, can't die) if they get close to you. Benediction (the grass) from Oberon is just erased as soon as one of them walks on it. So you have to flee and be at the same time under the 15m mark for other enemies... and those enemies stick close to the Luminus... Hmmm makes me wonder. Other than that It seems the enemies have been modified (not only on that mission) so they don't suffer the usual number of status effects. It seems caped. Bad move. I think i don't have to explain more. Some powers have no effect. Bugs? I've been in a game with Oberon and no armor was removed... Well if you see my Oberon build, armor IS the thing that goes away, right away. Like some actor entering the stage and then realizes he's naked. Dying is more and more problematic. 1 time is ok. the second time you fall your teammate have 3 second tops to revive you (depends on difficulty set it seems)... It seems you can cheat the system by building a squad with one player using no options. The carrier who will sacrifice. Me and my usual buddy are just not interested anymore in that mission. It didn't take long to get bored and above all with a reward that we called "below average". If DE wants to promote teamwork the lessons from Eidolon hunt should have been included Incentive for different types of abilities must come from the mission. If you want at least one support in the mission. Make sure the squad needs a support by throwing pain (direct pain) on HP at them. It's no secret the Warframe engine is capable of that. Changing mission and environment parameters isn't beyond it. People will organize quite rapidly. Especially if the reward is worth the time. If complementary frames / players in a squad are needed, players need a squad making system that is NOT a chat. Don't create Swiss-knife-frame that does it all. Especially if you nerf it the week after... Wink in the direction of Dante... Eidolon hunts has been for ages the perfect example.. Teamwork is everything in cooperative games. Supposedly.
  8. I'm not sure but; i think Gara's Spectrorage is affecting PlagueStar/Lephantis. He's like thinking about what to do in life for the power's duration. Subject to confirmation. Also it would be nice to make the camera above the grass when we look up. It's been around since the update of the Eidolon plains. It's quite annoying for anything that makes us look above like Eidolon hunts, Plague Star, defenses, etc.
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