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  1. no it is just visually because the Warframe looks this way...thats why i have written before in my post make a "non-pregnant" version and let us decide ourselfes if we want to see her pregnant or not
  2. i was thinking the same - i was hoping that "we" arrive in hell of an entrance and safe the baby and the Stalker because we were still connected and would come for the rescue - would fit better i think but it was somehow "ok" but now it is logical that this sister gets into a lot of trouble
  3. Well - this was something new - loved the Stalker scenes and gameplays....And i even can understand this kind of nice suprise we get at the end.... And as a single-dad this was....wow....really this was beautiful.... But there is something else that bothers me massively....and don't get me wrong the idea of a pregnant Warframe is awesome...BUT the baby is is born now... And playing Jade, seeing her womb like she was still pregnant...that bothers me huge...... Dont get we wrong it is not about "skinny and proportional" Warframes ..... But playing a fighting and shooting still pregnant looking Warframe .... i don't feel good about it .... for me it crosses a line here.... give us the option to show/hide it ..... Because mother protects ... and you don't go hunting and killing instead....
  4. Thank you again for this DEV-Stream and i hope Pablo gets well, soon :) According to DEEP ARCHIMEDEA i only have one wish: If we go down the road and we do this game mode the hardest way (8/8 research modifiers or maybe 7/8) a guaranteed rare melee arcane is maybe not the 100% drop i want to get....because maybe someone has already the whole arcane completed. if you want us to go all out on warframe we usually don't play and we have max them out (even with shards) i think the right, additional reward should be a "Tauforged Archon Shard". Because once we have the maxed out the arcane we can use it on any weapon etc. we want without any cost. With shards its a little bit different - we need them on any Warframe and if we want to switch them to other Warframes it costs always... So please give us for the hardest mode in addition a guaranteed Tauforged Archon Shard. Thanks
  5. i agree with you that this kind of discussion is necessary, or not - depending on which side you chose. However - initially the topic is about freezing the timers on host migration...it is not important how the priority is set, whoever the host is, if Warframe is far better than CS2, how much money .... and so on and so on... If there is no host migration while playing the game: GG But if it happens, regardless how often and who or what system the host is - the issue is still the same that the timers should stop whenever a host migration is happening. If it possible for DE to do this or not - i don't know thats why i opend the topic here :)
  6. guys focus on the topic please - if not please go to the off-topic section - thanks!
  7. @[DE]Linkski @word.1m Screenshot - Login-Screen Screenshot - Orbiter Screenshot - Armory Screenshot - Mods Please look into these, too - The screenshots supports the video and the feeling word.1m has.
  8. hey @word.1m no problem :) 1) According "power" Apple iPad Gen. 9 -> A13 Bionic Chip Apple iPhone 12 mini -> A14 Bionic Chip Apple iPad Pro 12.9 Gen. 3 -> A12X Bionic Chip The A12X, according to other sources on the internet, is the strongest of those systems @ GPU Benchmarks - The A13 is just a bit slower than the A14. So between your iPad and my iPhone there is not a big gap in gpu power. I am going to provide you with more information / screenshots later. But maybe according to sharpness there is a problem about the resolution - the typcial "known resolutions" on PC/XBOX/PS: 1080p -> 1920 x 1080 1440p -> 2560 x 1440 2160p -> 3840 x 2160 Resolutions on those mentioned Apple devices: iPhone 12 mini -> 2340 x 1080 iPad Gen. 9 -> 2160 x 1620 iPad Pro 12,9 -> 2732 x 2048 Except the 1080 on the iPhone12 mini the other resolutions are completely out of typical range. On PC (thats where i play) you always hear about the "native resolution". Quote "Native resolution is the fixed number of pixels that a display can control, providing the best image quality" - Lenovo Maybe the game is struggling with all this different native resolutions of these devices, not to mention older and newer models of iPhones and iPads.
  9. and like i said i don't want to start a discussion according dedicated servers .... this is another topic this is about if DE is able to freeze somehow the timers.
  10. hey! we can all agree that it looks A LOT better then on NSW....but anyway I played the game yesterday on my iPhone 12 mini and today on an iPad Pro Gen 3. I agree with you @word.1m it looks like a stretched 480p or 720p ... textures are somekind blurry ... sharpness is a small issue and it looks like for this resolution no AntiAliasing working. After work i will provide you with some screenshots. Scaling seems to be a issue, too. Like in you video at 39 seconds when you open mods you can see that there is some form of stretching going on. This happens on the iPad Pro, too. On the iPhone it think it was quite ok but i will double-check that later.
  11. Hey! I do not know if it is a bug or if this feature does not exist on mobile or any other platform rather then on PC but where can i change the language of the game? And please don't tell me i have to change the system language (on my Apple device) to switch the game-language to English. Thank you in advance!
  12. Hello! Yesterday i logged in with my AppleID, created a new player alias "Dignity". After playing the tutorial i was able to merge my main-account with the iOS-Account. My alias on every other platform is "jeopardy2808" but on iOS it is still "Dignity"
  13. No sorry - dedicated servers and doing snapshots like doing on server in vsphere - not the jedi way It has to be an easy method to handle the problem, something that does not stress out the systems: "Host left game" "freeze all active timers" "Start new host migration" "finish host migration" "unfreeze all active timers" And Tenno can go on..
  14. Dear DE, first of all i am very happy about the launch for mobile systems like iOS and in the future Android. A very cool feature and i already tested it. But there is something that has now become more annoying then before: in 90% of my missions today i get a host migration... What is even more anoying: Farming focus in SO or ESO is broken like this...timer for focus is still running while host migration takes somehow forever atm. Is there not the possibilty when the systems detect a active host migration to freeze all timers for all remaining players and just start them again when host-migration is done? Thanks in advance!
  15. I am trying to link my iOS-Account getting the error "login failed" edit - nvm works now fine!
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