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Posts posted by Marthrym

  1. 3 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    The Tonkor got nerfed, its doing much less damage that it used to and self damage to the player using it, now its time for the Simulor to go through the same process.

    I wouldn't say "much" less damage... And it wasn't directly nerfed, it's the entire AOE weapon category that got hit. Including the SS.

  2. It's a high end weapon. It is supposed to kick @ss at lower levels.

    Yes, this level range is considered "low" and easy for any high end weapon. Especially when you use Infested enemies to make your point. By far the weakest faction in terms of damage resistance. Worst possible example. Why do you think this faction needs to use auras that drastically reduce the damage we deal to pose any threat compared to the others even at high level? They just run straight into the AOE to die! Have you considered using Grineer enemies? That have armor, ranged weaponry, more varied units and are stronger and dangerous at any level? It wouldn't be hard don't get me wrong, but it would require more input than just waiting in a corridor for enemies to come impale themselves on the AOE to die at your feet.

    The whole game needs balance. This weapon included. But starting with the root of the problem seems far more efficient to me. Once the core has some semblance of balance (or rather if it ever does), then we can put weapons in line with it, both the ones that clear entire rooms in a few shots and those that require emptying a full mag in a grunt's face just to graze them. But doing that beforehand seems like a waste of precious time and resources to me. I mean it's not like the SS makes problems magically go away either. Well, not all of them at least. It just makes it less of a chore. At least in my opinion. Nullies are still as cheap as ever. Enemy scaling is broken on both ends. And CC abilities are ironically both overpowered and worthless depending on the enemy we face. And a host of other things waiting. I get that it would be easier and much faster to nerf the SS. But what's the point other than enabling the meta to shift to another weapon? It's an endless cycle mate, don't feed it time and effort that would be much better spent somewhere else.

  3. 2 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

    Considering some of the junctions came out with requirements that you'd notice wouldn't work if you just looked at the list ... I sometimes wonder if anyone at DE actually looks for possible bugs or just plays for the lulz.

    You make a good point...

  4. 10 minutes ago, Bibliothekar said:

    Eh, we had a bug with colours for almost two years and there's a number of other long-standing bugs. At this point, I absolutely believe DE not getting their stuff together and fixing a bug for ages. Also, fixing a bug isn't always as easy as it seems. Sometimes they originate somewhere totally different than you believe, so any fix you try doesn't work as intended. And when you finally fix it, you have to check everything else that calls this function to make sure you didn't break a dozen new things.

    So that's why they tend to break more stuff than they fix... hmm...

    I still don't buy it. Not for this one at least. It's just way too big to swallow for me. I mean think of how many AOE weapons they released. Every time they created one, didn't it strike them as odd that headshot damage was enabled if it wasn't supposed to be a thing in the first place? I get that you can't see them all, but that kind of thing? How? I can't even. I'm sorry. I tried, I swear. I just can't. Too crazy. Or scary.

  5. From where I stand, nullifiers only exist because the devs didn't, for some unfathomable reason, do the obvious thing to do a long time ago : balance overpowered abilities that had a tendency to neuter hordes of enemies completely, and cap that horribly designed enemy scaling they seem to love so much. Instead they just decided to render abilities unusable, and enemy scaling is still as broken as ever.

    Now this type of unit is overused and even more overpowered themselves. But since the game still suffers from the same issues it did then, the whole situation just keeps getting worse. Because CC abilities are still either overpowered or comically useless, enemies get more and more cheap mechanics that take away more and more of our already dwindling gameplay options without offering counterplay (other than turning our brains off and shooting or throwing ourselves at the enemy), and enemy scaling being as ret@rded as ever doesn't help with the spam-fest of any ability that can more or less reliably prevent instant death from a stray shot from halfway accross the map.

    Instead of using things like decaying strength for CC abilities, just to mention one possibility, they just outright destroyed any usefulness they may have, ironically where they become most needed. This punishes extremely unfairly every frame that has to extensively rely on their kit to not even defeat the enemy, but to simply stay alive, most notably once enemy scaling reaches the crosseyed threshold. Unfortunately, that's also where enemies all tend to be riddled with the forementioned cheap and unfair mechanics.

    Basically until the devs create a true baseline for balance in Warframe, we're stuck in a dumb "all or nothing" vicious circle where we either faceroll our way through hundreds of weak and utterly defenseless enemies because our CC and weapons are way too strong for their level range, or we get nuked by every other grunt and their buddies immune to everything other than a full mag to the face. And of course you have those enemies that also happen to not give two craps about getting shot in the face, or anywhere else for that matter, long enough to gut any frame.

  6. On 7/29/2016 at 0:56 AM, Kitzun said:

    No, they were not nerfed, the perma critical headshot was a bug all along, meaning people using them have been exploiting this whole time.

    About simulor and OP weapons, I think people do not want to say the same thing by saying "OP".

    For some it means "the best" as in "stronk", which is legit; and for others it means "broken" as in "exploiting a design failure" which is not legit.

    See the difference in opinions now ?

    A bug that was there for as long as AOE weapons themselves... Yeah sure, it was a "bug", totally unintended...

    You know, instead of believing everything the devs state in their posts, you may want to think for yourself. I mean dooesn't it strike you as I don't know... strange, weird, hard to believe that it took them THAT long to "fix" this "bug"? Honestly, I know I criticize them a lot, but if I look at it the same way you do, all I see is... laziness or incompetence on their part. And I don't think they are that lazy or incompetent. Especially when they spend entire nights up at work sometimes. Or the fact that they also do release awesome stuff that I am guilty of not focusing enough on unfortunately, I have to admit.

    See why I have trouble with the "it's a fix not a nerf" opinion now? That and the fact that it actually did nerf the weapon category for all intents and purposes. But that's probably just a detail, so it must mean it doesn't matter, right?


    17 hours ago, KingAlkaiser said:

    -if you did not like my "absurd thread" you did not need to read or comment on it first of all, this is a forum and its open for discussions you do not dictate what people are allowed to post unless you are some sort of authority to the company or site. No offense brother i welcome constructive criticism but don't tell people what they can post in a forum.

    You're right. You're absolutely right. You are, as is any player, entitled to an opinion, and have the right (some would even say the duty) to express that opinion. I apologize for my rudeness and lack of consideration.


    As for that little list of yours, I'm really sorry, but it applies to quite a few other weapons. And even more so to some of them. Why start with this one then? Because it performs well enough and is most commonly used where it actually matters to kill as many enemies as fast as possible with as little downtime or input possible in order to not get insta-gibbed by utterly overpowered enemies because abilities are rendered completely worthless by cheap and unfair mechanics that take away a whole chunk of what little meaningful gameplay we have available at our disposal? I mean yes, balance is important. Vital even. But tell me, would you rather start by the disease, or by the symptoms? Because make no mistake, weapons that are overpowered for the star chart and everything that isn't sortie-level are only overpowered because the gap between the star chart and sorties is just completely moronic. I think fixing this should matter more than what we are talking about in this thread, don't you think? At least a little bit?^^'

  7. Can't agree on the debuff Sarcophagus change proposal, unless of course this debuff doesn't apply to teammates reviving you. Sarcophagus wouldn't really need any tweaking (other than a CD of some sort methinks) if it scaled, just as you said. Well, the ideal would be to get rid of this crosseyed scaling that plagues the game, but it would still be better to indeed make Sarcophagus scale by using percentages instead of flat values (the same could be said of most damage based abilities come to think of it). But I'd like to mention that this has been requested many times already, and the devs are ignoring the players' feedback here for some reason.

    Taking away his ability to heal on finishers... I don't think so. I mean take that away and you take his best survival tool. Especially with the devs goind full ret@rd with giving nullifying capabilities to enemies left and right for the past 20 months or so, or making them downright immune to any and all powers. Oh and also lately the stupid amount of energy leechers. Thank the Lotus for Rage, even though sometimes it's not even enough to counter the stupid stacking of leech auras. That's why I'm not a fan of the idea. Not to mention he's taking a real gamble by diving straight into hordes of enemies to get that health back. But again, if Warframe was not in the sorry state it's in right now balance wise, my opinion would be different too. There's also the fact that ANY frame with a good melee weapon and Life Strike can instantly get their entire health pool back with one single attack, for less energy and time than it takes Inaros to put sand in his enemies' faces to be able to get an opening for a finisher. I don't know, to me it just doesn't feel warranted or useful to change it, not in the current Warframe at least.

    Devour does indeed kinda suck, because, as you state, it takes forever to kill enemies, and the Sand Shadows are a joke, they only last a few seconds, and the AI being dumb as a rock, it doesn't bring much to the table. The fact that players using Devour are invulnerable isn't even a good enough offset, since it basically renders them incapable of contributing to the team in any way, shape or form.

    Scarab Swarm doesn't feel that great to me. I only use the armor buff and then forget about it unless I have to get the buff back because a platoon of nullies magically shows up from out of nowhere and jumps at me from the other side of the tile. The health regen is nice, but it is outclassed not only by his passive, but also by a simple unranked Life Strike. As for the CC, yeah, just press 1 and you're good. So I agree that it does feel a tad redundant. And the armor buff isn't all that great. I mean Inaros doesn't have huge armor. His health pool is what gives his Effective Health the mutliplier that matters, more so than his armor. And armor being bypassed or extremely weak to several damage sources availabale to the enemy, I'm quite glad it's his health pool that is the most important thing and not his armor value.^^'

  8. The Synoid Simulor's AOE range is identical to most AOE based weapons. As for its damage output, you must be on drugs to say that it's anywhere near the most powerful weapons in this game. It just happens to dish out stable, reliable damage, which makes it an excellent "trash" cleaner. It's also a MR 12 syndicate weapon, it is supposed to be a good weapon, not mastery fodder. As for using a frame's power to call a nerf on a weapon, I'm sorry but moronic is the only word that comes to mind here.

    I'd also like to point out that AOE weapons received a nerf. They no longer get headshot damage bonus. Which, if you had any knowledge of damage bonus headshots provide in this game, should have stopped you from creating such an absurd thread OP. It also seems to me the main motive for this thread is the fact that many people use that weapon, which angers you because... reasons? Or is it because end mission stats are that important for your ego that you cannot bear not being the "best"? I don't know, seems an awful lot like hurt pride to me, even though I may be wrong. I just don't see any valid argument here, no matter how much I look.

    There are other weapons that are actually much stronger, and don't require "skill" (as if this game requires any in the first place... pathetic excuse) or aiming either, and clear rooms of any hostile presence even faster. All that without the 20m range limitation or need to shoot at least twice before you can get even ONE tick of damage, unless you blow up the first projectile, which takes just as long and doesn't deal that much damage to boot.

    Have you even tried that weapon outside of lower level missions? How many weapons have you tried to begin with? Do you have any idea how in every game the meta shifts and how whining that a weapon is OP when much more important parts of the game are utterly imbalanced or downright broken is a misguided and unconstructive thing to do?

  9. On 7/25/2016 at 9:57 PM, JSharpie said:

    Even when Nullifiers were spawning like crazy, I never had a problem with them. Even when I was leveling up the few snipers that were still low ranked, all I had to do was walk into their bubble and hit E. Then I can use my powers immediately to decimate any enemy that was using his bubble to their advantage.

    They're their to stop the "I can slaughter so many enemies immediately!" gameplay. They're supposed to slow you down and make you think, not just press a button and make the problem go away.

    Enemies like this exist in all games. Look at Dynasty Warrior, there are the common fodder that are there to keep you busy until the guys who take a few more hits and thinking come out. Same principle. Video games are not perfect, Warframe is not and will never be perfect, but it shouldn't be a cakewalk through and through.

    They don't make players think. They just make them go brain-dead and shoot or suicide-dive into the bubbles. They're a GIGANTIC failure to boot, since they have the exact opposite effect they were supposed to, namely counter ability spam. A terribad design overall, a kneejerk reaction to a much bigger underlying problem that is still alive and kicking after years of pointing out how badly it needs to be dealt with.

    If you have to stop and think while fighting these guys, I fear what might happen the day REAL challenge shows up in Warframe. If it ever does show up.

    There is no challenge in Warframe. We either faceroll our way through hordes of utterly weak and defenseless enemies, or said enemies are so ridiculously overpowered because of a moronic scaling and cheap and unfair mechanics that simply remove gameplay options that instant death awaits behind every other door, and abilities, however imbalanced they may be, end up being worthless because the devs were too lazy, overworked, or just couldn't bother to balance their game in the first place and decided to make a pathetic attempt at hiding the issue behind the smoke screen that nullifiers and, more generally, power immune enemies are.

    The saddest part is, all this did is promote cheese and exploits even more, not because they prove to be a challenge, but because they make the game oh so boring by amputing from it what gives it any semblance of uniqueness, so many players simply choose to gear up just to take care of this particular enemy as fast as possible so as to try and have fun for a change and play the full game instead of a barebone version of it. Sad. So sad.

  10. 3 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Its been suggested before. And its a nice idea at a bandaid solution.

    But just last night I ran into a tiny closet with two Nullifiers covering a Corrupted Scramba. It was like a Corrupted Clown Car of Doom in there.

    Scramba and Comba seem to have had their spawn rates increased. And they did just fine nullifying my abilities (with zero visual indicator, so yeah, thanks for THAT horrible decision). They literally double up on a function Nullifiers already perform except more fairly by not covering themselves in bullet proof bubbles that shield whole platoons. 

    Nullifiers simply need to go. They rob Warframe of what makes it unique while utterly failing to add any challenge. In fact, they ENCOURAGE power spam. Due to the time involved in taking them down, and the requirement of charging into a horde under their domes, the FIRST thing I find myself doing once they go down...is spamming some form of CC. Immediately. Every time. Because I have been forced into a crowd.

    So here is Nullifier. Not challenging. Nut fun. Actively encouraging the ONE tactic it was put in the game to slow down...I think we can safely call this design an utter failure at this point.

    Preach it to the devs like the Gospel it is. Might not work though, they be heathens when it comes to the Church of balance and fair challenge.

  11. 27 minutes ago, KJRenz said:

    She had zero risk before for having god mode, now she does. Play safely


    Play the "berzerker" safely?

    ... Are you on drugs?

    She already had the same issues with nullifiers and their OP broken mechanics before, she just has problems with more enemies now. She still kicks @ss, just less than before. Hysteria isn't all she has to get the job done, though her kit seems lackluster to me in some areas. Could use some synergy too.


    Seriously though, don't expect too much (or better yet, don't expect anything, makes it easier) in terms of "balance" or "fair challenge" in this game OP, at least for quite a while. Just try to find stuff that you enjoy playing and have fun while you can. It all goes around, soon another frame will get the nerfhammer in the face, others might get a nudge up, and the dance will continue.

    Nullifiers do suck, they take away gameplay options without proposing anything in return (other than brain-dead shooting or suicide attacks), but they're not going anywhere any time soon, because they make it so that the devs can take all the time they want to try (and probably fail, judging by their track record...) and balance abilities that caused their creation in the first place. I know, I look bitter and maybe aggressive here, but I've been playing since 2013 and honestly I'm getting tired of waiting after all the promises and the "year of quality" was a farce for me, so...

    Also it's not like she's completely broken now, just... weaker. Doesn't mean she's weak either. She's... less strong. Let's put it that way, looks better methinks.

  12. It's as subjective as anything of that sort. Either you fit the "mold" of the many and get many likes in the threads you post in (or yeah, something "funny" that gets people's attention), or you don't, and don't get "reputation" points. In practice? Doesn't mean a damn thing as far as I'm concerned.

  13. Thing is, the devs kinda made it very awkward all by themselves. Instead of actually balancing stuff that was either too strong or too weak for years, they instead chose to implement mechanics that simply try to REMOVE those imbalanced things of the equation, instead of fixing them. For instance, instead of balancing CC abilities to be less of a complete AI-neutering tool (let's be honest honest here, ability spam was NEVER the focus), they implemented nullifiers (and then other enemies using similar mechanics for other imbalanced stuff) in a kneejerk, half-assed, and quite frankly poorly thought-out attempt at removing that need for balance. Instead of reining in our weapons' damage output being sometimes too high, they just made enemy scaling even more stupid to compensate, which ended up breaking even more what balance the game might still have had because the need for weapons that can keep up with the "higher level" enemies ends up making said weapons NUKE everything below that level range because enemy scaling just goes vertical at some point.

    All that adds up and the result is a fugly mess that has the community tear itself apart for years on end with zero positive result, and creates more problems in the process. Meanwhile the devs resume barfing out new stuff (true, some of it is really awesome, but it doesn't make the problem magically go away now, does it?) that keeps piling on on top of the existing broken stuff, hoping it won't catch up to them and bite them in the patootie. Unfortunately, the players aren't all that stupid, and that fail-proof plan of theirs ends up... failing. And now they're forced to do some legitimate balancing because the community is kinda fed up with being either way too powerful and Godlike, or getting insta-killed by grunts that just look in their directions with zero counterplay. But the backlog is so obese by now, it takes them forever and they start with treating the symptoms instead of the sickness itself.

    This game is not about "getting gud". Skill is utterly irrelevant in Warframe. There is no challenge, no fair one at least. It's just all or nothing, an imbalanced mess where we either obliterate any enemy in our way because we're way too powerful and/or they're too weak and can't even defend themselves, or WE get obliterated by any enemy that shows up because enemy scaling has gone full ret@rd and we've been stripped of most (if not all) these imbalanced tools at our disposal to defend ourselves by cheap (and sometimes downright unfair) mechanics that don't offer any counterplay other than brain-dead shooting.

    Of course, as I've said before, this is just my opinion on the matter. It is, just like any opinion, based on my personal experience of Warframe, and is in now way unbiased. Quite the opposite actually. And despite all that, I still think this game has huge potential and is worth playing (just the gameplay feels so good, and the art is beautiful and unique), and that the devs are great guys that put a lot of time and effort in their "baby", as contradictory as it may seem with what what I've stated above. I just think they're putting some of that that time and effort in the wrong places sometimes.

  14. On 7/19/2016 at 3:16 AM, -BM-Leonhart said:

    Sniper Rifles ARE rewarded for good accuracy. For example, massive damage boost combo counters that vanish when you miss a shot. Or maybe gigantic damage multipliers on critical headshots, like with Rubico, which does above 30x damage multiplier on critical headshots while scoped, with only as much as the 2 mandatory critical mods (not counting the combo counter multipliers).

    Just because you see a thread now and then about how people don't know how to use sniper rifles, that doesn't mean their accuracy doesn't provide great effect boosts.if one knows how to handle them.

    "Gigantic" damage per shot doesn't matter nearly as much as reliable, stable damage output. Especially when you can get just as a "gigantic" damage with other weapons with much less effort while countering some of the most cheap mechanics the game throws at us with ease. Sniper rifles are simply outclassed because of the game itself. Skill is mostly irrelevant unfortunately, and sniper rifles show it quite eloquently in many cases. It doesn't mean they can't get the job done. Just that between a sniper rifle that deals "gigantic" damage per shot but with a firerate that requires careful aiming, positioning and patience, plenty of other weapons can dish out more than enough damage without requiring any of these and clean rooms much, much faster. I mean this is more a beat' em up than an actual TPS as far as I'm concerned. The throngs of enemies that come at us from every direction don't really favor sniping in the vast majority of the content Warframe offers. It's just more fun to just blast everything away with fancy weapons that do fun stuff for most players.

    I do see threads about sniper rifles "now and then". And yes, some of them I just dismiss as lack of experience. But many ring true when they state that sniper rifles are just outclassed because this game isn't made for them. That they could use some mechanics that help them bridge the gap between them and other weapon types and make skill actually useful and rewarding. There are good ideas in these forums sometimes you know.

  15. The simple fact that the players' ability to close fissures relies even a little bit on RNG tells how bad the devs are at making a fair and balanced game. That or they do it on purpose to make more money. It's a possibility too after all, they need that money. But there's a method to the madness, and right now, that method seems rather... disingenuous.

    The outcome of a mission should NEVER, EVER rely on ANY form of RNG. EVER. We all know Warframe has never been a skill-based game, especially nowadays, but this system turns it into a lottery game more than it already was. Using RNG, and unfortunately sometimes, like in Warframe, a WEIGHTED RNG, for the reward system is, in a F2P game, one of the few things that allow the people who work on it to put food on their table. So however unfair it may be for some unlucky players, it's a bit of a staple feature. But using it to decide whether missions end up being accomplished of not without us being able to do anything about it, missions that already use a heavily weighted RNG to decide which reward we get? That's low. Or greedy. It's just adding ANOTHER layer of RNG on top of this already multi-layered, weighted crap we have to put up with.

  16. On 7/16/2016 at 0:44 AM, -BM-Leonhart said:

    No, I think it makes no sense for AoE to hit weakspots. And before you take me with "The weak spot is hit by the AoE regardless of where you hit", you should remember that this is a game where proper accuracy and headshots are rewarded with extra damage.

    There should not be heaps of weapons left and right that can hit those and get the damage bonus without any skill involved whatsoever. If so, then their base damage should have been 1/2 or 1/4 of what it is now to compensate.

    If aiming was actually rewarded in this game, sniper rifles, just to mention them, wouldn't be in their current spot. Which is not a good one, you cannot deny that simple fact. This game is already far from rewarding skill, whether it's at aiming, positioning, or teamwork. Most of the weapons used to deal with "vet" content are not chosen because of their headshot potential or the "skill" needed to wield them efficiently, but for their raw damage output and ease of use. So yeah, that "rewarding" extra damage feels more like a sorry excuse to hide bad decision making than a valid argument to justify a well thought out balance pass as far as I'm concerned. And the worst part is, it doesn't bring anything to the table here. It doesn't promote or reward skillfull gameplay. It doesn't help the game in any way.

    The day good aim truly rewards the players though, then we talk about weakpoints and AOE based weapons. We're still far from that.

  17. They just nerfed AOE weapons to not hit heads. Which is rather... misguided as far as I'm concerned, since it just handicaps quite heavily damage output, especially for players that actually consciously aimed so as to get headshots. As per the usual DE "method", more often than not it's just lazy and easy fake "solutions" instead of truly thought out balance processes. Then again, it's not like we shouldn't be used to it by now...

    But it's not like AOE weapons, notably the SS, aren't great weapons still. Not to mention, there are other weapons that are more than good enough to get the job done just as easily, if not more. Until enemy scaling goes crosseyed of course. But that's another issue entirely.

  18. 13 hours ago, -BM-Leonhart said:


    If you hit the head, headshots are still scored normally........overreacting much? Tonkor and Co had it coming, and I have a feeling this is not even the nerf we were promised, just a general bug fix from long ago.

    Are you positive that headshots still actually work with AOE weapons? also, I'm pretty sure this is not a fix, since nothing was broken, other than maybe the damage output being too high for the taste of some. You can't call this a bugfix, it doesn't make much sense for AOE damage to not hit weakpoints, don't you think?

    And again, I COULD NOT CARE LESS about the Tonkor. Though if other players who put time and formae into it complain, can't really just tell them to suck it, can we? Seems a tad unconstructive to me.

  19. But what happens to players who actually try to score headshots? I don't mean with a Tonkor, never could get myself to enjoy the thing, but the other weapons affected. I mean as per usual with DE, let's ignore all forms of logic and skill-based gameplay, and say that AOE magically starting to purposefully AVOID the heads/weakpoints of enemies (which as far as I'm concerned is a tad ret@rded, that's not how you balance weapons properly, is it?) is A-okay, that's a very slippery slope right there dear devs. I mean what's next? Why not balance the damn things properly instead of lazy, half-backed stuff like this? I'm really sorry but I have to question the soundness of this decision, because to me it only shows laziness... or worse, incompetence. Ironically I really doubt it's either of the two, as you have shown time and again that you can do great things and work yourselves to the bone and then some. So let's say a lapse in judgment? Soon to be corrected by an actual balance pass? No? Nevermind then...

  20. If you use the ability to kill lvl 80 enemies with melee weapons as a meter for OPness, there's going to be a LOT of nerfing on a LOT of frames. Inaros is far from OP compared to half the other frames. Should Ivara, Excalibur, Ash or Loki for instance, that can OHK ANY non-boss enemy no matter their level with melee attacks be nerfed too then? His ability to regen health is directly tied to his ability to kill enemies through melee attacks. Take that away, you take away most of what makes him reliable survivability wise, especially with all the crap the devs have implemented the past 2 years that take away gameplay options without giving anything in return, whether it is counterplay or just fun play. He's far form invulnerable too, and his Sarcophagus is worthless.

    He's far from borderline OP, especially compared to other, much older frames that are able to clear entire tiles with the press a button, with absolutely no risk. He's just good at what he's supposed to be good at, namely staying on his feet. And even at that, other frames are MUCH better with half the hassle. He could use tweaks yes, but not nerfs. Not buffs either to be clear, just QoL changes.

    Of course that's just my opinion.^^

  21. Who cares about a floating little name?

    What'd be a valid reason to complain is the Lato Prime (and despite its bandaid mod, the Skana Prime maybe too) being mastery fodder and nothing more. And it would be a good reason to complain for both Founders and non Founders, the first because apart from Excalibur they got worthless stuff, the others because they miss on the mastery points.

  22. 7 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    Why? I think the alert is fine, I'm talking about everyone else who is complaining. Although Survival in general is very RNG dependent on Life Support Modules dropping. Got to 8 seconds left and was at extraction, but lost because only one container dropped a module, and killing the 5 Elite Crewman that spawned with a Covert Lethality Karyst didn't give any LS either (could never get behind the MOAs in time to insta-kill them)

    So let me get this right : what you're saying is that there's a problem, but that problem is fine?

    This alert makes skill irrelevant, just like the entire "veteran" content does. How you can be fine with it is beyond me. You said it yourself, between RNG deciding whether you get time or not (so skill goes out the window), and enemy scaling being utterly stupid, managing to make enemies both overpowered in terms of stats and mechanics, AND completely unchallenging at the same time, which is quite the feat if you ask me, should be more than enough for the devs to realize how bad they're doing it with it. It's not about being able to finish the mission or not, it's about how you can finish it. Here it's just luck with a side of frame choice, and know-how aquired after long hours suffering through that kind of broken content, said know-how consisting mostly in realizing that playing "by the rules" doesn't work all that well, and isn't even remotely fun. Even though I know it's all subjective, that our tastes and likes can differ greatly, I just cannot understand how anyone can defend what the devs are doing here. They're just showing that they're not competent when it comes to creating fair, challenging and fun content, at least at the same time. They really should consider hiring exterior help, unless what they're doing right now actually ends up being what so many have been waiting for for over two years now. I wont hold my breath personally, I've been disappointed too many times since I've started playing Warframe in 2013.

  23. Another sad and pathetic example of the devs' inability to create fun and fair challenge in their game. I'm sorry dear devs, I truly am, but maybe you should consider hiring someone with actual experience in that domain? Since you know, clearly you don't have any. I mean where's the challenge? Where's the fun? You're just showing once again your laziness and/or complete lack of expertise when it comes to providing your playerbase with an experience that feels rewarding. Again, sad and pathetic. Unless you used this to show most of everything that is wrong with Warframe and prevents it from becoming a great game? If so, then mission accomplished.

    Thanks for the free potato by the way. At least there's a silver lining to that borefest...

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