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Posts posted by Marthrym

  1. LAWL so your solution is to add nullifier-type enemies everywhere? The cheapest type of enemy, the one that simply takes away gameplay options without proposing any interesting counterplay, just brain-dead shooting? No thanks. I've seen much, much better ideas on the forums.

    All we need is enemy scaling to have soft and hard caps added to it, and our CC abilities and weapon damage output to be toned down once that's done.

  2. I think the passive actually complements Silence pretty well. Silence makes enemies deaf, but not just that. It also lengthens their reaction time quite a bit, neutralizes this stupid "hivemind" of theirs, making them react the way they actually should normally, which is ironic IMHO, and it allows Banshee to remain silent even for enemies outside of the ability's range, without the need of silencer mods.

  3. Magnetic procs are both useless and overpowered at the same time. They're mostly worthless when used by players, but utterly OP when anything gets a magnetic proc on players. Our entire energy pool instantly gone, shields too, UI on the fritz. Such balance, much wow.

    DE and their legendary ability to create obviously imbalanced content while actually thinking it's fairly balanced has always "amazed" me, even after years of continued display. Hopefully they'll change this at some point, preferably before the next decade. They already have so much to rework at this point, it's scary.

  4. Shield Lancers are like Ballistas, Seekers, and other enemies of this type, their damage output is higher at its base, which isn't a problem taken alone, but the problem is that said damage output scales vertically much sooner than that of most enemies. Basically they reach the part where enemy scaling is moronic sooner than most enemy units, so you notice it much sooner.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Mastikator2 said:

    In nearly all cases MR = gear and MR = experience too, and since in nearly all cases experience = skill, Mastery Rank equals skill and power.

    I know, it sucks, I am a terrible evil elitist who should be chased out of this forum for my evil elitist views. Problem is, I'm right. :/ it sucks but nearly all low MR players do not have the experience nor the high level mods to contribute in a sortie.

    That's actually a misconception in many cases mate. MR mostly means you either farmed or bought gear that you ranked up, most probably through Draco for many a player nowadays, then put said gear on the "mastery fodder" shelf for the most part. It does not equate to experience nor does it reflect your skill. It just reflects the size of your wallet and/or your luck and patience with RNG.

    It does not mean that MR never represents experience and skill of course, it just isn't a good measuring stick because low MR players tend to fail not because of their lack of skill or experience, but because Warframe's "veteran" content is nothing more than a grind/gearcheck.

  6. It's all about gear sadly. Mastery Rank isn't the issue, gear is. Skill, as any player with a modicum of experience of this game knows, is utterly irrelevant in Warframe. Sorties are just a gearcheck. You got the gear, you're golden. You don't, you're a "liability" simply because your damage output and ability to withstand the stupid enemy health, armor and damage scaling there isn't high enough. That and the cheap mechanics the devs implemented to remove gameplay options doesn't help either, they should have balanced CC a long time ago for instance, but chose the easy way out instead, as they've been doing for the past eighteen months or so now. They just started to admit their huge blunder, but the sheer amount of work they have ahead of them because they took 2 years to get to it doesn't bode well for players who don't have access to the right gear for still quite some time.

  7. 12 hours ago, Fifield said:

    Totally agree.  The grunts need an EHP buff.

    Depends what you mean by high level.  Nothing apart from the rare bombard and the low accuracy ballista can one shot a properly modded frame in normal content.  You might get 2-shot though, or 1-hit by a melee.

    I think when grunts get an EHP buff then damage should be toned down.  This way unless you're stupid enough to charge into a horde of enemies, you can always counter. It will encourage tactics as you'll need to pick off the enemies rather than spray the whole group.

    Looking for feedback on this:


    By high level I mean maybe sortie 3? Their health there is high enough for them to at least take a noticeable time to kill, which I think is good. Unfortunately their damage output is so stupidely high, especially combined with their numbers, that you either have to kill them all at the same time or make heavy use of CC/damage mitigation just to not get insta-gibbed. I think enemies should be beefier on the health side (and/or our damage output to be more reasonable?), but their damage output is completely bonkers past a certain point. Armor could use a tweak or two as well, Corrosive projection/corrosive builds tend to become too "necessary" at some point for my taste.

  8. 9 hours ago, Fifield said:

    No role in what?  People complaining about nerfs?

    But you missed what he actually said.  He did not ask for the enemy cheese to be removed -- a position that I, presumably yourself and every player who likes decent gameplay design would agree with.

    No, he asked to keep enemy cheese so that he could keep P4TW.

    A role in the devs implementing cheap mechanics that remove gameplay options instead of making said options more reasonable in the first place. A role in enemy scaling being out of control on both ends, rendering skill and experience utterly irrelevant. I don't know about you, but that's a problem IMHO.^^'

    I don't believe I missed anything. You concluded that he wants P4TW to stay. From where I stand, he just makes the more than logical remark that reining in some of our overpowered capabilities without doing the same thing with the enemy at the same time is not very smart. And I agree completely with that. Enemy scaling and many mechanics the AI has access to need a serious look at too, and not months after the devs have done it with us. They're the two sides of the same coin that is imbalance in the game. Considering the time it takes the devs to balance frames and weapons' damage output (it's their own damn fault as far as I'm concerned, we've been begging them to get to it for more than 2 years now, so the amount of stuff to rework has gotten huge), I fear enemy scaling and the many cheap mechanics they implemented to counter the overpowered powers we had instead of simply balancing said powers won't be taken care of before 2017. I'm just tired of waiting man. I've had so many buddies stop playing entirely, I'm running on fumes too now.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Fifield said:

    Do you actually believe that nonsense or is it just the best argument you've got for keeping P4TW?

    Do you actually believe that enemy scaling and the mechanics the devs have been implementing for the past year and a half have absolutely no role in this? That'd be just as nonsensical as believing that there wouldn't be players using and abusing the most powerful tools put at their disposal even if the game had any shred of balance in the first place.

  10. It's not about nerfing enemies, it's about balancing them. "Lower" level enemies are too weak, they have no counters, it's just too easy and gives newbies bad habits, or at least not the good ones. "High level" enemies are the exact opposite. They can insta-kill any frame, dispel/nullify any Tenno ability, and require for some an absurd amount of firepower to take down. They don't offer any counterplay, it's insta-kill or be insta-killed.

    See, some of us just want these huge disparities to be put under control in order to stop destroying any hope of balance and fair challenge in the game. Right now, it's a ridiculous all or nothing. It's boring, lacks challenge, and tends to unfairly punish diversity. I've been playing this game for 3 years, haven't been properly challenged once yet. Only had to go through hoops and suffer gameplay options being taken away more and more with time.

  11. It's the expanding "bubble" that I find dumb and unjustly harmful for Valkyr. It's just nonsensical to me. The drain is not an issue IMHO; it could even be cranked up a bit, but the bubble? Stupid. And the day DE gets rid of cheap mechanics such as draining auras which offer zero counterplay other than staying out of range (and we can't see that range) to kill the myriad of enemies that use them from a "safe" distance, I'll be happy. Thing is, I don't think this is happening any time soon. DE has a terrible track record with challenge and fairness in Warframe as far as I'm concerned.

    I am more of a Warcry/Eternal War user myself, Hysteria is more an "OH SH!T" button than an active playstyle for me. I only use it to safely revive teammates or when scaling goes crosseyed, which unfortunately is the vast majority of what the devs call "veteran content", like trials and sorties. they embody everything that is wrong with Warframe in terms of balance IMHO.


    1 hour ago, NightBlitz said:

    well, lets see...they're looking into the scaling problems, and things like bursas and nulls were originally added as a counter measure to things like hysteria and cc spam? do i need to explain more? it doesnt take much to see that major balancing is needed and this is just the start of it

    They made that spam a thing when they refused to admit and correct their first blunder : their beloved enemy scaling is poorly thought out. It just breaks balance from the start. So obviously the only ways to counter it are to either kill swathes of enemies instantly, prevent them from hitting us even once or have gigantic damage mitigation capabilities. Hence the overpowered CC, defensive abilities and weapons they had to give us from then on, since they apparently couldn't bring themselves to cap scaling values to a reasonable level. And then seeing this cheesy trend developping, they started implementing mechanics that simply took away these tools without even considering for a moment that it was extremely unwise and wouldn't solve a damn thing in the long run. 2 years and a half later, look at the mess, the sheer amount of work they have to put out to fix their old mistake. They waited far too long, implemented far too many things that used this broken core as a base, and now we all pay for it.

    Fix enemy scaling first, it's the root of the problem. Then, and only then, CC and weapon damage can be brought in line with it. Overpowered CC is just a consequence of an imbalanced scaling. They all revolve around what enemy scaling sets as "standards". Hysteria wouldn't even "need" complete damage mitigation if every grunt the AI throws at us had enough damage output to insta-gib any frame that doesn't benefit from heavy damage mitigation abilities, especially at close range. The devs are just tipping the scales even further away from balance by not taking care of this at the same time they make our own power less unrestrained. It's all nice and dandy that they "plan" on doing the same with the rest, but in the meantime, the mess just gets bigger and we have to put up with it.


    Obviously this post will seem bitter, a rant that just bashes the devs. It is more or less that to be honest. I've been playing this game since 2013. I've seen the whole thing unfold before my eyes, and seen many other players make viable, reasonable suggestions, very detailed threads even, with solutions to this problem. They were largely ignored unfortunately, and many just left after that. So yeah, I am bitter now, my trust in DE's ability to create fair challenge has dwindled and is on its last legs. But I'm still here, because i've seen other things that still give me hope and keep me playing, like awesome quests (that I hope will be repeatable as soon as possible by the way), some very interesting lore (finally lol), and a gameplay that has become extremely engaging and addictive over the years, with genius-level ideas and concepts. I love the art, the ambiance, the theme of the game. That's why I'm still here. Also I really like the devs. I hate some of the things they've done, but I love these guys and gals.

  12. That's nothing many players have been telling the devs for over 2 years now, unfortunately to no avail. Capping enemy damage (and to some extent our own, at least that of our weapons) could help immensely balancing the rest of the game afterwards. But it seems the devs prefer the &#! backwards approach. They start by balancing what revolves around the core of the game instead of starting by that core. Making sure our powers aren't overpowered, that is CC powers, as damage based powers are utter crap once scaling goes vertical, is a good thing. The problem is, enemy scaling is still stupid, which means less and less ways to counter it, however cheesy they may be, until the devs finally do something about it. That's why I am furious with the way they are going at it. It's just dumb. They should have capped enemy scaling at the same time, not after they nerf the players' capabilities, otherwise they just break balance even further. As far as I'm concerned the intentions are in the right place, but the execution is more than poorly thought out, if thought out at all. when you build a house, you start by the foundations, not the rooftop or the walls. I just hope they'll act on it fast, even if it means less content for a while.

  13. So, now that frames are more or less "balanced" dear devs, are you FINALLY going to do something about that stupidely, utterly broken enemy scaling of yours? Because you know, kinda outweighs a few passive and skins, however good they may look. Changing our weapons, their damage output, multishot and all that, it's a start, but it's nowhere near enough, nor is it doing things in the right order as far as I'm concerned. Enemy scaling is the cause of everything that ends up going wrong down the line, you made it so that enemies are either so weak and defenseless that killing hundreds of them instantly just requires to press a button, or are just downright overpowered stats wise, don't give a damn about damage based abilities and can just dispel, nullify or outright ignore any and all Tenno powers while their sheer damage output and numbers is enough take down any frame in a matter of seconds, with sometimes no recourse for the players other than cheesing the game. There's a sweetspot in there somewhere, but it is so smothered between the two extremes that sometimes I think it might as well not be there at all... It's just all or nothing with Warframe. Where's the balance?

    I know this may seem aggressive, offensive even. Actually I hope it does, because at this point I don't think "pretty please" works with you guys. Balance this game for Lotus' sake, 2 and half years of viable propositions to make this brain-dead third rate TPS with zero fair challenge and difficulty something that not only looks great but FEELS great, especially its "veteran" content, and yet all we get is more pointless changes that don't actually change things for the most part, or come far too late for many a player who has already abandoned ship.

    Sorry, had to get this off my chest. I am angry dear devs, furious even. Because I actually care about this game and this community. And you. Yeah I know, hard to believe. Still, this anger I feel comes from the fact that after more than 2 years, more threads than I can recall, with VIABLE, REASONABLE propositions by MANY players, newbies and vets alike, you still take the easy way out. Because yes, this is the easy way out. You always stay away from the roots of the issue, always skirting them without ever diving into the thick of it. What's wrong, are you that scared that you can't provide actual, fair challenge? That it would be too much work to go back and rebuild a viable, solid base for your game? You're better than this, you showed it before. You can do it again. The task is daunting, but the more you wait, the more you refuse to accept the simple truth, that in its current state Warframe is just void of any fair, true challenge, and that taking away gameplay options instead of creating more ways to play is the worst possible way to to go, the more work you'll have on your hands if you ever come to your senses and realize that you're wasting invaluable time fiddling with what more or less works while everything that causes the real, deep balance issues is left untouched for years.

    I also know that this is my personal opinion, I perfectly understand some will disagree. As I have said numerous times lately, I WISH I could find Warframe challenging, as some seem to be able to. But I just can't. I'm used to being challenged in other games, yet in this one, nothing. No thrill when I manage to take down "high level" enemies, no satisfaction when I complete a so called "trial", no matter how much I play, it just tastes stale. The only times I have fun are the times I actually don't play the way you want me to. Ironic, isn't it? It's been said 2015 would be the year of quality. I'm still wiating half a year after that one. What happened to bringing balance to CC abilities that tend to make enemies completely powerless without making them outright immune with cheap mechanics? It's all we got for a year and half now. I'm sorry, I truly am, but honestly, I am fresh out of hope and patience. And it saddens me greatly, because I see so much potential in this game. So much. More so than in most games I've played in the past 3 years. So yeah, angry, sad, disappointed, tired of waiting.

  14. 3 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    Knockdowns are a temporary and avoidable punishment that increases the danger level and forces you to be more aware of your surroundings.  What would you suggest as an alternative?

    Why do you specifically mention knockdowns when the Tenno you quote provides much better examples? I'm confused here.

    Why do we take particular/situational examples and throw them at each others' faces pointlessly, when the problem often comes more from an accumulation of several little things that aren't necessarily problematic when considered individually, but when considered as parts of a whole actually do show rather obvious and sometimes "easy" to fix flaws? Also I'd like to point out that knockdowns themselves are kinda buggy, more often than not affecting airborne players, or when stunning/neutralizing enemies when they start the attack animation, the attack still "goes through" the stun/CC/etc.

    I think auras are a much better example of bad design, at least in their current form. How they can be countered only by staying out of range (we can't see the range of their AOE, and they go through terrain) or by eliminating the units that use them. How surprisingly often the sheer amount of enemies that simultaneously use what I personally consider to be rather cheap, or sometimes even downright unfair mechanics, some of which stack together, make it simply impossible to be unaffected and/or eliminate every enemy that uses them. It's particularly problematic when the game uses the part of enemy scaling that goes vertical and breaks any semblance of balance the game could ever hope to achieve on that end.

    It is also true that the tools put at our disposal are clearly overpowered for some as well, but since the devs just implement mechanics or conditions that take them away entirely without providing other options or ways to counter the overpowered stuff the AI can also use, or take some time to balance them to not require taking them away entirely in the first place... I don't know, it doesn't seem that hard to see from where I stand. Sure it'd take a serious effort and time to finally balance things out, but the more we wait, the worse it gets. Imagine if CC, weapon damage and enemy scaling had been taken a serious look at two years ago, when players started to point out all the little flaws and proposed viable solutions on how to make the game actually challenging, fair and fun, there would have been much less to do at the time. But things kept going down the "All or Nothing" road, and look at the result : a community tearing itself apart, with vets in search of challenge either gone or coming back for a few days/weeks with each even/big update and then leaving again, and new players having a horrible time for many because the game has been, IMHO, kind of a mess for a while now. It's a shame really, because this game... man, the potential!


    EDIT : keep in mind this is just an opinion among many, it is in no way objective.^^

  15. 11 hours ago, taiiat said:

    yeah, what you're seeing isn't the Heat Status ignoring Shields - it's because Scorches have higher DPS than Vay Hek throwing the sun at you, so by the time you even see them shoot (like by the time the fire effect from their gun even appears), you can already be dead.


    anyways, not being able to avoid most of the things presented by Grineer (and a lot of Enemies in general too) is the big problem for me - because basically nothing is Telegraphed in Warframe.
    even though i'm going to put flashing arrows around this sentence someone will be too inept to read it:

    yes, this applies to all Factions in the game to some degree, in some ways or some other ways. many things which are not Telegraphed, due to the created instantaneous frantic pace of the game, where an Enemy simply looking a bit different or playing a 250ms Animation doesn't cut it.
    in the ocean of absolutely constant explosions, screenshake, and Et Cetera.

    i mean, Scorches already have the same base XP as Grineer Heavies, and they have like 4x the DPS of any of the Heavies while also having the same Effective Range as a Bombard but don't have travel time, plus have high Fire Status from the Napalm.
    it's like, all 3 of the Grineer Heavies mixed together and tripled. the big AoE, Fire Status, long Range, and instant unavoidable hit from all of the Heavies.

    but making a Scorch a Heavy won't suddenly make it okay - it has everything at once, but doesn't pay anything. unavoidable Attacks, long Range, DoT, and super high DPS. an Enemy can't have all of those things, it has to pick 1-2 of them :v


    also a big slow 7' tall Scorpion - idunno. pretty strange picture i have in my head. for Grapple Hooks, Ground Smashes, and such - just Telegraph the Attacks and you're good.
    the Grineer Ground Smash is not so bad as long as you don't get snuck up on, as when you get within a few Meters you know the Heavy will ALWAYS do that Attack if it's off Cooldown. it even works as a good way to cheese them, forcing them to do an Attack that you're ready to dodge, instead of moving or shooting.

    Drahk Masters are generally... fine? the places they can drag your Guns to can be problematic though, however that can be solved pretty well by making you literally just drop your Gun rather than the Drahk Master moving it somewhere else.
    so it's literally just at your feet, pick it back up. forces you to stop shooting for a second or two, but doesn't make you go play 'keep away' with the schoolyard bullies.

    Commanders should be unique :v give them a unique gun damnit.
    the Switch Teleport, like everything else, would be a really different keep the Player on their toes changeup to their gameplay, if it was Telegraphed. and you didn't get held up in the air for no reason.
    those other unique Abilities sound good too, could have several types of Commanders perhaps, each with a different Ability.

    ye, the Missiles should lose their lock if a Player is no longer in front of it. instead of literally needing to be behind it so that it hits a wall before it can turn around.


    - - - - - 

    if the Enemy telegraphs it, a big shakeup to Gameplay can be not 'wtf'. but instead a 'well that was my fault'.



    however i find it strange, that there's always people that point at one thing that doesn't have a Skill based avoidance or telegraph, but then dismiss other things that are just the same as 'fine'.
    very strange double standards.

    i'm not sure if this is a joke due to your username - but if a Player is capable of dodging things given the opportunity to, while Killing Enemies, using a few Abilities, and repositioning - why shouldn't they be able to?

    if the game does what you say and just literally cheats and forces you to die randomly - where is the challenge? because that wasn't one. there was no challenge present, you just got punished for not cheating yourself, by being permanently invulnerable and having Enemies permanently disabled.

    the situation being described isn't the Player having the upper hand. that's the Player having an equal hand.
    it's not a very strange request for failure to be the Players' fault as much as possible - because Humans are imperfect by nature, therefore failure is inevitable, but a failure state due to your own mistakes is your own fault.
    a failure state due to something that just makes a failure state 'cuz raisons', always makes for a poor game, because the interactivity from the Player - literally the entire point of games and the only thing that separates them from movies is pointless.


    it's funny, because for the most part (there's some exceptions), Dork Souls constantly challenges the Player - yet, the Player has methods to avoid attacks and such, and Enemies telegraph their own Attacks, just as you do yours.
    it's considered a very challenging set of games, yet, the game doesn't randomly pick up the Player and then say you lose like you're saying games should.

    I was about to type a long, winded wall of text about how this game is anything but challengging due to how enemy scaling and most mechanics the AI (and sometimes us players) uses are really badly implemented or outright stupid, but thankfully you did a much better job at it than me, and saved me a buttload of time in the process!^^

  16. Well, the invincibility is pretty much the only good thing about Hysteria. Everything else is subpar and other frames can do much better with much less restrictions. Also enemy scaling being as it is, and the recent addition of several enemy units that can outright remove toggled abilities by just walking around kinda beg for this mechanic to stay right where it is, at least for now. Another thing to consider is that a Warcry Valkyr can already do pretty much what you propose OP (minus the health buffer of course) without restrictions in terms of weapons used, be they melee or ranged. I honestly think that this whole irnoic state Valkyr is is right now needs to stay as is because at least it works and isn't broken or outright imbalanced as Hek, unlike other things (enemy scaling, our weapons and the damage they deal, CC abilities) that I think are way overdue a massive "overhaul" (More like burn it to the ground and rebuild something that isn't completely crosseyed).

    Of course that's just my opinion on the matter.

  17. 3 hours ago, WARLOCKE said:

    Doesnt work that way. You need a baseline of what players can do before balancing. You cant do that with a broken frame throwing that baseline WAY out of whack. 

    Works EXACTLY that way, and not other. "Balance" your frame as much as you want, as long as the core is broken, your frame is too. You don't build something without having a solid base to build upon. You can use the strongest, most flexible and reliable materials, as long as the ground on which you build is not strong enough itself, you're screwed. Doing things differently calls for failure every time. Changing Trinity, no matter how you change her, won't solve the real issue : this game has no balance, no fair challenge. It's an all or nothing. Either we fully control the battlefield and enemies are utterly defenseless no matter their level, or they are outright immune to everything we can throw at them and scaling makes them overpowered in turn. That's why playing with Trinity's kit won't do a damn thing to make the game better. It'll just alienate her to some players because they're either to lazy or too burned out to "relearn" how to play her (or simply don't like her anymore), deprive all of us of some much needed counters to Warframe's utterly imbalanced core (unfortunately that means cheese, yes, I know it sucks, but hey, I'll take it considering the situation), and overall make the experience of the game worse than it will make it better for a majority of players, newbies and vets alike.

  18. This doesn't solve the real issue : broken enemy scaling, CC abilities and our weapons' damage output being just as broken for a good part. Fix that first, THEN we can talk about balancing the rest of the game around it. Always start with the core of the issue, NEVER with something that revolves around it. Balancing 101. You won't fix anything by changing Trinity. Make her stronger, weaker, whatever, the game won't be any different for anyone that doesn't play her. And for those who do, it'll be worse because the rest of the game will be just as broken as before and she will be too weak to be competitive or just make the devs do something dumb like removing even more gameplay options from our hands or creating even more overpowered mechanics to provide the AI with. Skill and experience are so largely irrelevant in this game that only stats and how you can one-up an overpowered thing with another overpowered thing is the one true meta.

  19. You said it : bad for business. Keeping droptables diluted is how it works best for them. That's why despite ANYTHING the devs say about grind and dilution, they will NEVER fix it. They'll just keep on juggling with it, pretending they'll "fix" it in time. But they won't. Can't blame them entirely though, bills to pay, mouths to feed, all that jazz.

    Some will argue that they can't spoon-feed the players everything, but let's be honest here, there are MANY ways to make it grindy WITHOUT making it FEEL that grindy. Epic fail there I have to say. That and "challenge" are the two big things the people at DE seem simply incapable of providing. A shame really.

    But that's just one opinion of many, of course.

  20. I can't say about Lunaro, need more information, could be fun. What I'm not sure I like is the fact that effort and time have been put somewhere else, while the core of Warframe is still slowly rotting away further with each passing day. Which considering the state it's in right now, there isn't much left to decompose really... Maybe the devs should actually forget at least temporarily anything that isn't about finally creating a semblance of balance and challenge in this broken mess they call "endgame", "veteran content", etc... They can say all they want that "diefferent teams do different stuff", they should focus ALL efforts on that task as far as I'm concerned... then again that's just my opinion on the matter. I am still curious about Lunaro though.

  21. I find her much easier solo than in a group, ironically enough. Others just get in the way and the Orbital strikes scale in numbers with the squad's size. So go solo, easy peasy, go with a group of randoms, less easy if they just run around not knowing how to play the boss.

    Also the rollers don't bring challenge. They bring boredom and frustation. Calling "teamwork" being tasked to destroy them, aka "roller chore", is quite frankly insulting that very word... "Boring" and "pointless" are much more fitting words as far as I'm concerned.

    Still, not a bad fight, at least there is some interactivity and spatial awareness required. And I like the new Kela.

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