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Posts posted by Marthrym

  1. 12 hours ago, taiiat said:

    Missions that fail or quit for Networking reasons or whatever - are still Missions that did not complete successfully.
    but whatever, using quotations to denote implied false meaning, but ignoring the same use from others, i have no interest in discussing then.


    Didn't mean to make you feel like I was attacking you mate, apologies. I just meant that these stats don't make or unmake a player, it's generally better to try and ignore them. Especially if one has been playing for a long time...

  2. On 7/3/2016 at 5:55 AM, taiiat said:

    if you want only part of your stats wiped, then your stats would no longer be an 'accurate' representation of yourself.
    the only way wiping any of those stats would be 'fair' or 'logical', would be if your Account was completely reset in the process.

    otherwise those numbers are just a complete lie.

    Thing is, the current stats already don't make much sense. Considering the sheer amount of disconnect/failed host migrations/instafails at mission start/and many more issues of that kind, saying that just wiping these stats would make them a "lie" is not really a good argument, since they ALREADY are a lie. Or rather, they're generally closer to an "accurate" representation of the issues the game has/used to have with connectivity and mission breaking bugs than a player's tendency to bail mid-mission for instance.

    That being said, I learned to not give a damn about these stats, for the reasons mentioned above. Took me 2 years fighting my "stats OCD" to get there... It wouldn't change anything to our experience of the game after all, would it?

  3. Only buy plat if you think you'll get more bang for your buck in ONE game rather than many, considering the sheer amount of games you can get with 50 bucks on steam with the sales, the choice seems quite obvious to me. Ultimately it's your choice of course, it's your money after all.

  4. I don't know if I should be amazed or terrified. 8 hours of this? I'd die of boredom way before that personally. Props for the determination, 100 waves, quite the performance! Especially when forced to Sleep Arrow every enemy to then kill them with Covert Lethality after a while... I don't know how you managed to go through that without putting one between your ears lol. Again, much respect for the patience and determination (or is it madness?^^) displayed here!


  5. 6 hours ago, RealPandemonium said:

    You mean gunning and swording things?

    You mean one of the few things that give Warframe any semblance of uniqueness (unless guns or swords are a rare occurence in video games?) is not to be considered a core feature at all? Guess the "third-rate TPS with fancy graphics and zero challenge" aspect of Warframe holds even more true than I thought... But hey, at least it looks nice and shiny! That's gotta be good enough, right? I know I know, the game has other things that make it special, today more than ever, but this one is rather vital too, don't you think?^^'

    In all seriousness, if nullies presented any kind of fair challenge, or even FUN, they wouldn't need so much flame repellant. Providing an answer to overpowered CC abilities that tend to render any enemy that isn't immune to them more or less completely harmless being the obvious reason behind their very creation, I think the issue isn't that they do that, but rather that they do that and then some, since they don't just protect from powers, but from weapons too. Add that to the ridiculous damage output they end up having thanks to an even more ridiculous scaling system that mostly only benefits the AI, plus their spawnrate in missions where CC kinda becomes the one thing that saves us from instant death, I think saying nullifiers may just happen to "wear too many hats" is a fairly valid, though granted as subjective as any, observation, at least in the current game we play. TTK is the single most important thing now that CC isn't as reliable as it used to be, especially in "veteran" content, as the devs like to call it, for some strange reason. And the mechanics the bubbles use provide just enough of a survivability buffer not only to nullifiers, but also to units in the bubble, which is most problematic when enemy scaling goes vertical and every enemy is a walking nuke that needs to be dispatched as fast as possible.

    I could also say that I think they are a poorly thought-out kneejerk reaction to the forementioned CC powers being "too good" at what they do, and that the "smart" thing to do would have been to do something about the problem that caused their creation instead of creating a whole new bunch of balance problems along with them, and that they didn't even come close to solving the original problem to boot!

    Of course that's just a biased opinion, based on my personal tastes and experience of the game. I don't think nullifiers don't have a place in Warframe, they've been around for too long anyway. I just think they have a much bigger impact on the game than just making powers "less" effective, an impact that can be a tad too strong sometimes, and takes away gameplay options more than it provides challenge or require any "thinking" on our part to deal with. Unless brain-dead shooting or suicide melee attacks belong to that category...

  6. 8 hours ago, Roachester said:

    Amazing ultimatum. This can't seriously be what people believe balancing boils down to. Either that, or you're exaggerating. Please say you're exaggerating.

    If you are, then disregard the rest of this post. If not, feel free to disregard it anyway.


    While I agree that enemy scaling needs to be addressed properly, let's pretend for a moment that the 18.13 patch never happened. Do you really think fixing the enemies would stop people from spamming Prism 24/7? Using Mag to steamroll anything that even LOOKS like it might have shields? Turning Excalibur into a bona fide mobile turret? Abusing Blessing to turn your entire team into nigh unstoppable death machines? Staying in Hysteria for literally hours on end? Looking even further back than 18.13, would it have stopped people from abusing Miasma? Peacemaker? All that other nonsense?

    Of course it wouldn't have, because these were all things that turned enemies into helpless, sniveling messes with just one or two measly button presses. And that's assuming the ability didn't outright kill them first. DE has stated numerous times that they want us to feel powerful when going into missions. What they DON'T want, however, is for us to completely avoid playing their game, which is exactly what the aforementioned abilities achieved. With that in mind, they nerfed 'em. Fairly hard.

    By getting rid of our ability to cheese every last bit of content, they can lay down some proper groundwork for fixing one of this game's other huge problems, which is the obvious enemy scaling.

    DE's already figured out that, in order to make any headway with their game, they have to take the bad along with the good. If certain players can't manage to do the same, then who are they to say that they know what's best for Warframe?

    That's called doing things @ss backwards as far as I'm concerned. The devs are finally doing something, which is good. What would be better is if they had started with the beginning, and finished with the end.

    Enemy scaling has a much more central, core role than abilities. It affects more things, more directly, basically it's the foundation, while abilities merely rest on it.

    Balancing abilities without taking care of enemy scaling first is extremely misguided and counterproductive. Especially in DE's case. While the quality of their work in several aspects of the game is nothing short of awesome, their track record when it comes to proper balance and fair challenge is rather... awful. They're wasting valuable time, effort and money here. And it's the playerbase who ends up paying the bill, always.

    As for cheese, thinking you can get rid of it entirely, or force players to never make use of it even when they don't feel forced to... bit of a delusion, don't you think?^^'

  7. Other weapons and frames wipe the floor with entire groups even in sorties, some faster than Simulor and Mirage put together. It can be a mess visually speaking though, that's true. Also, enemies wipe the floor with us just as easily, if not more, so I'd say it's far from broken considering the current enemy scaling and cheap mechanics we have to contend with.

    Also in a sortie, since you mention it as example, I could not care less what my teammates use, I could not care less who gets the kills, how high your combo meters go, I only care about being done with this utterly broken and imbalanced chore that only promotes cheese as fast as possible, so that I can resume having fun. But that's just my opinion, if people like wasting time in those horribly botched missions, good for them. I wish I could find some fun in there too to be honest, I'm a tad envious of these players...

  8. The problem with powers that synergize and Warframe is that it takes time for a sequence of abilities to actually do synergize and their effects to fully kick in. Warframe is absolutely not adapted to that. It's all about TTK. So everything that takes time to build upon is just outclassed heavily by anything that offers fast/instant results. Synergy in Warframe cannot be a thing because of this, we can't afford to build that synergy because enemies are either too weak and easy to kill, or we're dead long before it can start to kick in where it would be the most effective, when facing tough enemies, because said enemies also happen to have an absurd damage output and tend to be immune or neutralize powers completely, from the lowly grunt to the heavy unit. Talk about irony...

  9. You mean their shield would protect them from powers cast from the front? That would actually offer fair counterplay with several viable options, unlike the Corpus nullifiers who only promote brain-dead shooting with fast firing weapons or suicidal melee attacks. I also like the "suppression" idea, unfortunately scaling being the way it is right now, that suppression would invariably end up being an AOE/cone insta-kill. Still, interesting concept, an actual "riot control" unit...

  10. Would be useless methinks. Why? Spamming was a thing BEFORE Zenurik, it would be a thing even if the energy regen was reduced to zero. It's not a solution, it's a pointless nerf IMHO.

    I think it should stay as is just because it's supposed to be a thing for "endgame", where enemies can take away an ENTIRE energy pool INSTANTLY, or are simply outright immune to abilities, rendering energy worthless to begin with. So no, I don't agree with you OP, at least not until the game finally gets some semblance of balance for both the players and the AI. It's a vicious circle, we're stuck in an endless all or nothing state, we're either Gods on the battlefield or utterly powerless and insta-killed by mere grunts. This has to change first, then we can bring in line everything that revolves around the core.

    Of course this is just my personal opinion, based my personal experience of this game, it is completely biased, as is every opinion.^^

  11. Considering how easily they can neuter our powers with cheap mechanics and insta-gib our frames thanks to their almighty "scaling" power, I'd say they know everything they need to know about us. Honestly it's a miracle they haven't kicked our @sses once and for all yet. Maybe they just pity us, or the Lotus made a deal with them. Or the game is kinda broken balance wise and is just an all or nothing mess with zero fair challenge...

    On a less serious note, they had plenty of time to learn stuff about the frames at the very least, considering the frequency at which they fight them. I don't know about the Operators though, they don't seem to know about that, except for the sentients and Stalker of course. Hell, they probably know stuff we don't...

  12. 5 minutes ago, Pocalypse said:

    I did, I just never saw her in action. I was surprised when I saw the video! I even read the official "lore" thingy in the Warframe wiki, where the "Nemesis" was mentioned. So I knew that Nyx had a connection to all that. But to see her in action...OO

    But then why did you present it this way? I mean to me it really looks like you just made the connection... You're even asking if other players knew, etc as if it were a new, hard to notice thing.^^'

  13. Nyx has no armor to speak of, like quite a few other frames. You need ridiculously high armor values for it to be worth anything. The devs sure love their stupidely high numbers, as the game so evidently shows. You can't rely on her base stats to keep her alive, you need to make heavy use of her abilities. When they work, she becomes quite fearsome and hard to kill.

    Her kit is what saves her. Unfortunately the sheer amount of enemies that can neutralize powers or are outright immune to them has crept up a lot the last 18 months or so. So frames that rely on their powers to simply stay alive suffered from it. She's still more than good in many situations though, just be extremely careful when that kind of enemy shows up. I know, doesn't help when every enemy can insta-gib you and has cheap nullifier/scrambler buddies all over the place, but hey, DE, balance and fair challenge were never buddies.

  14. It's true that's it can be a drag to have to max out duplicates just for our Sentinels, I agree. More grind I guess. Most of them are fortunately easy to rank up, though a few having ridiculous requirements can pose a problem for players who can't spend hours on end on the game just for that.

  15. Pixels want equality. Because you know, they too have a gender now, and female pixels have a right to speak up. Seems legit.

    Humanity is doomed. We should have let natural selection do its job methinks... Would have saved us a lot of headaches and facepalms.

  16. Scott was pissed because of that decision. Bad Sheldon, bad!

    The devs will probably just "refund" the ducats, credit and cores spent on the mod when they roll out the rework. They've always been more than fair when it comes to that kind of things.

  17. Sheldon made a booboo, Scott was rather "annoyed" during the devstream, and rightfully so IMHO. I suppose when these mods go away they'll just run a script to refund the ducats, credits and cores spent on it, like they'll probably do with every other mod of this kind. At least that's what I'd do. It's just more work for the devs unfortunately.

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