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  1. "We can't go back in time" Yes you can revert the los change
  2. Because It isn't the issue at hand and DE wants to show they don't care and are ignoring us.
  3. I got Khora as one of my frame options this week I don't care about The final vosa reward So I just brought my Stack stick as the only non slot and rolled over Elite
  4. Thinking taking the weekend off and letting our rage quell was not the play DE This dumpster fire you started will still be here Monday.
  5. Honestly, guys speak with your wallets.Start initiating Chargebacks on all your warframe purchases this past week. Does DE know what happens when a certain threshold of chargebacks happen.
  6. Going in with an affinity booster with one weapon and having it maxed with 1 minute left in round 1 was very nice.
  7. It's great when your companion stands between you and the enemies and LOS you
  8. The data they were looking at was they had sold enough Dante packs to fund the rest of the years operating expenses
  9. Same here I bought my ticket last week If they don't revert I won't spend another dime
  10. https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/consumers/shopping/guarantees-returns/index_en.htm
  11. Unless you are EU I doubt we have a hope of getting one
  12. This is valid feedback DE you are in the wrong with video proof Swallow your pride and admit it.
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