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Posts posted by DameDameNingen

  1. What if ultimates were charged up by using your other abilities, and those abilities used rechargeable energy, as Naqel suggested. For instance, for Saryn, damage dealt with venom or contagion, and damage dealt to your molt decoy, all contributed to a second energy pool that is only used to cast miasma.


    Edit: As another consideration, this could be used as a balancing factor for very powerful non-ultimate abilities. For example, chaos or invisibility could have a very small contribution to the 'ulti' bar.

  2. I've always thought you could have primed corpus weapons, since corpus tech is all based on orokin designs. They'd make good weapons for the corrupted as well. Imagine gunners with supra prime. Or bombards with opticor prime.


    On topic, I'm looking forward to saryn prime because she has the fairly uniquely 'biological' appearance and it will be interesting to see how she interprets that.

  3. I imagine the point of that is so we actually have to play the mechanics of the fight instead of spoofing his armor off.


    But making us play the mechanics of the fight shouldn't require DE to tear up half the rulebook. It's an enjoyable fight in itself, but it's not a good sign for the state of the game in general.

  4. ==================

    3: Melee Swing Height


    Any time I decide to do a lot of melee I find myself missing enemies on stairs, slopes, rocks, or anything that places me slightly higher than my target. In situations like fighting Infested I also sometimes end up on top of a small group somehow. I came up with three ideas on how you might go about fixing this. First, and most complicated to implement, would be to have our swings follow where we aim. Second, and possibly easier to implement, add a secondary melee key for "low slash". Third, and probably easiest, increase the range of our weapons a good distance downward. 


    You can add the problem where you try to melee and enemy and ride up like a bad pair of underwear and end up standing on their head while they claw at the soles of your feet.

  5. Instead of its current function, perhaps venom dose could automatically give the buff to anyone who hits an afflicted enemy with a melee attack?


    I like your changes to venom generally, its potentially very powerful, but far too fiddly to use atm, especially for a first ability.

  6. Hm.... the only thing I really liked about SJ was the invisibility.


    Soo, we should get a mod, that whenever you use the future charge jump, you become invisible during the jump (until you hit the ground) and for 0.5/0.75/1/1.25 seconds after you hit the ground.


    +1, was just about to suggest something like this.

  7. I enjoyed it, although it might just be that WF has given me very low expectations of boss fights (Terra Frame is still the only one I'd actually call fun).


    Did anyone find that the spike shower consistently sailed over everyone's heads, doing no damage to anything?

  8. DE favoritism. They obviously don't like scythes  and don't care. Its painfully obvious since no more have been made, no new cool stances to fix them like with glaves and heavy weapons. Not even MINOR damn stat boosts. NOTHING. I think its safe to say they don't particularly care about scythes. I don't even renumber anyone  from DE even commenting on them. -shrugs- yes I'm being harsh but its pretty true.


    No need for conspiracy theories. DE just suck at balance and always have. Hanlon's Razor, look it up.


    Longswords and daggers are weak weapon types which haven't had any love either, but unlike scythes they have saving graces in the form of Crimson dervish and pointed wind, respectively.

  9. I think the problem with shotguns is really more a magazine size issue. Warframe usually involves fighting large hordes of enemies at once. This is why snipers have a problem as well. But shotguns compound this by forcing you to get up close, right in among the swarm, then you very quickly empty your magazine and end up helpless.

  10. It would be nice to have more slots, but first they would need to completely redo all mod costs so that drain is actually based on usefulness. Maybe utility/QoL mods would be used if people a) had the slots for it, and b) they took much less power than redirection or streamline.


    Incidentally, did anyone see the new mods in the devstream? 'No longer triggers pressure plates'? I think that might actually be more useless than intruder. Well done DE.

  11. the problem was that Players had reason to do it. it meant the game was about as difficult as logging in to Facebook. was it fast, or fun? no. but it was statistically the least effort needed to complete any situation.

    that's why it was changed from that. because the path of least resistance to the finish line was not entertaining.


    But the game has changed since then and the best rewards are mostly in endless missions now, where we wouldn't really have that problem as I said. Of course that wouldn't stop lower level players abusing it when clearing out the starchart so maybe you have a point.


    Giving every player an omnidirectional 'F- everything' button is just fundamentally very hard to balance.


    Has it occured to anyone that maybe this game wasn't designed for level 80 enemies?


    IIRC the devs actually said the game isn't supposed to be playable past wave 20 of a t4 defence. Why they put so many rewards there (and add a new gamemode with enemies far past that level) is one for the sages...

  12. I've never been quite convinced by the argument against cooldowns. The most challenging, and fun, missions are always the ones where you're under attack at all times. If you wanted, you could wait after each room of an exterminate mission for your ultimate to recharge, but:


    1) You're boring and I will leave you behind, and

    2) When was the last time you were seriously challenged by an exterminate mission anyway?


    How many in this thread are willing to admit that the damage-mods for our weapons are overpowered?



    Maxing out Intensify boosts your damage by 30%. Doing the same for Hornet Strike gives you 220%.


    Maybe a solution would be to buff power strength mods to the level of weapon damage mods and nerf the base damage of powers to be roughly in line with weapons?

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