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  1. The line of sight nerf is too much. It going through walls was one of the most satisfying things about playing Dante. It nerfed fun more than anything else. And that happening a week into his release is mindblowing. Could have instead reduced the range of Final Verse to 20m so matches his other abilities or a bit lower, for example. The other nerfs are just fine.
  2. At 200% is fine, without the toggle. The inconsistency and extra steps you have to take keep it in check, such as using an invisible frame to snapshot the buff and benefit from it even in dark areas. They said if eclipse is going to have a toggle will get nerfed so doesn't make sense to be left at 200% on mirage. For example, garuda's passive, primed chamber, and beguiling lantern also give a 100% multiplicative increase, similarly to eclipse. It also becoming 100% would be just fine. Bad weapons are bad for a reason. Instead of buffing them massively just to make them viable, use better options. Just because someone wants to use bad weapons, doesn't mean eclipse staying at 200% on mirage is fine. I get people are attached to it and don't want a big nerf, but that's not objective.
  3. With the toggle eclipse remaining at 200% on mirage is too strong, and 30% for the subsumed version too weak. Adjusting them to 100% and 50% would be more reasonable.
  4. Please add the bounties to the huts in plains of eidolon again. Going in and out of cetus each time and dealing with loading times is a huge pain.
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