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Posts posted by Ordel

  1. Fellow Tenno..

    In a single year, we've beaten countless grineer and corpus troops to dust.

    We smashed infested and turn them back into their technocyte particles.

    Countless Tenno have awakened from their cryosleep.

    And now, perhaps one of our biggest achievements:

    We beat the gods.

    And with that, I say, GG Smite, GG Warframe.

    The odds were against us, Tenno, but we did it. Mission complete.

  2. Okay DE, you make a game with an RNG crutch. It takes people 2 seconds to get the best items, others it could take months. This was shown with frost prime systems and other impossibly rare items pre-hotfix. Because you fixed it, it was fine. You introduce the invasion system along with a flashy event, name it the Gradivus Dilemma. Cool. We play with it, we get the better weapon.  Mistake made: You added RNG. Your goal should be to NOT add RNG. But you did anyway. You slap the parts of an old and proven weak gun onto a reskinned dog. Not cool. Later, you add the counterpart to the Harvester; the Grustrag Three. Mistake: You added RNG. You added RNG. You always @(*()$ add RNG. And it's stupid as hell. Stop @(*()$ adding RNG, for F***'s sake. Not only that, but you repeat the same @(*()$ mistakes. And at this point, it's REALLY stupid as hell.


    I get what you guys are trying to do, but seriously, it doesn't take a genius. Remove RNG, add an alternate system. The most hyped system being talked about is the 'token' system; you do missions, you get tokens, you get stuff. Yeah, there's flaws, and yeah, it's a stupid system, but it's not as stupid as RNG. 


    Now then, onto what you guys did well.


    You made the game captivating. You made it fun. You made it a damn good game with damn bad flaws. The idea and concepts, they're amazing, but the execution is bad. I mean, let's be honest, space ninjas? That's badass. That's awesome. That's stuff you could build on. You guys add lore. You guys add goals. You guys add a reason to keep playing. This is a key thing. Without this, lots of people wouldn't play warframe.


    You guys sometimes listen to the community. But you ignore us more than you do anything. Ever since warframe was created, the number one public enemy to us was RNG. But, you either ignore it, or you simply don't know what to do. But, the thing is, if you didn't know what to do, you would stretch out to the community. We would provide feedback. And then, you would test it out. We check flaws, you check flaws. Everything's good, the system takes full swing.


    You guys fix the little problems. Little problems that say "Wow, if this game left beta, this would be embarrassing". Good thing we're still in beta. And since we're in beta, you still have time to get rid of stupid S#&$ like RNG. 

    And, if you think RNG is bound to get you the item eventually, "eventually" isn't good enough. I don't want to play warframe and wait for alerts for booben blueprints, cause it won't happen. Or if it does, it'll be on sometime after I get off.


    When you fix the little problems, you do nothing about the big problems. Frost's snowglobe. Seriously? A single heavy gunner is enough to chew through one. This was simple. Make the snowglobe have 6-7 rotating plates. Each has a set amount of hp. Hp regenerates slightly mid-combat. Hp regenerates much quickly out of combat. Each plate will take 10 seconds of not being shot into, once broken, to reappear. Two snowglobes deployed max. No duration, or a really long duration, like 2.5 to 3 minutes. The rest of his abilities are good in my opinion. 


    In conclusion, and i'm sorry for the huge-&#! wall of text that I just vented my rage into (and i just realized how big this is), 

    • Fix your problems. Don't make new ones.

    • Community feedback. Listen to it.

    • Kickbot is god.

    • RNG is bad for your money and our sanity.


    And, yeah, i'm really sorry about this text wall. I don't usually make mine this long, heh. 


  3. Heyyy guys!

    So, uh, basically...

    Ever since the invasion system came out (i mean after gradivus) i've been playing around with it

    On 1/21 I got my first death mark. A month later I still havent even seen a harvester.

    I even went on a party with 4 death marks; after 5 whole missions, still no harvester.

    I've tried getting a new death mark by going against the corpus in 5 invasions, no new death mark.

    So, here's my report :3

    I'll edit in a picture of my salad v death mark later

  4. the best places to farm xp are:

    solo: survival of any type, apollodorus is a good place if you don't mind the crappy fusion cores (if you do, then go to a venus+ survival)

    4-man squad: Earth > Eurasia or (>insert the name of the other interception mission, unless you want some loot to go along with it, where you would probably go to survival anyway. Interception missions give loot the same way defense missions do; you're allowed to choose one and one only (compared to survival where the loot takes more time to get good but you keep it all)

    Basically, the new king of the hills gamemode, found on earth, or a survival.

    Oberon's a tanky healer sorta guy. He's a mix of frost prime/rhino and trinity in my opinion.

    Works best with friends, but not bad solo.

    9/10 would farm again

  5. depends what you mean by 'fitting',

    if you mean fitting as in "alright, nyx is a kinda skimpy girl, she would probably stay farther away from the fight", then you should use a bow or sniper.

    however, if you mean fitting as in what guns are best to use with her abilities (which i think you mean), i went with a variety, ending up with the penta and the wraith twin vipers (i hadn't really settled on a melee, i don't melee often; if i had to pick one, i would choose a glaive).

    nyx is a crowd control warframe, so she synergizes well with crowd-control weapons like the vipers and penta. i would say the galatine is an okay choice, but i don't like the galatine cause it's overused and overrated. also, the sword is fricken' taller than you are. just seems annoying to me.

    nyx is also a mind control/manipulation warframe, so really if you're that type of Nyx user you can use whatever you really feel like using.


    im my honest opinion, any weapon is fun to use except for the braton and any of it's reskins (karak, tethra..)



    tl;dr longer range weapons or crowd control weapons

    tl;dr 2 i don't like the galatine

  6. Hi guys! Ordel here.

    Sorry if these were posted here in advance, I honestly don't look on the forums to see. 


    First bug:


    I have wraith vipers. They're sexy, not gonna lie. But, the damage on them keeps on differentiating.


    This is a picture of them at the arsenal:



    And this is another picture of them at the arsenal:



    I look at them one time, and they have double damage the next time I mouse over them.

    It appears to only happen to secondaries.

    I'm running the newest version of warframe, as well.


    It happens on other weapons too.





    I don't have any other secondaries, but if I did I would try showing them off.



    Second bug:


    I'll admit, I died inside when I saw this one.


    Same version, same game, etc. GG DE. GG.

  7. RNJesus requires more. Sacrifice.

    But, in all seriousness, I've found it helpful to not think about the item you want >cough frost prime systems cough< while you're playing. 100% True, IDK the science behind it, dont ask me, blah blah blah justgodoitandcomeback

  8. Yeah, i'm getting tired of having the holy trinity (no pun intended, but it is sad that trinity isn't here):nova, frost, and rhino, being everyone's choice of frame. I haven't seen a trinity in my squad for more than a month.

    Also, why can't we have less "lel shoot this guy for free money" bosses and more "look for patterns, actually think what you're doing" bosses? The only bosses I like are lephantis and...oh right. lephantis.

    Of course, im not degrading the other bosses. Atleast they have weakpoints and slight patterns. (But seriously, did you really have to add two already used bosses together?)

    Anyways, what i'm saying is, +1 to frame balancing (and weapon balancing), +1 to more in depth bosses.

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