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Posts posted by Tesla_Reloaded

  1. 2 часа назад, Highking04 сказал:

    Is this affecting anyone else or is it just me?

    Are you sure you've used a regular forma and not Aura forma (that gives universal polarity to the aura slot)? And you sure you've used it to give zenurik polarity and not to un-polarize one of pre-polarized slots?

    • Like 1
  2. 8 минут назад, Teraeverus сказал:

    Это надо четко прожимать кнопку? А то у меня либо прыгает и по воздуху бьет, либо по земле тяжелая атака

    Прыжок, камеру вниз (на пол) и жмякаешь E (или ту кнопку, которую ты на ближний бой назначил).

  3. Как убить абслютной любого спектра узла с минимальными усилиями:

    1. Берёте любого фрейма
    2. Берёте ближку, желательно побольше да потяжелее
    3. Летите к узлу, начинаете бой со спектром
    4. Прыгаете
    5. С прыжка врезаетесь ближкой в пол, подбрасывая спектра так, чтобы он упал к стеклу
    6. Вуаля! Спектр мёртв!

    Немного читерно, но работает.


    • Like 1
  4. 19 минут назад, TheBlack_Varo сказал:

    For wichever reason the game not allow me to feed my Helminth with resources I have in my inventory and it does not allow me to change the abilities because I can not feed my Helminth.

    You need to press "Feed" button.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 часа назад, (PSN)IllusionZERO43 сказал:

    I’m on my second Warframe account on PlayStation and I was doing the waverider quest and I was doing the “complete 2 different k-drive races” challenge to unlock page 4 so I did a race but then after that there were no races on the map anymore I tried closing Warframe and reopening it and I restarted my PlayStation but it didn’t work is there a fix for this pls

    Proof of bug

    To see locations of K-drive races you need to view the map while riding a k-drive.

  6. 1 час назад, ultraplayerB сказал:

    Hi Tenno I recently lost 80 platinum and 4 regal aya yesterday and I found this out when I logged in to my Nintendo switch early that day the day before I had 80 platinum and 4 regal aya on my PS4 that day but then I logged in all of it disappeared and I like to find a way to get them back

    Platinum and Regal Aya balance are separated on Switch from all other platforms. That decision is made by Nintendo. So if you bought platinum or regal aya on a different platform - it'll remain there, safe to use.

  7. 27 минут назад, LeoTheGrey сказал:

    When I logged on today the first thing I did was claim my finished items from my Foundry and one of them was an Ivara, but she isn't showing up in my arsenal or inventory. Everything else I claimed showed up in my inventory no problem.
    Figured maybe it was just a bug where crafted items were taking awhile to show up in my inventory as that's happened before. So I ran a few missions and about an hour later still nothing.

    Are you sure it was a complete Ivara warframe and not something else? Not another warframe or just a piece of ivara (neuropathic, chassis or system)?

  8. Только что, DAX88 сказал:

    Im trying find out whats going on ive recently bought plat and yet havent recieved it and ive waited for 10 minutes still nothing restarted my game and my internet and still nothing i just want my plat can i get some dev assistance here cause i got chraged but got nothing even tho the game said purches successful 

    Spamming topics on the forum won't help you. Contact the support service. It can be accessed via links above and below the forum page. And be patient.

  9. 21 минуту назад, Nekocho сказал:

    Открыл доступ, забыл в начале это сделать.
    Я такое впервые встретил вообще. Больше такого не появлялось.

    А, это похоже на ошибку генерации уровня. Уровни в варфрейме генерируются из комнат, соединяющихся в случайной последовательности друг с другом. Как правило система генерации следит за тем, чтобы комнаты при этом не "наслаивались" друг на друга, но иногда эта система сбоит и получается вот такое - одна комната "воткнулась" в другую. К счастью такое случается нечасто.

    • Like 1
  10. 56 минут назад, Marmeladxva сказал:

    Замечал, что много дропается, но место не помню, речь точно не о бездне, а о какой-то другой локе/миссии.

    По-нормальному кристаллы аргона падают только в Бездне. Но сейчас их так же можно выфармить во время юбилейных тревог.

  11. 30 минут назад, Nekocho сказал:

    Когда делишься файлами через гугл диск - не забывай включать публичный доступ для них

    По теме - сделай проверку и оптимизацию кэша загрузки в настройках лаунчера.

  12. 34 минуты назад, Andrew_Gavr сказал:

    будет ли бан за такое?

    Однозначно будет. Любые взаимодействия между своими аккаунтами запрещены правилами игры.

    35 минут назад, Andrew_Gavr сказал:

    на котором перепроходишь игру.

    Отдельный вопрос: а нафига? Свободного времени слишком много? Ведь почти весь контент, который есть в игре можно и так повторно пройти - квесты, миссии, крафт. Создавать второй аккаунт для этого совсем не обязательно.

  13. 9 минут назад, A99V сказал:

    Данная способность не увеличивает урон от оружия, ни у Мираж, ни у других фреймов, которым она была привита через гельминта. У фреймов с привитой способностью, показатель силы не влияет на цифровой показатель пиктограммы в верхнем углу справа. Он неизменно показывает число 75, как при максимальном значении силы так и при минимальном.

    В какой пещере ты сидишь? Ну новости-то изредка вылезай почитать:


    В 27.03.2024 в 18:01, [DE]Megan сказал:

    Mirage Eclipse Rework 

    After a great amount of input from the Community, Mirage’s Eclipse ability no longer determines the buff (Solar or Lunar Eclipse) to apply based on the environment’s light level, will always be at maximum strength, and is now a Tap/Hold ability! 

    In its previous state, Eclipse was quite unreliable. One step in any direction could suddenly switch the buff or lower its strength, which left players little control over its benefits. It also did not function correctly in every area of the game, notably in Open Landscapes and Albrecht’s Laboratories where only the Solar Eclipse buff would be active at full strength - even at night time. 

    The changes listed below affect both Mirage and Eclipse applied via the Helminth (with some notable exceptions listed below its Diminished Effectiveness). 

    How it works: 

    • Tapping Eclipse provides the Lunar Eclipse buff (Increased Damage Reduction). 
    • Holding Eclipse provides the Solar Eclipse buff (Increased Weapon Damage). 

    Scaling change: 
    Since the ability no longer depends on level lighting to determine the buff type, the buffs themselves also no longer scale based on light level. Instead, their previous maximum effect is now the base (affected by Ability Strength): 

    • Solar Eclipse now has a base 200% increased Weapon Damage. 
    • Lunar Eclipse now has a base 75% Damage Reduction. 
      • We have lowered the Damage Reduction cap to 90% (previously 95%), to bring it in line with other Damage Reduction abilities (Gara’s Splinter Storm, Citrine’s Preserving Shell, etc.). 

    Helminth Diminished Effectiveness Change: 
    Eclipse has been one of the most popular Helminth abilities, so by fixing its unreliability related to light sources and making its buffs guaranteed, a rebalance was in order to compensate. This change does not affect the ability for Mirage, only when applied via the Helminth.

    • Solar Eclipse has a base 30% increased Weapon Damage.
      • This was previously 150%, it was reduced to match the Diminished Effectiveness of Rhino’s Roar.
    • Lunar Eclipse has not changed. It still provides a base 75% Damage Reduction.
      • The Damage Reduction cap also remains the same at 75%. 

    Mirage Prism Changes
    In its current form, Prism's damage scaling is affected by environmental lighting at Mirage's position, which is impacted by the same inconsistency issues that Eclipse suffered from. The team has reviewed Prism and made similar changes to Eclipse: 

    • Removed damage scaling based on environmental lighting.
    • Prism now has extrinsic synergy with Eclipse
      • If Solar Eclipse (Weapon Damage) is active, Prism’s damage is increased by 100%.
      • If Lunar Eclipse (Damage Reduction) is active, then the Energy per second cost of Prism is reduced by 50%. This Energy cost is calculated after Ability Efficiency is considered, allowing it to exceed the normal cap for Efficiency.


  14. Absolutely needed feature. Since Air Support became actually useful (with Kahl Beacon and Orokin Eye) I'm spending at least 1-2 charges per mission and crafting them in packs of 10 is just painful.

    But honestly, most air support types need a review. Med-Tower, Carpet Bomb, Sentry Gun and Dreamers are absolute garbage not worth of using at all. And only Override can be sometimes useful, but still never better than Kahl Beacon and Orokin Eye.

    • Like 4
  15. 2 часа назад, ShortKenji сказал:

    I bought a regal aya pack on warframes website and it shows on the website i have the 400 platnium and the 7 regal aya but when i log into my account on my nintendo switch it says 0 on the platnium and regal ive also gotten the notification ingame in my inbox that they went through but it still says 0 on both ive also tried the go to market and go to nintendo shop method but that also didnt work

    Do you have a cross-save account? Platinum and Regal Aya aren't shared between Switch and other platforms. Nintendo restricted that. So by buying those things on the site you bought them for your PC part of the account, not for the Switch. But you can spend Platinum and Regal Aya while playing on PC and the bought items should be available on the Switch as well.

  16. 3 минуты назад, WokoBok сказал:

    Я пытаюсь выйти на контакт с поддержкой, зависает сайт и пишет в итоге, что такой страницы не существует.

    Для доступа к сайту техподдержки используй VPN.

    3 минуты назад, WokoBok сказал:

    А фрема мне подарил друг из игры, если нельзя дарить подарки, тогда зачем тогда такая услуга в игре введена?

    Как именно тебе друг фрейма подарил? Через внутриигровой магазин, купив его за платину? Возможно твой друг столкнулся с так называемой чёрной платиной (платиной, полученной "нелегальным" путём) и при изъятии такой платины все сделки с ней были обращены.

  17. 24 минуты назад, Eko4Pain сказал:

    I've posted in another forum and was advised to post this as a bug. The pity system for getting new tenet weapon isn't working. I've ran approximately 30 missions on Hydra to get a new tenet weapon. I'll go through it, get the candidate but they will not offer a new weapon. Several times they will offer the same weapon 2/3 times in a row. I complete the mission and try again.

    What weapon are you trying to get? Some Tenet weapons (Tenet Agendus, Tenet Exec, Tenet Livia, Tenet Grigori and Tenet Ferrox) available not from Sister, but only from Ergo Glast of The Perrin Sequence in any Relay for 40 CorruptedHolokey Corrupted Holokeys.

    • Like 1
  18. 13 часов назад, Cerikus сказал:

    The Enigma near Sythel's house is still bugged. One of the puzzle elements is still rotated towards the wall making the puzzle impossible to complete.

    That's not a bug. You just haven't found the right way to solve the puzzle:


  19. 51 минуту назад, (XBOX)ILLBURGH сказал:

    I'm unable to start the Eyes and Ears quest because the grimoire is missing from my inventory. I used the grimoire in the previous mission. After the cut scene the grimiore was no longer there. I want to finish the quest line, but I can't. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Grimoire is a secondary weapon. Open the arsenal and search for it there. If you're absolutely certain it's not in here - contact the support (links available above and below the forum page).

  20. Спойлер


    Фраза: "Твёрдый клинок в определённых руках выжмет каплю крови и боли."

    Оригинал: "The steady blade in certain hands extracts a tithe of blood and pain."

    Слово "steady" переводится как "устойчивый".

    Слово "certain" здесь используется в значении "уверенный" или "надёжный".

    Предлагаю исправить на: "Устойчивый клинок в уверенных руках выжмет каплю крови и боли."

  21. 11 минут назад, Marmeladxva сказал:

    Вычитал, что его можно фармить не только в бездне, но и через "Вора" - как это делать?

    Да, кристалл аргона может выпасть с Вора. Только не с обычного, а с Порабощённого Вора, который встречается только в бездне.

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