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  1. A Shotgun that has pellets with all different projectile speeds would be a great April Fools weapon.
  2. Goddamn Shoulder Attachments. I wish they made them transparent if they are blocking the screen like Mirage's Clones. It limits my fashion options and it hurts.
  3. I enjoyed Diablo 4's Druid, they let me make a Lightning/Storm Werewolf that wrecked shop. And it's not an MMO, but the Druid in Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty fun and let's you get the best of both worlds with a lot of cool spells and extremely strong transformations.
  4. I did not play too much Skyrim.....I played too much a Oblivion. And I don't need you to worry about my mental well being, I just need you to HIT ME.
  5. I'd rather keep him as the Oath of Ancients esque DnD Paladin theme, it's a really cool style. If I could change anything I would love to make his Hallowed Ground a Press/Hold ability that makes it able to lay a Rafiation field down and also maintain a ring of Radiation around him for a duration for a bit more energy. Also more ability synergies for the poor guy. Maybe like if you used Reckoning on an enemy you've recently Smited causes every enemy caught in Reckoning to also explode with a Smite.
  6. It'd be pretty cool to play in the Unum Tower again. My big cope is that they will even out the day/night cycle for Plains and not have days be an hour longer than nights.
  7. Kinda blew my mind looking this up because I remember finding Warframe before I met my wife. And she remembers me having played it during our entire relationship, which started 10 years ago yesterday. I played it on my roommate's Xbone so I had to have started sometime between Sept 2nd-9th in 2014. That was under the username ThunderPope07. Then I dropped out of college a few months later and my cousin let me borrow his PS4 while he went on vacation for a month. That was under the username RollerSkateKing. And thennnnn I finally started Warframe again on this account on 6/9/2015 under the username TomCruisesSon. My wife let me play it on her laptop while she sewed for her college projects. Then I had to take a break for a couple of years since eventually her laptop couldn't run Warframe anymore. Sometime later I built my own computer and got to play again in 2019 a little after the New Gas City Update leading up right before Railjack. Thank god I did not have the resources to start Railjack when it released, would have been hell for me lol. And the only way I know of finding when you started playing is during the Anniversary period. It's not guaranteed to happen but sometimes DE will run a program that shows some stats for your profile, including your start date.
  8. My "oh sh*t" moment with the augment was during the Ascension Alerts with all the Jade Eximus Units. Teammates were not moving around and I was suffering from it lol.
  9. What level and mission type is this automating? I play Chroma a lot and he's tanky but Guardian Armor can get you in trouble om Steelpath real quick if people on your team aren't careful or coordinated. Honestly I think you would be better off using Vazarin for increased Affinity Range for Guardian and just dashing into Chroma over and over again.
  10. Dear Diary, I am vehemently disappointed to inform you it's been been almost a month and 40 goddamn pages of romantic tension between these two Tenno with no payoff. And they still haven't even figured out that the true endgame has been in front of them the whole time. It's here, on the battlefield of love called "Warframe is a game held back by how easy it is" I hope to one day feel the glee and excitement these two feel whenever a notification appears and it's finally a response from the one they crave the most. They even had a moment of blocking each other and playing hard to get, but both decided it wasn't worth it if they couldn't come back and see what they had in store for each other. I'm still holding out though, I won't lose hope.
  11. Call of Duty and Mass Effect 3 Multi-player must have broken my brain or something because I really enjoy resetting to Rank 0 and grinding back up to Max again.
  12. Only way you get me to sign a petition is if I get to put them on Vor and it UwU-fies his speech for all players in a mission. Otherwise,
  13. I really like Dante. But Caliban used to be my main But now, I think he's stronger than him. Who is stronger than who? You can just ask me for clarity because that's something adults can do.
  14. So from my testing Archon Continuity and Vitality work on Shadow's Claws if the mods are on Shadow. Putting them on Sev got nothing for me. And I couldn't get Archon Stretch or Flow to work on either Sev or Shadow.
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