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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Man if it takes you more than a whole second to aim a shot with an accurate hitscan weapon against an enemy in this game I'm a little worried.


    EDIT: Oh wait PVP in that case I guess you don't need to literally see a doctor about your broken reflexes

  2. They're not really difficult, they're just a nuisance. Since I know how this board loves comparing gameplay mechanics to Dark Souls, here's a non-positive example for a change: Prosecutors are like those blowgun dudes from Blighttown. They're an obnoxious, unfun enemy that are most vulnerable to doing tedious makework instead of actually fighting them.

  3. Except Suspicious Shipments was a thing, and had enemies that killed you in well under a second. Personally, I think that mostly just means Suspicious Shipments were garbage, but if DE does intend to have more things with similarly overtuned damage, they need to be aware of the problems Trinity has there.

  4. Y U NO DIE in 1 hit by touching toxic ? 9999 lvl and no 1 hit toxic by standing near ? This is wrong.

    Maybe ancients do not scale that much  in this event ?


    Fairly certain he never touched a Toxic Ancient, although he came pretty damn close with a Mutalist. The only damage he took was from hive hazards and space.

  5. It is an easy colour to spot and I don't think that the colour blind have too much problems with that colour.


    I don't think the colour blind have problems with any colour when you only use one. I'm not saying there shouldn't be any orange, I'm saying not everything should be orange. Yeah, orange is easy to spot on a contrasting surface, but orange on orange on orange? Not so much.

  6. Seriously, what is up with all the orange in the new missions? There are clouds of orange pollenstuff floating around to help lead us to orange tumours which we have to break to expose orange hives, all the while dodging hazards such as orange clouds of poison gas, orange lasers, and orange clouds of magnetic whatever. Also, the lighting for most of the rooms? Orange. Every time I play Breeding Grounds I feel like I'm drowning in Tang.

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