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Posts posted by Worira

  1. I'm not sure if you're there for the credits, or the XP bonus. Cause if you're looking for credits, you should try Void missions, which are much faster to complete (T3 capture, less than five miutes, 35k cred), as opposed to Dark Sector Survival, 5 minutes, about 7k average.


    The hell kind of Dark Sectors are you running? That's low even for Venus.

  2. Minimum Bid: The minimum bid to attack in Phase 1 is the total amount of battle pay last paid to defend or attack the system times two. So if the current defender last paid out 750,000 credits in battle pay to hold/take their rail, all of the next attackers must bid at least 1,500,000 credits. The minimum bid drops by 4% of the current amount every 24 hours to ensure an unusual high amount doesn't paralyze a system indefinitely. (it will drop by half every 18 days.



    While this idea is pretty good overall, the numbers on this particular bit are ridiculous. We're talking something like 75 million credits just to start the process of contesting a rail. Further, assuming the defenders win their first contest, they get all that money back to reinvest in battle pay, which in turn increases the cost of challenging again, and therefore the spoils the defenders gain, and so on. This means you've given the defenders an exponentially-scaling income increase, on top of the money they're making on taxes. Sure, the attackers can make a bunch of money if they manage to take it over, but that's never going to happen.

  3. Or simply learn to only put a potato in a weapon or warframe you intend to keep. Obviously everyone feels Buyer's Remorse for something they've done, but as with every other time this suggestion comes up, you live and learn.


    Now that trading is also around, it's not so difficult to obtain 20 platinum via trading rare mods or prime parts. It's no longer an issue of cost, but effort in acquiring parts and prints in the void with which to barter.


    Except that this is a game which includes straight upgrades of previous weapons. Decided to potato your Latron? Too bad, enjoy your obsolete junk.

  4. I don't have anything against Eclipse themselves, other than "it's a glitch guys honest", but I do think that the current system pretty heavily favours owning multiple nodes. It would be like if EVE let you automatically kill all the NPC pirates and mine all the asteroids in your territory, without having to actually have people do it.

  5. Exactly, do u think its easy to win a war when we are at 59% and the challenger is 100%? We grinded like mad and donated like mad to win that war in Sinai. Its our hard earned effort and credits that allow us to hold tat rail


    Well, yes, I do, because the current system heavily favours holding multiple rails at once by allowing them to support each other with taxes, as well as making it more difficult for the opposition to avoid helping them while trying to gather credits for their own battle pay.

  6. That wouldn't be so bad, if they were upfront and honest about it. 


    The problem is, they lied to gain support, and they are now claiming it's an accident and will be fixed, which is their way of gaining support to defend, with the chance of the high taxes remaining. It's the principle of it, more so than a few less credits and resources.


    Well, hey, it's been proven to work...

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