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Posts posted by Worira

  1. DE isnt focusing on the late game yet because theyve said it before. they want to focus their game wider not taller. they want more variety and to do that they need to push the envelope and try new things.


    building a game while in open beta should always be largely focused around begninning and mid level players until those portions are sturdily in place. gamers like to push the limit and the bounds of a game, when they reach the end of what they can achieve they want more and they will keep wanting more. the OP enemies at late waves/minutes are, right now, our boundary in this game. their goal isn't to let u sit there in an invulnerable iron suit or snow globe, cloaked in an invincible trinity blessing,  while nova nukes and primes everything instanly around u. Its to keep the game challenging and to keep you on your toes while your playing so u can feel the sense of achievement or rush that u got through that boss, or survived that huge wave of infested. (which btw i love the hordes of infested in this Event<3)


    :: THE JIST:: its like architecture you can build your game up and up to accomodate higher level players, with a weak foundation and having it crumble against a small wind. or you can first build it out wide with a wide foundation and build it even higher, with more support the building will last longer and look even better.


    yes i am a bit bored of the gameplay right now since im a veteran myself. but i still play, and give feedback on the things that seem to need tweaking, and trust DE to do the best they can to make this game into the game i know they can make it into



    Right, they're so focused on new players that they added t4 before the ability for new players to actually get new weapons before Earth.

  2. Threads about devs neglecting core aspects of gameplay to focus on window dressing: "It's different people working on that, so it's not really taking away resources from other things!"


    Threads about devs not responding to threads about core gameplay: "If the devs responded to threads more, they'd be taking away resources from other things!"

  3. If you compare the speed that you move when sprinting in warframe with a 1.15+ character with Rush equipped to most other games you will find that you actually move very quickly. It just feels slow because there are faster modes of movement.


    Well, also because you have to go a long-&amp;#&#33; way for fairly minor missions.

  4. Never having used the Vulkar, I was about to go "Actually, the reload speed is only [x] seconds long, it just seems longer" because most people overestimate how many seconds a lot of things take. Then I checked, and the reload time is actually literally four seconds. What even the hell, DE?

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