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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Just don't give him your gun or switch teleport the warden away from the exit so the hostage does not shoot it.


    Unfortunately, the wardens also really like to gun down the hostage. Don't get me wrong, it's certainly not impossible, but it's a lot trickier than just murdering everyone, sneaky or not.


    EDIT: oh whoops I forgot you can get two points if you do it on an easy mission. Murder time fun time it is.

  2. Greaaaaaaat. I just potatoed Bo after U13, and with the trend of prime melee weapons following the rebalance that came with Melee 2.0, my potato is now wasted.


    Thanks DE.


    Primes: dumb as hell.

  3. I find these a lot less irritating than the random ones, actually. You know in advance where they're going to be, so they actually serve a purpose other than being obnoxious. You can either pick them off from the vent across the room, or sneak into the holding cells via the side route and bypass them.

  4. First part of the mission sucks a bag of donkey $&*^s due to the way enemies spawn

    Warden room is mad fun though

    And the hostage handles Despair quite well too so the last leg of the mission is quite alright


    There's no penalty to getting caught outside of the Warden room. Only the Wardens can trigger the death count, and there's always an alarm terminal right outside the door to the prison.

  5. It didn't elude me, I was checking to see if you were expressing yourself poorly. In any case, when you activate the pod makes no difference as long as you aren't outright wasting oxygen. If you run out while waiting for the next pod after activating it at 60%, you would run out anyway after activating it at 30%.

  6. Short answer: More available life supports.


    Long Answer: Lotus periodically delivers a life support capsule. The time frame for delivery increases the further the game progresses.

    The difference is supposed to be made up by enemy personal life support canisters.

    As we all know, that difference is inconsistent due to RNG and TTK. 

    As such, the wisest thing to do is activate life support as a last resort... The longer you wait to activate them, the more of them you have at your disposal when the enemy LS drops get thin.


    For my part, waiting until it gets to 50% or less isn't the only requirement... I will also wait until she has announced that another capsule is on the way. But then I tend to fight at the LS itself or in cul de sacs so that I drag everything to me.


    I always marvel at the Rank 9+ players that pop the LS at 60% as they basically just wasted a resource for no reason.

    Stuff like that and groups that splinter to different portions of the map are telltales for me to find the exit as the group isn't equipped to take the mission long term.


    Are you suggesting that the time frame for capsule drops increases the more are opened? Because as far as I can tell, it's based on the timer of the mission, and if that's the case, when you activate it makes no difference, as long as nothing pushes the counter over 100%. Whether you have the extra 30% now or later is irrelevant.

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