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Posts posted by Worira

  1. The mods are obtainable by entirely normal means ingame, so I don't see too much of a problem offering them as a bonus to encourage players to buy plat. It does kinda strike me as a bit odd, though.


    The problem is that rare mod drop rates are completely bonkers right now, and this discourages DE from actually fixing them.

  2. I ride a Rhino.


    I approve either increasing its cost or reducing its duration - ATM, it is just flat-out TOO good.  Especially when you do some math and figure out 4 players with Energy Siphon, maxed Iron Skin, maxed Streamline, and maxed Continuity can quite literally keep Iron Skin on infinitely.


    shush you're exposing our secret rhino magic

  3. agree, some people, like me, don't have disposable income, we shouldn't be totally excluded from most game content just because we are poor. 

    In mass effect 3 you could unlock everything for free with enough grinding, but the game still made tons of money. Its time warframe learned from that example


    Mass Effect 3 had a box price.

  4. Why would it come with its own slot?  I hear this again, and again, and again.  When have you EVER built a warframe in the foundry (Not purchased  with platinum!) and it came with a core/ free  slot?

    Chances are you will have it with reset though since it is an "exclusive" item.

    When have you ever built a warframe in the foundry that was a Prime?

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