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Posts posted by _DapperDanMan_

  1. Obviously this would be a far better option. 

    But these "Vault packs" CLEARLY are not geared towards older/vets players wants, nor is WF in general anymore.

    So the idea that just because we ranted and raved on the forums or suggest a discounted "accessory pack" did not mean we're were going to get it, nor should we feel estranged like this is the first time we've been ignored or had our content thrown on the back burner.

    [DE] Drew even made a post about it after the frost prime un-vaulting and they did the same thing again anyways.

    Obviously, they had no intention of doing it any different, they just wanted everyone to shut up about it so they told them what they wanted to hear.

    I'm sure they'll do the same thing again, wait a week and a half and say it's been too long for them to change it now.

     With that in mind, it's a pretty killer pack for new players with little time to play but 60$ to blow.

  2. Ordis is shady as hell, Stalker probably just walked right in.

    and on that note..

    If we're on the Orbitor and not the drop ship. why the hell are not up and walking around?

    Why are we relying on a bunch of kids to bring balance to the system that are too lazy to even get off their asses and manage their own ship? I understand the transference thing and what not, you're rigged up and I'm sure it's a process but the idea we just sit in one room...alll the time..Using our warframe to control every aspect of our existence in this giant ship is just silly.. Our operators just seem like the incredibly sheltered step-siblings of the actual Tenno. If we have tenno out running around the solar map I don't see why we can't wal;k around our ships.


  3.  Another update themed with a provocative new game mode/style,  trumped by the undertow of unforeseen bugs crippling portions of the game it's not even mechanically related to?



  4. 58 minutes ago, -M-Hcginjo said:

    As said in the post

    Price : 4000p or feel free to offer your price here or ingame.

    I see people whine about prices yet nobody has a counter offer.

    Also triple gold is the exact same thing to breed it requires the same technique , same amount of time and it has same RNG so i dont see the point of a triple blue having a 3k to 4k plat difference over some RGB Numbers

    It also requires at least 2 double gold lotus prints with one having different gold placement than the other, being bulky can cost up to 1500 a piece easy, so "A chance" at breeding a triple gold is going to run you almost 3k...god forbid it fails.. You can buy 2 bulky double blues for easily half that price and get a triple blue...So no.. It is not the same there Starsky.


    Red,gold,navy and purple are equally sought after and by far the most popular so selling a triple red for that price isn't as uncommon. Not a triple blue. But hey...Gl out there.

  5. Just now, Serien5 said:

    Except it's double rare lol!

    I stand corrected! I thought it said Navy,purple,red >.<


    Wayyyy to go Fox!

  6. I know you said no comments in regards to the price but I have to tell you, that's the best dam price I've seen on a triple rare bulky in months. Good on you! ^_^

  7. looks light blue (common) orange (uncommon) and beige/grey (common), kinda hard to tell though.  You could fetch around 100-150 if skinny,150-200p if athletic, 300-350 if bulky. There's always the potential to make more but those would be ideal "Base" prices.

  8. It is a co-op MMo, so your going to run into those "fine specimens" every once in awhile but usually in WF you can break it down to 3 things

    1) They CAN revive you, but not without compromising the integrity of the rest of the team or the mission.

    2)They CAN"T revive you without getting themselves killed, further compromising the team*.

    3) They WON"T because you're low mastery an figure you're not worth it.

    Most of the time this comes down to playstyle though. It's an MMO co-op so technically there's no 'Kill stealing" but if you're running away from the team/objective or just being an &amp;#&#33; they're going to treat you as the lowest priority.

    Just continue to do your best and try to consider the circumstances next time you go down.If it's your own fault or you being foolish, apologize and they'll usually pick you up. But remember, they're obligated to but it's not their responsibility. 

  9. Trades take place within a  Clan "Dojo" at a "Trading post". You can start trading when you hit Mastery rank 2 and you'll get another trade for every rank you gain (See Wiki) http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Clan

    Like most weapons in the game, they are only as good as your mods. Being as new as you are you won't have many options in terms of "Power" but you will have a broad selection to choose from so focus more on finding the melee style you like, as each have their own stances and combos.http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Melee

    Mods have their own drop locations from specific enemies so you're better off farming one "Faction" at a time. Survivals' are the best as they provide constant spawns so long as you keep killing and keep your life support up (acquired by killing enemies)

    Apollodorus, Mercury would be a good place for you to start

    _DapperDanMan_ is my IGN. I'm usually busy with clan mates or family but feel free to pm me if you have any questions.

    Enjoy and Gl out there.

  10. I wanted to get some feedback form the community on this topic as I'm about at my whit's end in regards to breeding.

    I've been breeding  since a couple months after the release of the Kubrows and with much success. It actually changed the way I trade  and became a fun hobby within my favorite hobby, untill about 7 months ago I hit a vicious wall. I thought it was just bad RNG but this nightmare lasted for weeks, every dog I would breed without using 2 lotus prints would lose not only the Lotus prints but the best of the colors. Obviously, it's always been "the risk", Breed>Pray>Profit when it comes to breeding one lotus to a non lotus but I had never had such horrible luck. Losing upwards of 15 Lotus prints I had stored in stasis just that month. So I decided, since I breed so regularly, I wanted to keep track of how many failures I had over the course of six months. Today is that Six month Marker and this is what I have.

    137 Dogs bred (not all matured or kept for that matter)

    31 breeds with 2 lotus prints= All successful 

    106 breeds with 1 lotus and 1 (insert variable pattern here)= 14 successful lotus transfers (ouch...)


    I'll continue to keep track for another 6 months as well.


    So I'm curious, If the  "Lotus print" has the highest rarity in terms of pattern and value, should it not also be the most dominant pattern when breeding with others? Not to say if you breed a lotus with a non lotus it should ALWAYS be a lotus but I do feel the odds should be more so in your favor. Even 51/50.

    Has Rngesus just forsaken me? Should I turn to  the dark side and pay all homage to the great Lootcipher? Sacrificing corrupted crewman upon his alter before each re-breeding!

    I'd like to hear some feedback from you guys talking about your experiences with breeding. How often do you make out on top and how do you feel about the current mechanics of the breeding system. Fair/Unfair/ Just right/ needs optimizing? Speak your mind, but try not to bring any salt to the table.


    Thanks for stopping by, looking forward to reading your responses and GL out there!





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