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Posts posted by _DapperDanMan_

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)omen201 said:


    I did present a solution lower ammo capacity of the simulor like they did penta for example and lower the range on sound quake ability 


    No, the problem is not the ability it's self, it's the augment.  This is why ppl are getting salty at your argument . It sounds like you don't really know what you're talking about. Go check it out on the wiki for some clarification. 

  2. Just now, (PS4)omen201 said:


    I find it funny how much people are against it 


    It's just your delivery boss. There's a lot of sycophantic behavior here on the forums but there's also alot of ppl that monitor these forums for legit issues and see posts like this ALLL day. It's cool to present a problem just do it in a tactful way and Never present a problem here without also presenting a solution as well. Otherwise you're just kinda seen as a crybaby.  

  3. I agree the potential range (100m+ with augment) is a bit crazy. But I've got more than 5k hours and I've seeen maybe a handful of banshee spamming sound quake the entire time I've played. Both of which were sortie interceptions. 

    So I ask, what was the mission type? Efficiency is important to alot of players, for stationary objective missions we always try to blaze through it as fast as possible as they get pretty stagnant pretty quick. 

    It's a PvE game, everyone is going to spam at some point or another, just don't beat your head against the wall about it.

  4. Will add pics soon.

    Brakk: 117% impact   118% puncture   -17% dmg to corpus


    Afuris: 165% puncture   176% multishot** 


    Torid: 48% dmg grineer   183% dmg   100% status   -124% CC


    Opticor:  231% CC    176% CD    -36% fire rate


    Lex: 39.9% status chance  34% fire rate   101% dmg    -20% reload speed


    Amprex:  185% dmg  105% toxin    +50% weapon recoil (no recoil)


    pm offers.

  5. On 2/13/2017 at 10:54 AM, Tamirn said:

    but does anyone know how to upload a screen shot into this forum to show how many kills u've done. 

    Upload it through imgur and get the BB code for it. 

    then you can just paste the BB code and you're good to go, it'll show the image after* you post it.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    Gotcha. But is it the secura lecta? No. That is my problem with your post. You're trying to bring up another weapon and it's balance issues when it has nothing to do with credit acquisition. If it had a similar trait, then yes, I would agree it has its place. But this is specifically about how SL generates credits, not its actual strength.

    How on earth am I being a hypocrite? I would love to see you justify that one.

    And I know how long I've been playing the game. I also know that I changed the email attached to this account last year. Like I said, you don't have to believe me, I don't care enough to argue how long I've been playing.


    Jesus Christ you're dense. No argument was even made.. Another weapon was "mentioned" in a passive sense.

    And no, this post isn't strictly about how the secura lecta gets it's credits. It's about the potential nerf in general.

    And you're jumping my balls for "goalshifting" yet you've now made this post entirely about your view and interpretation of what? The subtext of my comment?


  7. 2 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    You are shifting the goalposts by talking about other things like Telos Boltace when they are irrelevant to the discussion. To break it down, you're saying "BUT X WEAPON" when the topic was about one specific weapon. That's literally shifting the goalposts to suit your argument. 

    Again, lol what?

    I answered your question, with a caveat. There was no argument made.

    However, if you want to go that route. One doesn't simply have a conversation in regards to balance without making simple comparisons to other weapons of it's class.

    Melee, check. 

    Syndicate Melee with passive effect, check. 

    Syndicate Melee with passive effect deemed questionable by a large portion of the community, check.

    otherwise, how the hell do you balance? Which is what I did.. No argument. A statement. Not even a personal opinion. Meanwhile you've gone out of your way to be a hypocrite and derail far more than my simple statement did.

    And your WF forum account shows the first day you started. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    Quit moving the goalposts

    Lol, what?

    I'm sorry, you're right. I'm sure you have far more insight with your 6 months of playtime.

    No "goalposts" were shifted.. An observation was made.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Zamio said:

    DE said they're improving the credit gain. If they do that, whats the problem with nerfing an easily abusable weapon?

    Nothing, all the while spam fest weapons with no team benefit like Telos Boltace are still a thing.. Just seems silly to me I guess.

  10. 20 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    i'd prefer Digital Extremes not be afraid to change things for the best interests of the game as a game - rather than letting people crying about their 'muh stats' nonsense influence what Digital Extremes chooses to do.

    The weapon stats aren't in question, the passive is.

    Even if it was, the stats are irrelevant. Compliments of mods such as Maiming strike, Primed reach and Bloodrush.

  11. Seems like this "problem" stems mostly from DS credit farming so make the bonus not work in DS missions.. Simple enough.

    This actually makes no sense though. Everyone's first thought was DS farming, I know mine was.

    I'm sure DE foresaw this as well, yet now they're flip-flopping on it? Idk. 

    I can see them reworking the credit drop chance to 50% but I don't think they're going to nerf it to the ground or anything.

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