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Posts posted by GrosslyIncandescent1709

  1. How doe staking things people want away from them make it balanced?  You say you want better stats for the Vauban helms, yet you want to take away the stats for the rhino helms because people use them?


    That doesn't make sense.

    i'll put it simple. why can't vauban use the 25% speed boost just like rhino? i don't want the stats to be taken away in general, i merely stated that they're either removed or made available for every frame. that's it.

  2. Here's a suggest instead:


    Put stat changes on every cosmetic item.  Scarves, helmets, emblems; hell, you could even make sheaths for swords, pommels, etc.  Open a whole new market, and new things to put in the alert system to take up the space of those wasted alerts for tiny amounts of credits or nanospores or any other the other alerts no one runs because the reward has no value.  Even the sentinel cosmetics.


    Then make the stat changes a toggle.  


    Give me something to use my plat on that I'd actually want to buy to play with.  Once you've got all the weapons and the frames and the sentinels, there comes a time when you just don't have a reason to play anymore except to tinker.  Give me more options to tinker than mod cards.  Even little tweaks.  A different style pommel and a sheath for my Galatine (one of the things I really like for my Dual Zorens is the dagger axe skin, but I WISH it had some sort of stat change that let me tinker with them).


    And yet DE doesn't consider it because whiners without vision don't see the value in tinkering with their builds; they just want someone to tell them "Do x for best frame" or "do Y for best grineer damage" and be done with it.


    Go back to Call of Duty please.

    those players you call whiners simply believe there should be a balance between frames that is currently nonexistent, the vanguard helmets huge boost compared to vaubans crappy helmets is a good example. i don't think they want to see everything nerfed but rather made equal, so that ember can use that 15% efficiency boost for 5% armor that only nyx gets for example... cause ember is one of those examples for a frame with a serious need for every buff it can get right now.


    The real bad move DE made was to listen to the whine squad in the first place. Things get retired in online games, deal. Only in the warframe forums is it this much of a problem.

    there are people who aren't selfish and greedy, people who care about the fun of everyone and not just themselves, yes, even the players who aren't even playing yet. balance is vital for every game to stay alive

  3. The normal mobs are fine as they are, keep buffing them and you'll scare away new players into never wanting to touch Warframe ever again.


    Not necessarily, complex enemies don't scare players usually away, equipwalls do. more complex enemies would increase gameplay across the board without invalidating current weapons



    The only enemy buffs should just be for the Stalker or Harvester, maybe G3, and maybe even their respective RNG spawn rates. Make Stalker a bit more common and G3/Harvester more rare as to make the Brakk and Detron worth getting. Also improving the AI in general a bit wouldn't hurt either.

    I agree on that part



    But never ever buff the Ancients or other enemies that are already a $#*(@ to take on when in higher levels such as 40+

    There are enough weapons that cut down level 40 ancients with ease and infested in general scale really slowly



    Imagine a room full of nothing but Toxic Ancients and Ancient Disruptors all bearing down on you without this buff you so desperately want.

    Now try to take them all down without using a single revive, better yet, try bringing them all down without getting so much as a scratch on your shields. I don't know a single person that can manage to escape such a formidable enemy comp and live to tell the tale.


    That's the point, you're not supposed to survive such a situation, enemies need to pose an actual thread to the player, even infested. right now their strength is huge numbers but even the elite units are susbectible to CC without a way to retaliate



    DE, please do not buff these, they are fine as is and I don't want to play Warframe if the enemies are just going to make me waste revives for nothing.


    again, smarter enemies don't make you waste revives but they keep you engaged, and elite units, in this case ancients, should be more than cannon fodder, infested got already runners, leapers and chargers for this role. also you can still stick to lower level missions, what's the problem of having a really difficult range of levels for players who look for a challenge?

  4. How about stop wanting buffs for normal mobs and request for the Stalker to be rebuffed back to the way he used to be? I mean seriously, Stalker is a joke lately.

    stalker being a joke doesn't mean normal mobs are fine... almost everthing in this game needs a buff, not in numbers but in means to combat the player

  5. Ancient Disruptor: Changing to the Magnetic element was a big nerf for these guys. They are not nearly as dangerous as before. I suggest giving them a custom proc that not only zaps all shields, but also disables any and all active Warframe abilities such as Trinity's Blessing and Rhino's Iron Skin.


    Toxic Ancient: The AoE on their toxic cloud needs a big increase in range - I can melee them to death with my Ankyros Prime (without Reach mod!) and not get afflicted by it. Sadface :(


    Ancient Healer: Remove these guys entirely. They are without a doubt the weakest Ancient unit around. Replace their healing aura with a "frenzy" aura that gives all nearby Infested a boost of movement speed, attack speed and extra health. Think Synapse units of Warhammer's Tyranids.

    i like your idea on the disruptors, healers need to be looked at, but the toxic ancients are terrible, their poison aura maybe needs a slightly bigger radius but not enough to catch some1 using a long weapon like jat kittag or orthos... would only punish squishy frames.

  6. Tried to upload the screenshot but my browser doesn't love me. I have 7 brakk receivers, 3 bp's and no barrels. I know its supposed to be a grind, but to fight them this many times and not get the one part I need? RNG op pls nerf xD

    sacrifice a virgin, your firstborn and 13 goats to the rng gods. worked for me with the detron barrel

  7. If you can get 28 rounds in your Castana magazine, then sure.

    i prefer 1 second reload, no delay on the controllable explosions AND a 100% guaranteed electric proc 

  8. while the idea is awesome when you're thinking about frames like nekros that need very different modsets for their abilities to shine (terrify and shadows of the dead need range/strength and duration while desecrate needs efficiency/range and maybe castspeed), it would horribly imbalance some frames who can already fit in all the mods to maximize their skills. suddenly you'd have max duration invisibility lokis with max range radial disarms, rhinos with a maxed efficiency/strength iron skin and a maxed strength/duration roar alongside a maxed range or strength stomp. also suddenly you'd gain 4 more slots per frame, and while nekros again might need those slots, rhinos, novas and lokis will suddenly grab all those defensive mods which, due to their already very good skillsets are not really needed for them. that would in turn lead to even easier missions. DE needs to create better enemies first, enemies that are worth all the power we would gain through that system.

  9. Even though I agree his current state is too weak, I definitely prefer it over the unstoppable version that could oneshot my five forma Saryn as if she was a newbie frame. Also, the ridiculous bleed proc of his Scythe definitely didn't help either. One hit and you were gone, albeit over a longer time.

    his damage and abilities are quite balanced right now, he just lacks the hitpoints to even start the fight, let alone win it. he needs way more hitpoints, maybe based on the conclave level of the strongest frame in the cell. some1 with 1,5k conclave rating should face at least 5k shields and 1k armored health, and he should spawn protected or even in his absorb bubble to  deny spawnkills.

  10. OP, ever bothered to play vauban outside of ODD or infested missions? he's fun to play for the few who actually take him to missions versus corpus and grineer, and there he's a very balanced frame... one game mode doesn't really make him op, he's slow an squishy as hell if used wrong. he's one of the last frames DE should touch to be honest.

  11. After giving it much though i finally got over my arrogance and know understand that this game is balanced around lvl 35 to 45 gameplay t3 voids and what not Content that current Iron skin make trivial how many time have you ever had to recast Oron skin in a t3 extermination or MD. Sometimes you can fire and forget its even on and not suffer and sometimes you don't even need iron skin for that lvl of content




    he's supposed to be the tank, at least that's what DE stated once... his iron skin is fine, if they ever touch it it needs to scale upwards AND downwards to punish lazy players.

  12. New Rhino Charge:Boost Rhinos Threat Generation by 50% Speed by 15% and stamina By 120% for 15 seconds

    yet ANOTHER speed buff for rhino? he's fast enough, i'd say the ability to ragdoll tackled targets for 15 seconds alone is good enough... no need for unreasonable buffs



    EDIT: didn't read everything, so the above is only true if they leave vanguards speedboost, if they remove helmet stats alltogether your idea is sound, although i think 50% is still pretty overkill... would result in almost 2.0 sprintspeed on rhino prime, a set speed would probably work better (like 1.3-1.6 depending on skill level)

  13. this thread entertains me, several people trying to prove that rhinos iron skin is worthless.. and all i'm thinking is "what would ember do in the described situations?" seriously, don't act like iron skin is bad or worthless, you're not forced to stare those heavy gunners down, use your mobility... there are frames that have no fallback layer of shielding on demand

  14. what upsets most people is the inconsistency, frost is slow, saryn is slow, they were ment to be slow, yet rhino gets the extra treatment. it's so obvious that there's favoritism for rhino involved, and that's depressing. also the fix for the whole disaster is basically changing one number, either on vanguard or rhino prime, yet DE pretends it's okay, or worse, they THINK it's okay. And when something is that wrong and that easy to fix it could be done although there are things that require even more work.


    @LurkenLurker: Zorencoptering involves a little effort at least, and you're effectively loosing your meele weapon for the speed you gain... it's a balance!

  15. or they can erase the stat from helmets and we can continue to more important issues the game has.


    just want to ask something.


    is rhino being a little faster breaking your game? or making you have less fun when you play alongside one?


    the community should not be more worried about stage eraser powers, that actually leave the entire party with nothing to do until the match ends?


    it is making playing alongside a rhino less fun, yes. it's not about some1 killing more, it's the nova problem so many people have. right now a properly built rhino prime is simply rushing all missions without effort, can clear whole rooms with a press of a button, without ever having to worry about enemies retaliating, and that's on the level DE claimed they're balancing for... doesn't seem that wrong to you? why create so many unique frames with different artsets, skillsets, stats and playstyles when 2 frames are capable of clearing the whole mission before you even have a chance to lift your gun? and no, bringing rhino or nova myself is not a solution, it's testimony for a severe lack of actual understanding how to balance a game on the side of the developer


    some people are so worried about balance, or fairness, but no comments about "god mode" frames?

    i've stated multiple times that trinity is broken right now, but there are people matching your describtion


    or they can erase the stat from helmets and we can continue to more important issues the game has.

    would be a proper solution, too bad that all the rhino fanboys would cry hard because they suddenly need to prioritise what they really want their frame to be

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