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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Maybe if I put dragon access packs in the first Line DE sempai will notice me? 



    I played  void today. Two vasto barrels and a nyx helmet. Odd, I thought. Those were items I wanted. Then I played several more games including t4 survival and got nothing I wanted. There's simply too much in the void. Researching drop tables is only getting harder, and the diversity of keys isn't helping. 

  2. Blah

    You're misunderstandin, though partialy from my poor writing. 


    Those guys who work on weapons could disperse into both character and level design teams. Maybe the weapon and character teams could become one so that new weapons that come with new gameplay come with characters who provide new gameplay. 

    I probably shouldn't have mentioned UI. I'm aware that they can work independently. 


    (unique bosses are bad, common bosses are good)

  3. A - At which point the builds switch from serration for DPS to whatever other method for DPS.

    B - A decent idea, but massively increases the difficulty in balancing the game.

    C - Players will simply polarize other mods to get the points they need for their serration.


    You're doing very little to address the underlying issue here. Status effects fundamentally can't compete with damage. An enemy who's frozen moves and fire at half speed. An enemy who's dead doesn't move or fire at all. 

    A- That's not too bad. Yes there's still an optimal build for each weapon, But there'd be more variety in optimal builds

    B- No harder in balancing than huge increases in base damage. 

    C- Yeah I don't like this one much either. But then again: You'd need lots of forma. Anyone that dedicated can have their uber-gun. 


    Ah, But if damage was less abundant, status would be more important. 

    - Kill an enemy in 5 shots

    - Or kill an enemy in seven shots, but for the last four shots he's unable to shoot back. 


    A decent question. 

  4. Topic aside, is there a guide to this posted somewhere? Im sided with Suda and the Arbiters, but I want the Red Veil to like me because I fancy their Syndicate Room. (role-playing reasons.)

    It's kinda easy. In this example, you can work for new loka and the red veil, who will rank up the opposed perrin and meridian independently.



    But i give a great many agrees to the OP, I'm in a similar situation where I want to change faction, but I'm worried that my faction will release new undtradable cosmetics in the near future

  5. you, and everyone that upvoted that Post, clearly don't understand how Software Development Pipelines work at all.


    because everything said there is completely wrong.

    'stop Development of a game and do one thing instead' is the most HI-lariously wrong, uneducated statement that far too many people seem to think is correct. when it's completely wrong.



    please don't instruct others on how to manage the Development Process if you don't understand it yourself.

    Didn't say "and do one thing instead". Well done for poor generalizing. 


    There's a list of things to do that require all kinds of developers to work on. 

    Developers can literally Drop what they're doing and work on something else (preferably something that has greater impact on the game). What they were working on earlier doesn't go away, they can come back to it when the more important things are finished. 

  6. I'm not advocating a deletion of pure damage mods like serration (and having the gun do more damage as it levels up? Even less so. But there are so many ways of handling it better


    A- Reduce the effectiveness of the mod per level, to the point where it often isn't the most effective/cost effective way of getting dps. 

    B- Have the mods cap out at five ranks, but have lots of different variations of the damage mods with dual stats. 

    C- Have the cost increase increase as the mod levels (1,2,3,5,7,10,14...) and allow serration no polarity to protect against this. 

  7. Fun fact. Different teams do different things. The people making weapons are in no way responsible for gameplay changes.

    Yo dawg. I see you don't like reading much. I'l rephrase something

    Put more teammembers on more important things. 


    Besides constant enemy reviews DE does all of these things. Why do you think the changes and fixes section are several toms longer than the additions, even including all the spaces and pictures in additions?

    Changes in the change logs are almost always bugfixes or tiny tweaks to something recently released. 


    Archwing enemies wield the quanta and penta.

    Also one of the g3 wield the marelok.

    Research before post pls.

    Archwing enemies aren't part of the standard gameplay, nor is G3


    14)  Change Warframe's design philosophy from box of toys to Box of Game Play Styles.  And stop the nerfs.  Let's have a variety of fun and well designed game play instead.

    Not wanting your  gun to be nerfed is understandable, but in a lot of cases you only got that gun because it was so powerful. Then everyone's all like "my boar sucks, it should be as good as boltor". Because the ceiling is getting higher, the floor gets higher too. ypu get things like t4 and tougher enemies and although everyone's now happy with their super guns they're upset that there's no super-enemies (and when there are super enemies, they'l want more super-guns) It's a silly process because balance is just getting more and more difficult to obtain. A few decisive nerfs can sort S#&$ out.  


    TwiceDead explains it well.

  8. So in an update (not including bugfixes) we're likely to get new content in the form of

    - Weapons

    - Cosmetics

    - Tactical alerts. 

    - a new frame/wing

    - New prime items. 


    Now that's cool and all, but it seems inefficient. You're putting a lot of work into something that's effecting only a tiny percentage of the gameplay. A new warframe? You'l see him in play 1/23rd of the time (give or take depending on what missions you do and how it's unlocked) A tactical alert? you'l have a couple of days to do it and then you'l not see it again. New prime items? Remind me why you want to encourage us to play void, when the corrupted aren't yet a well made faction. Now; Quite rightly some of you will write "but they need to make these things so that they can sell them to make money". Correct, but wrong. If DE wants profit, they need a bigger playerbase, and they can get a bigger playerbase by doing the right thing and focusing all their efforts on making a fun game. 


    The best updates for the game are: 

    1-Updating missions to be better and more replayable. 

    2-Giving old enemies new features to make them more interesting to fight. (or making new enemies with existing assets) 

    3-Rebalancing. Be it fixing the difficulty, bettering a weapon too weak for it's cost, retouching on a weapon too strong for the game. Changing the mod system so that more mods are relevant. 

    4-Updating mechanics like movement or AI, Low gravity, nightmare mode. Invasions. 

    5- UI. Edit: Necessary UI. Less visual improvements and more functional improvements. 

    6-Adding new enemies with original assets. But might I add that making bosses (who you only fight once or so) is inefficient as you rarely see that boss (whilst a common unit will be seen on most missions. Also locking a boss behind an artificial grind wall is... not helping the game)


    Adding a new weapon or cosmetic is fine, but it'd be exponentially better to have that new weapon or cosmetic put in the hands of an enemy or ally and designed to improve the way the game plays. 


    Now those kind of updates add value to the game. If you keep just adding the odd weapon or such, you'l get phases where players only log in to get the new item, and then will turn off warframe and wait till the next big things comes across (i'm in one of those now, i've been in two before, and one time I just stopped even logging in. A kubrow was sacrificed. Dark times. Dark times.)  You don't have to be PVP to get players playing just for the enjoyment of it, you need better gamemodes, better enemies. Look at the examples of killing floor, or payday, or l4d. Stop adding new gimicks and salvage the ones you have. I'm well aware that you've got separate teams for different things; Have them all focus on important things. No more Rotation C items or mini-games


    Just focus on the gameplay, and let the money flow in like the playerbase: just do the thing

  9.  Because if those main damage mods are gone people will just try to make guns reload & shoot faster and longer. Therefore damage mods will only be replaced by fire rate, reload speed and ammo mods.

    Not saying "completely remove damage mods" but more "Make damage mods a choice that isn't always right" 


    Reload and clip size don't always get along. 

    Shooting faster is terrible for ammo consumption, so it's an interesting tradeoff

    Ellements and effects, man. Elements and effects. 

    Accuracy and spread. Two things both opposite and valuable. 

    Utility mods on weapons like flght speed, more zoom, 


    And customization has thus increased a thousand-fold. 

  10. are we seriously talking about dragon frames now



    Could be worse though. We could be talking about syndicate frames. Dex frames. Vandal frames.


    Really though, focus on da guns and the swords and the knives and the sticks.

  11. I'm a bit curious, do you think Dragon frames would be entirely different frames, or different models as skins for the frames? I don't want to have a Dragon and a Prime variation of every frame out there. Cause theoretically, there CAN be a prime and dragon for each frame.

    I'd like to see it as... 


    You have one regular frame and one "superior" frame that is both prime and dragon. Now if you've noticed; Prime frames are essentialy regular frames but with mandatory extra items added on (and a few parts you can change, like helmet and shoulders) Dragon would likely be like that. 


    So you build either a dragon or a prime frame, and you get the "superior" frame which has the cosmetics of the type you built. Then If you build other frame you'd get access to the other cosmetics, and the name of the frame will change according to if you use more dragon or more prime cosmetics. Example if you built loki prime. Then built loki Dragon. You'd be able to change the extra prime leg armour, the gold badge, the elbow fins and the skin to Dragon leg armour, dragon badge and dragon fins to make Loki dragon. Or you could mix and match the parts. Surpass those orokin masters. 


    But weapons would come first.

  12. Changes to base weapons

    Tigris: More spread, No falloff, Innate punchthrough, Faster reload speed. Change from duplex auto to fully automatic. 

    Every other shotgun: More spread, less falloff, ragdoll

    Tigris, Hek: Load one shot at a time. 

    Kohm- Nope


    Changes to mods

    Blaze: Change fire damage to status chance. Fire damage just screws with your elemental combos. 


    Lingering torment: Costs too much to use. 

    Shotgun spaz; Too uncommon. I'm mastery rank 15 and I've sadly spent more time fighting the corrupted than corpus; I still don't have one. 

    shotgun savvy; you should have buffed this one years ago.  it's painfuly obvious DE neglects balance when this thing still exists like it does. Same for sure shot/rifle aptitude/melee prowess


    Sweeping serration/Breech loader. 

    - Scrap entirely or replace with something meaningful . another example of foolishness where it'd just be better to buff the original mod. 


    Vicious spread and hells chamber. Have them count as the same mod (so you can't use em both at once) Hells chamber reduces the accuracy but provides more pellets to make up for it (so you're doing the same damage but in a wider area) and vicious spread gives the player more damage over a wider area (but is less good for status chance/crit chance)


    Point blank: totaly fine. at the most you cound buff it a little to be more like pressure point.  I've got more issue with hornet strike and serration being overly strong. 


    Now this isn't from someone who's got every syndicate mod or shotgun (missing kohm, strun wraith and the original boar) but I think this helps me get a more 'average player' perspective in that I don't have those crazy syndicate mods and have to look at them from an accessible viewpoint. 

  13. I guess then people would ask for Pressure Point to be a 10 rank as well.........actually thinking about it why isn't it?

    Because 10 rank mods are a pain in the arse, and i'd be happier to see serration and hornet strikes as 5's, or as effective as point blank at 5 when they're at 10. 

  14. Prime weapons, which all take about the same amount of resources to obtain, should be equal. Some need buffs, some need nerfs. But they all cost the same. so they should be the same. they're all supposed to be "endgame" tier.  



    (and if you mastery locked them, you'd have to exclude the guys who get prime access) 

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