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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. The neural sentry. But not just a normal bullet sponge. Parkour skills needed. Nihilanth-esque.

    - Shoot crystals, climb to the top of a giant floating baby with a blossoming flower for a skull, stand on brain, Set charges. Jump off and trigger them. 


    Good plan, now as this is a four player game... 


    *Player gets teleported into a Nightmare health-draining room where they are surrounded by a circle of jackals.*

  2. Perhaps you only feel that way because 


    A: you're not fantastic with numbers. 


    B: You're expecting t5



    Seriously. The soma Kills everything really fast. The Soma prime kills everything 20% faster, and you don't need to reload as much. You're already on the edge of the cliff of OP, going further would be bad. a 5% extra crit chance is nothing compared to that extra 2 damage. 

  3. .7 is a decent update. I've yet to fully experience the grinding of the new primes; Soma's BP came during the first game of T2D, (25 waves. We bored ourselves actualy, because we expected the grind to be worse equiped ourselves for 40+, so we didn't get a challenge) Soma's barrel.. I'l get it eventually. But I did get to play a lot against the new guys.


    -Generic butchers as a whole seem to have gotten a damage buff a while back without me noticing, I expected fodder. I got Fodder that hurts. Solid addition to the corrupted. Interestingly the butcher wasn't white. It keeps him visualy distinct from the lancer, and it makes me wonder if we'l get other corrupted units in greys or blacks, The cleaver was coloured normally and I'm thinking it an oversight. 


    - Bombadiers seemed different from their Grineer counterparts. The huge halls of the tower made them seem a lot smaller, they seem to move faster too. Anyhows; Gameplay was pretty solid, Though they do seem to hold back more with the rockets than their Non-corrupted selves. I don't get why they're restricted to T3 and T4. T2 at the least should have them. They don't come in on endless missions even when you're past the point of normal T2 difficulty. 


    - Nulifiers; Less complaints than the average person, and the complaints I have aren't the usual ones. The shield shrinkage helps a lot. What I don't like is:

    - That the nullifier backpack's metal has become yellow. It's silly. The energy colour? Sure, why not. The grey metal... No thanks.

    - He has a semi-auto lanka. Give him something else, please.  



    I can understand these three. Long range explosives/ Heavy with avoidable power weapon, Light melee, Reliable defender/support.Three things the corrupted needed.  But why Just these three? 

    I mean, You've currently got the items to write in to add the napalm, sniper crewman and anti moa. Granted; They're not the most well loved enemies. (make the napalm be more about covering the surface with hazards than blowing the player up, give the sniper crewman a laser pointer so you can dodge him, and give anti moa a small 'clip size') But for a little more effort, DE could have...


    -Given the Corrupted crewmen the same guns that the Corpus crewmen have. Dera, Detron, Flux, Lanka.  
    -Added some of the different corpus ospreys. They all use the same model. 

    -Ported the original moa across. One model; Three characters. Every corpus bar the tech would be in the void with little effort. 

    -Reworked the lancer to be a corrupted version of the big, grineer lancer. Why? Because 
    A: the current lancer looks bad, and he'd look worse if he's partnered with more corpus and butchers, who look good. 
    B: Change his helmet and you've got seekers/troopers.Troopers are just cooler than corpus with struns. Seekers would add the whole "it's on me, get it off;DO A ROLL" Kinda thing to the corrupted faction. 


    And those are just the easy editions; Were I a neural sentry, I'd fill a tower with eviscerators, drak masters, Dregs, Penta rangers, Bombardiers with hammers thinking they're kril and broken lights. Billions upon billions of broken lights. In fact; Forget the corrupted. I'ma make a tower of broken lights. 

  4. So much better than what I feared, Somewhat worse than what I'd hoped. 


    -It's not morbidly more powerful than the original soma. 


    -It's at boltor prime levels of power. Too powerful. Then again I'd say the original soma was too powerful. 

  5. It takes them so long to make new corrupted... And the new corrupted are the those? Huh? 



    I can see that you're trying to add enemies who create unique gameplay. But: 


    You just ported the bombardier. Why not the napalm. They use the same models. 

    Then again, going by that logic, you should have all the crewmen,osprey, the anti-moa,.   


    Medium grineer perhaps? I bet it didn't take too much effort to port those guys in. Why not do the rest? Seekers, Troopers, Lancers, All those Moa who're using the other model. 



    It's more than a passing strange that your additions are so... conservative. 

  6. Deathsquads are good and all; But in the movies, where that action hero you Really Hate is regularly trumping your hitmen; You don't send more storm troopers. You send Boba Fet. You send your nazghul, your right hand man with the scars. Alad knows this, Hek knows this. The syndicates don't. 



    Arbiters of hexis/Red veil. 

    -A Tenno, or Lower guardian. The abilities of a warframe. Dragon/prime gear (if we go by 'surpass former masters' Dragon fits well. If we go by 'the old ways' then prime fits well. You Could use telos/rakta for everything, but that seems like something a lower-tier assassin would use, ey? ) 


    All syndicates could use the Tenno/lower guardian assassin, with their own equipment (Rakta,telos,sancti,secura,synoid,vaykor) but the arbiters/Red veil hold the New/Old tenno conflict that should warrant more elite Dragon/prime assassins. 



    Perrin sequence. 

    Lynx/hyenas/raptor models. Seriously. (zanuka/harvester wouldn't be appropriate, since they're alad V's things. Then again Alad V got his freak on and betrayed the corpus, so.. Yeah.)

    A pair of Hyenas. Excellent hunting animals. Terrific tenno murdering robots. 

    Steel meridian

    A knock off G3 with different armaments? A Grineer captain like Vor? A Giant roller who thinks he's the ball of death from indiana jones? .Any kind of hyper elite specialist soldier, really. Maybe someone with old Hek's cloning ability. Maybe a pack of dregs? 



    Little Idea. It's still a passing strange that a faction who wants 'purity' happens to be using the infested. Cuda; An orokin miniboss, but we don't have one of those yet. Loka? No clue at all.  But they could all use tenno/lower guardians/human soldiers/Corpus robotics. 



    Again, not saying we should scrap deathsquads entirely. But it'd be good to have some kind of evolution from the death squad to the Tenno-hunting hitmen a player with good great could expect. Bonus points if they have dialogue that refers to how much the syndicate hates you for X, or if you dealt with the assassin before. Maybe we could even have a high level piece of gear that lets us summon the stalkers, if you're into that kinda thing. 

  7. What a lot of guys don't get is that the further the extremes are pushed, the more difficult it is to ballence it all out. 



    Also: it is really rather saddening to accidentaly, or not bother to, nerf/buff yourself appropriately for each mission. Finding out that you can't get past a lancer's armour is saddening, and finding a grineer can't take a single millisecond of your beam weapon, or do any damage to you, is also saddening. The difficulty is not hill like, but cliff like. 



    Everyone really needs to stop looking at things as "nerf" and "buff". 

  8. From the title: buffing suggests bringing said weapons up to the same level as other, better weapons. Nerfing existing content would cause an uproar that DE would never hear the end of. "What about the plat I spent", "what about the time I spent grinding for all those fusion cores".


    You could Lower the power of something without making it entirely useless. It'd be hardly more of an upset than me being annoyed over Nova prime's anouncement when I potatoed her only a few months back because I thought it more likely Trinity/Volt or even ash/banshe to be primed first. I thought I'd have more time, man! 


    How I'd balance the base stats? 

    Snipers; Increase reload speed and damage by a huge amount. 

    Single shot- Punch through

    Semi-auto- Ragdoll. 



    Tigris: A curving spray. Think wide at very short ranges but not much wider at very long ranges. . Innate punchthrough. 

    Boar/Sobek: Rapid fire, Knockback, Narrow spread

    Strun/Hek: Wide damaging spread, knockback. 

    Drakgoon; Don't know. Didn't like it much. 

  9. (under the assumption that DE can change the health and Armour scaling to be appropriate for such a change.)

    Don't get me wrong; I long for the day where one shot from a tigris can clear a dense corridor, or when I can Boar into a crowd with ease and ammo efficiency. Or a own vectis who thinks he's an AWP. I want buffed base weapons, but I think the mods can be cleared up in a way that fixes this disparity. 


    Shotgun mods are sensible (mostly). Rifle mods are silly. Pistol mods are kinda silly.



    Seriously; Shotguns and melee weapons have +90/120% damage mods. The corrupt mods like spoiled strike and vicious spread go for 100/90% 


    I'm not gonna say it's perfect. It isn't.  But it's  more reasonable. Ya look at rifle mods, They're far crazier;  165% damage, an extra 165% damage for minimal accuracy loss with spoiled strike. Hornet strike for pistols is even crazier (though magnum force is more restrained) . 


    With a shotgun, One can do 90% + 90% + 60% for 240%

    With melee, one can do 120% + 100% for 220%

    With a rifle, One can do 165% + 165% for 330%

    With a pistol: 220% + 66%  for 286%


    With even three mods, shotguns can barely surpass melee with two just two damage mods, or pistol damage with one mod. With just the two mods, you've only got 180% extra damage, which is barely better than a single rifle mod (and far more costly) Not to mention you should seperate elemental damage from pure damage, because they bugger up what elements/status you're going for


    As the resident madman, I would prescribe either: 

    A-Corrupted mods (and nightmare mods) become alternatives to their regular version; For instance you can't use Serration and heavy call at the same time. Heavy call is a more damaging alternative with it's inaccuracy penalty. (or a cheaper version with an inaccuracy penalty) .All nine damage mods change to reflect this relationship. Serration and hornet strike are less effective per level (to about pressure point/point blank percentages at maxed) whilst Magnum force gets a big buff. It'd actualy be easier for DE to add new damage mods from this, as they wouldn't have to worry about the crazy powercrawling possibilities of someone with four base damage mods on one weapon. 


    B-  Hornet strike and serration are nerfed to Pressure point/point blank levels. All corrupted mods are buffed/Nerfed to be at those same levels (With larger penalties) 




    For one moment longer; I'd like to draw your attention to ellemental/physical damage mods. 2.5 and 5% status chance per level mods need to be buffed; We've been pointing it out since the beginning. As for physical mods; Pistols and melee do them reasonably. 5% per level is way too small. Follow the example of the secondary, the melee or the Event mods on that one. The event mods, the ones that give 120% of a physical damage..  Change them to something completely different. You've just grabbed mods that needed buffing desperately and made new buffed versions of them rather than fix the problem. (same with charged chamber. Delete charged chamber and replace every one of them with a primed chamber. 

  10. It can't just be me who plays through a level, wondering what's the purpose of the installation. Granted it's nothing as bad as halo; There's a few furnishings in the large, structurally nonsense ancient buildings.  But it's certainly not Bioshock; Where everywhere has a reason to be. 


    Void towers? They're not towers. Everything's horizontal, and other than easy level design, it doesn't make the most sense; Unless all those locked doors are elevators and there's an entire floor solely for hallways and grand halls that people who enjoy Really long walks in unchanging scenery can enjoy. 


    Really; What is it with the Orokin, Grand halls and death traps. Don't they have kitchens, medical stations, living rooms, bedrooms, scientific and manufacturing areas? They have chairs and railings; But they don't have tables and desks. 



    Grineer/Corpus too. Where do the grineer keep those uncountable soldiers on their ships? Why are there so many large, open, unused spaces? It's certainly better; You can see the occasional Rack of moa, lines for crates to be transported across, a few well-placed corpus windows. Grineer laser-work and numerous other minor things... But it ain't no rapture. A lot of it just feels like high-tech updates of those impossibly huge and well decorated fantasy-dungeons you get in fantasy rollplaying games. The corpus layout of their rooms suggest they're not really that keen on profit as they can't seem to find a logical way to store everything.


    It could genuinely help gameplay. You could have characters arrange ambushes from dozens of small rooms. Cargo holds that randomly generate their crates. in-station transport that moves around the enemy/cargo that can be used as explosives or cover. It'd add variety, lore and atmosphere.  


    Still waiting for that urban tileset. It's going to be all gardens, roads and tall blank walls. 

  11. Sometimes, when I can't be bothered to grind for something little, i sell my metric ton of mods. Thing is I need to enter the values in every time, and you can't click max, then -1, then ok. 


    Could we have either the option to do that, or the option to just sell everything in the pile except for one (or two, for items that use more than one) 

  12. Forgot to mention; It'd probably be better to skip the heavy pistols in this. Brakk, marelok, detron. 



    As for animations: for the most part, you could probably Flip them. I'm not sure how flexible the animation system in warframe is, but you wouldn't need to redo most of the combinations. You would need to add a few animations: But the animators are always doing that. Take some effort away from nunchucks and put it on this instead. 

  13. Look at the furis. 

    Why would you want a furis, when you can have an akfuris? The increased rate of fire and magazine size more than makes up any reduced accuracy. You'd only use a single furis over the akfuris if you wanted it's mastery points; Not a great reason.


    Yeah, you can have that strange mod that only applies to the furis but not the akfuris... But doesn't that seem like a cheap attempt to make a crap weapon almost-viable?



    Plan is like this;


    Pistol in one hand, Sword/machete/ single dagger/shield in the other.  

    When Melee is equipped; Holding block and pressing F will have you shoot your gun. 

    When Gun is equipped; Melee combos are still available. Shield comes up when you zoom in. 


    Edit: skip a few heavy pistols like marelok (which is lever action anyway) Brakk and detron. They're good enough to be two pistols. 

  14. Shield weapons (I don't wanna say sword and shield, because I wanna see maces, clubs, axes, flails, whips etc) 


    Firstly; He's not holding the shield properly. IRL shields aren't strapped to the forarm; But stratping the shield to the forarm might be better in a gun age, so I don't know. 


    Anyhow. The sword and shield, as a weapon, should primarily be defensive. 


    -The shield should have it's own hitbox that negates damage to you, even if you're not actively blocking.

    - Shield should cover your front when you zoom in with pistol/rifle.  Though extending only occurs with one handed pistols/select primaries. 

    - Shields should have a stun combo. 
    - higher reflect chance. 

    -Good chance to ignore status effects and knockdown. 

  15. Just a thought; The corrupted faction was pretty much made by one character capturing grineer/corpus and infested, sticking gold mind control items into their skulls, and using them to defend the towers. That's pretty much it. Should theoreticaly be a really cool faction that has everything you've ever encountered and more against you at the same time. 


    And yet, DE have given us a temporary, half done sorta arrangement... For over a year. 



    It'd still fit the starting goal to instead not make corrupted their own faction. Howabout instead of different characters from old resources, we have old characters with an effect. We have the corpus, grineer and infested fill the void, just as they are on the solar map, but united against you.


    - When a new enemy is made, they could be added to the void in one move.

    - Corrupted characters won't be separate on the enemy codex. You'd still have "orokin" for drones, turrets and any other white-gold monstrosity DE create, but otherwise codex filling would be easier. (mods would need to be moved around)

    - The void becomes teeming with variety; Which is what prime grinders desperately need.


    An effect like

    All units are allied, or ignore hostility against eachother.
    Primary colour is white

    other colour is other white

    Other colour is grey
    Gold item is put on node in head

    Energy colour is yellow


    Maybe a neural sentry could even be a boss (one for each tower, but i think we're assuming that each void mission is in different towers, that sentries hide in most of them, and can be rebuilt) and when you kill it, all enemies on that tower revert to their old factions and infight/Go insane and infight/Die phantom menace style/continue mercilessly hunting you down cause der's a backup. 


    Really though, I think a lot of frustrations people have with the void is that it seems more of a means to an end (prime parts and many credits) rather than an awesome set of missions with an awesome faction; Grineer, corpus and the infested are more fun to fight than the corrupted. So howabout the corrupted become the grineer,corpus and the infested?  



    If you instantly rank stuff, you'll have nothing to do but kill the same bad guys, over, and over... and over with your OP gear and for what reason?

    and if you slowly rank stuff up, you'll need to have nothing to do but kill the same bad guys,over,and over...and over with your slowly-increasingly OP gear and for what reason? 

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