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Posts posted by Innocent_Flower

  1. Very common

    Very, very easy to max. 



    False choice. 

    Means very little to progression as it's so easy to max. 


    Why not just scrap it and double the damage of melee weapons to compensate? 


    almost the same would have been said for point blank. But you just had to prime it, didn't you? 

  2. All this would do is kill build variety and leave the same problems in the wake.

    Build variety is already dead. With this, you'd use the max amount of damage mods, and then 3-4 slots left for own personal choices. 


    That said, I'm not sure your "solution" fixes that. It puts the cart before the horse.


    The reason nobody bothers with utility mods is because for most weapons, increasing damage does their job better. Best way to reduce the time spent reloading? Increase damage. Best way to improve ammunition economy? Ditto.


    Remove supplement mods like Heavy Cal, etc. or extraneous elements? People'll just shift to the event I/P/S mods if they have 'em (guys who missed out'll apparently get to suck an egg under your system). Hell, in the case of crit-builds, I'm not even sure it'd change anything, since even at their absolute most bare bones they effectively require half the weapon's slots.


    The utility mods need a rework first before they can even pretend to be attractive, viable alternatives. As-is, there's simply no positive encouragement to use 'em... which is why people generally don't. Basically trying to force people to use 'em by removing other options defeats the whole purpose of increasing build diversity to begin with, it's a non-starter.

    1- Thank you for supporting false choice? What? Is that like.... You're on the other side but you're arguing agsinst them? 

    2- Never said removing mods like heavy call or extraneous elements. 

    3- Such would require nerfs to the damage mods, not just buffs to the base mods. The community seem to be against that sort of thing. Try seeing the bigger picture

    But then we end up with godlike enemies that we can't kill. The mods are powerful to enable us last longer in Survival and other Endless game modes.


    Also nerfing the mods will not give more variation. It'll only force damage mods being used as now we would be in desperate need of them.



    What needs to be done is throw in mods that change the gameplay around in a way that it might favor certain game modes or certain enemies. So we need more mods that are different but very useful.

    -Enemies would be rebalanced appropriately. Why bring that up?  

    -what? Were you reading something else and then accidently posted here? 

    - Even still we'd probably just be throwing a S#&$ ton of damage. 



    The solution is more mod slots, not restricting the ones we already have.

    More slots for more damage mods? Great. Build diversity only increases. /sarcasm


    While an interesting suggestion, it won't fix the problem. All it would do is lower the gap between unmoded and maxed weapons (which might not be a bad thing) and shift the upper limits of the endless missions (so, let's say, 20 minutes of survival becomes a new standard).

    It won't take long before people min-max the mod ratios for most damage and once again we end up with mandatory mods.

    And while elemental mods are mostly used for extra damage, limiting them would hurt those rare cases where they are being used for status builds. So even less variety.

    It won't fix weapon balance either, Boltor prime would find it's way into overpoweredness eventually.

    The core of the problem is that stacking damage has no drawbacks.

    Fire rate mods were made much more elegantly, as they increase ammo consumption, while not having direct negative stats themselves.

    Damage mods don't have such sneaky drawbacks, so they are simply superior.

    Multishot mods are a bit more interesting, because aside of flat damage increase they also boost crit and status percentages. But again - no drawbacks. Perhaps if they consumed extra ammo they would be more balanced.

    Wouldn't touch the upper limits of endless limits at all. Enemies would be rebalanced. 


    Min maxing? Ah, You say that. But think of minmaxed builds when we only have access to a few of the usual offending mods at a time. Yeah there might still be min maxed builds... But they'd be more diverse and different for each weapon. 


    The rest of your argument? About the damage mods having no drawbacks? Sound. 

  3. umm wat?



    Say I have A Uber gun. Dragon Aksoma prime with Maxed everything.  


    I want to play saturn.


    I tick box. 


    gun is rebalanced so that it doesn't instakill everything. 



    Poop: A. B.C isn't precise enough. And it's a pain to set up each in the first place. 

  4. I get sick of needing to change weapons, loadouts and tweaks so that I can play a low/midgame mission without being monsterously overpowered and completely without challenge. 


    Since DE obviously have no intention to balance weapons/mods, and are releasing new mods that further upset balance (Primed point blank: will primed multishot mods be a thing? who knows? Anything goes) Could I at the very least have an easy to use checkbox that will dynamicaly reduce the power of my weapon/frame to be more mission-appropriate so I don't have to do it manually?  

  5. <p>Multishot strikes me as a dumb mechanic as it is now. "fire two bullets at the same time for the cost of one" with only a slight reduction of accuracy and a notable cost  to balance it.  Your weapon is twice as effective in every way but that. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Could we not make it more... sensible? </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Howabout, rather than adding a percentage chance for a free bullet, it divides bullets.  With each rank the bullet is devided further. Two halves at unranked. quaters at rank 2. six pellets at rank 4. seven at max. Or maybe the bullet devides at an even faster rate. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>The damage is divided amoung the bullets.</p>

    <p>the status chance is divided </p>

    <p>The crit chance and multiplier stays the same. </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>For bows: </p>

    <p>Adds of chance of firing an additional arrow at a second enemy near the target. </p>

    <p> </p>


    <p>Hellfire: divided damage, but status chance and crit stays the same. </p>

    <p>Vicious spread: extra pellets are used to increase the size of the cone of death</p>

    <p>Slug mod. Group pellets together in more damaging </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>For semi-auto weapons</p>

    <p>Multishot converts gun into burstfire weapon, with multishot rank increasing the burst. </p>

  6. Why? Who would ever choose heavy caliber over serration? Seriously what is the point of this?

    Mods don't need nerfs, some weapons might but mods as a whole are fine. Why should we deal less damage? To reduce the gap between me with 1000 hours of play and someone who just started? No.

    This also doesn't really help utility mods, since most of those are for warframes. Things like ammo mutations, increased mag, and reload are all used when the gun needs them. This doesn't make intruder anymore useful.


    I highlighted something you skipped over to answer the first question. 

    I added something to answer your second issue (petty as it might be) 


    And it does help utility mods. You haven't even described a tiny portion of what utility mods for weapons there are because you're not aware of them. You don't even seem to count so many of them because you're one of the 8-damage mod guys. 


    Archistopheles seems to get it. (under the assumption that that post is sarcastic) Why don't you?

  7. So part of the mod problem is that you can put many of the same type of mod on a weapon, Which is one of the reasons utility mods are so rarely used, and why enemies scale so radically. 


    One base damage mod. 

    Serration OR heavy caliber. 

    Hornet strike OR magnum force

    Point blank OR Blaze OR Vicious spread

    Pressure point OR Spoiled strike. 


    Now for this to work, The corrupted mods that sacrifice accuracy/speed should give a larger damage buff than the common versions (though Heavy call and magnum force should reduce accuracy a little more. Spoiled strike is good where it is) Blaze shouldn't be fire damage but rather status chance. 

    One multishot mod. 

    Split chamber OR lethal torrent. 

    Hell's chamber OR vicious spread. 


    What? Vicious spread?!?! Well. Look at it this way: Hell's chamber becomes a mod that adds more pellets in the same area for more elemental chance. Vicious spread becomes a mod that increases spread yet keeps the damage the same in all areas: meaning you're essentially doing the same damage to a bigger area. 

    Why split up the love team between lethal torrent and split chamber? Because Lethal torrent invalidates all other fire-rate mods. By spliting them, a user who uses split chamber will be more likely to use a fire-rate mod. 


    An elemental mod limit. 

    This is a complex one with multiple solutions

    A: Three mods

    B: Two normal mods. One Dual stat. 

    C: Two mods. 

    D: Two mods, but dual stat mods don't form combination elements. (Cold+shock= Cold+shock, not magnetic) 


    It all depends on how elemental mods are changed in the future. One could guess/hope/pray that single stat status chance mods will get a buff at some point, so the status chance stat of the dual-stat mods will become less necessary for a good stat build. Maybe those dual stat mods might change? Maybe DE might make all regular status chance mods equal. They're so suspect to change that it's difficult to narrow down one solution. 


    This means:

    Whilst these mods are (for the most part) not nerfed*, Players can't use all slots on more damage, meaning lighter scaling** and more slots for utility mods.

    *within this change alone, most mods dont need to be nerfed. Some would even be buffed.  But that's not to say further changes wont be made. 

    ** By lighter scaling, I mean that as you can't increase your damage as much with a mod limit, enemy health/armour will be changed to suit this, and because of the gap between low and max level is less, players would better be able to enjoy games of a higher/lower level. (think of 1-10 in damage rather than 1-30) The game would become more accessible to both new players and old players. Old players would need to spend less time $&*^ing about in loadouts to nerf themselves appropriately for low level. Newer players would have more games available to them, missions above their range become extremely challenging, but not impossible.  

  8. So you get a warframe, and assuming it's not potato'd, you're able to multiply it's hitpoints with redirection and vitality by 4-5 (less if the player is new) within the first ten ranks. After than you can add some armour or regeneration... But you're not increasing your hitpoints by much after that.


    Moving onto the weapon; You're increasing the damage with damage mods from levels 2-30, potatoed or not. (the exception being explosive and sniper weapons that need reload/firing speed to function)So whilst you're increasing warframe's hitpoints by 4/5 (maybe 9 or so if you're valkyr) You increase your weapon damage by... 


    Assuming it's not a crit gun (if it is a crit gun, it's much worse) 

    +90 element

    +90 element

    + 90 Element

    +90 element

    x2 multishot. 


    x3.3 rifle

    x2.2 pistol (the corrupt mod kinda sucks) 

    x3.5 shotgun

    Maybe some dual stat elementals or a physical. 


    So whilst you're only increasing your health by usualy 4/500%... From that crude bit of maths you're increasing your weapon damage by a good 30 times (and again, that's not for crit weapons) 


    Look at Builds. Frame builds are centred around specific situations; What abilities do you need to use, what abilities can you sacrifice, what kind of mission are you in. Hitpoints is sorted in one or two mods and the rest are open for personal choices. 


    Best weapon builds? Damage, Damage, Damage, Damage. The variety comes in what order your Elemental damages go. 



    One hit killing everything with fully automatic weapons... it's kinda dull. 

    Not doing any damage with your guns... also dull. 

    Having to nerf/buff your guns all the time depending on what mission your playing: tedious. 



    Make guns like warframes. Give us a chance to make interesting builds by reducing the importance of damage mods.  Stop giving enemies a doomstack of health. 


    Give us a feeling of weapon progression by

    Make weapon moding more about utility. Less instant kills and more "can't kill the enemy instantly, but can set him on fire" and "can't kill the enemy with one bullet, but my ammo count is pretty bottomless" 

    changing the enemies we shoot at, not buffing the same enemy's health.


    It'd be better, both as a shooter and RPG mechanic, to move away from "moar damage" and towards a "thousands of handy bonuses that give a good edge" 


    Not saying more damage is a good thing, but when you're increasing it by 30 times... It's a bit too much. 4-5 times like warframes? Maybe (though there are weapons designed to be much better than other weapons, something that doesn't happen with frames, so perhaps increasing damage in weapons should be less than five times, as you can get a top-tier weapon to compensate) 

  9. Fighting in low gravity should be a lot more than just "fall slowly". Couldn't we have an actual system of awesomeness to be low gravity (and maybe swiming, since we're getting that at some point apparently?)



    1: Players can slowly move around like they're in archwing, without an archwing (using tenno powers as propulsion) You're nowhere near as fast, but you're also in a smaller place (likely a ship interior)  


    2: players can stick to any surface (with crouch), and can jump of the surface in the direction of where the player aims. Common ground enemies (crewmen, lancers) do this. 


    3: the mode accomadates for Low/No gravity (slight change, you're either not dragged down at all or you are if you're not using force to keep you up. And yes/no atmosphere (player slows down as they move through the air/player doesn't) 


    Those mechanics alone would be awesome. Other aditional things like how warframe powers change in low/zero gravity, or warframe passives for low gravity could come later. 

  10. Putting the Corpus rangers into the corpus ships is something that would add more spice to the currently expanding corpus arsenal. (the penta gets timed and highly visual grenades though, so they don't stomp tenno)  


    Copying the sprag/tel mechanics into Helion variants (Jetpack sniper, Jetpack melee)  would be awesome. 

    Having sprag/tel apear as alternate grineer stalkers (I'm sure the grineer use other elite hunting teams than just the g3) would be pretty boss. (Hek has the G3, kela has the sprag duo, ruk has... I'll get to that in a moment) Single hyenas could pop in now and then as rare heavy units or alternate hunters (H3 as opposed to G3? bring it on! but seriously the corpus and alad V aren't on the same page so i'm not really sure why the corpus rely on his zanuka when they hate the guy)


    The dregs would make interesting heavy units, but the Dargyns and ogma/gox could really be boss or mini-boss level enemies. If you were to add onto that AI Floaty-Hek has where he retreats and reapears during the mission, these enemies could contend for miniboss/assassin roles. 


    Don't port the archwing osprey though. those are just placeholders for something original (i hope) 


    As for the lynx/Jackal... Well, I suppose you'd need to figure out animating such large quadropeds on uneven terrain. But when it happens; I'd delight to see one providing challenge at a chokepoint or as an objective guardian. maybe they could even push the tenno to take other paths,use improvised teamwork or encourage stealth. 

  11. Having to fend off enemies for 3-4 minutes several times, or having to play for 40 minutes, isn't very fun.



    - i'm not rewarded for killing enemies quickly

    - the game progresses too slowly. 


    Why not have us advance the clock by killing? Maybe rather than a timer, we get a kill/point quota to reach. 

    yes, in mobile defence, it might make some "logic" sense to use a timer, but it'd make more gameplay sense to have progress controlled by kills. (by progress, I mean till the Defence is completed/next survival reward is given)

  12. So we've still got mods that add 2.5% extra status chance per level. I repeat: Two point five percent.  (plus shotgun savvy that does 5%, for a negligible difference)



    How does the grineer radio say it? "Ignorance is no excuse!"? 


    These mods are unusable. Especialy when you can just throw in a dual stat mod (which traditionaly have both stats weaker than single stat mods) for 15% per level. They're stronger Unranked than their comparative fully ranked mods. 


    I don't even care if the dual stat mods need to get nerfed slightly to make up for this change, those mods clearly need a buff. 

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