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Everything posted by Leviathis_Krade

  1. its not the worst, the load times through the gates are faster than regular starchart missions, but once you re-enter cetus you need to quickly speak to Konzu lest you get stuck frozen for a minute or two. the only bad thing is trying to purposely squad up instead of random public missions, host migrations galore. either I'm being throttled by my ISP or theres networking issues on DE's side of this issue (that I hope are resolved soon)
  2. being able to mute ALL dialogue does "fix" the dialogue spam from vay hek, but I feel like he needs his own volume adjuster for players, or something. hearing him drone on and on and on and on and on when doing misplayed slow runs is the pits. you can only bear hearing him say the same few lines so many times. its not as grating if you're able to quickly kill the hemocytes but if you need to spend longer than 4 minutes killing each one you'll hear him repeat all of his lines countless times.
  3. Just had a 6 minute freeze in cetus, there was a "new" chat message in the relay most likely cross play peeps trying to squad up, but after the freeze subsided there was a network error in (despite my fine internet connection) and the relay chat was then cleared. the game itself once loaded works completely fine; this matchmaking issue has been persisting since the october update and has made playing with friends difficult to say the least, at worst the game requires a reboot b/c it legitimately get stuck in said freeze.
  4. are you able to replicate the reload speed decreasing? or does it just happen every once in a while? it might also help to state what warframes or arcanes that you are running.
  5. making a small test log to try and replicate it; not exactly the same bug at 12:09 (GMT-5) November 2nd I experienced a hitch in loading from leaving my dojo to enter relay one of my Clan mates CR04T04N crashed trying to load into "The Hearts of Freedom" dojo at 12:29 (GMT-5) I froze in a public Steel path exterminate around 12:40 (GMT-5) after selecting the mars excursion, I loaded in fine, but froze after being in mission for a few seconds; a host migration occurred, when I loaded back into dojo it allowed me to move two steps until I crashed at 12:48. I think this was the previous host's kavat. It disappeared after the other players loaded into the squad. at 1:08 AM; I loaded into the sharpless phobos red veil survival from dojo; at 1:23 AM; I loaded back into dojo post mission and was logged out after a network error happened not directly related to my internet connection. so ends my testing for now on November 2nd.
  6. this issue is persisting, and was not fixed. My clan's dojo is a little on the thicc side, but this issue only started happening after the duviri portal rooms were added. Thank you for taking the time to look into this, and for reading this message.
  7. My own dojo, this seems to have been fixed, but I haven't been to my clan's dojo in a couple of days. Luckily Maroo's bazaar exists so trading is still available to my clan's members. : ) The report isnt a negative thing, just a bug I personally have encountered recently while playing, as I write this I was able to access the dojo. -Thanks for taking the time to look into this crash related issue.
  8. When selecting dojo from camp its a 50/50 chance of crashing the game. it only started happening after adding both duviri portal rooms to dojo
  9. When gloom is active and you shoot an enemy with the Incarnon mode of the gammacor it causes the NPCs to be lifted into the air infinitely/(as long as one or both effects affect the target) and not the Lifted or ragdoll movements but in a standing stagger animation flying up in a jank sort of way this is a weird interaction and I thought it as worth reporting.
  10. which extractor were you using specifically? b/c my luck with that is still doodoo, for me its less about the resource and more about the principle of the little window lying. for peeps who really need the weird resource just run zariman with a smeeta and you'll passively get them fairly frequently. (not as frequently as the zariman launch though, I have some friends who obtained a stupid amount before the rates were nerfed into the ground)
  11. I do wonder if DE nerfed the regular distilling extractors, b/c using 50 or so times in the past couple months I have not seen the lanthorn be claimable. i've gotten plenty of voidgel, so the extractor knows its a rare resource; did DE make lanthorns ptw by needing the prime versions of the extractors? or did they make an oopsie when nerfing the droprates of it all around? b/c I can still find orokin cells with the distilling extractors.
  12. There's currently a bug with khal where if you try to throw a grenade right before using the jetpack it will consume your grenade but not throw it. it also eats the grenade when he gets staggered during the throw animation.
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