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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.    True we should try to kill them before they get there. I agree with the OP and find it a little annoying when they die slowly and the gas lingers on the pod for a long time. If anything what changed, it would be cool if specifically the posthumous gas did not affect the pod or had at most, half the affect as a living Toxic's but it's not something that needs to change, imo

  2. it is not worth getting I had mine potatoed and sold it because machine gun types are better

    Opinions, man. Let's leave room for them with our wording :) Glad you like machine guns. My favorites don't have the highest DPS


    some people like would like to get it for mastery points and for collection.

    ^This. Also, it was removed the day I finally had enough credits to get it after I did the reset. I personally loved using it on solo. I like machine guns as well

  3. "We are here today to mourn the loss of Sgt. Nef Anyo.. Who managed to die yet again. We are still amazed at the fact he constantly seems to show up when we all think hes actually dead."

    Cloning. They made copies of him with a big machine that sounds like an early 90's printer. That's also why they don't have huge armies of him (or other bosses). It takes too freaking long to print out another one


    lol jk, it is funny to think about though. Four super powerful space ninjas appearing out of nowhere and tearing apart droves of their comrades

  4. No, they don't. The people you find on those planets are either trying to progress to higher level planets or farming specific maps for mats, very few people just randomly decide to run a lowbie mission for the hell of it.

    I do. Ran into the stalker the first time that way and I was on solo. I died.

  5. well as a Volt I have an obsession with speed :D now dont mistake me I dont rush everything the only time i do that is if its assassination because i wanna be an assassin and not a butcher xD GENOCIDE!!!! no lol

    oh and i uber run on tower raid :D cuz i wanna book it to the parkour room xD dat my S#&$ right dur

        Thats cool. Sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I was only responding to the thread in general. My post being under yours was only coincidence, not a reply :) Also, added a bit more to that post lol always have after thoughts

  6.     I play for fun. When I'm going solo I usually take it really slow. Opening every container in my path and killing every enemy unless it seems that they just keep spawning. Sometimes sacrificing health to kill in a specific way lol. When I'm online I don't mind rushing to the boss as long as we kill all or most of the baddies along the way. I don't like jumping into games where people completely ignore the enemies. Even if I don't need any exp for my stuff, only fighting the boss and running is not fun IMO. I usually either do my best match the host's playstyle or the majorities playstyle while still being courteous to everyone.


    EDIT: It's also way fun to fight defense with a good group that sticks around the pod, fighting back to back and/or covering all entrances to the pod. Each person taking their place and allowing others to handle their side unless they get overwhelmed. At high levels, it gets pretty epic.

  7.    Yeah, Frost Prime has some uncolourable areas as well that are just annoying enough that I'm considering using the extra forma just so I can have a Frost with more colour options. Though the Excal Prime has faster shield regen last I looked so there is more incentive (for me anyway) to use Excal Prime over the normal Excal. Would like to have options too.


    It is super irritating also how did you get that excalibur prime icon?

    ^ About the icon, someone started a thread a while back asking about it and it was never answered. I'd like to have a Frost Prime one like I've been seeing. I'm going to plug that thread here :https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/48835-avatar-reset-glitch/

  8. +1 to this whole thread. Freaking love freaking anime... freak



    P.S. Found this while trying to find something new to watch so it was awesome. I'm on MyAnimeList as well under a different alias but its not updated. AnimeFushigi is where I usually go to watch in case anyone wants a new and/or another streaming site


    EDIT: Love anime with "cute chicks" too ^ lol Also, strong female leads/characters. Examples: Yoruichi, Erza Scarlet, and Birdy

  9. I also lost Ash Chassis and it was the last part I needed lol Titania, Uranus. Using normal lvl 30 Frost with Boltor, Dispair, and Cronus (leveling Cronus atm)


    EDIT: Happened no more than 15 minutes before my original post time and was my "first daily win bonus" as well. The Warframe "new day" starts around 6:00pm where I live. I remember the name of one of the random squad members at the time if you'd like a witness if that is necessary. Just in case 

  10.     Generally speaking (not really a reply to any above posts) I do think some people often mistake a high level+modded weapon for OP and need to do at least a little research before complaining or asking for nerfs

  11.     I also would like a chance to get my Snipertron back. Not because its gone, because it was the gun I was using before the reset and I liked it. It shouldn't have just disappeared so I'm glad to know it might become available again soon. Just hope I'm around when the window opens.

  12. It is confirmed that the rifle will be back later, possibly for some kind of event. When is still TBA.

        Awesome! Whoever sees this and remembers, please post a date/time here when it is announced.

    Much appreciated

  13.     Sorry if this has been mentioned before as this issue was occurring before U8. Has anyone else noticed when cloaked by your Shade, your Warframe's head flops around in weird ways while sprinting? This happened with all of my frames before I reset and before U8. No frame or head in particular

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