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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1.     Yeah, AP was the selling point for me and I liked it. This really bites for those who reset and just assumed they had time to get it. It should be made available for a short time or make the replacement have at least the same attributes. The gun called the "Lanka" that took it's model is a completely different kind of gun according to the wiki http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Lanka

  2.     I'd like to help. I've added you in my contacts. I also have 2 Tower III Exterminate missions I can't do alone. Level 60 groups consisting of 2 healers, 2 shield floaty dudes, and 2 gold gun girls plus whatever else is going on is a bit too much and I have no problem admitting that lol

  3.     I think this or 12 hours would be fair to say the least


    Can't you guys bring it back for maybe just this weekend? I was just planning on getting the blueprint and crafting it over this weekend. I just wish, as many others do, that we got some heads up before its removal. Some more communication is, I feel, necessary here...

  4. Add me to the list of those who would have appreciated a heads up.  I did the account reset and Snipetron was definitely one of the guns I was looking to reacquire, but with no warning of its' removal I had no sense of urgency to snag the blueprint.

        Same here. After I bought the Dual Bronco bp I was doing runs to save up a bit more to buy the Snipertron bp. Would have bought it with Platinum had I known it was going to disappear.


    EDIT: I've been calm in all my posts but I do have to say this is kinda messed up. I realize there is a new sniper but that really isn't the point or a solution. Literally, Today, I was going to get the Snipertron lol I also realize I can not prove this. It should come back for at least 12 hours with a notice to others that it will be gone via the nexus app or something. Will pay in Platinum.

  5. so we can all agree that this was in fact a "nerf" of the rhino for apparently no legitamate reason other than being the whim of a DEV that thought he would change the entire play style of a frame.

    I really, I mean REALLY want to know, who complained about Iron Skin ina PVE GAME!


    I keep saying this, because I honestly believe it to be true, The nerf was more for the PVP dojo sparring than it was for the PVE. The whole design council voicing concerns on certian pwers, to me, is BS. Letting the personnal perferences of a few privilidged people get the priority for feedback while dismissing the large playerbase is ridiculous. Not knowing the actual numbers of founders with this privilidge, I cant say how much of a minority/majority they may, or may not be. In livestream 8 they mention how they, "won't take a nerf hammer to the powers that we've grown accustomed to in the real game" 

    Hell they even mentioned how they "realized" that "every decimal they change affects thousands of players" but when the player base voces their concerns and their dislike to a change they are brushed off. It makes it hard for me to really WANT to invest further in this game when alread even BEFORE the PVP element is introduced, the devs are following in the same footsteps of so many other F2P games. Becoming a PAY to PLAY by changing most of the market to platinum only otherwise having to immediately farm making it difficult on new players to keep interest, or having a policy of nerfing everything that a few people complain about because of their own preferences. UNLESS something is causing an ACTUAL problem, in my opinion leave it. No one sends in IMs of "Hey this is great keep it the same!" while the vast majority of IMs are going to be complaints. So like I said before, unless their is a LEGITIMATE PROBLEM with something don't act on the opinions and criticisms of the few only to do so and find out the vast majority are against it.

        The Design Council does not work this way. We only respond to specific topics posted by the Devs. Mostly new things like Warframe concepts, tile sets, or naming a Warframe. Suggestions are reviewed by the Devs, a poll is created from their choices, and we vote on which one of their choices we want. We are not allowed to create threads, nor would these types of posts be allowed as they would be off topic.


    EDIT: I found a quote someone was looking for earlier. The old Iron Skin is not an option but that does not mean the 75/100 cost version is out of the question. It just would be in the long-term fix category. D.E. plans to implement a short-term fix first as stated here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/48350-de-ima-give-u-a-little-sign/page-3#entry499307 She says specifically "a complete revert". The 75/100 cost version is not a complete revert. It would be with the "switching his powers altogether" part IF they choose that direction.

  6. That's a guess on your part. What if you can't save your &#! or revive team mates often enough?

        It would be more reliable than the current system suggests for this situation. I may not be able to do it often enough compared to the 50 energy old version but with full invincibility at 75 or 100 I know I will be able to do it in that instance instead of still having the risk of being torn to bits anyway. Don't misunderstand me, this is not an attack. Your posts have had some good points. Though I understand that you might feel as if your being ganged up on and I wish this whole thing could go more smoothly as I'm sure everyone else does.

        To reiterate and in replying to this statement alone, I'd get fewer, yes, but still (without getting technical and specific about a given situation) guaranteed instances of being able to help or save myself with full invincibility at a cost of 75/100 compared to the % or 800 damage versions at higher or end game levels. As a Rhino player I know with how I used the ability (i.e. not spamming) that the change in cost would still work out fine and if it were to be his Ult, it would make sense as it is his only unique ability. And I do agree that while D.E. is capable of implementing your suggestion, I believe that the change in cost version would be preferable and more stable thing to do if they are planning to make a change with U8 scheduled to come out this week (or 7 days from today. However DERebecca meant it). Even if it means swapping his other skills around then revisiting them later.

        Also, honest question since I'd rather not attempt the math at the moment, if your suggestion implies more survivability at high levels, how much difference would there actually be between it and invincibility? Just since I've been trying to word this post correctly, things in the thread have come back to being able to spam the ability due to energy drops. If your system provided high level protection, can you help me understand how it would be different with having an abundance of energy drops? I actually don't think this should be included in the debate as any ability can be spammed with sufficient energy and no cooldown period. Unless you want a cooldown I guess. I don't know, since I took so long typing this, things may have changed by now. If so I apologize in advance for either redundance or incorrect assumptions. As far as Rhino needing to take a risk, well, I don't know how to include risk to an ability meant for powerful defense. That I guess comes back to needing a cooldown to satisfy that as far as I know and as I said, I simply don't know if the majority or even D.E. wants a cooldown. I say again, I'm just wanting info. Not an attack or putting your idea down.

        To D.E.: I want it to be known that I understand why people feel strongly about this and no matter what (and I think everyone here agrees), I already like the game so unless something extreme happens to the game as a whole, things like this and whatever you eventually decide to do with Rhino wont change that. We apparently just like Rhino more than I thought lol I only play solo except for when my little brother has time to play co-op. I assumed Rhino was or would be unpopular due to his speed which didn't bother me. Even with the Thrak helm.

    ​EDIT: Typos abound. Apologies.

  7.     I use this http://www.asus.com/Keyboards_Mice/GX800/ mouse and its been great. I've had it for about 3 years with no issues. For Warframe I use the bottom thumb button for aiming, top thumb for block (not used often. Yet.) left click for shooting, right click for melee, mouse wheel scroll for selecting abilities, and mouse wheel button for using abilities. I also love its size and weight but I don't usually need to use the dpi button for any game. 


    EDIT: Also, Xbox 360 Wireless controller for Windows w/Play and Charge kit. For this game, I'm more fluid and accurate with mouse and keyboard though

  8.     Just want to put my two cents in here again. Its awesome to see this thread has mostly calmed down and has more constructive suggestions. As a solo Rhino player, again just want to say, suggestions along the lines of making IS his 3rd or ultimate with full invincibility, normal shield regen, max 10 sec duration maybe 15 with maxed Continuity (no higher than 15 sec with or without any artifacts or whatever), and with or without aggro would be totally acceptable. Figuring out the other skills can wait if they have to. One bit at a time. Thanks again everyone so far and thanks to D.E. for listening and allowing us to have a voice in the first place.


    EDIT: Rewording

  9.     Before I did the reset I was using the Snipertron with my Ash and I had low expectations for it at first. Then it was waaay fun to use. BAM dead... BAM dead... lol I did try the Boltor too though and I have to say, you have a tough decision to make. What is your favorite or current side arm? I'd ultimately base my choice on that since your planning to level both eventually.

    EDIT: Reread and I must have missed your side-arm part. Sorry about that. Also, only use Rank 2 (15%) Magazine Warp on Snipertron

  10.     Just want to say that I've read every single post in this thread (yes, really) and I have to say this about Rhino's Iron Skin: If a change is required, in my own opinion, I agree with and believe that reducing max duration to 10 seconds, (max 15 with max Continuity) and/or making it cost 75 or even 100 energy would be the best way to go. Just want to put that out there if it makes any difference lol. Anyway, thanks to D.E. for your hard work. Looking forward to update 8!


    EDIT: Also thought I should mention that the addition of aggro to the above sounds fun and would be helpful for melee players like myself but I'd understand that the aggro addition might be OP under these circumstances.

  11. That it is, definitely... I once concidered getting a Grand Master pack for that, but then i started seeing the cluttering and... Well, Master is all you need, y'know what i'm saying?

        I get it completely. I was only going to be a Master but upgraded anyway. This is the only time I'll say this but kinda I think the Prime weapons need/deserve a little buff lol  After the reset I plan to play with Excal Prime and only use the Prime weapons (and whichever primary) just to make things interesting. Not to get off topic, just saying. As for the Steam wallet issue, I've never used it so I don't know much about it but I downloaded through Steam and used paypal to buy straight from the Warframe site. Just a suggestion as a temporary solution until your issue is fixed if you prefer the Steam wallet

  12. And what i'm saying is that you don't really need to be from Closed Beta to think that you're not founding this game... You came in a time where we were barely able to figure out that wierd-&#! Mod 2.0 system that Steve actually apoligized to us about. You are going trough the harships of playing an essentially incomplete game same as everyone else in this boat, and it's not CBT that will make you more or less of a "Founder".


    The foundation has not ended, we need to keep moving foward!

       That's true. Just thought I'd mention that aspect. Also, to reply to some things said in other previous posts, I'm sure other Packages of some kind will replace the Founder one as far as D.E.'s income is concerned. Anyway, yes, I think there is still "founding" (if you will) going on especially with the current topics in the Design Council so it does make sense for it to be available still. Maybe what is needed is a different approach to the Solar Landmark? I don't know lol  

  13.    I understand the OP about wanting the title of Founder to have at least a little prestige. I have been there for other games from the beginning but I simply didn't know about this game soon enough to participate in the closed beta otherwise I'd have genuinely wanted to be here from the start. So at the same time I'm also glad I was able to purchase the Hunter Package then upgrade every paycheck to Grand Master to support this game. If the Founder's one ended with the CB I would have still bought whatever other package was available to show support (ok ok,and for the perks). Since the Founder's was still there, I bought it. Just saying, there are also people who didn't know about the game before and would have been legitimate CB testers if they could. So coming from that point of view, I think at least the option to upgrade should remain until open beta is over though I also understand when people say this is a very open beta.

  14.     So many pages, sorry if this has been asked. My question is:


        I realize this would be way slower than a mouse but do you plan on adding controller support for ciphers and/or the main menu area between missions? The support for the controller so far is beyond expectation so, thank you :)  


        I mostly use my computer like a console for games so this would be helpful. I bought a wireless keyboard with a built-in touchpad to solve this issue. It works pretty well actually. I was surprised. Other times I have an awesome mouse with 6 functions on it. I can aim, block, use powers, switch powers, shoot, and slash with my right hand and all other movement actions with the left lol

  15.     This is pretty good. Nice work. May I suggest adding accuracy to all of the firearms?  I sometimes favor a more guaranteed shot over total DPS. Its really cool though, thanks for posting :)


    EDIT: Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I thought I read all the pages before posting. Got sidetracked lol

  16. Awesome. I love Frost already but this... Wow. I have to make sure though for those of us who used our plat to test stuff, we'll still have the blueprint after the optional reset right? Don't care about the credits or if I already made the Frost Prime, just let the blueprint stay :)

  17.     I'd use the Plat on something you think you'll like to test it out then use the optional reset and work towards it to get it without spending plat if you like it, or find out you don't so you can spend your time on something else. That's what I'm doing. Eventually if you play enough you'd be able try everything but I like to plan ahead when possible. Be sure it's what you want to do obviously if that is what you choose

  18. Have you ever played Phantasy Star Online? This game and that one are practically the exact same game in terms of gameplay, style, layout, even levels and weaponry and sentinels, and the pvp in that game was great.



      I play Warframe for this reason and I wish I knew about it from the start. Its the closest thing to PSO I know of. Something I've been looking for since 2002. Not just in gameplay but in other ways as well. I don't have an opinion on the pvp aspect but as far as the overall entertainment value goes, this is what I think:


      First, some background. Honestly I don't even understand it myself but personally, I think PSO I & II is awesome. Spent way too much on ebay a few years ago to get a brand new Gamecube with a digital out(they phased that model out because not enough people had a tv to take advantage of it at the time), with official Nintendo brand component(480p) cables, and brand new PSO I & II Plus.


      I don't know why at all but it might be my most favorite game. I like all kinds of games but there is just something about it. I still play every now and then, I have a lot of things maxed out, found a lot of rares and the only reason to actually play it still is to find that one weapon/armor, reach lvl 200 with a specific character, just start over, kill enemies and bosses with my little brother(he bought a cube and the game for himself too), or simply to escape life for a while. For an older game it has some nice music, scenery, and views. The whole game just has a unique ambiance. Especially in Ep. II. I have even done math for fun to calculate how much materials to use with the mag to have max stats for that specific character by lvl 200. 


      Crazy right? Warframe fills a niche for players like myself even as it is right now not to mention any more additions or changes. Though I think it still needs more of that ambiance lol. So I guess what I'm saying is, for me and most likely other PSO fans and gamer's that like this style of play, it will be entertaining as long as its available. 


    To put it more simply, another matter of opinion. What entertains you? What is your definition of entertainment?  :)

  19. Mag's bullet attractor seems like its a bit underrated at times.


    Maxed shield polarize practically refills the defense objective's shield bar, which gives the team some time to get back and start kicking butt. I've actually saved a cyropod several times long enough to get my overzealous teammates to come back and actually defend. If you're pressed for mod space however, I'd suggest leaving at home when you're not going to be defending something, unless you can coordinate with buddies so they can tell you when their shields are down using voice.


    Mag's bullet attractor synergies well with Excalibur.  Use bullet attractor on a boss. Have Excalibur run into said boss's face. Have Excalibur use radial javelin. Cackle like mad as every single javelin redirects and hits the boss for an undgodly amount of damage. As an added bonus, if the boss uses a ranged weapon, he'll shoot himself with it, which means you have a longer window to keep firing on him.

    Awesome. Haven't been in a boss fight with the Mag yet so that should be fun. Thanks KaikelX! +1

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