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Grand Master
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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1. I really like the Strun too. Its powerful enough to get me out of tight spots when I'm out of energy. I haven't tried the Hek (plan to), but even if its a stronger and more useful weapon I bet I will end up using the Strun anyway simply because I personally think it looks better than the Hek. No offense to People who are pro-Hek, Just my opinion :)

  2. I'm surprised people would even spend money in beta.  Seems kinda pointless when there's a chance for reset and chance game fails.  I've seen plenty of game fail due to lawsuits, money, firing, and etc.  It's just not worth the risk.


    You don't spend money in games to keep the items forever. Just as with CoH, every game eventually ends. You pay money for the enjoyment of the moment, to support developers whom are making a game that you enjoy playing and in the case of betas many people spend money to help test features like in-game market places and cash shops knowing that come launch, when the game resets (or in Warframe's case, when the optional reset is implemented) they will get their in-game currency back to begin playing seriously.



         I completely agree with Kasern. +1. Even if they had to do a forced reset, they've already said in multiple places that all previously bought Platinum will be restored. I like this game so I'll pay to do what I can to keep it going as long as it can. I plan to use the optional reset and I'm glad its there. The Platinum from paying plus the reset allows me to test a lot of weapons and frames so I can figure out what I like and don't like so I don't waste Platinum  and Credits on things I wont use post reset. After the optional reset I plan to play without using my Platinum as much as possible to prevent burning out the game interest-wise and so I have the option to get future Platinum only items.
  3. Pull, Bullet Attractor and Crush are all very good and useful abilities in my opinion, only Shield Polarize is maybe no that great and the only times I used it was during defense missions to quickly restore shields to pod or reactor... well, it's not a bad ability once maxed, can come in handy from time to time


        I seriously wish Shield Polarize stole the enemies shield (if they have one) if yours was gone. Maybe to balance it out so its not overpowered, the Shield Polarize would only replenish your shield if the enemy you use it on has full shields. Any other time it would work like normal. Just a thought. I hope I'm able to try them all out eventually. I have Plat, but I'm going to use credits and play like normal as much as I can after the reset. Honestly, I will be getting the Rhino or Frost frame though lol they fit my normal play style perfectly. I don't mind adapting to my whatever my current 'frames strengths are and I like trying new methods.. Currently the Mag Pull+Strun combo is awesome and Bullet Attractor is working for me. I use it on an enemy, shot off to the side but still within the bubble, and it destroys everything I've encountered so far. 


        I agree with what's mostly said about the Lex. After testing weapons, I started using the Lex/Strun combo before I saw it mentioned on the forums so I'm glad I'm catching on to things like that already :)  If there are Saryn player's reading this, I'd like to know how the buffed Venom Power is working so far and your opinion on it.

    Thanks again everyone for all the feedback.

  4. I think I a lack the heart to do so, especially with my mods..

    Very understandable. Still, if you are considering buying Plat (and make sure you really want to before you do obviously) $20 for 370 isn't bad. Just make sure to use it well. Slots and maybe Catalysts and Reactors.

  5. And the warframes Ive spent a good week on making, they would stay as well?

    No, sorry. They would be gone. Only the things I mentioned will remain. I've spent a lot of time on 4 frames and items and I still plan to use the reset because now I know what I like and can spend my Platinum and the credits I'll earn in my new game on exactly the things I know I want.

  6. I saw! But I've always thought that reset literally restarted everything, (Mods, Weapons obtained, warframes) Im probably really missing something here -__-



    Yes and no. You get back all promo items such as Vandal weapons, Prime frame and weapons, and all the Platinum you bought up to the time of the reset. Everything else is wiped

  7. Thanks for the answer! And to clarify, does the discount increase the higher a founder you are?

    (Masters get a lower discount than Grand Masters).

    Yeah, it seems to be an exponential discount the higher you go. I'm just guessing so don't quote me on that. The difference between Disciple and Hunter is $30 with a difference of 870 Platinum. If you go Platinum only, currently $30 will get you 570 Platinum.


    By the way, I edited my first post do give a little more complete reply :) And I'd go for which one you think looks cooler if you still can't decide after testing. Of course you can eventually get all of them but I understand wanting to stick to one at a time.

  8.  I don't know enough to answer your first question but for the second, I would assume they would do something to try to accommodate everyone. At the moment, the Platinum you get from Founder's Packages is discounted. Quite a bit in the higher tiers. Just something to consider. Plus, you can test things with the Platinum then do the reset and go with the one you liked best. That's what I'm doing. For weapons too. Can't wait for the reset. Good luck choosing which frame. I'm having a similar issue with that :)

  9. Thats cool. I recommend getting the $50 one. The question though wasn't specifically about the Founder's Package. It was just mentioned for comparison. Then I put in that edit so people would know I realize this kind of thing wouldn't work for the Founder's Package. For example I meant if they came out with a Rhino Prime or Nyx Prime with no Platinum on the side for $20 and you just bought $20 of Platinum right before they came out. Would they let you use that plat to get one of the new Primes? Remember, this is just an example. This isn't about them giving an announcement about a new thing first. Just about $20 of Platinum still being worth $20 in that point in time and if they would accept that kind of transaction. I'm not for or against this idea. Just wondering what they would do in that situation. Thanks for the reply though. And I too expect they would say no.

  10. Hypothetical Question:

           Say a new promotion or something came out similar to the Founder's Packages and it cost exactly $100.00. If someone had $100 worth of Platinum (whatever amount of Platinum that happens to be at the time), would you allow he/she to buy said promotion with that previously acquired Platinum on her account?


    It would also end up making Platinum currency for the website, as well as the game... Not sure if that is good or bad. Just a thought. 


    EDIT: Just fyi, I realize this wouldn't work with the Founder's Package itself really because if you saved all the discounted Platinum, you'd be able to upgrade without paying more money I think... I didn't bother to actually do the math though. Just guesstimated. Too late for maths at the moment. So buying Promo's with Platinum would have to be situational.

  11. Wow, this amount of feedback is really cool. Hopefully it will help others considering which one to try first. I'm still not completely sure, but at this point its probably 50% Mag, 20% Nyx, and 20% Trinity for me personally.  And now the Saryn's Venom has been boosted I think so its 10% Saryn. I will​ eventually try them all but that will take a lot of gameplay :)

  12. To TankATron: Sorry you had some issue with buying. I play through steam but bought my Founder's Package on the website through paypal without any issues. I also have played quite a lot and the only time my game crashed was yesterday when everybody else was crashing too. Try turning off 64 bit mode and/or direct x 11 mode in the launcher if they aren't off already. I have a decent computer and but I still have direct x 11 off and 64 bit on and it still looks good. Not sure if this is the right place for your post but its true, you should be sure you really like this game, can see it's potential, and can wait for more content before buying anything. Again, sorry for your troubles TankATron. The forum problems should be cleared up soon, there is a post about it in the News section I think. Hope you give Warframe a try again sometime later

  13. Awesome feedback so far. The Mag's looks alone are making me lean towards choosing her. I'm one of those "play with what you think is cool even if its not the best" players. Not saying Mag is or isn't the best though. lol If you play with what you like enough, your skill should compensate for any character weakness most of the time, I think. Does the Mag's Bullet Attractor affect shotgun shots? For example will the whole spread hit that one enemy that I used Bullet Attractor on if I'm close enough?

  14. I would recommend it. The Disciple Package is $20 and you can upgrade later if you want and unless I misunderstood something, the Platinum you get for the $20 is more than you'd get buying just Platinum. I think the variety of environments will grow and there is an optional reset coming too which resets everything except plat and prime or vandal items. Not sure about you but starting fresh with a new frame or something if I was at your point would help me stay interested. I plan to use the reset and I also don't regret getting a Founder's Package

  15. And I mostly play solo and sometimes with my little brother. I would like to hear everyone's opinion on which one I should try first.


    I like Trinity's abilities on paper but they don't seem too good for large crowds. I obviously don't know, just assuming. Would like to hear from Trinity users about this :)


    Not too interested in Ember but could be persuaded.


    Mag -in my own opinion- is the coolest looking Warframe with her default helmet.


    Saryn's abilities sound fun. Especially if I can start a plague through a huge crowd of enemies.


    Nyx seems to be a favorite with her Chaos ability but do Psychic Bolts work correctly? Do they seek out targets good enough or is it still a little messed up ?


    Banshee seems fun for stealth play and second helmet looks cool.

  16. A lot of cool posts so far. Wonder why my original one has -5? Thought I covered all types of players both non-pay and paying. Please be sure to read the whole thing if that's where the -5 came from. lol Oh well, no big deal. I respect people's opinions. I differentiated Founder and Council Member because I assumed the majority would be Disciple and Hunter. I apologize if the original post seemed redundant. Anyway, The reason I'm not a Grand Master yet is because this is all I can afford at the moment. I would like to always have the option to upgrade even after beta but I don't know if that will be an option. I think if your at least a Master, they should keep the offer open. After all, the upgrade from Hunter to Master was another $50 while Master to Grand Master is another $150. I would love to be able to upgrade soon if I can. To se05239 in post #9: Yes, its still in beta and is still growing. Like they said in the live stream, because its a free-to-play, they will and have to continue adding content to keep people interested so it will only get better even after beta. As for the rushers, in the live stream they said that they will make it so half your team will have to reach the end before the mission will end. That should help some :)

  17. To All Warframes: Post why you play. If you like this game and plan to play often, buy (if you can) at least the Disciple Package!


    To Founders: What you like about this game and what made you decide to become a Founder!


    To Council Members: Post what you like about this game and why you decided to become a Council Member and help out D.E. a little more!


    To Founders and The Council: Include in your post why you think others should buy a Founder Package!
    As for me, I've been looking for something like this for a long time and I hope it continues to expand in content. A free-to-play needs monetary support just to keep itself available. That is why I would like encourage all who enjoy Warframe to support Warframe if you are able. Even if it may be just for the Excalibur Prime and his weapons lol :)


    To those who just buy Platinum: That works too!


    To those who can't or wont buy: It's cool, I understand. Instead you can help simply by encouraging your family, friends, and maybe even coworkers to check out Warframe.


    Thanks to everyone who participates in these forums and to D.E.


  18. How about some new map areas on the planets itself?

    And more detail into the story line of the Warframe universe as well as a new faction and more information on the Lotus, the Sentients, and the Orokins as well as the Tenno themselves.

    Cinematic cutscenes!

    A place were we can all just hang!

    Cities and urban areas! As well as caves and underground tunnels!

    Venturing outside the spaceship!

    Plus I kinda miss seeing the sky!

    And lastly. More unique and interesting bosses, maybe one that can crawl around on top of a giant cave ceiling? How about something that moves fast and teleports quickly like the Stalker? How about we get to know Lotus more and see who they are and maybe find out that we're being used and that they erased our memories to use us as pawns for their plans! Then we have to fight against them! And maybe we can run into some new factions?

    I agree with these too. Like I said in my earlier in post #278, it would be cool to see awesome views of the stars, close planets, and nebulae whether on a spaceship or planet. +1

  19. Latron is still underpowered and not very useful.

    When you have several nearly/maxed out mods on equipment it feels pressed for energy to use other mods, even with supercharging. Maybe this could be compensated by energy cost only going up every other level, or putting more polarity slots on equipment. (This includes frames.)

    Credits still feel sparse and require repetitive grind to get in decent moderation.

    Melee damage still feels severely nerfed compared to what it was, and doesn't feel useful against high leveled monsters even with a maxed out pressure point mod.

    Having the stalker visit you in solo mode/private without other players just seems messed up. It's very situational to be able to take him out solo, and is very based on how tanky your frame is, and only certain weapons would be useful for fighting him solo. It feels like a waste of a revive, because your chances of survival are slim, and if you are soloing a level (possibly in private mode) you are probably farming a level you know you can do by yourself. All this does is create inconvenience, it isn't fun, and I don't think most players are into spending platinum on revives, especially because of a random bs event while solo farming. He should be scaled down when against 1 person to be challenging, but possible with most loadouts.

    Agree with these. +1. I use Latron frequently. 'nuff said about the credits. I love to fight with a melee weapons as often as possible so anything that supports that type of game play, I'm all for it. I am rarely able to play with my friends so I'm soloing at least 90% of the time.

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