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Posts posted by 7.T.

  1. M'kay :|

    lol Yep. Just trying to help people out kinda like Lumireaver's post above mine



    EDIT: Lol! Just noticed you changed it! haha, thats great. That wasn't my intention but w/e :) When its actually the title I feel like I have to take a gasp of air after reading it lol. I meant to give a different way of thinking about it. Like if someone is for RNG but thinks it should be changed and has only said "no" for whatever reason. I dunno, just threw it out there. I'm embarrassed now haha

  2.    After reading all of the posts, I based my reply to the OP as if the title was "Petition a change for (or a solution to) current reward system and focused brainstorming by DE to that effect" lol. I think the OP would still get the information they were looking for. I.e. instead of the yes no to RNG, yes no to a better system whatever that may be. Or even, "Does the current system suck? Yes or No?" That was a tad redundant but hopefully I've typed that in an easily comprehensible manner. If any rudeness was interpreted in those last two sentences, it was unintentional. Just fyi since this is text and I can't really convey tone that well

  3. Yes, something has to change somewhere.


      I agree with pretty much everything Blatantfool has said. I'm going to link a post of a copy of a post that I made yesterday lol https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110822-you-can-take-all-these-formaforma-bps-and-just/#entry1288014 Those 5 recent Prime weapons.... ugh.  


    Edit: I've done a lot more void runs in total than it may seem. And the Mag Prime stuff happened after I was already tired of trying to get the prime weapons hence only 9 tries thus far

  4. I'm just going to copy and paste a relevant post I made earlier today:


    "I'm a little burnt out.
    I have 8 or 9 Mag Prime helmets and none of her other parts.
    0 parts of the new weapons that came with Mag Prime.
    4 or 5 Nekros' chassis, 1 helmet and 0 systems.
    8 Miter Barrels and 5+ of its other parts except for chassis of which I have 0.
    1 Twin Gremlin bp and no other parts.
    I've also been trying to get the 5 new prime weapons (orthos, braton, bronco, fang, paris) since they came out and I have 5+ of various parts for all of them but I'm missing one for all of them so I can't make any. Just the bit about the prime weapons made me take a break for a few weeks. Signed in for the log-in rewards but that's basically it. It has even made me wonder if that is support ticket worthy lol (probably not, kind of a joke.... it did cross my mind)
       Came back just recently and the first bit of my post about Mag Prime and Nekros happened. Doesn't really encourage me to play.... So I've been doing easy solo missions with favorite frames and weapons while trying to ignore the part of me that says "I gotta have the new stuff!" lol I had forgotten that the gameplay is actually fun when your not running in the same place over and over. Playing to play. Haven't done that since just before Frost Prime and his weapons came out."
    TL;DR? I've pretty much given up on farming Prime parts and other things. At least for now
  5. I'm a little burnt out.

    I have 8 or 9 Mag Prime helmets and none of her other parts.

    0 parts of the new weapons that came with Mag Prime.

    4 or 5 Nekros' chassis, 1 helmet and 0 systems.

    8 Miter Barrels and 5+ of its other parts except for chassis of which I have 0.

    1 Twin Gremlin bp and no other parts.


    I've also been trying to get the 5 new prime weapons (orthos, braton, bronco, fang, paris) since they came out and I have 5+ of various parts for all of them but I'm missing one for all of them so I can't make any. Just the bit about the prime weapons made me take a break for a few weeks. Signed in for the log-in rewards but that's basically it. It has even made me wonder if that is support ticket worthy lol (probably not, kind of a joke.... it did cross my mind)


       Came back just recently and the first bit of my post about Mag Prime and Nekros happened. Doesn't really encourage me to play.... So I've been doing easy solo missions with favorite frames and weapons while trying to ignore the part of me that says "I gotta have the new stuff!" lol I had forgotten that the gameplay is actually fun when your not running in the same place over and over. Playing to play. Haven't done that since just before Frost Prime and his weapons came out

  6. This right here. The problem is the leechers, not their sentinel.

        I agree. As for what others have said, maybe I've just had bad luck with it being glitchy. Naugus has a good point as well. That is true and it does enough to help in the middle of a fight. Thanks for that. When I saw this sentinel in the works, the thought of people misusing it never occurred to me. What I did think though was, "Oh cool, now I wont have to wonder if I missed a mod that either wasn't marked or was marked but I wasn't able to get to it at the time." That's where I was coming from with my post. I was thinking of it as a total convenience sentinel and not in the way Naugus mentioned lol So in that way, it is totally fine as is, range-wise. Thanks everyone for the feedback

  7.   IMO, Yes! but not enough. It seems to be bugged a bit with its consistency to pick things up. That aside, also think it could use a sizable range buff. I like the new little guy but since I'm sacrificing power (or stealth) for utility, I was hoping he'd be able to go fetch dropped mods for me throughout almost all of the Xini defense map (for example) with Vacuum maxed. Not that big I guess but still. Say the whole room but not behind doors? Max Stretch Rhino Stomp range maybe? (also, only within a room at a time) lol I dunno. I'm having to run about the place a bit more than I expected is all really. 


    Anyone else agree or have any thoughts?



  8. making longswords vaiable stands next on my list to improve after warrames and mods


    but i would simply higher longsword dmg by 10~15

      This would be nice also. IMO, its just a tad annoying to swing a longsword, kill a guy, then have the sword pass through his buddy that's shooting you in the face at point-blank range. Sure, we all could just use heavy weapons lol Anyway, I'm cool with whatever changes are made if any. Its a fun game and the Scindo looks nice too

  9.    This is a very good idea. I agree but I don't see how this idea is a replacement for or related to this one except that they're both for longswords. Again, clarifying: Its obviously up to DE if any of these get put into the game but there is no reason they can't coexist. Don't want to hit more than 1 (very very near by) guy with your Skana? Don't use the mod. If both together are OP then something could be figured out to fix that. If it even gets put in in the first place  

  10. I do not agree with this. These weapons are already bad. Why do they need to have less mod slots too?

    Thats fine and they don't. Assuming you mean mod power cost and not the number of slots. Just to clarify, my idea from back then wasn't set in stone for me then nor is it now. Like I said in my earlier post in this thread:


     I made a similar suggestion in the Design Council way back when we were coming up with new mods (see here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/21784-expanding-our-mods-post-your-ideas/page-12#entry212909) I'd like to see either of these ideas or something close in this game. I love the Dark Sword and something like this would be awesome. +1

       Something similar. I.e. something that makes longswords or single target melee weapons hit multiple enemies even if its just 1 more. So like I said, I would appreciate almost anything close to the ideas that have been presented  And even with my old post, it doesn't have to have a high mod cost. It was only a suggestion. I wouldn't want it to be too high either but I assumed based on other suggestions made that people would think it would be OP at the time, so I threw that bit about the mod cost in

  11. hmm hopefully they'll do something soon. I love the dark sword too. hehe can't see the post cuz I'm not on the Design Council.

    Crap, forgot about that. I'll copy and paste it:


    "Posted 05 April 2013 - 05:01 PM
    Most of these are pretty cool. I agree with mods that support near pure melee play for all Warframes, I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet but these are my only ideas at the moment for Warframes or Weapons:
    -Determination: Reduces chance of being staggered when hit while charging melee attack
    -Defender: Increases chance to block or amount of damage blocked and reduces stamina cost for blocking attacks
    -Diamond Edge: Makes a melee weapon that normally only hits one enemy, hit multiple enemies as long as they are well within range of that particular weapon's attack animation (High mod cost)
    Kinda lame names for the last two but I couldn't think of anything else. Up to the Devs for these anyway. "
  12.    They should go play TL2 and see how their rare item transmuter thing works. Basically, if you put in 4 rares, you get 1 random rare back at or around the average level of the rares you gave. For this, it could be the average rarity of the 4 cards. i.e. 3 Uncommons and one common mod = 1 random uncommon and so on. Still RNG but without 4 Flows (example) turning into Mind Control or whatever. Unless they are already doing this and its just a little difficult to tell or not working correctly yet. I dunno. Just guessing from the posts. I think a rare with 3 commons should net you an uncommon result. So with what I said about averaging, you'd also have to decide how much a rare is worth in relation to a common or other mods to get a more even result. Instead of best 3 out of 4 like I made it sound lol

  13. That's pretty awesome. I wondered if they did that other than using only aliases. I'd send a friend request buuut..... She probably has tons and I'd probably accidentally get her killed somehow lol kidding, I'm not that bad... I'm going to have to play solo a lot now huh 

  14.    Teleported in from a huge supply somewhere Ultraviolet style. Not that I liked that movie but it wasn't too bad the one time I watched it. It was also super late and I was tired and didn't care lol (best time to watch movies like that if ever). One could say an ammo regen mod or Warframe power could work this way. 

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