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Posts posted by LightstealKnight

  1. On 6/24/2016 at 6:06 PM, Godzilla853 said:

    Remove megathread tag only staff can use it.

    On 6/25/2016 at 4:51 AM, NovusNova said:

    Removed "Megathread" tag.

    My apologies, I was unaware but should have been (aware) because it was most likely written on some forum rule post somewhere.

    (Godzilla853, How did you know that it was not a staff member that added it?)


    On 6/24/2016 at 7:33 PM, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

    It's kinda silly that DE gave us tags we aren't supposed to use.

    This sounds like a QoL suggestion, should I add it above? :D

  2. On 6/22/2016 at 10:31 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

    A lot of those things already have a place in the game, it would depend what you are wanting to trigger the sound or effect. Honestly, the main thing I would want to be more easily alerted about is skill recharge, which can be easily done with the UI we have so far. Just add a quick flash to the selected skill in the bar beneath targeting reticle. A quick one-two pulse of the selected skill in the 4-dot bar would inform me that that skill is ready for use again. Low health allies could be covered with a slight red pulse of light at their position in the player list, similar to a small light bloom. Keeping it small would allow it to be unobtrusive but noticeable out of the corner of the eye.


    1.  I added your feedback to the main post

    2.  Your ideas are nice but I would much rather have a system to allow the player to determine what effects are triggered by what occurrence.

  3. On 6/23/2016 at 7:08 AM, (XB1)Itz chibi said:

    A Lot of this can be fixed with simple cleaning out your items There is far too many items to just keep them all I make sure my items are gone tru and have no problem keeping up with them


    Tho i did like the blueprint number idea ^^

    Lots of us like keeping all of our old items.  But I understand that it is not an important QoL change for you and others that are more "Tidy".

  4. 13 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

    #4 is an immediate and intense "NO" from me. In no way shape or form should the player be able to have their abilities auto-cast based on in-game events that they otherwise would have to maintain on their own. That causes far too many problems in any game that has ever utilized it. Remove the bit there about being able to have an ability auto cast on a trigger based on the HUD and the idea is perfectly fine. Moving elements of the HUD is one thing, even having a sound play is all well and good, but allowing full blown automation of character ability use is an entirely different beast all together. The last thing we need are people having abilities auto cast because they triggered the HUD's detection of specific enemy types or skill cooldowns to activate their ability for them.

    These are good points, but then that would require a proprietary HUD customization system from D.E. 

    What do you think about possible warning sounds and effects that could be triggered based on HUD data changes?

  5. Great mode but we need a way to have different "class" types in the game mode.

    And it cannot be a weapon that you pick in loadout because you need to be able to compensate for a team lack.

    So the "Power button" - [Default '1-4'] Should change this "class" but take a long time to do it (5-10 seconds)



    1.  Runner

    2.  Offense

    3.  Defense

    4. Goal


    1. Runner

    Movement Speed:  High

    Projectile Speed:  Medium

    Passing Skill:  Low

    Catching Skill (includes passes): High

    Sturdiness: Low

    Steal Power: Medium

    Check Power: Low

    Holding Time: Low


    2. Offense

    Movement Speed:  Medium

    Projectile Speed:  High

    Passing Skill:  High

    Catching Skill (includes passes): Medium

    Sturdiness: Low

    Steal Power: Medium

    Check Power: Medium

    Holding Time: Medium


    3.  Defense

    Movement Speed:  Medium

    Projectile Speed:  Low

    Passing Skill:  Medium

    Catching Skill (includes passes): Medium

    Sturdiness: High

    Steal Power: High

    Check Power: High

    Holding Time: Medium


    4. Goal  (While outside of Defensive zone all stats switch to LOW) - Maximum 1 per team

    Movement Speed:  High

    Projectile Speed:  High

    Passing Skill:  High

    Catching Skill (includes passes): High

    Sturdiness: High

    Steal Power: High

    Check Power: High

    Holding Time: High

  6. Nitain is fine, it would be cool if the alerts were active for longer periods, I agree.


    It is still easier to get 20 Nitain for Vauban P, than it is to craft Vauban.

    Instead of getting the Vauban chassis on alert, the 3rd time in a row, you get Nitain that can be used for many different things.

    It is a much more elegant solution than what was around before.

  7. 18 hours ago, Fifield said:

    Like 3, 9 & 12.

    Here's my longstanding list:


    Your list, #4 to 8 is QoL but the rest are not.

    The others are game mechanics and value adjustments.

    QoL is strictly making the game more convenient for players to do what is already possible.

    Saving Loadouts is an example of QoL, You don't have to reapply mods and colors every time you change your Warframe and weapons.

    Number 8. in the OP list is the only example of a suggestion that is not strictly QoL because it involves changing a value and implementing a new mechanic.

    I suggest you separate your list into QoL and non-QoL changes.
    I have added your suggestions here:

    4. Add affinity share notification eg Teammate names turn orange when out of XP range.

    5. Restore being able to invite to group without having a mission selected.  Likewise restore solo mission lock ie select mission, see mission type, enemy type and then go equip your frame/weapons etc.

    6. Control modules are not a rare resource.  Please make them orange not green.

    7. Allow us to name our builds/mod configurations (ie not Config A) and duplicate them rather than having to find ~8 mods from scratch.

    8. Now implemented! When trading let us type in the amount.  Selecting most numbers above 50 is really awkward.

  8. On 5/13/2016 at 2:04 PM, Protideus said:

    All these are valid points.

    This post is well done and made me think about another problem :

    14. Mods Auto-removing in builds when fusionning :

    Lets say you want to upgrade your serration mod from 9 to 10 because you finally have enough fusion cores or credits to do it. You know that this mod is on 99.9% of all the builds of all your primary weapons. You know that doing so will remove this mod on all the builds where it doesnt fit anymore. So when the time comes to click on the Fusion button, you hesitate , you are scared of having all your hard earned stuff crippled for days to come, you pray that the change will not happen to all your weaps though you know deep inside of you that you were never that lucky and that life is unfair. After a quick prayer addressed to your Lotus noogle, you finally push it. And then The game decides to give you the bad news one by one. And you need to click each time to validate the change. It feels like signing the death warrant of a fallen comrade. Each time your throat constricts. And even worse, you can stop the nightmare, you can still cancell the fusion, you are not sure how many builds it will save. Is it even it worth it ? All is lost already ... So you persevere ... At the end, you just feel bad, dirty and numb. You dont know when it happened, but your mouse is upturned on the ground, and you cry.

    Anyway it will be a chore to check all your builds and rearrange them.

    This problem happens often  with 10-rank mods that are useful and therefore on most of your builds.

    I can imagine 2 solutions to this :

    • Put some kind of tag on stuff that needs to be checked out before bringing to battle after such a change
    • Change mods so that they can be used at a lower rank too... 

    I don't know how problematic this actually is, but a little marker on weapons that mod's have been auto-removed could not hurt.

  9. On 5/8/2016 at 0:24 AM, DALOS said:

    9.  Give us a choice between 3 randomly generated rewards for RNG intensive things you can only do once per day, like sorties and raids. That way if you don’t get what you wanted, you can have a little comfort in knowing that at least you get to choose what reward you want to settle on.

    This one would be great,

    All of the others are either going to be obsolete after the Dojo changes or mediocre ideas that I'm not excited about.

  10. This is a legitimate complaint, but you should consider wording it differently.
    I can't imagine anyone from D.E. clicking and reading this, or taking the content seriously with a title like this.

  11. 10 hours ago, SortaRandom said:

    What I'd like to see is for sprinting to be re-enabled after shooting if you've still got the button held down. We shouldn't have to press it all over again every single bloody time we do something with the mouse. This is the reason that nobody likes the "Toggle Sprint" option; it just turns off when you don't want it to and you have to turn it back on by yourself every single time.

    Yea... I find myself (very often) spamming the shift key because I don't know if I'm sprinting or not, and other people are running faster than me.

  12. Hi DE.

    Great game, keep up the great work.  You have one of the best QOL featured games around (if not the best).  But there is always room for improvement.

    Here are a few requests for more Quality of Life features.

    Please community, feel free to comment and add more requested features.

    1.  Crafting Window

    For new players the crafting window is simple and uncluttered, but for long time players there is too much to go through.

    a.  BP number

    There is no number to say how many BPs are owned.  If we want to know we need to go through the ESC menu and find it in our inventory list.

    On 5/17/2016 at 6:13 PM, Ciaus said:

    The blueprint number in particular would save a lot of time and headaches. 

    On 6/23/2016 at 7:08 AM, (XB1)Itz chibi said:

    i did like the blueprint number idea ^^

    b.  Tagging

    It would be nice to tag items into groups and be able to sort based on our tags.  

    c. (New) feature

    Any new BPs that were acquired within the last 3 days should have a (new) tag attached to them.  I'm not talking about the 100th Oberon helmet BP, but the 1st of an item, perhaps you just got it from the dojo or the store.

    d. Color Coding

    All of the sort features at the top, should have an icon show up next to the BP, or at least a color index.  It will make it visually easier to navigate.

    e.  Blank BP

    If you have items to make a BP but you don't own the BP itself, 

    It would be nice to be able to have a placeholder BP show up so you know that you are missing the BP but have some of the items required to make it.


    2.  Weapons Tags (when swapping)

    I want to farm xp on a weapon, now I have to sort through all of my weapons to see which one is unranked.

    There is no indicator when choosing a weapon how many formas are in it and if it has a potato or not.

    Some weapons have duplicate unranked versions for trading, and others are just MR fodder that are collecting dust (waiting to be used to craft into another weapon).

    For people who don't own more than 40 weapon slots, it's not a problem, but for those of us that collect all of the weapons, we need to search for weapons that we:

    a) enjoy using and want to keep on a favorites list

    b) Weapons to level up for MR

    c) Weapons we are working on (formaing to be ready for endgame)

    d) Weapons we don't care about should stay out of our search group.

    Tagging weapons would be very handy so we can keep them organized.


    3. Mod Autocomplete (favorite mods)

    We all have mods installed in most of our weapons/frames/companions,

    It would be nice to have our most used mods show up first on our list.  Even if this info is just querried locally on our computer, it would help with modding after formaing/modding new weapons.


    4. HUD customization

    Even if it is just allowing external mods to customize our hud, or if it is providing us with the tools (in game) to do so.

    We need to be able to skin and move our HUD objects around on our screen.

    [Optional Addition] It would also be nice to allow either external programs or internally for us to be able to access and manipulate the hud data.

    Example, if I can get/use the Player.MaximumHealth, and Player.CurrentHealth information, I can program a mod to make a sound when my health gets low.

    If I can do so for teammates, I can program a mod to push 4 on my trinity automatically when the health gets low, or get an on screen indication/alert to remind me to heal teammates.

    On 6/19/2016 at 10:17 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

    In no way shape or form should the player be able to have their abilities auto-cast based on in-game events that they otherwise would have to maintain on their own. 

    On 6/22/2016 at 10:31 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

    The main thing I would want to be more easily alerted about is skill recharge, which can be easily done with the UI we have so far. Just add a quick flash to the selected skill in the bar beneath targeting reticle. A quick one-two pulse of the selected skill in the 4-dot bar would inform me that that skill is ready for use again. Low health allies could be covered with a slight red pulse of light at their position in the player list, similar to a small light bloom. Keeping it small would allow it to be unobtrusive but noticeable out of the corner of the eye.


    5.  Channel Specific Requests

    How many times is someone kicked from a channel for improper requests?

    If you had a special request form for inchannel display, even if it was just a text header:

    LFG, H [T - 1,2,3,4 - surv, ext, int... etc]

    It would allow people to see the chat more clearly and be able to analyze.

    If you said LFG for a specific mission and someone said H for a specific mission, then you can make a bold or colored indicator for the people to find each other.

    Also for trading, there is a fixed list of trade-able items.  People can check off what they have for trade, and what they are looking for, and you can put those people in touch very easily.  This way ppl avoid searching the trade spam for something that they are actually looking for.

    2 hours ago, blaes said:

    What would be even better than that would be a filter kind of like we have when browsing mods for instance (with the difference that it would show any message containing at least one of the terms typed in the filter).

    6. Timer indications

    There are a few things in game that have a timer feature that needs to be kept track of.

    a. Syndicate XP refresh

    b. Focus XP refresh

    c. Daily Login Reward

    d. Sortie Missions

    e. Raid Timers

    f. etc.

    It would be nice if all of these features either

    a. Shared a common timer

    b. Displayed their timers on a central display so that we knew what needed attention and when.

    On 5/13/2016 at 1:52 PM, -CM-Voltage said:

    All rep refresh at 8 PM EST, Login Rewards reset the same time rep does. Sorties reset at 12 PM EST, Devstreames are always at 2 PM EST, Prime Time is 7 PM EST, and Baro Kiteer is every other Friday at 1 PM EST. Updates are usually Wednesday at around 6 PM EST.

    BUT, I would love to see timers for raid resets for the rewards. I agree more timers can never hurt.


    7.  MR completion status in the shop

    This is not very useful for new players that can remember every weapon they ever used, or for those of us that are waiting for a new weapon to come out so we can level up something new.

    But for those that are in the middle range, and don't remember what weapons they got to 30 yet or not, there should be an indication in the shop on weapons that have already been mastered.

    It would also be nice if this were present in the crafting window, but it is far less useful there.

    Updated Market has the option to only show un-owned items.  This is not exactly the idea of "#7" but it is a start for those of us that keep all of our finished weapons.


    8.  Syndicate Max XP upgrade

    This is an ingame mechanic, but still considered as a QOL.

    The Max XP is too low on syndicates.

    It would be nice if there were another Syndicate tier to upgrade to, that does not provide us with any extra access to mods or gear but just allows us to upgrade our maximum syndicate XP.  

    We will need something to do with this xp, but for now it's nice to sit above 125k so that we have the option to buy anything that we want in the store if we need it, and still have room to do missions without hitting the cap.

    If you let us get to 250k with an upgrade, then we can sit in the comfortable 125-250k range at all times.


    9.  Focus option in the Loadout Screen

    Yes, each frame has a preferred school, let us set that school in the loadout screen so we don't have to go and mess around with our operator between missions.


    10.  Resource extractor improvements

    Thank you for the gather all button, but it would be far more useful if it were a (gather and redeploy all) automatically deploying the highest health extractors to those locations.


    11. Node Completion [Possibly Obsolete next update]

    I know the starchart is changing but for intermediate players, it would be nice for them to see the number of nodes that are incomplete without going into the specific planet.


    12. Keyshare abuse / Pledge Key System [Possibly Obsolete next update]

    Although this may not have been the original intent of the game development, Keyshares are a meta strategy to properly use keys.  They have become a standard practice in the community and many people abuse this process with no repercussions.

    I'm not saying that we should punish these players, because there may be legitimate reasons for this bailout mentality.

    But if they do leave, the keys that they pledged should remain in the group as long as at least 2 members from the original group remain, and as long as one of those 2 players used a key.

    Also remember that sometimes, 2 players join a group and one person pledges 2 keys.  

    The host should be able to initiate a keypledge process where each player can donate up to 4 keys and then all the players are required to accept the pledge at the end.

    Obsolete for void, but for Mesa farming?

    We need to be able to see what kind of void relic (if it is radiant) our allies have used.

    13.  Keep it coming

    For now these are the QOL improvements that I can think of from the top of my head.  But thank you for the great game and the continued improvements with each hotfix, update and patch.

    The entire world should learn from D.E.
    You have the best F2P business model to date, the best development process (other than the founder's council that I was 1 month late to join... salt salt bitter salt :D), and thank you for listening to all of our feedback and ideas.
    You all rock!


    Edit:  Added suggestions from the forum post below


    On 5/13/2016 at 2:04 PM, Protideus said:

    14. Mods Auto-removing in builds when fusionning

    [Summary: A notification on weapons/warframes that require attention due to having a mod automatically removed.]

    On 3/19/2016 at 4:37 AM, Fifield said:

    15. Add affinity share notification eg Teammate names turn orange when out of XP range.

    16. Restore being able to invite to group without having a mission selected.  Likewise restore solo mission lock ie select mission, see mission type, enemy type and then go equip your frame/weapons etc.

    17. Control modules are not a rare resource.  Please make them orange not green.

    18. Allow us to name our builds/mod configurations (ie not Config A) and duplicate them rather than having to find ~8 mods from scratch.

    On 5/22/2016 at 2:09 AM, Frivolimous said:

    19.  What about a way to see how many formas are in party members frames and items?

    On 6/23/2016 at 1:05 AM, Educated_Beast said:

    20.  How about we number the gear wheel so when it gets reset after a patch we don't equip items to the wrong key bind.  

    [disclaimer:  added personal comments in square brackets]

    On 3/6/2016 at 0:28 AM, main_antagonist said:

    21.  Limbo's Rift Walk should have priority melee auto targeting for Banished enemies!  [Debatable if this (21) can be considered a QoL change]

    22.  Improved hitboxes for airborn enemies when using melee   [Debatable if this (22) can be considered a QoL change]

    23.  [A way for us to] Stop chat from showing up periodically during a mission ... minimize doesn't hide chat at the moment the only way around this is to open a chat tab with somebody and not talk to them. 

    24.  'Toggle off' Video transmissions! [Non-Quest transmissions]

    25.  Extra Appearance and Config slots A,B,C is all that there is right now I'd like about 5 to be honest but that's just me.

    26.  Arsenal should have the letter you are currently using for your config next to the focus lens symbol so you don't have to click the Warframe to double check if you are using config A, B or C.

    27.  No flashing lights behind the interface while the hacking security puzzles it is annoying and distracting, it's bad enough somebody can standing on the hacking console and teabag you and throw off your timing but the flashing lights are too much.

    28.  Grineer hack puzzles don't have a timer so if somebody wants to grief they can start the hack and then go AFK and it will remain that way indefinitely until an enemy comes by to kill them... and if done in an area with no enemies well ... you have to abort or go make some lunch and wait for the troll to give up.

     [Debatable if this (28) can be considered a QoL change]

    29. Kubrows that can still be imprinted should have green names or a symbol next to them. Those who don't would have the current white colour for their text or no symbol to help indicate that you don't have any imprints left.

    30.  Being able to purchase in quantities from syndicates because I buy healers with my daily rep and I have purchased 3,333 healers now and that's not including the ones who have died in battle.

    31.  Chat Tab Memory

    Doing a series of missions with many chat tabs open?  You have a few seconds between missions or in missions to continue chat conversations but the game throws you to different tabs all the time.  D.E. it's just a small integer saved locally to remember which chat tab you are on.  

    On 8/21/2015 at 6:28 PM, Extraxi said:

    32.  The ability to highlight and copy text.

    33.   Allow the ability to adjust the [Minimap] Radar's zoom.

    34.   More options for crosshairs.  Perhaps even advanced, more dynamic ones, such as one that reads the distance of targets, for plat?

    [34. Is cosmetic and not really QoL]

    35.   The ability to disable screenshake. (I don't get motion sick but others do.)

    36.  -----

    37.   Special waypoint markers for Cephalon Fragments, like Kuria get.

    38. [Archwing]  3D Radar. I think you know why by now.  [They said they were working on this already - 2D radar aligned to your current Z axis]

    39.   Clearly label alerts whether they are Archwing or not in the solar state menu.

    40.   The ability to cancel building, and return all resources not yet built into a full item. Maybe you built the wrong thing?

    41.   Remove the requirement of sigils to gain standing for Syndicates. [Unlink the cosmetic and gameplay aspects]

    42.   The ability to favorite a color set to apply to an item instantly, not just singular colors.

    43.   An undo button appearing once any changes have been made cosmetically to a frame.

    44.   Enhanced Legacy Color support: when looking at a palette, have an option to switch back and forth between saturated and unsaturated. Don't hide it in Options.

    45.   While coloring a weapon or Warframe, improve presentation of the item  [being colored]

    46.  [More obvious way to edit archwing and conclave loadouts than the "select mode" button]

    47.   Click and drag color swaps  [in your loadout menu to change swap colors]

    48.   Dynamic Weekly Caps for Focus and Syndicate Standing.  [Not really QoL - allow the stacking of daily focus and syndicate standing if unclaimed to a higher cap.  (Not penalized if you miss a day)]

    49. Add a filter for Shotgun mods and PvP mods. - This was done for the Codex, but not the Mod Station itself. The Codex also doesn't show what conclave mods you do not have.

    50.   Like unranked mods, allow multiple of a maxed mod to stack. If there is ever a conflict, say of two Point Blanks, it would automatically equip the one not already equipped when applying to a weapon.

    51.   Removal of the word 'owned' from items in your inventory. Players only need to see the number, the fact its in our inventory means we own it already.

    52.   Freely equip any weapon, warframe or cosmetic available from the market for platinum while in the Simulacrum. This allows players to properly preview every aspect of something before purchasing, to appeal to the most frugal of players.  [Not all players have access to the simulacrum]

    53.   Add a Trader Status screen to News, or on the side of the Market console [Or the timer window suggested in 6.]

    54.  Ducat value when choosing reward.

    When selecting reward for void allow us to see the ducat value if we already own all of the rewards (alternatively always provide an extra reward that is worth 30 ducats).

    On 7/14/2016 at 1:53 AM, Ciaus said:

    36.  Currently, you have 15 seconds to decide which of the 4 available rewards you'd like at the end of mission screen. 
    This is not a lot of time. 

    What could make this decision significantly easier:

    • Have an "already owned" indicator on any reward you already own. It could just say "owned: 1" under the item to indicate that you have 1 of them, or the item could be greyed or something. 
    • Have the item's ducat value displayed. For example in the top right corner of the item's picture, 10/20/50 etc in big black and gold ducat-ey font. 
    • Have the item's rarity indicated. This could be done in the exact same way it is for mods, with a border colour of bronze/silver/gold and 1/2/3 small stars on the item border. 

    This way whether you are farming to complete sets, make plat or get ducats, you can easily decide which part to choose without having to consult a table / the wiki in 15 seconds. 

    Something like this, with an item number underneath if you have 1 or more of the item already:




  13. Bladestorm needs a fix, but "clones" are not the answer.  Ash does not clone himself.  It does not fit in with the lore.

    What he does do, is move so fast that it looks like there are multiple copies of him.


    This is what he does rather than clone himself.


  14. I also thought of the clone idea, however they are shadows not clones.

    They were supposed to be shadow images of ash as he moves so fast.

    It should feel more like excalibur's slash-dash "/-" in super fast motion, but ash shoots them out like projectiles, and disappears as they fly out, 1 at a time.

    As soon as one shadow attacks the first enemy, ash should re-materialize and shoot out the second shadow, then the third and then re-materialize to watch the action.

    This way he is still taken out of play for 3 brief pauses, but is free to continue fighting after that.

  15. When I first started Warframe I was so impressed by their business model.  Everything you need Plat for is so cheap.  Extra Warframe slot is only 20 plat!  12 plat for 2 weapons slots!.  Perfect for starter cash and even the most basic Prime part, rare key, or Fusion Core can be sold to attain these low costs.
    I personally needed a new color scheme so I bought a Prime Access and a Steam Pack.  DE has done a great job with their plat for new players and I have no complaints, only high praise and approval.

  16. 1 hour ago, felixsylvaris said:

    Untill there be a big fraction of new players complaining about starting frames it is all just veteran players making stuff out. This discussion would be more interesting if there was more feedback from new players. Or at least plaers who started second acount.

    Some frames could be very bad for starter:

    • Ash - dmg locking from blade strom is not fun for other players
    • Limbo - banishing managment could lead to confusion and trolling
    • Vauban - ranom baunces will not improve new players' experience
    • Equinox - a bit too much abilities for starter frame
    • Nyx - Mind Control has some troll potencial (charming last enemy and stuff)
    • Trinity - she is not a troll, but starting planets does not require teamplay also low level frames dosnt use powers often, since have them not unlocked yet, or not modded and they are not worthy yet

    So there are some problematic frames bad as starters.

    Copying roles from other games would serve nothing. Since WF has own mechanic and own roles, and roles depend on mission type. Point defense frames shine in some types of missions, but for resuce mission Limbo or Banshee is a charm. And in capture tanking is dead weight. The whole tanking role hardly apply to WF since there is no need for initiator and the whole concept of frontline is very fluid (game is to fast). In some boss fight there could be a tank to make boss face one direction and that is it.

    I started with MAG and only hard part was "when to use Bullet Attractor" but "never" is the answear and after that game was smooth.

    Changing starting frames is not needed. But if new players will start complaining on current selection then it should be adressed. Right now it is mostly teory crafting.


    First off, I have helped a lot of new players over the years, and even brought quite a few friends into Warframe and helped them get into the game.  A major problem is that they just do not like the choice of starter frames.

    As a Veteran I know what all the frames do, but new players have no clue.  It is overwhelming for them when I ask them to pick a frame for me to help them farm first.  They have no clue so I have to ask them what their play style generally is and give them recommendations based on this.

    So new players do complain, but people generally don't start using the forums when they are new.

    As a vet I recommended these frames specifically because they are great options for new players.  And most of the time after explaining all of the options one of these 4 frames (not excalibur) is what we aim for first.  I tend to stay away from rhino because he teaches bad habits to new players but sometimes I do recommend him too.

    Trinity is very useful for new players, I can't really see any other use for her well of life than early game.  She is perfect for people who love to play in teams, and she can help a group of new players get through a mission.  

    Loki's decoy lasts long enough to take aggro off of the team.  Remember new players will be using really bad weapons with no mods.  The simplest missions are a struggle for them.  And without a flow or energy efficiency trinity is very helpful.  I remember that I barely used abilities in the early game because I never had enough energy, and when I did, I would save it to use my abilities in a tough spot.  Slash dash was useful to get out of a tight spot, and do a bit of damage.  Mag's pull would be used to CC enemies shooting at us, and Loki (starter frame at the time) could decoy and go invis to revive us.

    Currently, volt brings nothing to the team that mag doesnt.  His speed boost is way to short with no mods and his shield is less useful than Loki's decoy because it costs more energy and lasts about the same amount of time.

    Frost can be so useful.  New players generally will not overuse his globe because they will have energy problems.  They will save it to revive a fallen ally or when fighting a tough boss or doing that defense mission.

    I personally would never pick ember, but one of my friends loves magic abilities and feels that both mag and volt aren't really caster oriented and prefers Saryn (horrible pick for new player because she is so energy thirsty) and ember.

    For me, Ember was my starter frame because I got the Prime Access at the time.  She was perfectly fine.



  17. 21 minutes ago, marelooke said:

    I'm not sure I agree, while some people undoubtedly enjoyed him for what he was the fact that WF isn't a particularly stealthy game (especially not when you play public matches) combined with Loki's reliance on his powers (which you can't exactly boost as a rookie) make him rather unfit imho.

    Perhaps if newbies were given the option to change their choice at the end of the tutorial (and then possibly the chance to re-run it with the newly chosen frame), then I might agree. Of course there's the chance that due to a bad experience in the tutorial people would never touch certain frames again. Eh...

    Possible, it's been a while. My point about Trinity still stands though :)


    I suggested Ash (not Loki) in the OP, however, Loki has one of the best kits in the Game.  Everything but his 1st ability scales into endgame.  He lacks damaging abilities which is why most people do not like him but that is exactly why he scales well.  His radial disarm is almost a requirement for endgame content, and most missions can be done more effectively and speedily (rescue, capture, spy, deception, sabotage) when stealth is active.  This is not even a debate, this is just fact.
    One of my best friends only plays games with stealth-like elements and he joined the game back when Loki was a starter hero.  Until this day Loki is still his favored frame.

    My brother has always loved support type playstyle, and the first frame he crafted was Trinity and he barely plays anything else.  

    I have played Vauban the most because CC has always been what I loved to do.

    The 5 frames that I chose in the OP (Excal, Frost, Ash, Trinity, Ember) is a diverse selection that will cater to different playstyles.  And give newcomers a broad choice in frames.
    They are all basic frames that can be attained from completing the Star Chart, they are some of the earliest frames released and all have Prime versions to upgrade to and they support the Meta-Class-Archetypes that most people are used to.

    They are perfectly suited for newcomers to chose the playstyle that they prefer and serve as a baseline for them to grow from.

    Besides the fact that two of the frames (Frost and Trinity) are some of the most demanded frames in groups.

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