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  1. No worries. All good. I feel the pain. I'm over here as a Oberon main with limbo secondary. Trust me, the moment he uttered the crap tastic "he's had his time" I all but gave up on ever enjoying playing this game again. What? Yall don't have the money? Time? More likely the desire to update and continually do light QoL updates. There's so many frames that need a look if not a full rework due to being rendered obsolete or unplayable. You think I was giddy when Quorvex popped out? "Oh joy, a radiation frame with better synergies, dos potential, better CC and a one button team buff infinitely better then a old heal stick. Joy" Reworks needed- limbo, chroma are my big 2 QOL- pick one. Loki, Oberon, Excalibur, there's a half dozen frames maybe more that desperately need small refreshing to make then work in the current game style. My Boi Oberon, my take? - Rework his 1, it can't do dps, it still hard knockdowns ( we just removed this from hydroid fir the same horrid reason) the damage orbs scale off enemy hp? They can't kill Jack and usually just form happy halos around the bombrd as he mercs me. It has no use beyond imbibing radiation via a augment. Needs synergies and impact - Rework his 2. Just why? Why does this not scale properly with range? So I get a bigger 360? But not actual reach? DE ge needs zone coverage like Quorvex, pump range on him and his pillar can cc rooms. The rad proc is dumb. It's not next to no synergies and for some ungodly reason I ca only armor strip enemies ON THE TINY PATCH? Rework it - QoL his 3. I'm so sick of being reduced to a energy poor healing stick. Just make it duration based, one tap it toggkes for a set amount of hp that pulses based on your strength or duration. Or give it a instant heal with a augment on reworked renewal for overguard =the hp healed - Rework his 4. The slam does no dmg, the CC is minimal, and WHY CAN THIS ONLY ARMOR STRIP ENEMIES ON GRASS? It should strip by itself, the slam should do damage OR CASH OUT existing rad procs for a big old burst of dps. The orb drop is nice but it's go 0 synergies that make sense. Sry rant over.
  2. Hey I'm just giving due credit. You and I see things mostly the same Mathiel, no need to get upset aight. I'm just saying that if anyone does a good job we say it, call it as is. Did his reworks help and improve those frames? Yeah by and large. We're they perfect? Eh that's subjective, many do not care fir the "rework" on chroma and still feel it was a cop out to just tweak vex when he clearly needs a full retool. Myself included. It's a lazy bandaid. I think we can acknowledge the good and still call BS on the crap. His opinion on loki for example is respectfully dog water to put it politely. And his language sets a horrific prescedent, it's vague and "corporate" like what even quantifies "had their moment" does that mean everyone asking for a second pass or QoL for older frames can just bugger themselves? You don't have the time? Or desire perhaps ? Both are crap plain and simple. His involvement with recent brain dead nerfs, let's call that I believe a huge L. He's what chief frame design lead? So logically he must have had a say? Right? Did he agree with said pork up? Was he consulted even or did Reb and the top brass end run around him. We will never know real facts, and me I tend to not like assuming. You know what happens when you assume. I prefer to deal in clear facts. Is he blameless? No. Have the reworks been mostly good? Yes not perfect, but subjectively better to solid. I think I tend to look at the larger pic, respectfully, pablo seems to know what's fun and how to tweak things. I'm mearly advocating that DE let him do his thing, take him off leash and say " your frame design lead, balance tweaks, reworks, it's all on you. Your accountable" at least then we have a singular sounding board for our efforts at feedback. We know who to compliment and yes who to call out on any pork ups. Right now can we really say who's steering the ship? Is it Reb? A council of team leads who talk and get consensus? Are those teams overruled constantly leading to messes like this? Where it seemed clear Reb said one thing, a nightmare of bloated bull poo was delivered and now we are left going "OK WHO SCREWED UP HERE?" Did Reb goif and mis speak? Did Pablo and his crew deliver what they thought was needed and not tell Reb leaving her to "clean up" I'm simply advocating fir ACCOUNTABILITY on all levels. I feel we your paying customers and players at least deserve to know who, rightfully deserves the criticism, and Yes the praise as well. If it's Reb ok. She deserves the criticism, but if she's just doing cleanup it's unfair for us to call down fire on the wrong person. IM NOT DEFENDING IT, noooo, Reb is the boss and any failures also land squarely on her, that's in the job title. BUT if it was pablo and his team or another crew just say so. Would it be horrid to admit it? Like this maybe? "Hey Temno. So look. I know I said small adjustments. And what we rolled out was, well NOT IT, this was a communication boondoggle. Pablo's teams delivered what they figured was needed, my data contradicted that and we'll it's a mess honestly. We are very sorry and take responsibility fir this failure of communication BOTH INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL" say that, or something similar and all our rage simmers a bit I think. DE loves to use "WE" to diflect blame behind a safety curtain of anonymity. But all that does is tick your fans off more cause it seems like your trying to stifle due criticism by making sure we can't aim it at the correctly responsible party. I'll clarify a bit there, for safety. If I'm in a game say any MOBA or team game even, insert your preferred on if you wish. And our support player royally buggers the pooch costing our team the game in a horrid way. I'm firmly in the camp that believes you call it on them. You don't go up there and be PC with something like "Well WE had a bad misplay and WE should have done better to recover" nope, noooo. You call a spade a spade. "Well OUR SUPPORT misplaced and the team just could not recover from that good enough, they'll just have to train a bit and I yhink the team can come back stronger" Your not gonna call out the say Dps guy for the supports mistake. Support goofed, they deserve the criticism, hopefully they'll take it with humility, acknowledge it, hit the scrimp harder train up and LEARN so that dies not happen again. Same here.
  3. Seriously, Why The Flip is this the prevailing case DE throws at us? Like you made a PvE game, why are you terrified of Utility, CC and Damage frames? Honestly if it's a tank? All good, if it's a Dev favorite? All good but the rest? Like Pablo -poor man getting cooked after Dante- he's done some outstanding work, he has with his reworks. But why are DE afraid of him? Let him do a full refresh! This notion of "so and so has had their time, we're not gonna rework or look at them" is dumb. Those heyday frames are usually the ones new guys use. If they suck, your player retention will too. I cannot say how many rookies come to the can trading post begging for the new reworks. Same conversation every time. "Anybody selling -insert frame- prime?" Us: my man your just starting steel path you need gear first, sides you have good frames" "O.o no I don't, they all are crap, I can't compete with the meta, I need Rev, or stynax etc" Ima say it. DE, you claimed to not like the idea of meta, that everything is viable, and play for fun. OK. So why then are you kicking us and neffing the fun frames/weapons into near uselessness. That just FORCES A META, and a unhealthy one too, as it means the only frames and gear you'll ever see are the ones that A. You refuse to touch up or nerf -looking dead at the meta bs frames of fun killers here like Saryn, Octavia etc and the Laetum, legit the only gun you'll ever bloody need- B. Stuff you've already reworked as that means your near to never going to look at em again so they are safe, ironically this also coincides with the meta stuff of A. C. Garbage gear and frames that remain broken even after fixes, the off meta guys and gals who struggle to even play. Limbo mains sit right here, along with many others crying out for a rework and update that's likely never happening. You cannot say there's no meta when our rookies and even vets are getting kicked from lobbies fir not using one if the "accepted" frames or gear for that challenge. It happens if you'd ever acknowledge it. Happened to my second last night. Joined up for a Eidolon hunt bounty, got kicked because he didn't own one if the 4 "required" frames. You don't have the meta DE you carefully curated it! By destroying everything thats fun and strong to solidify th "elite" gear as mandatory. Because everything else is in efficient and weak
  4. The irksome aspect is not only did they pick A. They picked A-> major issues arose -> they attempted to FIX by breaking it further and making us less consistent in many cases-> were told to fix it by the community-> instead of swapping to B they TRIPLE DOWN and proceed to metaphorically tell their boss "sir I know the codes crap, I didn't do my job, and it's all garbage, but you see YOUR THE PROBLEM fir not seeing my genius in my choice of A" Now any real boss would fired that employee so fast they got whiplash. Why? Now a more proper metaphor would likely be the absolute reversal of my point above. The boss tells the code guys to use A-> code team warns him it's not gonna work, gives alternate fixes-> boss IGNORES his employees dies it anyway-> card tower crashes major issues abound-> code team returns with more fixes which the boss ignores, triples down and proceeds to blame the customers for using "non supportive" language of his crap decision while gaslighting the code team as the real problem because they're not buying the bs and insisting on a better standard. One of my mates and I popped into the simulacrum last night, he's a fervent DE boot licker, I told him fine let's see in real time how S#&$ Dante is. We started with over guard. He's sitting at 210 power, took him 4 FULL ROTATIONS of triumph before we reached his cap. He happy, says it's balanced. OK I pop out my stynax, 210 power, decent duration. I pop my 4 on the grouped enemies and in 1 CAST we hit the cap. Took 1/3 the time, I output dps and og, and took less then a quarter of the energy he spent. He claims "so I'm a support frame it's fair, you need an augment to do that" o.o um, it's like 9 points, add a forma it's a near mandatory mod anyway, not really sacrificing much chief. But ok. I pull out my rhino, use my combo and pop iron skin. Again 1/2 the energy and a bit more setup I'm at like 100k og. But he's still not convinced "rhino can't remember like Dante can, you need to cycle the full combo, I can cast triumph once and your good" o.o oook. I pull out Rev hit 1 button and the whole teams effectively God mode. His reply? " well you need an augment so your giving up mod space to do that" o.o rly dude. Ok fine DPS. His argument fell apart the moment dark verse was hitting enemy targets that he could not see, legit they were behind a pillar, standing next to and behind him my sniper scope could not see them. Yet, in defiance of all logic the game agreed he has LoS. But it he moved literally 2 inches to the left suddenly he fails the line check? He could not see them before, I moved to the enemy and checked if I could see his frame, nope. No los there. So it hits when it should fail, move 2 inches and obstruct more vision and now it fails? Huh? What could he see the air particles moving from their breathing and that passed los? Seriously. Next Tragedy, he primes, in full view it hits, ok. He shifts to a top down look, it hits half targets the other half are mysteriously blocked by, something. He spends 4 minutes micro managing his camera to get the proper angle then nukes. OK, that's working as intended right? Next he dips to a lower level, dark verse again mysteriously hits for God knows what reason, tragedy misses even though he can sight the heads of several enemies it misses all of em. O.o hello? He could see them, soo? His reply "it's playable I just need to be active keep my foes on screen" o.o ok. I jack the lvl up to steel path, Archon hunt so what 150 about 170 iirc, turn on the AI and tell him, "OK sunshine, get to it." I then got a joyful chuckle out if watching him die REPEATEDLY as his OG was shredded near instantly, his "nuke" did Jack all if it even hit - which 80% of the time it didn't judging by his screams of "WTF I CAN SEE HIM WHY DIDNT IT DETONATE!"- and him lying dead giving up 3 minutes of struggle later. I proceeded to reset, bring out my stynax, nuked em all and kept my og up with effort, Rev, unkillable stood and just soaked dmg. Brought out my Gauss and proceeded to speed nuke. Clap clap sunder dead. 30 minutes later I finally got a "OK, you know what? this feels horrible, I can't get anywhere, can't play the game cause I'm dead or need to spend 3 minutes refilling my og, this sucks" I admit, I got great satisfaction when he dumped Dante and started building Gauss prime. Let me close and reiterate. Our issue is not Dante alone, he was gutted he's dead and worthless. Our issue is that DE continues to choose the less optimal solutions fir almost every problem, and test solution usually destroys fun. Like why did you even need to touch the Arca? I never saw anyone use that? Let em have some damn fun. Our issue is that DE continues to act like the fun police and nerf anything that makes us feel strong into uselessness. This is a wholly PcE game, who gives a flying goose what our kills per minute are? Or how fast we can clear steel path? These are meaningless goal posts that only hurt one particular party, NOBODY. How is it bad that we have a few strong frames? Your "endgame" is a bloated mess of shoddy fun killer gimmick units like nullifiers, eximus overguard crap and insta killer bullets sponges. The ideology that any of that nonsense makes fir a compelling end game grind is, well laughable. DE, please we don't enjoy your "random loadout" difficulty crap, that's not making things challenging, specially since you know most of us won't ever use 90% of the garbage frames and gear in the arsenal. Forcing players to "try new stuff" is not gonna achieve anything. What you should be doing? Honestly? 1. Refresh your frames. Take a cert patch or 3 and let Pablo cook. Look at all the old legacy frames ALL and refresh em, rework kits or abilities, bring everything into a power standard where mid steel path is workable, WITHOUT the Uber elite gear like prime frames, mods. Kuva gear, tenet gear etc. 2. Refresh the weapons. Same a 1, take some time, rebalance, upgrade and scale power up! Give some of the older gear new traits or special talents to make using them INTERESTING, give us a reason to take another look at old gear. 3. Stop being afraid of power. Be honest, you've power crept this game to heck already, we all know it, if you only need 1 gun and your done for most content you have larger issues then the power fantasy. Players should be able to easy clear base starchart, start encountering challenges on low steel path, and be having enjoyable slug fests in high endgame stuff where we can slug it out with stronger enemies. If your gonna scale the enemy to 200% you NEED TO LOOK AT OUR POWER SCALE and ho "OK can they reasonably with a random loadout, achieve a fulfilling victory?"
  5. O.o. I'm sorry I just lost 20 iq. So lemme get this right cause nobody can be this dumb. Your offering that LoS is fine and dandy DESPITE saying in the very same point IT WILL NEVER WORK CONSISTENTLY. Your joking. You have to be. Your literally ok, with DE choosing to use a system that by default will always suck, need to be babysat with every addition and likely never will properly. Forget Dante, what kind of person advocates for this type of logic? If you have a problem you fix it permanently. LOS as a system has and will never work. So the logical thing to do is phase it out in favor of mechanics that don't care what tile, mission, team comp. Frame, FOV, lighting Whatever you have set to on. I'll make this so very easy. Your boss at work tells you to update the core code on the company website he gives you 2 options. A. A fragmented but widely liked code by the bosses. It's crap, causes problems, will likely force the site to glitch for random users and will not function for a handful of popular web browsers. You'll have to sit on it constantly to head off problems with every new feature added B. A simple but likely less popular code that's stable, well liked by other developers, can be adjusted easily, won't cause conflicts with e commerce platforms, and will not irk your customers, by default its modular so you can freely add or change website options and not have to remodel code structure. The obvious intelligent person goes B, it's less Strife, will always work consistently and won't cause any major bugs. Only a absolute bootlicker and a dolt would pick A. And before It's lost on you from huffing DEs boot leather polish, A. Is LoS B. Is any of the aforementioned accepted fixes thrown out here. They would all work REGARDLESS of tileset or future content. One and done be it the range nerf, the removal of base dmg, adjusting the scaling, any combination still will always work. And no not just Dante in general if such a issue arises a fix that is one and done, and can be tweaked safely is far preferable to some crap that will never work. Nobody wants to buy a car with a known issue that "sometimes affects drivers" who would take that gamble? Buy a car without that issue and reliability. Same crap here. Why must we settle fir "it usually works, sometimes, maybe, only if the moon is just so and the stars are in this pattern" when what any real company should want is just "Fixed it, we're good moving on" if you can't say your moving on? Crap is not fixed.
  6. Simple nuff. My money is gone, my organization money is gone and we log in 1ce on Sundays for a hour or so, claim our shard and dip fir the week. No more trade runs, no more purchases ON ANYTHING, no long haul duviri, zippy do da. Player numbers and money talk, the clan and I spoke and unanimously agreed " OK cool saves us time, grind, money" several of our team were thinking of booking in person tennocon fir the "experience", not anymore. It's small, and maybe petty but my conscience is clean. Treat fans like crap, have your fan boys and talking heads gaslight, then act like you don't see anything wrong. Nah. Not a company worth monetary support anymore. Shame. They had so much good will, and they bungled it all away for literally nothing. Spite maybe. We can't be having power or strength to lessen the grind. And to those SHILLing takers. Dante is useless. Had 2 in my Archon hunt. It was a 2 man fir all 3 levels. They never had any energy, the OG was erased before it was applied, do not talk about how a do nothing Hyldrin OUT DPSd them with her gun alone. Thank God I pulled out my " perfectly balanced" Rev so I could sit immortal in a corner happily as the other 2 DIED REPEATEDLY to the extent our Hyldrin told them "Please just Quit and get a real frame" which they did. Quit that Is, after throwing vitriol at hyldrin for not supporting them. Could I have brought along my augment and made everyone immortal? Sure. But then I'm only enabling those who support this crap by continuing to play a garbage frame, thus bloating numbers so DE thinks they did good. And I don't do enablment. So I kept my immortality to myself, you picked Dante, enjoy suffering and being useless, not my job to coddle you. Did one deep arche with a team, failed thx to Dante, next run the inaros pmd me asking to come back, I did, he had a nidus with him, so I made us all immortal and we breezed through. Perfectly fine frame this Revenant, not disruptive at all. He's not good, he's not capable, he's not support or dps. HE. IS. GARBAGE. Meant to be lvled for mastery fodder and forgotten to eternity like half the bloody arsenal.
  7. Do note yall, if your on PS consoles. This MIGHT also stem from an ongoing issue between Verizon Customers and Sony, the two networks have been garbage at connecting since last week, forcing psn login errors and issues galore. It might just be tangentially related but it's still an issue fir a lot of us with 50/50 connectivity to the network. Any issues at DE are likely compounding the problem
  8. While I'd love to say more, it's still coming together, along with our media presence. 2 years baking prolly another few months with our tester teams. 😆 B. - True, accept, there have been DOZENS of posts here from members of all walks legit THROWING SOLID working ideas and compromises. For the large part your spot on, normally consumers are TERRIBLE. But, see we are gamers, we are very good, EXCEEDINGLY GOOD at finding creative WORKING solutions. Cause we're practical. We don't want more work. So we work smarter, if a simple number fix will work why revamp A WHOLE MECHANICAL SYSTEM. - I don't think any of us has the time, plenty if posts, likely many that got "moderated". It's gotten less likely because we just don't have the time to sit here and continue to try and fix stupid, when stupid does not want to be fixed. It thinks everything is fine. And as gamers we are all very happy to pull out the popcorn and shout "TOLD YA SO!" When stupid is being pulled out of a collapsed mansion by rescue teams. 😆
  9. After this psn connection fiasco I was gonna do my weekly Archon shards slog, buuut I don't really have the desire to even log in. Shame.
  10. I also adore how he will ignore my post PAGES ago where I calmly broke it down from a design standpoint and offered resolutions. But I'm not a DE fan boy so that was me crying? Lol.
  11. O.o You not only somehow created your own circular logic but missed the bloody point before admitting the issue. That should not be possible. OK. Let me try to break that into non mind numbing language. Ok I'll use bullets points, those are easy to grasp right. OK. - Truth. A system. That works for 50% of a population by definition DOES NOT WORK. If a school only gets 30% of its students to basic reading and math ITS NOT WORKING. You simply cannot look at that situation and say "it's working just not for everyone" the point of school is to get educated, if 100% no if 90% of the normal well adjusted population is not getting that education ITS NOT WORKING RIGHT. -Truth. There's no bloody participation trophy in life my man. You either succeed or you fail. Coddling this issue as you do only serves to muddle the facts. Computer codes are binary. If Then Let, If player hits button. THEN this happens, Let this effect occur. That's a bit oversimplified but I want you to grasp it. LoS is broken because it fails to consistently follow basic code principles across the board. Works for some, not all. That's a game inconsistency and BREAKS IMMERSION AND ENJOYMENT. -Truth. The previous LoS was still a pig. They've managed to pretty it up with a nice wig, a mani pedi and lipstick. ITS STILL A PIG. Again avoiding the issue, going to DE and saying "well, it's OK now, you really made her look fabulous now" a cogent logical person would question your sanity sir. It's STILL A 🐖 OK, they nailed some plywood, a nice coat of paint. Good wall decor. The foundation is STILL ROTTEN. Choosing not to see or acknowledge that is a personal choice, not truth. The truth will hit you when your wall collapses from the rot because you put a bandaid on it instead to rebuilding proper. Building on top of a faulty foundation will fail, this is basic life logic here. Applies to everything, put a new motor in a crappy car not equipped to hold it? FAIL, fill an above ground pool without checking the wall supports? FAIL, build a new PC without accounting fir power and putting an anemic power block in? FAIL. If the foundation is crap, your doomed. -Truth. There's 0 consistently to "Enemies that qualify" your checks. Look on the forums, thousands of vids, and screen caps of stupid blaring crap. Stuff THAT SHOULD by DE and your logic pass Said checks but doesn't. If something blocks the check, and that something SHOULDN'T BLOCK SAID CHECK. SYSTEMS BROKEN, because that means there's a fatal flaw in the code. The additional problem is another fact, WERE ALWAYS MOVING, now we're expected to stop, spend 40 minutes doing camera dances just to line crap up and then toggle an ability. Meanwhile Saryn runs in. Throws out her crap and toddles off, Volt screams in, hits one button, vaporizes the tile and runs off. Gauss runs in, claps 3 times and he's gone. But a Dante players expected to run in, stand still, play with his aim for lord knows how long, account for obstructions, geometry, shadows, dead bodies, his own bloody model? Cmon. I cannot break this down more simply.
  12. Accuse away. By all means. Coddling and forgiving catastrophic pork ups is what leads to this whole crap fest. DE is a business, they want to make money. They do so via add revinue on streaming, investors and US the players happily giving our money fir Plat and store options. If they never face true backlash, just a watered down happy dappy " you tried its OK niw thanks" nothing will ever get done or change. None of your posts were accusatory, they were POINTED there's a difference. The sames true for most every unhappy, unsatisfied post I've read. POINTED CRITICISM. Laser focused on the blaring Kaiju sized mistakes, that keep happening because players go, "OK I'm sorry I was mean" nope, criticism can be mean, if your not capable of accepting that. Look, I'm what they may consider a "Whale" , I run a large clan with lots of affiliated members, me and my founders, we like helping. And we like bringing joy, if a hard up member is down in the emotional dumps we gave and do gift them bundles, Plat, prime parts, whatever. And no not bragging, just saying we SPEND BANK to help our crews. But after this? That banks gone, actions have consequences, our crew of Whales have moved along and were 100% free to play. Nothing will ever alter if we just roll over. They've proven they do not care about verbal feedback, ok cool. I would hope your ready for the data and physical side. How's that bottom line gonna look after all the refunds? If you drive away swaths of your base? Gonna hurt con attendance for sure, advertisers might have second thoughts after a while of no stream viewership, players stop buying revinue takes a dive, might worry your investor groups. This is a very slippery slope DE has chosen. One would hope they'd recognize their choices and pivot, but I dunno. I feel like they are calling a bluff here. " We want LoS, they'll roll over and accept it" Sorry, plenty of us won't, the bad press is rolling DE, our local game shop today was full of distaste for Warframe. " I heard they dumpstered another frame" "Jeeze even Riots not that bad, Bungie is even doing a bit better" "he'll I'll play a blizzard title, least then I know I'm getting garbage up front and can enjoy it a little bit" "Hey sony recommend me this game, um Warframe, looks cool" 8 people:" NO!" " nope dude stay away it's cancer, it's run like a mobile game" These are not big digital gamers, these are old school Table Top guys and gals, people you want to recruit DE, new players, and the press they are hearing from members and players is enough to turn em away. I mean if people are saying your doing worse then Riot, Bungie and Blizzard? Lord almighty that's not good. The d20 team I was supposed to start a story for legit held a boycott. I asked em why, the reply? "Well we wanted a kinda warframe analog fee, like mecha shonin style -obviously I know laws so don't at me.- but we ain't going near that. Pork them, having YouTube gaslight? Pffft no." My reply? " OK just call me next time. I'm just the Dungeon Master guys, what kinda setting do you want?" "ANYTHING ELSE" o.o random gamers would rather boycott on principle then acknowledge your game exists. NOT GOOD PRESS. DE, your community by and large is supportive as hell, and we've stomached A LOT, tolerated and accepted PLENTY of less then stellar stuff, and let's not bring up huge crap like the regal aya or heirloom fiasco ok? I would hope you'd realize, your community. Your players, your money spenders, are right here shouting at you in a vain effort to show you a simple path back to a modicum of trust and good will. We're legit telling you how you can make all this bad press go away and rebuild a bit of trust and appreciation. We wanted to give you that DE, how many posts have we all read of late asking, but ending with something like "Thanks for the hard work DE I still enjoy your game mostly" PLENTY. I think by and large most of us WANT DE to pivot and we are angry and irked that they can't see the big blaring warning lights. Specially since we are the ones shouting and holding the bloody things.
  13. You forgot the one option we should be asking for. -Just remove the base DMG from tragedy along with LoS. Then it's a purely detonation ability requiring "priming" from you, your allies, and guns to "nuke"
  14. Your, I'm sorry but your joking. Dante does not use "A NEW" system my guy, it's the same shoddy LoS we've always hated with various poorly made plywood patches thrown over to try and fool people. Clearly I'm sorry to say it worked here. Thankfully not on veterans at large who know the game. We know why it's failing, a casual glance about the forums in various topics has ample vod, screen shots and first and links. There's not MULTIPLE truths my man, there's Truth and fiction. The idea that real truth has multiple happy fragments so everyone is right just makes my head hurt, reality and life don't work that way, specially not in business, you either win, or you loose end of story. Your rainbow sunglasses will shatter eventually I hope. Because nobody can be this, this dillusional unless I suppose they choose to be. Fact is LoS is a crap poorly designed system. It's inconsistent on the best of days and cannot be fixed with hugs and good vibes, it's flawed down to the code. If some choose to not acknowledge reality we'll, DE counts on that, on this. And they walk away smiling thinking they did good and deserve a cookie. They don't. So, here's your complementary bag of SHILLings, plenty of us just aren't buying.
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