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Posts posted by BeardyKyle

  1. Renewal - Duration affected positively. Gives a 10% damage reduction. 

    Hallowed Ground -

    1. Adds 100% radiation damage and 20% crit damage to melee attacks while channeling. Removes channeling cost.
    2. Enemies with a status proc take double damage from Hallowed Ground per second.
  2. 4 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

    I think it should force all enemies out of the area and prevent them from entering kinda like "This is holy ground. I banish you demons!" 


    These would cheese Infested defense missions. Also would have to remove the DoT effect and change the augment and you wouldn't be able to melee

  3. For Oberon's rework I think the bare minimum of changes the Oberon fanbase is willing to accept from DE is to remove negative duration from Renewal and make Hallowed Ground more useful. I honestly would be very disappointed if these two things aren't addressed when the time comes.

    That said I'd like to see what we can come up with for some changes to hallowed ground. Mostly focus on the effects of the actual ability and don't get carried away with casting and whether it should be an aura and all that - in fact for the sake of this discussion assume that it will remain a rectangle forward cast. 

    First what it does: Hallowed Ground provides status immunity. Added armor up to about 48% with maxed strength. Does radiation damage every half second to enemies. Augment: Casting a second time does the remainder of damage plus a 100% rad proc to all enemies on hallowed ground at the time. 

    Additions/changes Ideas: 

    • Adds 100% radiation damage to melee attacks and x2 critical damage while channeling. 
    • Irradiated enemies have 50% chance to drop extra energy on death. Enemies take x2 damage from Hallowed Ground if irradiated.
    • Melee channeling costs no energy - overwrites channeling mods. 
    • Armor buff is replaced by 50% damage reduction.

    Throw some ideas out and maybe DE will start doing the same.

  4. I could see DE slowly implementing these seemingly useless ideas for Oberon now, like his passive, as just a foundation for the changes they have in mind for his Prime release, which may include more variety of wildlife in addition to some of the changes the community has been asking for. Then again I could be overestimating DE's future sight by a lot.


    14 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    Duration only hurts Phoenix Renewal, which is not a base ability. I can agree that Phoenix Renewal has issues, but Renewal is good. Seriously, you state his unmodded mechanics aren't good, and use an augment as an example. That is a completely invalid argument,

    Duration affects Renewal, Phoenix Renewal, Hallowed Ground and Reckoning's secondary effects. But Okay take it a step further then. If you aren't using any augments, then you're either modding for range and efficiency to spam reckoning which is just a press 4 to CC and if you don't have much duration it doesn't CC well and that build makes renewal and Hallowed ground less effective for damage mitigation and healing which means you're a crap support and squishy non-damage dealing barely-cc frame.

    If not that build you might be using high strength to gain health back fast from renewal while dealing bigger damage, but again hallowed ground armor will be good for a few frames but duration will probably be too low for them to benefit for any of its effects, so again not a good support, not good cc. You can mod everything moderately and have access to all his skills but they won't be very effective. 

    All in all it comes back to the same criticism the majority of people have with Oberon. He can do a lot of things but he's bad at all of them. The way his stats work is messy.

    I also realize this sounds like i'm bashing Oberon but he's my main fav and I have a build that works for me at high levels but I'd still like to utilize all of his powers a bit more because as it stands its difficult to mod anything for him without severely limiting something that would otherwise be very beneficial.

  6. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    Unless you're including augments, mods don't change the mechanics of abilities. My best build with Oberon uses no augments, so his base ability mechanics are good.

    Then explain why modding for duration on one of his abilities drops the duration on his other 3 abilities. Sure you can mod for duration on his other three and leave out Renewal but then his most useful augment becomes useless. Strength is the same problem. Can't mod for good survivability with renewal+augment without limiting his armor on hallowed ground. 

    He's still usable but its just laughable that you can't mod for a specific playstyle without harming the same playstyle on his other powers and you're left in ability purgatory.

  7. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)Darth-Escar said:

    Is a warframe expected to perform well without mods or something? When I go to fight level 100+ enemies, good mods are my only option with any warframe.

    mechanics of those frames are still good without though. mods just improve that. Oberon's are less streamline - as in you can really mess up a build if you aren't careful.

  8. Most people who think Oberon is fine as is only say that because they use good mods, arcanes and focus abilities to make up for what he lacks at the core.

    If Hallowed Ground was more like Hallowed Armor that gave the buff and DoT in an aura and made it a flat 100% of Oberon's base to everyone it would be great.

  9. 16 minutes ago, (PS4)bddacres said:

    So splinter flesh is a good concept.. however if his armor is not buffed it wont really make oberon tanky. 

    I think he's pretty solid with Renewal being able to heal him and with Phoenix Renewal adding to that - which I have some idea for too. Plus there's always Steel Fiber. The idea isn't to make him a full on tank tho. 

  10. Just gonna throw this idea I had last night out there. This is aimed at making him into a Mystic and Willful Paladin who manipulates the power of life energies. This will change a lot of his abilities - but not too drastically as to change his play style completely. Gonna be quick and dirty about this. 

    NB: will add changes for Renewal and Reckoning later, though renewal will largely function the same cept for tweaks to duration.


    • Range of influence increased to 17.5 Meters. Wildlife will fight for Oberon while in range. Wildlife will continue fighting for 20s if they leave range.
    • Increased chance for health drops in this range.
    • Picking up health revives companions.

    Smite: Oberon focuses on the life energy within a target and violently distorts it causing excruciating pain as Oberon's will takes control.

    • Functions much like it does now - with the targeting taking Impact and radiation and surrounding enemies taking stagger.
    • The target is disarmed as tree branches, spikes and thorns violently sprout from its flesh. The target becomes allied to Oberon and deals radial radiation damage to itself and nearby enemies as well as a puncture based melee attack.
    • On death the target releases a radial blast doing 50% radiation and 50% puncture with 100% chance of proc to enemies. Allies in range are healed 25 health.    

    Splinter flesh: Oberon coats his flesh in a Mystical armor that mitigates damage.

    • Oberon gains 100% armor and status/knockdown immunity. 
    • While Oberon is on the ground and takes damage pieces of his armor will fall off creating areas (puddles) of natural energy that buff ally armor by 100% of Oberon's base armor and provide status immunity.
    • Oberon's splinter flesh buff is reduced by 2% with each hit.


    Let's hear some feedback for these so far?

  11. 36 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    -Fair point.

    -Fair point too.

    -Good explanation.

    -Are you a lost twin brother/sister I never met?

    You are up to the high standard bar I set for everyone (even myself).

      Reveal hidden contents

    Things to have in mind before you post a rework idea:

    - The Warframe must keep his/her theme (Aka: What Lotus says about them).


    "This is Ash, lethal and elusive. Ash can remain unseen, but his effects on the battlefield can be felt by all. Keep an eye out, Tenno." -Lotus

    -The ability set must synergize (as in, work better when used in combo) but at the same time the abilities must not require each other  to get their supposed job done.

    - Must be interactive, the Players has to play, not let the game play itself (Aka: "Press 1/2/3/4 to win")

    - Shouldn't require more than a stat tweak to work in Conclave, remaining mechanically the same so a player can go from Coop to PvP and don't find themselves trying to re-learn how to use their warframe.

    - Must be simple to use so a new player can pick up what does what quickly, but at the same time allow for skilled players some crazy tactical stuff.

    Congratulations! :3

    Haha all must follow the rework code.Thanks :)

  12. 20 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

    I never suggested a kunai, I didn't suggest anything other than the harpoon being a bad idea. I referenced naruto and other anime like that because they use impractical weapons like giant fans and enormous throwing stars. I realize that they're supposed to be ninja themed and have tie-ins to make them fit, but that doesn't mean it would fit with ash.

    How is lugging around a big &#! harpoon supposed to make you more elusive? Have you ever tried to throw a spear in real life? They're fairly inaccurate and quite clunky, where as a kunai/throwing knife/ninja star etc are easier to handle and conceal. Any way you try to spin it, it still won't ever fit the theme of the frame.

    No, you're thinking Captain Ahab Harpoon. I said this is more along the lines of Scorpion (who's the ninja-est ninja in Mortal Kombat and has a lot of similar abilities as Ash) It's an arm-spear-harpoon weapon. 

    Edit: Mistook you for another poster who suggested Kunai instead of harpoon. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, Nazrethim said:

    -Pretty much EVERYONE (even DE) thought it was a d*mb idea. Still a mistery why they even tried that.

    -Well, they could use Claw and Sparring attack animations, if you look closely at current Bladestorm's animation (and if you need to check them again, go to Simulacrum with a melee weapons with Spoiled Strike and no +attck speed mods to see them in "slow motion") you will notice Ash makes use of kicks too, so a Stance can be cobbled together with Claw, Sparring and Bladestorm current animations (they did that with PvE stances to make the PvP stances, the Conclave stances feel entirely different)

    - I personally think that "synergy" means the abilities work well together but don't really require each other to be good. Just my personal opinion.

    -Very well. I like you, instead of saying "I don't play conclave" as an excuse for a half-arsed job, you agree to add those stats (and probably do some research on it). That's dedication! ^_^

    I also think its not a very good idea by itself BUT I'm not for Ash becoming another exalted melee either. Also if that's done then you'd still have to rely on the other abilities while in bladestorm stance - since i can't see how they can otherwise keep bladestorm's multi-teleport killing and have it be just an exalted stance.

    Synergy I'd say is like Casting Smoke Pellet and then being able to Teleport to it. - Adding that the the OP now.

    But my idea for Bladestorm mode isn't exactly synergy, it's just Bladestorm having its own separate functions that replace his other ability while its active. Since current bladestorm does so many things - Invulnerable, High damage, Clones, limited amount of targets that are also invulnerable and it also Prevents you from doing anything else or using any other powers. I try to keep a balance between those things by giving you all the benefits of Invincibility, high damage and clones in a way that requires actively playing and using those functions individually, letting you choose the amount of targets without nullifying your teammates. 

    I always think conclave is what is left out of most rework ideas, but generally if the powers aren't too outlandish a simple tweak to values would make it work (and honestly I wouldn't presume to know what those values would be for balancing it)

  14. 8 minutes ago, TheGuyverOne said:

    This isn't Naurto or some cheesy anime, the harpoon does not and will never fit the theme for ash.

    Then why did you suggest just a kunai? that screams naruto.

    I was thinking more along to lines of Scorpion from MK.  

    The reasoning behind this is not everyone wants Shuriken to be a straight cast. A harpoon would be more accurate and IMO would fit the theme of Ash. "Elusive and deadly."

    In practice you could cast Smokescreen and Harpoon pull priority enemies into it, or cast from a wall latch. Its basically a long range melee Finisher. You can take down a high level Heavy Gunner for example using the Shuriken mod and Harpoon by reducing armor by 70% and dragging them in for a ground finisher.

  15. On 8/5/2016 at 8:31 AM, Nazrethim said:

    Nice concept. Though I would like to know what do we use in Bladestorm mode.

    " Ash has an increased damage multiplier to melee attacks in Bladestorm mode (applies to finishers and teleport finishers as well as clones). Slam attacks release a small smokescreen (costs 1/4 the energy) "

    Does Ash uses his wristblades? or his melee weapon?


    Also, could you add how the Conclave version works, and if it's mechanically the same, some stat numbers?

    IIRC the last time Scott and Steve talked about the BS rework they mentioned that Ash will just summon clones and be able to use whatever weapons you brought normally while they do the bladestorming. 

    Similarly while in Bladestorm mode you use the weapons you brought - This really just for the sake of not coming up with entirely new animations for blocking and combos with his wristblades. The only different is you use your Wristblades instead of melee weapons when using Teleport in this mode. 

    Essentially the mode only affects his other powers as well as the roll animations and damage multipliers. 


    I'll add some conclave notes

  16. On 8/5/2016 at 8:18 AM, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

    I agree with all but remove harpoon since ninja has no use of it, replace it with kunai.

    The harpoon would be exactly like a kunai with the added bonus of reeling enemies in. It also gives a nice fun factor and utility. You'd be able to pull/stagger Capture targets for example ...or in a perfect world pull Nullifiers out of their bubble. 

  17. On 8/3/2016 at 5:14 PM, Matt89Connor said:

    I...1 week AGO i set a topic about Bladestorm:....i can't give to you  the link because maybe the moderators have eleminate, but ::

    Bladestorm become a mode in mine topic, so i agree your idea,with a difference:

    -if we activate smoke screen, the enemies (max 5 for example) blind by the smoke , are attacked by clones that use old finisher of Bladestorm( this is only a part of my idea, but is the only one can enter in yours) what do you think?

    I have something similar included. Where, while Ash has his ultimate active, using smokescreen will summon 1/2/3/4 Clones that are cloaked by smokescreen and deal finisher damage using the old Bladestorm animation - the clones only last for the duration of smokescreen and can only target 1 enemy each at a time (no more invincible marked enemies that you team can't kill) 

  18. I'm just gonna throw this full rework out there, since I haven't seen anything that can both change Bladestorm to be interactive without ruining Ash. 

    This is gonna be fast and dirty. It's aimed at making him more rounded, fun and useful for various missions and not Just a terminator of lesser beings. (NB: Bladestorm will be Changed completely, please read the whole thing anyway.) 



    Give it the Ivara/vauban treatment. Because Ash is the most Ninja Tenno in this game and what is a ninja without a variety of effective tools, Only 2 I have in mind so far:

    • His default Shuriken, with absolutely no changes to casting or anything (it will make sense why later don't complain yet)
    • Harpoon - Ash launches a harpoon from the shadows, snatching an enemy and dragging him back to be assassinated - if it survives the hit. [Silently pulls an enemy in range to your feet opening them to ground finisher with no alerts] - Could also function like a grappling hook but i'm on the fence about that.
    • Long range Smoke Pellet - Throws a silent smoke pellet that has about 3/5 the range and duration of his Smoke Bomb (see below). (On the fence about this one as it could be a function of his 2nd ability instead of his 1st. Feedback appreciated.)
    • Shuriken augment affects both Shuriken and Harpoon.

    Note: Shuriken remains a homing projectile. However Harpoon is a straight line of sight and far more accurate cast.

    Smoke Bomb (Conceal Bomb)

    • Works as it does now but the range and duration is increased.
    • Enemies in the smoke are unable to breathe or move. (Nice for Def missions)
    • While Ash is in the smoke he is invisible and remains invisible for 8s after leaving (applies to Smoke Pellet as well)
    • Smokebomb augment also affects Smoke pellet.  It lets allies become invisible while in smokescreen and for 8s after leaving. This lets you make any allies invisible at range for a brief period - Doesn't have the range or duration of Ivara's invisi-bubble but doesn't limit movement.

    As a side note, I imagine Ash's "Smoke" isn't actually smoke but nanoscopic probes that flood the air and attach to Ash's armor forming a camouflage. Augment makes other tenno armor compatible. At least this is how I justify the augment effect not being part of the ability effect.

    Second side note, going with that thought - would it be a stretch to say the augment also makes his nano probes more aggressive to enemies causing the smoke to do a slight DoT - OR Smokebomb also drops caltrops.


    • Works as it does right now. Target is "stunned" but remains un-alerted and open to finishers. Other enemies are un-alerted unless they have direct line of sight.
    • Augment works the same. But please fix the inconsistency otherwise what's the point.
    • Can teleport inside of a smokescreen if no enemy is in the cross-hairs - So you can throw a smoke pellet and teleport to inside it.

    Bladestorm Mode


    Okay here we go. This is where it gets complicated. Just to get it out there, Bladestorm as it is right now has to go, it's already been decided by DE. Reasons being it kills everything very fast and makes you as well as targets invulnerable to other damage. So I'd like to keep some of that while changing the ability:

    • First off, Bladestorm becomes a toggled drain ability. However, it is not an exalted weapon mode. Secondly, all of his other abilities are more effective and function slightly differently in this mode but cost more energy. Ash is free to move as normal while this mode is active. Ash is also very slightly harder to hit while moving. 
    • While in Bladestorm mode - Performing a roll or roll variation, Ash will do a quick and short dash in the direction during which he is invulnerable - this costs a small amount of energy. (range and efficiency affects this) Dash can be chained up to 4 times and has little to no recover time before he can perform any other action.
    • Smokebomb will render Ash invisible and will also summon an Ash clone for the duration. Clones deal finisher damage to the nearest enemy using arm blades and teleport. They are invincible but can only target 1 enemy at a time and only last for the duration of Smokebomb. (affected by strength with a max of 3 clones) 
    • Teleport cast/animation speed is greatly increased and uses arm blade finishers instead of melee weapon. Performs an Insta-finisher even if you don't have the augment equipped but you will not regain energy. (Teleport also has a short recast window that you can chain together casts for slightly less energy - like Atlas' 1)
    • Shuriken does increased damage and knockdown. (Harpoon nor Smoke pellet work while in Bladestorm mode) 
    • Ash has an increased damage multiplier to melee attacks in Bladestorm mode (applies to finishers and teleport finishers as well as clones). Slam attacks release a small smokescreen (costs 1/4 the energy)

     Okay that wasn't as quick and dirty as I intended but it covered all the grounds for what I think an Ash rework should be. Making him more interactive, Offensive as well as defensive. It removed the press 4 to win. While leaving what makes Ash good - Invulnerability and High damage. 

    Conclave: For conclave most of these will remain the same with just tweaks to numbers - damage, duration etc (which I'm not gonna assume to know.)

    • Harpoon since it requires you to have line of sight and it has travel time will do damage and stagger the opponent.
    • Smoke screen/pellet - will either render Ash invisible and stagger opponents for a few seconds. OR obstruct opponents vision (can't see in and can't see out of smoke screen)
    • Teleport will teleport you to the target. No stagger or damage.
    • Bladestorm mode - Dash will cost more energy but make you invulnerable for 1s each time. Will only be able to summon 1 clone that lasts for 1 attack with smokescreen. Teleport will stagger the opponent. Shuriken will have increased speed and accuracy.  (with the energy drain being moderate this should be balanced as you wouldn't have enough to spam) Alternatively Conclave Bladestorm could remain the same, giving you 1 insta-kill for 100 energy - although this was very inconsistent the last time I played and just ended up wasted all your energy. 

    Let me get some feedback. 

  19. On 7/31/2016 at 11:50 PM, motorfirebox said:

    The main fix that Renewal needs is that it shouldn't end when the target reaches full HP. That one change would a) improve the versatility of Renewal itself, and b) make the Phoenix Renewal augment somewhat more useful than a screen door on a submarine.

    Beyond that, making Renewal tick heals every second for the duration of the ability, rather than healing a set amount, would also be very, very nice.

    On top of that the only other change I'd like is to only have the energy drain while orbs are travelling, once they hit their target the effect lasts for a set duration affected positively by duration mods. His entire move set would work better.

  20. On 7/31/2016 at 1:44 PM, RunningTree3 said:

    The change was noted here, in the Changes section (second-to-last spoiler box):

    However, it seems that picking up a Health Orb will only revive a Kubrow/Kavat from bleedout, not after it has died. Further, this may or may not be bugged, since currently any warframe can do this with a Health Orb.

    Yep. It works but its not oberon exclusive

  21. 11 hours ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    Why not?

    Taking away the initial heal lowers his survivability alot i think. Its good to save your self in a pinch and not have to wait for a regen. Yes 200 hp a second would be nice but that's a bit over powered and with drain being so high having an inaros in your squad would break that ability energy cost. Not to mention he is a caster and his other abilities are used equally if not more than renewal. I don't think it actually makes him more tanky since his health pool and armor remains the same - he can still get one shot easily.

    For Renewal I'd want it to be a two stage ability -

    • First the travel time, currently the orbs move faster the farther they travel and that's fine for infinite range. Energy drain should occur only while orbs are travelling. Once they hit their target the energy drain stops and each ally has a set duration on the effect. (Drain affected efficiency and duration by duration) duration obviously doesn't end when the heal ends.

    For Phoenix Renewal I want to make a few suggestions -

    • First and most important, Allies are marked on cast and if they die during the orb travel time it will still proc the augment.
    • Optional Second, when triggered it provides a period of damage reduction/reflection, say the same percent of Bleed Out reduction becomes damage Reduction/reflection for the duration. - This is to justify/balance the 90s cool down.

    For synergy I'd suggest -

    • If Oberon casts renewal on Hallowed Ground it disperses the effect to allies for the duration of Hallowed Ground/Renewal. This is useful for not limiting your allies' movements - and avoid having to change Hallowed Ground to an aura. In fact it would be better than an aura since its infinite range.

    Additional changes - 

    • Hallowed Ground removes 50% of damage resistances on enemies (thought this was fitting since Oberon drops from eximus units and is ideal to combat them). Increases warframe armor by 25-30% at max rank.
    • Optional - Protects against sapping osprey orbs/does damage to them.
    • Optional - Increases elemental damage on weapons by 20% 


    My reasoning behind this is that people often suggest for him to be a better healing support class but IMO he shouldn't be overly good at any one of his skills - they should be useful and work well together, able to provide a wide range of moderate buffs.

  22. 1 hour ago, (PS4)CommanderC2121 said:

    Heres what i want for renewal.

    make it toggleable, and higher duration means quicker hp regen but higher energy cost, likewise, lower duration is lower hp regen but lower energy cost. Remove the inital heal as well. 

    This would allow for oberon to be a bit more tanky, and still help teammates. He can keep them always topped off on hp, and with a constant regen factor, would be able to survive a bit better if you want to go into really high level stuff, buff up that duration a bit and now you regen 200hp a second, but cost 10 energy a second. Sure, you are hard to kill, but only as long as you have the energy.

    looking to just be able to keep everyone at high hp? Go for low duration, and you can heal for 20hp a second, but only cost 1 energy a second.



  23. 32 minutes ago, SoulOfTheHunter said:

    Sadly this is true, it is simply an underwhelming augment, which is why I will swap it out for something else. I was hoping it could be built as a Defy, but there are too many issues with the abilities behaviour.

    i doubt it would ever be like defy. Defy saves you with less health each time, this can save you with almost 100% it would be over powered without that cool down. Renewal is what I think needs to be fixed, specifically the duration being negative and the effect ending at full health

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