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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. If only it actually worked like that.


    See, occasionally you'll get an alliance that doesn't put greedy taxes on nodes. And then they stay there until the next alliance comes along, and that alliance boots them out, and then they put the greedy taxes on. Nobody fights for the first alliance. Sure, I can. But I'm not going to make much of a difference. In the end, the greedy ones are always the victors.

    And so what? farm other parts of the planet. Or just farm while someone nice is there. I mean you got options. Moreover who gives a dang. I like the constant fighting, gives me a nice constant stream of PVP, which is great cuase PVE does get boring after 1000 hours of gameplay.

  2. It'd take years to train them enough to even have a fraction of the skill Tenno have.

    And then they'd get obliterated anyway, rendering all that training pointless.


    The jat kittag is costly to produce & the serro is outlawed and a salvage tool, not an actual weapon, despite the tenno's improvisation.

    So is the cannon that napalms carry why not give them a jat kittag too, i mean honestly i would prefer to see them swing a jat kittag at me when i get close, or after the ground slam hammer me to death. It gets weird when enemies shoot at someone standing 1m away from them. especially when they have a rocket luancher or a napalm gun.


    Since when was enemy economics important in game... if it is what about the cost of making BILLIONS of clones...

  3. They can have them on their backs. Moreover I would like to see melee expand into the Grineer wouldn't Tenno influence cuase an influx of diverse Grineer training?

    Afterall if you cant beat em join em. And they clearly cant beat us. Moreover being "Human" they should know that turn a phrase.

  4. I have tons of arcane helmet blueprints. And it would be great to be able to build my arcane helms. However. I no longer can. They don't show up in the foundry. This is a serious problem for me. I have around 500p worth of Arcane Helmets in blueprints. If not more counting Warframe inflation.


    Does anyone else have this problem?

  5. Pretty much what the title says - if you want to be able to access your foundry, get daily login rewards and do other game-related stuff, all from your phone via an app, then up-vote this topic, and comment showing your support


    DE are obviously focusing on making the game as awesome as possible, and as such aren't really prioritising their Android app (which is fine, because the game needs the most work)


    However, there are several community developers, including myself, who have already made several programs, apps and websites that allow players to get notified of alerts, provide info about the game, or provide a means to calculate the damage done by weapons when mods are equipped. I don't just speak for myself when I say that most, if not all of us community devs would be more than happy to integrate features like accessing your foundry into our software - and best of all, it's not even like we charge money for our software


    So in conclusion, to show your support for this cause, please upvote this topic, and comment with additional features that would like to be included, and I'll add them here


    If many people join this cause, then the devs will have to pay attention (or they could just delete this topic, but the first option is preferable :D)


    Okay people seem to be against getting login rewards, so I'll add it to the "Possibly Unwanted" list below


    Other Suggested Features

    Full access to mod collection

    Access to dojo research/construction

    Access to the market

    Contact list (including being able to see who's online, and being able to chat with them)

    Clan chat

    "Dojo room complete" notification

    You can't collect your daily login reward - instead, you an avoid losing your login streak (but you don't get the reward)

    Since Kubrow management is going to be similar to tamagotchi, a way to look after them from the app would probably come in useful


    Possibly Unwanted Features

    Daily Login Rewards


  6. suggestion #1:

    As I was playing valkyr on defense today I noticed they have very nice dmg models for the cryo pod. It becomes gradually deteriorated as it takes damage from the infested. And it's pretty obvious the idea is to have the same stuff for our warframes like scratched paint surfaces, then ripped armour with bullet holes and dents, then detached pieces exposing the Tenno with wires dangling in certain areas.

    suggestion #2:

    With that said, I don't mean to actually have the warframe's damage model correspond to the damage we take on our health but from our actual armour. As I've said, as this game is changing quite rapidly and growing in complexity and adding new dynamics, it makes sense that things should become flexible including armour values. Now straight to the point, armour value should deteriorate as the warframe takes damage after shield is depleted plus all frames get 100% boost to their current armour. I mean we're doing interesting things to our health, our shields but the armour system just sits there and doesn't offer much to bring more dynamics to this game. It gives some frames near god mode and it's just terribad cause then once people discovers it, everybody starts using it and it kills diversity. So when you have armour that can be damaged it makes things interesting and it opens up opportunities for new warframe concepts(note 2), it promotes team play a bit more, and it forces the tankers to think about how they should approach their enemies instead of toggle god mode and go all in.


    Note: I'm just throwing #2 out there because I think it's interesting but I know how much work it is to implement things like that so I thought it might make a decent discussion topic anyway. #1 could always correspond with health instead of armour.


    Note 2: A warframe with the ability to repair armour by sending out swarms of small repair drones that circle around target allies? Or possibly a new sentinel module that allows it to repair the player's armour?

    You sir. Are brilliant and i would love to see this implemented. *snickers evily in the corner* I'm going to go murder some valks who have been ragin in conclave.


    Also it would add a massive second layer of stratgy and would emphasize the importance of sheilds, more over make players more proactive in their movement and fighting style. (though we need movement 2.0) This would be especially interesting in relation to heavy gunners with crazy health and anceint infested from a enemy standpoint. As lots of healers take insane amounts of damage only to have it restored. yet there armor remains the same which makes little to no sense as you pointed out.

    DE listen to this Pirsirk. Please he knows what he is talking about.

  7. No i love him as a Necromancer, I just play like a strategist would. They're the souls of the dead, they have no brains. If he was commanding them it would use up a lot of his brain capacity. So they are given a limited zombified AI to shoot at the target. Good enough, that's all a good Nekros needs =P 


    Duo'd with an Excal once, killing level 50+ stuff. No heals, because neither of us went down. Shadows did as they were expected to do, distract the enemy for me to reposition and take out the heavy. Or to draw fire. They're good zombies, any upgrade to an AI is a bonus, but it is not needed. They take cover, they fire (not accurately) and in open spaces they wreck their own kind. It's delicious.


    Edit: We were up against Grineer btw...and those Napalms hurt, but still Shadows draw fire and we get Napalms too.

    Actually didn't think i would but i agree with this guy. However it wouldn't hurt to be able to move them to and from specific locations with say a second waypoint button, it would solve his problem and leave you with your strategic control. (As a derp suggestion it would be cool to be able to teleport them to your location and have an AOE explosion at each landing site. but thats both ridiculous OP and unneccesary. still a cool thought)

  8. The last 25% is the chance that nothing procs.


    The ability to choose which proc triggers is nice. I also think DE should take priority to fix the physical procs effect. As it stands, impact, puncture and slash procs are pretty much useless, hence nobody wants to build their weapons around physical procs. 

    So then the problem i am addressing is still real the probubility of getting a elemental proc is way to low. 25% chance of elemental proc sucks as a max.

  9. Again, then there's no reason to be asking for a critical damage buff. If you want it to be a status gun then it shouldn't have that and high dps for even a wraith. A more understandable DE buff would be a 5-10% status buff with ammo buff for its greedy nature, and possible reload decrease by .5 seconds. Possible slight rearrange in damage allocation with the very slight physical damage buff.

    Thats reasonable how do these stats look to you?


    Grakata Wraith Stats:


    Firing Rate: 20.0

    Magazine Size: 75 (boost by 15 from 60 so the 750 ammo cap = 10 reloads)

    Accuracy: 40.0 (11.4 increase or mabye flat out recoil deduction?)

    Reload Time: 1.5 or 1.9 (-.5 or -1.0)

    Physical Damage: 14.0 (increase by 3)

    Puncture: 1.0

    Slash: 5.0

    Impact: 8.0

    Crit Chance: 25.0%

    Crit Damage: 2.5x (.5 increase)

    Status Chance: 30% (10% increase)


    Is that too OP?


  10. I bet even if a grakata wraith is released and then soma prime releases you're going to QQ even harder for a buff. If you really like the weapon then you take it as is and stop wanting a change to it to match the norm. At that point you just want to just feel special for not having to use a commonly powerful weapon so you just choose a slight weaker weapon to use and boast it's greatness yet still asking for it to be buffed to be stronger.

    Actually I wouldn't fight for more of a buff... I simply want a version of the weapon that can take down enemies with more efficiency then the current version. And I am sorry but it is not about being "hipster" as you seem to imply... its about having a status cannon that has higher DPS then the current iteration. Besides I am don't want a buff, I want a wraith. I.E another version of the gun.

    Another thing is that I would like it to not proc it's basic damage types over its elemental damage types. thats extremely frustrating mabye in a Wraith Version of the Grakata they could pool all its damage into impact and slash eliminating its puncture all together. Or even just pool all the damage into impact as wraith weapons tend to be made to fight the Corpus.

  11. It could be a bug.... I have never noticed this though. Take a video from the side of someone shooting the tetra without shred and then with shred. and if the distance between the projectiles is the same in both videos then your projectiles are speeding up. However if the distance between said projectiles is decreased with shred then your projectiles have a constant velocity both with and without. You will need two people. One to film from the side and one to fire.

  12. That calculation is wrong. Physical proc (puncture + impact + slash) has a total of 2/3 of your weapon's overall proc chance, while elemental procs share the rest 1/3 chance. Each type of damage's proc chance is then calculated proportional to its relative damage value. 


    So in Grakata's case, with Split chamber+hammer shot+two event mods, it has 75% total proc chance. Because physical damage is pretty much equally divided between P, I and S, each physical damage has 75% * 2/3 * 1/3 = 16.6% chance to proc. The elemental proc (toxin+elec= corrosive) has 75%*1/3 = 25% chance to proc. 


    Which means basically every 16 bullets would strip a Grineer's armor to zero.  


    Don't use rainbow builds and just focus on ONE elemental proc (e.g. when versus Grineers, just stick with corrosive don't use fire), and the proc chance is fine. 

    Yes my calculation was wrong thank you for fixing that however... something feels weird about your math. if you have 3 damaqe types you dont want to proc then you have a 50% chance of procing those damage types and a 25% chance of procing an element and where is your last 25%...?. I was not aware that it was levyed by how much damage each type did ingame. However status weapons would still greatly benefit from the ability to choose what you proc and then effect its probubility.

  13. Another reason I think we should have a Grakata wraith is I am completely sick of people ragging on it for low DPS relative to the Soma so I would like to be able to have something that obviously rivals its power on a purely damage based stand point. And though it may eat level 75 gunners for breakfast that does not under any stand point mean that it does so efficiently. I would like a Grakata that has the fire power to efficiently eat through level 75 gunners, and absolutely murder in the status department. even more then it already is. 

    You are all going to call me insane and an idiot for suggesting this... But I think one cool way to buff the Grakata is put all of its damage into an element. That would allow you to only proc elementals and greatly increase its already lovely performance. I mean aren't any of you guys sick of stacking puncture and impact when they do barely anything? and you just keep waiting for that one elemental proc that saves the day? wouldn't it be great if you just lead with that?

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