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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. I agree its terrible

    Grakata isn't that bad. Its a nice weapon, but no one cares about it because the Soma is basicaly a upgraded Grakata.

    The grakata and soma are completely different weapons. The grakata can debuff enemies and allow you to kill level 120's whereas the somas damage fall off dooms it to sticking sub level 70 enemies. A properly built 5 forma soma v. 5 forma grakata are completely different. The Grakata has more Utility where the Soma has more raw power. Don't make me go on.... i can...

  2. What?! that beam looks like nothing like the beam that comes out of my nukor the one that comes out of my nukor looks like a small concentrated stream of heated air. Maybe an inch thick beam coming out of it and what you see when its really hot outside coming out of the black top.


    Am I bugged? I don't get that magical circle things that your screenshot gives out.

    You need to turn your graphics up or post pictures they explained this earlier in the thread brah.

  3. Said it once to a few clan members, I will kill heavy gunners 60+ faster with my Grakata then the others with their Soma.

    That´s why I would like to see a Grakata Wraith.

    We really need a Grakata Wraith. i.e. x3 crit damage multiplier and 30% status chance and crit. +5 more general damage points. i love that weapon so hard.

  4. Oh i totally agree with him. In fact there is so much wrong with this game. Have you noticed how much it isnt like call of duty? The devs should stop ignoring how this game isnt call of duty and make it call of duty. Why would anyone want games that were different. All games should be call of duty.


    (p.s., sucks that you can type sarcasm.)

    brutal... just brutal...

  5. You quoted a reason. 


    "Getting through specific conditions for meaningless achievement."

    Bro i hate to break it to you but you just described every game in exsistance. People play games to get the feeling of achievement regardless of whether or not it has any meaning in reality. By definition of playing a game you are going through specific meaningless actions for meaningless acheivement. If you have a problem with leaderboards dont look at them. Personally i think it would be awesome to have a leader board like that it would give me reason to use my 5 forma soma and grak, and all my other ridiculous forma weapons.

  6. Since if you do get a status proc it chooses one from random on your weapon to apply, with over 100% that extra percent should give you a chance to proc another status from your weapon. 

    Exactly what i talked about in this: (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/302569-how-to-fix-statusgrakata-and-status-weapons/)

    A mod that lets you levy what statuses are proced and boosts your proc, inorder to both make it more viable in high teir and more effective.


  7. One of the main problems not typically addressed regarding snipers in Warframe is that they don't have a niche to fill. Right now, both bows and Snipers are being used in a game where you're always exposed, always needing to be on the move (except for Defense or their ilk), and always dealing with swarms of enemies. Snipers are best used when you can be careful with your shot, and not have to worry a great deal about the fact that you're probably going to be mobbed any second, since all the enemies know exactly where you are.

    Proposed solution: Allow for sniper-nest type areas within Defense-style missions, so you can actually snipe.

    Oh, and we also need a damage buff, infrared, and punch-through. Those are needed too.

    Agree 100% with this Damage Buff (more so in crit chance then damage) infrared and punch through for our snipers. 

  8. I'm all about paw-mounted weapons and puppy gauntlets for Kubrows.  Would be tremendously fun to outfit Kubrows with weapons and equipment. Even just a chest rig; doesn't need to offer crazy stat bonuses, just needs to let them do things like carry packages and restoration items.  And make it so our loyal battle dogs aren't going into combat naked; dogs used by military forces today typically have a kevlar vest just like the soldiers they work with.  Why don't our faithful companions get the same treatment?


    Cosmetic armor to match our own armor sets would also be appreciated.  A Kubrow chest rig + shoulder and thigh armor attachments would be absolutely amazing to see.  Maybe even helmets and different collar styles.  I would sell a kidney just to buy plat for these items.

    You captured what i am asking for pretty much perfectly when it comes to Kubrow equipment. However more control over the Kubrows would be awesome, and even some control over how they use their equipment in battle would be nice. I.E when you channel they channel.

  9. Just as a couple counter arguments:

    -Not everyone has ease of access nor the luck to acquire an ammo mutation mod. I've been fortunate enough to acquire one, however, and even with ammo mutation, maxed out maximum ammo, and with the additional ammo pick up mods, this weapon runs out much too quickly to be of use for too long.

    -I agree it can get reasonable damage with serration, however not for anything end game.

    -How is that an argument?

    -Yeah, low level. Yet, this weapon requires some high level of play materials to make. I'm pretty sure its intended for the mid-game, and to be upgraded to the end-game.

    Agreed, it could use a damage buff and a status buff + what you are already suggesting and it could also do to freeze enemies faster I.E when they are at 25% health they are frozen solid. 

  10. I wanna strap lasers to my Kubrow's head!

    Personally I don't think that Kubrows should have guns, that doesn't harmonize with their current abilities. They should be more.. threatening and animalistic in my opinion, and currently they are just like house pets with bad attitudes instead of war animals, and adding lazers I don't think would solve this problem, it might end up making a them annoying and too outlandish. My suggestion for AOE was simply based off of the idea that they are almost extensions of our frames or from what I understand they should be, and being able to on some level control your Kubrow or deploy abilities through your Kubrow would be nice. After all these collars apparently link us to our Kubrow, but I don't see how other then let us take them on missions.

  11. -What if continuous weapons have a continuous spray of numbers?

    -What if there was no delay in damage?

    -What if status/wasn't locked per second?


    If we had a system where damage was showed instantly and continuously as it happened we would have a better understanding our in-game DPS. As it is right now, we get a tiny number then a BIG number. I would rather have a barrage of tiny numbers, than random jumping between larger and smaller summed damage.


    There is a delay in damage. It is still there. Corpus techs pump out their shield ospreys before the summed damage really kicks in. Yes I have a 5 forma Ignis and that delay is enough for them to pump out one before they die.


    Status is currently locked in per-second rather than per tick. This is very wrong. Fire rate mods currently decrease status chance since your locked in per second rather than per tick.


    DE's new continuous weapon system was meant to simplify the damage numbers shown and even out the status chance for lower proc continuous weapons. Knowing this shows entirely how the new system was unnecessary.


    -Barrage of numbers gives us a more realistic show in-game DPS

           -AND shows us the enemy location behind our wall of fire(since Im using the Ignis as an example)

    -Buff low proc chance weapons if you want more status chance. Dont change the fondation of every continuous weapon.


    Please like this post if you agree continuous weapons should be reverted back to prior 11.6 changes.

    Thank you for your time.

    I agree completely someone how has a lazer protruding from there chest should be constantly taking damage not randomly: "Oh I'll take some damage now.... and now.... wait.... wait... oh and now."

  12. Also adding on, why don't Kubrows interact with eachother in missions? I would like to see Kurbows helping eachother and working together similar to players. Moreover why don't Kubrows have any AOE attacks. If a Kubrow is as large as a Warframe (Mine is as big as me) I would like to see it running in to crowded rooms and flinging enemies at eachother, Knocking them down. 


    One thing that would be cool but wont ever happen would be being able to channel into your Kubrow and trigger explosions like on the Glaive.


    I'm focusing on the Kronen's 1st swing. An attack with a swipe that makes me smile.


    Unfortunately the attack is pretty much harmless for anything to the direct right of you when you swing.




    Pretty please can some of the early portion of this attack also deal damage? I wish to slash at people as I run past them and quickly get collateral damage on those who rush up on my right side.


    Agreed that is extremely good feedback but it also points to a problem that lots of the melee weapons have, if they pass through that point in space, it should also be a hit box even if it is a minor one.

  14. Brawlers in Warframe can equipped Melee weapons like the Venka or the Furax. Why can't we have versions of these kinds of weapons for our Kubrows?

    Also why can't our Kubrows carry equipment? I think it would be extremely useful to be able to tell your Kubrow to carry a Datamass, or to be able to put the Datamass in a pack on your Kubrow.


    Being able to put a pack on your Kubrow could be extremely useful, for example your could put on an energy pack, and it could restore your energy when you are out and in desperate need. (However it would not be able to restore your energy N times, only once or twice.) You could give your Kubrow an Ammo Pack which you could remove ammo from when your primary or secondary is running low (Help ammo problems with Grakata, Glaxion, Soma, Amprex, Synapse and other High RoF weapons.)

    Another idea is that you could put on an aura for your Kubrow that either buffs you and your teammates or other teammate's Kubrows so you can give you Pets a "Pack" Mentality. 


    Put this in the weapons category because it is related to weapon ammo, Kubrow weapons and other such things. (There is no Kubrow category in the forums or pet category...)

  15. I'm all for the return of charge attacks, but if we were going to do a melee 2.5, we might as well kick it to melee 3.0, and include special charges.

    Part of why charge attacks were lame [not all of them, just some] was because while it made sense and felt good to charge a powerful swing on a hammer or claymore, it felt silly on lighter weapons like daggers. There's not really any way to strongly wield light weaponry.


    So, my proposal.

    Change charge attacks to be some kind of alternate feature. The Glaive's charge allows it to be thrown; what if other weapons were given a niche feature? As some examples:

    -Daggers, when charged, give a gigantic multiplier to stealth kill damage. This would make it ideal for stealth runs and assassinations, and would not make them overpowered in the hands of the invisible Loki and Ash, since on top of the already limited range, they would need to continuously time their charges to hit a single enemy, which is never ideal in a crowded fight.

    -Whips are given a powerful extended range, single-direction crack, similar to how Burning Wasp's Guided Claw works. Perhaps it could replace that stance combo.

    -the Silva&Aegis could give a large buff to the user's armor rating during the duration of the charge, culminating in a shield bash

    and so on. This would bring some functionality back to different types of weapons that are normally overlooked simply because they don't deal as much damage, or aren't as fast as the kingpin weapons like the Dual Ichors. Aside from adding an incomparable to various weapons and making cast-aside weaponry fun again, it would create a plethora of strategies that the community could explore and share.


    Help make melee the truly outstanding feature it was hyped up to be!

    Utterly Brilliant and I completely agree. The other thing they could do is make another key for charge attacks completely. For example press down the third mouse button for a charge attack, or hit G or T. Or just don't give it a bind but make it a player option.

    Implementing charge attacks like this would allow you to interrupt your melee combos for a charge attack if the ending of said melee combo is not suitable for your current situation.

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