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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. More ideas:

    Punchthrough can be helpful in this way:

    Removing the damage reduction which is followed if you target somebody behind an enemy. The bullets would still go into the target at full damage but the enemies in front receive 80% less damage from it, punch through could alleviate this. 


    If you did not target an enemy it goes to the closest enemy in front (so it won't run circles around you, which would be hella annoying).



    Note that I haven't actually use this weapon yet, 3 days and I could contribute more :)

    Thats actually a really cool idea so it essentially has innate punch through for obsticals on its way to the target. I really like that cool mechanic would be very useful and remove the need for a damage buff. It would turn this weapon into a purely skilled based gun. 


    To add to that:

    Easy fix when punch through is applied the bolts hit every traget the Tracker shot went through then head to the resting place. So if you have a line of enemies running toward you and you shoot your tracker shot through all of them the following bullets ATTEMPT to go through every target the tracker went through.


    ( I have been using the gun I have just been focusing on the forums because I really want it to be improved. Honestly even where it is it is one of my favorite guns, it just really needs a buff in some areas becasue they are too lack luster.)

  2. Basically in Halo (yeah this weapon is not 100% original but who cares..) the weapon would deal damage to the target hit but if too many are in one place (doesn't even have to hit somebody) they react with each other and cause a minor explosion.


    As for punchthrough not working, we need some weapons that kind of have certain mechanical limitations (provided they exceed in others) so the Buzlok can have its useless punchthrough.

    Other ways to balance it other than a mini explosion is having the bolts just explode outwards in random direction, dealing damage (miniscule).


    4 was a random number, this value can be random too thus making the weapon more unpredictable.


    Jut some random ideas :S

    Ahhh I like it, so your suggesting essentialy that they leave punch through screwing over tracking rounds but as compensation when four rounds are in the same area they explode. I like it. (UPDATE 6 INBOUND).


    God... with this guns rate of fire.... Jesus that would be a hell of a lot of explosions. 

  3. How about keeping the punchthrough not working but if 4 or more bolts hit one target it explodes (like the Needler from Halo) thus sort of making up for it in some small form of CC. It would be perfect for me then ^^

    More explanation on this please its an interesting idea, however I Dont like the idea that it cuases the target to explode this is Warframe not halo, but what do you mean by keep the puncthrough not working? like have your tracker shots go through your target and hit the ground? or have 4 tracker shots on one target mean boom? I am curious.

  4. Again you want to hear what people who used it think?

    https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/311695-buzlok-problems/ THIS POST


    God. Also it is more like the man child of a Boltor P, Needler(halo), and Gorgon threeway. The gun is great. May need a status boost or crit. boost, may need your tracker shots to be Hitscan but other then that is it a solid weapon that shouldn't be looked at as another Latron or Karak, cause its way better and has great utility.

  5. Suggestion for the button combination that will be used to cancel the tracking is to push reload while aiming down sights, OP if you like this please edit it into your post.

    I like the general unmark idea but just being able to hit a button and have it unmark would be better, and way more effecient.


    I don't know. I think there should probably just be an "unmark" function. I can see some great reasoning to have a gun track targets that are dead(example: killing a guy in a room, and then using his body to slaughter all of the enemies coming through the door from that room).

    Unmark function! Yes.


    I say give regular shots without the tracker slight homing, like if you're slightly off aim, they'll home into an enemy, but also keep the current homing capability when you have a tracker placed.

    That's a good, idea though how major would the tracking be? and if they do do this it should prioritize the enemies that are closest to the center of your rectal/sight.

  6. Why not just remove a preexisting tracking bolt when you fire another tracking bolt?  Seems like you'd never need more than one anyway!

    Becauase as mentioned earlier if you shoot a wall you can create a "beam of death" for enemies to run into.

    So I have a bit of a different suggestion.  I think that the marking shot should do damage, maybe 3-5 times the normal shot.  It will still mark targets for the tracking bullets and will still cost 10 ammo, but it will deal heavier damage.  This way we can use it as a sniper while zoomed in or to mark targets for the tracking bullets.  But i feel that using 10 rounds just to mark a target is a bit too much, I tend to use less then 10 rounds just to no scope kill em.  A way to cancel the mark would be awesome too, i like the zoom in to cancel idea.


    I agree, but then shouldnt the marking shot be hitscan? Thats another thing the marker should be a hitscan shot, and the follups should not be. Now your probubly thinking what will it shoot when a track is not out? Travel time bullets. But it needs to be able to hit harder. For a gun that is so massive and shoots such large advanced bullets it needs more damage. (Increase the Status, Boost Puncture and Slash, Change the damage to Blast, Increase Crit.) All good previously mentioned ideas.


    More on the Trackers though mabye they should make it like the needler the shots just track whatever enemy you happen to have your sight on?

  7. Just remember Lex Prime came out after Marelok.


    Stop making blatantly wrong accusations.


    My accusation i guess may be the fact that because the Lex IS a sniper pistol the Marelok is a sawed off SNIPER mabye we should remember sniper rifles are more powerful then sniper pistols.


    Increasing Lex damage in my opinion would be ridiculous because it shouldn't out power a Marelok which fires sniper rounds, last time i checked sawed off didn't mean caliber reduction. However lowering Marelok accuracy is not.


    ....oh... and technically sniper pistols don't exist....

  8. You don't even need to mark enemies (with the tracking shot fired while zooming), you can mark a spot in the room and create a death ray of bullets. Puncture/Pass though mods will seriously supplement this weapon!


    ... Maybe zooming in again should disable the mark?


    I agree and I love that. Thats why I didnt suggest having a shot at a wall disable it. It just REALLY needs a mark disable. More then anything. And mabye an ammo boost. (I would love status on it. just make it 20% or 25%)




    I said zoom in and out twice really fast (or just reload?) simply because sometimes I like to zoom in just too see where enemies are. After all changing your angle with punch through can let you hit like 30 enemies.



    Sometimes when firing the Buzlok when I zoom in (after killing a marked target) the shot comes out of the lower right hand screen makes no sense and when firing from cover prevents markage. I will take a screenshot for an edit/update.


    This thing either needs a crit boost or a status boost. Its a homing Karak with Travel Time, please boost either its status or crit. This weapon needs a little more punch. Not alot. Just a Little. Status would be perfect. Crit may be excessive. D:


    Also really ammo inefficient I highly suggest increasing the ammo cap to 750 like the grakata as it runs out faster then the grak.


    Bout it though, other then that. Hella rad, and I love using it!





    UPDATE 1:


    Mechanics Break Down for those of you who don't know. When you zoom in you get Semi Auto, you fire a "Marked" bolt. Then after you fire this you take off zoom and every bolt tracks to that bolt. Mark another enemy rinse repeat.




    there is no way to use this gun normally. Unless you don't mark any enemies. Because when you kill an enemy it is not auto unmarked. All your shots still track to the body EVEN TEN ROOMS AWAY. When the enemy is dead tracking NEEDS to die with it. or if we zoom in and out twice really quickly then the tracking is canceled. We need a track cancel mechanism. End of story.


    I love this weapon because I can fight from behind cover and even shoot up to hit my enemies its amazing I love it, all it needs is a way for you to cancel tracking on your "Tracker Bolt".


    Also, this thing is shoot bolts... why don't the enemies rag doll?


    Cancel Mechanism, Crit. OR Status boost +high ammo cap. I ran out of ammo on TERMINUS MERCURY This is a major issue, I am a very accurate shooter. (What would help ammo economy is a Cancel Tracking Mechanism)


    UPDATE 2:


    Oh my Jesus this gun makes the sexiest sounds.


    UPDATE 3:


    Punch Through needs to not apply when firing the "Tracker Round" (Becuase it goes through the enemy and hits the ground.)


    UPDATE 4:


    More on the Trackers though mabye they should make it like the needler; the shots just track whatever enemy you happen to have your sight on?


    The Marking Rounds should be HITSCAN, And do 2x to 3x the damage, that would allow us to use this long butt gun for what it looks like SNIPING.


    This gun also needs a damage boost. In either Status/Crit. Damag type (suggest: Blast). Or Just normal damage types becuase JESUS THOSE ROUNDS ARE HUGE.


    UPDATE 5:


    Buzlok rounds should have minor targeting/tracking capabilities when there is no mark out, and tracker rounds have not been set into enemies. mabye up to 10% or 15% course correction? (Longer the shot the more course correction but up to a point.)


    Unmark button, or command.



    UPDATE 6:


    Other ideas: If punch through is left alone on the tracker shot mabye as compensation we could get the rounds to explode when four are in a 1m or .5m cluster on any wall or enemy. with increasing power as the number of bolts increases:


    4 bolts: 200 blast damage 2m radius

    5 boilts: 250 blast damage 3m radius

    6bolts: +50 BD +1mr


    Ideally though punch through and travel time are fixed for the tracker shot. (I.E. Hitscan/Punchthrough does not apply)


    UPDATE 7: Fixing Punchthrough


    Easy fix when punch through is applied the bolts hit every traget the Tracker shot went through then head to the resting place. So if you have a line of enemies running toward you and you shoot your tracker shot through all of them the following bullets ATTEMPT to go through every target the tracker went through.


    UPDATE 8: Fixing Splitchamber!

    Alrighty so more problems with this weapon. SPLIT CHAMBER FRICKAL FRACKALS THE MARKER! We need split chamber and punch through to TURN OFF during the marking process this way you can equipped split chamber and have it actually mark instead of just cuase all post mark shots to derp off.. Also why did DE add a weight to the marker shot? the thing has  a rang of like 20-30m before it runs out of mementum and hits the ground. FIX THIS PLEASE!


    UPDATE 9:


    Projectile speed could really really use a boost. Also the accuracy seems to be a little bit off (Probubly just me but requires further testing.)


    Mabye Projectile speed could be effected by shred (60% increase in bullet speed as well as fire rate). Just a thought.

    Hitscan for the marker/tracker round. WE NEED hitscan for that shot. It is practically impossible to hit enemies that are moving from long range with that shot. It needs to be Hitscan. Even if it costs 15 ammo, make it Hitscan. 

  10. Those are only level 30's I am talking like level 50's but I guess yeah they are pretty viable. And we dont need more power creep. Forget it DE leave em alone. I like my balanced punchies.

  11. So I just want to tell you all that the Obex are amazing, for tons of reasons. A. Insane rate of fire. B. Great Crit Chance. C. Very balanced damage.

    Proposition: Boost the status from 10% to 20% or 25% in order to make them slightly more viable at end game. Also it would be lovely to see a rework for the spin attack. I am a little sick of seeing this annoying leg punch. Even though its cool and nice to launch your enemies across the room, I would prefer it if we could actually copter with it and to AoE damage.

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