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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Great idea however do you think it would be reasonable if the transfer rate of ammo from secondary to primary had a debuff. So when secondary ammo was transferred to primary it was -20% or -10%. So you transfer 100 ammo from your secondary to your primary but your primary only gets 80 or 90 ammo? I think that would be reasonable, however the opposite would apply for the opposite scenario. Also though it would make sense if the debuff was higher for weapons with larger ammo, I.E Luanchers, Bows, Snipers, Specific Shotguns (Drakgoon which has massive ammo canisters being a shrapnel launcher), Heavy Caliber Rifles (Boltor, BoltorP, Attica, etc...). But in the Ideal world there would be a unique trade off weapon to weapon.

  2. I think it was all to make the actual damage more readable to the player, so they can know how much damage they are doing. Fact is that the system they used to implement this caused the delay from when the beam contact is made to actual damage. It was quite a unnecessary addition and I still wish they had not done that. I don't care to see what damage I am doing; just as long as the thing I am shooting at is dead.

    Damage is readable in the Arsenal. That how much damage you do per damage tick (no idea how to put this with beam weapons). However they don't have to have all the numbers be flying out. They could continue to show damage as they currently are just apply it the way it was. Honestly I would like to see tons of numbers but I would rather not see tons of numbers and have it applied as if it were regardless.

  3. All continuous damage weapons currently have their damage numbers rounded off and only applied when a rounded number "pops" up onto your screen.

    What this does is say you have a continuous beam weapon on a Corrupted Moa for one second. In that time you drop it down to 1/4 health (with the first damage tick) By the time the second tick rolls around one second later the Moa has had time to deploy its Osprey which is extremely annoying because it shouldn't have had time. After all if your continuous weapon had been dealing continuous damage then 1/3 of a second after your first tick of damage it should have been STONE COLD DEAD. However it isn't and you now have to deal with its buddy. This is damage system EXTREMELY annoying because it gives enemies time to fight and time to activate powers that they really shouldn't have.


    I propose that we go back to the old Continuous damage system, where damage was dealed per tick or at your frame rate. I.E instead of seeing rounded numbers of damage per second and then having it applied as it is now, you have your damage applied for every frame or every tick. This allows your weapon to continuously deal damage as it should. 


    Now adding on to this. I believe that the status of continuous weapons is obscene. Seriously your enemy has a lazer protruding from their chest or they are being bombarded by microwaves and they only can be lite on fire once a second? or they can only be irradiated once a second? (in the case of the Nukor they ARE being irradiated.) It would be horribly unreasonable to ask DE to make the chance be rolled per tick at least without nerfing the proc chance. Which would be unacceptable. So at least for the sake of all things holy buff it to 2 times per second base for all continuous weapons (or make it unique for each weapon) and then have the proc per second roll be effected by RoF mods. Therefore if you have say shred on your Quanta (Buffed to 2 rolls per second base) the new number of proc chance rolls per second is 3.2, or if you keep the base proc per sec at 1, it is 1,6 with shred equipped


    Continuous weapons NEED A BUFF. I.E I WANT CONTINUOUS WEAPONS TO DO CONTINUOUS DAMAGE. Which is completely reasonable. I also want the proc chance of continuous weapons to actually be worth Jack Micheal Shatnerage.


    So DE my question is, What are you going to do about continuous weapons and there current sub-par preformance? Also how and when can we expect to see them buffed in this aspect and receive decent proc chances? Is the ability to modify proc chance per second with fire rate mods reasonable? after all it seems extremely logical.

  4. I think the phrase "good enough" was adequate. This game is great, but it is dominated by micro-transactions.

    Yeah, you can buy blueprints and make said items without platinum, but the amount of time it would take to make is frightening.

    Also there are a lot of items and gear that you can only buy with platinum. At least that is how it is on the Xbox One version.

    What do you mean frightening? I have built 75% of my weapons in the foundry... and I am almost rank 14.... +500 hours is all I have spent on this game... which compared to most rank 14's is very little moreover I have 5 formade like 10 or 15 of my weapons... so it really isn't that daunting. its actually extremely reasonable in my mind.

  5. But the status is its redeeming factor as it can bring enemies down to 0 armor reducing there effective health sometimes by over 500% even more the higher level the enemy is. I can strip tenno, grineer, and bossess of armor in seconds with my current build which has 90% status. That lets me do more damage then the soma relative to the fact its still shooting through armor.

  6. When will we get our fix on continuous beam weapons?

    Seriously. They need to do damage per tick, they are beam weapons I.E constantly damage the target, moreover they need to have status applied to each and every damage number (Without nerfing current status chances). Beam weapons have become extremely illogical in relation to the way their damage is applied, It gives the enemies too much time to fight back, and allows for unrealistic enemy activity. And if it is too much to ask for damage to be applied per tick, then at least for the sake of all things holy and Warframe make Status Chance apply for each damage number.

  7. Polarities can be worked around.


    What it needs is better base stats, namely damage, since that's what this gun has always been about. That's all it really needs.


    It handles extremely well with a large magazine, reasonably rapid reload, and good accuracy. If it had 30-35 base damage and about a 10% increase in RoF we wouldn't be bumping these threads all over the place.


    The gun needs improvement commensurate with the difficulty in obtaining it and the company it keeps--namely being a prime weapon.

    Also a status boost to around 15% mabye 20% but thats on par with the Grak so thats not okay. 

  8. Only things I care about.

    RNG Status problem. It may not be RNG but it sure as hell feels like it when your using the Grakata.

    Braton Prime Buf%&^e.
    (Status boost, Damage boost, Another Damage boost. Crit boost. Some polarities.)

    Secondary waypoint button for direction of Nekroses shadow minions.

  9. they should do whatever they have on the akmaguns on it, since i rarely get anything but elemental procs on it.

    I think that is related to the crazy damage difference between its physical types and elemental types, however in my experience with using the akmag (5 forma) they seem to proc almost identically to the grak, lots of physical types very few elemental.

  10. With my Grakata 8-9/10 hits is a status proc


    It makes me sad that most of them are physical though

    I know they need to find a way to let us prioritize specific procs its extremely frustrating. Moreover puncture and impact basically do nothing becuase so many enemies are stumble proof now. 

  11. Agreed. I would take the Grakata any day over the Soma. Hell I even added 6 forma to my Grakata. 


    Dude, you should throw on the event mods. The thing becomes a proc animal. Basically everything gets every proc within 10 shots. 7 if your lucky.

  12. It's quite short, like 20 or 30m. It's also not very damaging DPS wise compared to many other secondaries, AND it's status chance is not really all that high bc it's continuous.


    80% status per second. Compare that with 25% status + 8 rounds per second.


    Not that sexy currently. I don't think powercreep is in the cards for this gun. Just trying to make it different, not better than others.

    They need to fix all continous weapons period. And need to make the damage Per tick and show a flood of numbers and your proc chance needs to apply to each individual number without NERFING the status chance, That would be way more realistic. afterall when you have a lazer protruding fromyour chest or your being bombarded by microwaves you take constant damage.

  13. Yes that's better, but honestly, its still a write-off of the original Grakata. I'm not a fan.


    I get, it, this is what primes etc are for, but no need to do this to a top tier weapon. We dont need Amphrex prime or Marelok prime or Soma prime either.


    What i'd rather see would be a weapon like the bratton prime or Supra get the prime/wraith treatment you suggest to bring it up to Soma/boltor p/grakata tier.

    Well thats the basic crap that DE doesnt seem to care about buffing, however one other thing that I would like your opinion on is, what if they pooled the damage from puncture into slash and impact? afterall wraith version is made by grineer, and moreover it would be great to see a grakata that actually has a 16% chance increase of procing elementals over the previous version. (if they keep the same proc/status chance system)

  14. Honestly, there are too many mods in the game already. This proposal you have would dilute the drop tables even further and produce a couple of 'useless mods' in regards to the fact that they would take up a slot that people consider critical for damage. They would not be a beneficial addition to the game because of that.


    It should simply be a configurable setting on the weapon.

    The probubility of them further deluting the drop table by ummm 1. seems easier then changing the UI and modifying a ton of game code.

  15. Adding a Grakata Wraith would defeat the entire purpose of the Grakata.


    Grakata is the thinking man's machine gun. It has more drawbacks than the Soma but can be lovingly crafted to excel past the obvious choice.


    A Grakata Wraith as a straight-up upgrade would mean that all the Soma/Boltor Prime users would migrate to the new meta, and there would be no hope, no choice. Just a game full of people using the Grakata Wraith.


    At least now, there are 3 primary machine guns which are capable of dealing a ton of damage in slightly different ways. Keep it that way. Or add more choices. Not a "correct answer".



    My views have changed. It would be nice to have a version with less recoil tighter spread (accuracy 40), slightly higher status (+5-10%), larger clip (75), and mabye 2.5x crit multiplier instead of 2.0x flat. Just a light amplification.

  16. I'd imagine the current back-up weapons all troops have are just placeholders until DE comes up with something better. And i wouldn't imagine giving a heavy a Jit Kittag if disarmed is a good idea. Radical Disarm is supposed to cripple your enemy. I wouldn't imagine many Lokis using Radical Disarm on Grineer Heavies if instead of getting beat down by guns they are gonna be rushed and bludgeoned to death by Jit Kittags

    Not neccessarily those weapons are hella slow. and personally i would like more realism and less comfort food. BRING ON SOME REALITY. If its Grineer let me see the Grineer use it. (Also shouldn't Infested Ancients use the Scoliac whip instead of the grapple....)

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