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Posts posted by Gahrzerkire

  1. Stats only tell half the story

    I agree with everything you said but this man. Stats tell the entire story. And your brain chooses whether or not to warp it XD The Dread is AMAZING. Completely and totally OP in everywhichway.

  2. I have to admit that I like using my ult to level up my frame so then I tend to spam it. (Rank 12 dont know if that classifies me as high ranking but mabye having 5 forma builds on like 25 weapons will?) Anyways even when I am spamming my ult I still talk strategy and tend to take low level players to the end game to help them level and they have tons of fun. (I.E. Take em to sechura an carry them). Also just cuase I use my ult alot doesnt mean I dont try and synergize with my teammates. Something I have started to do inorder to make low level players feel better around me is I only use my ult as a panic button, or when I am alone and simply don't want to deal with shooting enemies. However when I am with low levels I tend to shoot like that and or only us melee as it provides me more of a challenge and gives them a chance to shoot things. I think the most important thing is being willing to talk to people in the end. And I have noticed lots of people around rank 8+ (usually never after rank 13 though) tend to just keep their mouths shut the whole round and it is even annoying to me. 

  3. There is a delay in damage. It is still there. Corpus techs pump out their shield ospreys before the summed damage really kicks in. Yes I have a 5 forma Ignis and that delay is enough for them to pump out one before they die.

    Also with a 6 forma quanta they still have time. And that is around 8,000 DPS with the lazer. so.... :''''''(

  4. It is impossible to Solo an Alert Survival on Earth. Or to solo survival on earth period. Unless you have Nekros. The Life support canisters don't drop fast enough. I only deployed (activated) them at 50% or lower. And after the first two I deployed (both at 50%) the percentage would drop by 10% every preceding canister until I was dead out of Life support. Please fix this problem. I need to be able to solo these missions. Also GET PAUSE WORKING!

  5. How about an assault rifle with 3-6 rotating barrels?! That would be amazing! Either have the physical damage 38 or the crit chance at 28%

    Dude the entire point of this is to have something that is just effin massive, and does ridiculous damage, allowing you to just rip through enemies. And its only debuff is a massive movement degrade when firing. and slower sprint speed cuase its so heavy.

  6. It should totally be a GAU-8 or 19. But seriously the thing should just be massive and do crazy damage no need for status or crit chance at all. Here are my stat ideas:

    Damage: 100
    Puncture: 60
    Fire Rate: 30 RPS (2 or 3 second spin up)
    Crit Chance: 1%
    Crit Damage: 500%
    Accuracy: 10
    Reload Time: 5-6 seconds.

    Ammo Per Clip/Total Ammo: 300/3000

    When firing the gun causes you to physically step backwards because of insane recoil.

    Gun is either shoulder mounted or held at the hip.


  7. But quick thinking in relation to what? PVE? if so it was not nerfed. In relation to PvP it was hella cheap and has finally been brought down to standard. It never made better players better. It made random people invincible. It blatantly said to players "Oh! you have a great weapon amazing movement and a billion other things that should give you the advantage. HA sorry hes invincible."

  8. It could look like a plasma minigun turret from halo that you rip out of the ground but mabye more manly and... well gritty. It could look hella oldschool and have some ridiculous lore entry like: "its so high caliber that this old weapon of ages past still rips a new one"

  9. I mean a minigun that is held at the hip with 5 or 6 frakking barrels. Sure mabye it can be as OP as the soma but it cant be a crit gun it would be PURE RAW DAMAGE.

  10. As someone who has one?

    No. No it isn't. There's a reason that it's the single most bought-with-platinum frame in the entire game, and it has everything to do with a totally unforgiving RNG that doesn't care if you have certain needs like having to work for a living or sleep. If Vauban is going to remain an alert prize, then it damned well better be a prize whose parts come up more often in alerts.

    Dude I am sorry but I got mine through the alerts. and honestly he is totally worth the wait but its not like he is THE WARFRAME OF WARFRAME. He is just a powerful caster that is hard to get. And what makes vauban vauban is the pain in the &#! to get him. So please for the sake of all things holy DE leave the drop rate alone. 

  11. We should have needler like ether rifles but beyond that imagine an ether sniper rifle and when you shoot your enemy they get impaled by a massive spike of ether. (obviously a one shot kinda deal.) moreover imagine a bow that shot ether tipped arrows and when you had thunderbolt instead of dealing blast it feltt radiation with high proc chance. To take it even further an ether based warframe or an ether based armor set. Ether armored kubrows it would be soooo slick smooth and sexy and rad ajdbfyhskdnfhvdjxnd.

  12. Right now the damage ticks occur every 1/3 of a second, just tripling the tick rate should be enough. And it'll still be slower than most automatics.

    Even so that would still be too slow, they are Continuous weapons the damage needs to be broken into tiny pieces and applied over the continuum that is a second, thats the only way to realistically represent continuous weapons.

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