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Posts posted by VampirePirate

  1. I'm certain by the update patterns that there will be a new warframe for U15, but what that is, no one knows.  I'm slightly excited to find out though.  I got a slot and a reactor waiting with its name on it.

  2. When people can't admit that certain instances of the game are meant for players if a certain rank and skill level. 


    Why is it so hard for people to understand that? 


    That when someone asks you to leave or that you can't join a T4S at rank 3, or 4. You shouldn't be upset because it MAKES SENSE that you shouldn't be able to do that. There is a reason all these nodes are in place and sectioned off in levels.


    I seriously ask, why don't people understand this, and why when I explain this to the new players of the game, older players get highly upset and not only argue the opposite, but then start to attack me personally (lol). Do you even know what you're arguing or are you just trying to be rebels without a cause?


    It's weird. Stop it.

    Nothing forces you to start a T4S with lowbies.  If you did that and turned out disappointed, then that's your bad.


    So I will quote you.  "It's weird. Stop it."


    No disrespect to anyone who is a lowbie, because I was once one that could do hard missions with near to nothing special long ago.  Higher leveled players did not mind it either.  Helped me a lot back then.

  3. I have this issue that confounds me, i work way better with bullpup weapons 90% of the time than i do with standard weapons for about all the games i have played so far which is really weird.


    Even when doing a comparison between boltor prime and braton prime or karak, i just feel more comfortable and see myself doing much more with a braton prime than the other two rifles which is odd when numbers say i should be doing otherwise.


    Even the grakata, which is amazing despite its low damage and that oddly enough i am able to sustain its ammo economy without ever running out.


    So are you guys a bullpup weapon or a standard weapon player? I prefer bullpups all the way and braton has stayed with me even after i acquired its prime variant, it just never goes wrong seriously.


    I use all weapons so I never gave it much thought until after what you said here.  Now that I think about it, I tend to lean more to using bullpup-like weapons.

    I think Braton's a Bullpup, but I don't know.

    Where's the magazine on it? lol


    Anyway, yeah. More bullpup rifles. I'd like to see something akin to the IMI Tavor, or FN 2000 (The version without the scope cover).

    You would think it is a bullpup, but I just checked by firing it just to see how it unloads, and my warframe unloads/reloads by handling the imaginary clip in front od the trigger and not behind it.  Also there is no clip.  I thought that clip was actually the Braton Prime's buttstock, but I was wrong.  There is an invisible clip just before the hand grip, but it is hard to notice due to line of sight being blocked by the right shoulder.


    And now that this has my attention, I am surprised to find that none of the rifles/primary weapons have a clip except, Penta, Soma, and Mutalist Quanta.  (Am I forgetting anything?)  Bizarre how the designs are of forgotten clips.


    Braton's a bullpup, I'm pretty sure, looks like the video game standard Famas to me. I think the mag is inserted into the grip, but I'm not sure there are any such bullpups.

    The way it behaves, I would assume it is a bullpup, but there is no clip.  I am certain it is not inserted into the bottom of the grip.  Just checked it.

  4. Not sure if this is the right section for this, so feel free to move it.


    For the longest time I've felt that Warframe should have the option to manual choose what rank your mod is when you equip it, rather than needing to level the same mod multiple times to varying degrees. Warframe is primarily all about customizing your build how you want it, however one thing it lacks in is this. For example, lets say I have a build for Rhino using Rank 10 Vitalization, but then I want to use Vitalization on my Excalibur but I only need Rank 5. I have three options here, either rethink my build with the Rank 10 Vit in mind, get another Vitalization and get that to Rank 5, or just not use Vitalization in my build. Obviously the last option isn't really an optional at all so we'll ignore that.


    If I have already spent the credits and cores to raise Vitalization to Rank 10, why can't I have the option to at that point pick what Rank I want to use it at when I equip it? It would honestly be incredibly simple to do, just make it so that when a mod is equipped you can then click on the little bars on the side to tell it what Rank you want it. So with the example above I'd equip the Rank 10 Vitalization, then click the fifth bar and it would drop it to Rank 5. In the even that you try to equip a mod that requires to much capacity to use, it would drop it down to a rank that could be equipped automatically.


    I would even be happy if this feature could only be used on a mod once it had been maxed out, or if it required an item to be used on the mod to unlock it once it was maxed out.

    Makes a whole lot of sense to me.

  5. also remember they are not your 2014 regular dog, they are an evolutioned race of dogs wich were genetically altered by tennos from the future with really advanced technology.

    okay, however... why is it that we can install orokin reactors on them or in them?  They are not machines.  There is nothing mechanical about them that they would need a reactor.

  6. I would imagine, lore-wise, that Kubrow are protected by some kind of sub-dermal armor, in much the same way a Tenno is protected by its Warframe.  The difference is that Kubrow are genetically-modified creatures that were made to perfectly fill a role, and if that role is "attack dog" then it would make sense that they would have some special regenerative and/or protective properties that keep them alive in the heat of battle with no external armor whatsoever.  Shields (assumedly from the collar) also further bolster their defensive prowess.


    Warframe seems to like to keep pushing the boundaries for what fits thematically, but in this case (and many others even) it actually does work, if only because the boundaries were made so large to begin with due to the "magic space ninja" backstory.

    Valid point.

  7. Incoming



    That's actually hilarious.  Okay, but then take a human and slap Darth Vader's suit on him or her, and you would have warframe satire matching this photo you placed here.  That's basically what a Tenno would be according to your interpretation.

  8. No disrespect to the dog/kubrow lovers out there.  I was thinking about this after trying out my Kubrow, that something doesn't seem right.  No I'm not talking about bugs, wrong fur color, or anything like that.


    Here is how I look at it.  We are supposedly space ninjas.  (I doubt it, but that's the assumed theme).  I have see many times in fiction of ninjas having attack dogs, so nothing wrong there.  However, this is warframe, and we are playing as "Tenno", people housed in full body armor with the ability to execute (magical?) powers to fight the enemy.  I imagine that having this special armor is what keeps us alive in battle, and why we can survive after murdering thousands of enemies at one time.


    So now, look at the dog or kubrow creature.  They have fur and flesh, but no armor.  They have shields, but no technology on them.  (No talking about the collar.)  It makes me wonder how these creatures would even survive what the warframe-wearing Tenno survive daily.  I know everyone loves cute animals, with the fur and all, but kubrows working for Tenno (in the current state) do not really match the theme of the game (in my opinion).


    Why did not the Tenno or whatever organization is responsible for creating warframe technology, create something that is used for and only by Kubrows?  Nova, in lore, is a recently created warframe, so I know it is possible.  The question is, why is there no body armor to protect the kubrows in battle, just like how the Tenno are protected?


    Sometimes I find it hard to believe that a dog-like creature is able to take down a Grinner, if considering realistic situations.  I know this is all fiction, so it is not to be taken too seriously.  However, If a kubrow was a robot or android, or simply had the full body armor like a Tenno, then I think they could do all kinds of damage to the enemy and survive in a believable way.

  9. You know, the thing here is, we got shipped the same game.

    On the opposite however, the PC on each and every one of us is different.

    Since most of the community doesn't seem to have this problem (as there would be numerous threads popping up if that was the case) logic dictates it would be a problem on your end.


    Also, never meant to insult you, it's just most people "reporting issues" are so dense you're better off going with the "did you turn it off and on again?" approach and in most cases it turns out to be an issue of low windows volume setting or something.


    Either way, since you seem to be a 100% sure it's not your end, I wish you good luck finding a fix for it.

    Yeah, I was right.  You really can't read.



    So according to your logic...


    This is because of a problem on my end, correct?

  10. No, it wasn't.

    There's multiple ways of adjusting volume. If the music isn't loud enough, tune down other things.



    If you put everything at 100% (including windows and your speakers) and it's too quiet then either your equipment is faulty or you have a hearing problem.


    Not even kidding.

    With all due respect, whether you are kidding or not, I believe I made myself clear when I said I tried everything.  What you stated, about how to rectify the problem, is not only quite obvious but need not be said.  Case in point, I have already tried that.  It does not work.  The problem lies either in the sound mixing within the game or a problem with the coding.  Even others have stated that they are having problems with the game sounds.  If it was as simple as adjusting sliders, I would have done that and would not have to make a thread about it.  Also, a dev even came to the thread and said he would look into it.


    I do not have a hearing problem and I do not have faulty equipment, but it does seem that you have a problem reading.  I said that the music sound is too low.  I never said that the sounds are too quiet when having all those sliders at a 100%.  Stop being prejudiced, and using this as an opportunity to make me look stupid.  I don't even know you, and I did nothing wrong to warrant your implied insults.  What I did do was report a possible problem with the game to the developers.  There's nothing wrong with that.  Go find something else better to do.

  11. I tried everything.  Turned up the volume on my game and my computer, even turned up my very loud speakers that I added to the computer, but the background music is too low when I am in missions.  Sometimes I can't hear music at all except for bits and pieces.  The music is mostly drowned out by all the explosions and death cries and such.  When I do hear music, I get pumped and fight better in battle.


    ...so if the music mixed into the game could be adjusted to be a little louder and possibly have some great bass-lines, that would be perfect.  Even if you didn't add the base-lines, making the music a little louder in general would help a lot.  That way, it if is too loud at maxed level, I can adjust the slider so the music will not be so loud.  Right now, the slider does no justice for music when I go to options menu to make it louder or more audible.


    Thanks DE

  12. I find it useful.  in case I forgot I was in a team or I am busy browsing menus while waiting on others, and that alarm goes off to tell me the team is ready.  perfect.  Perhaps there should be an option available to have it ring once, constantly, or periodically.  That would make much sense.

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