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Posts posted by VampirePirate

  1. In regards to handspring, I say grant us five extra mods that are exclusive for the utility mods (or "Band-Aid mods" as most would call them.)  This will allow us players to tweak things the way we see fit.  We can add fire resistances, electricity resistances, extra wall-running, handspring, or whatever to give us an edge in combat.  In my opinion, I think both players and devs will be satisfied with this.  Players will not have to sacrifice their specific warframe builds to make use of the 'extra' mods.  Devs will not have to make radical changes to the game about this mod situation.  This is only if handspring is to remain as a mod, otherwise it would make sense to make handspring as part of parkour somehow.  If possible.

  2. Well Sheldon said so on the live-stream and in a twitter comment:


    The DE warframe vault is finally cracking opening and some stuff from the past is coming back. Now we don't have an official list of stuff considered to be in "the Vault" but it was stated to contain previous weapons and items that were removed. I am going to say this now because someone will mention it:



    However here is some stuff that could possibly be in the vault:

    The "Lost" weapons


    Ether Dagggers




    The "Event" weapons

    Snipertron Vandal

    Strun Wraith

    Machete Wraith

    Twin Vipers Wraith

    Gorgon Wraith

    Prova Vandal

    The "Beta" weapons

    Lato Vandal (Listed as CBT - Closed Beta Tester exclusive https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/14530-exclusive-cbt-weapon-revealed/)

    Braton Vandal

    The "MoDs" (added in for completions sake)

    Tethras doom MoDs

    Breeding Ground MoDs

    Primed Chamber (DE have said it will come back in another event at some point...)

    So what do you think which of these lovely toys is coming out of retirement boys and girls?

    Also how will we obtain them? Will be an event? Will it be as a log in reward? Will it be the market?


    Edit1: Just to help anyone it is not Update 14 this week as it was stated on the livestream and also De Drew said that "We will know" when the actual u14 day is inbound.

    Edit2: Just so people know iteration patch numbers can go to two digits. Its just a number. 13.10.0 Is very acceptable. There is not magic rule on these things. It is just a made up number to track progress after all.

    Edit3: Added MoDs though the elemental/proc mods I feel is to soon and they will have special places e.g. Void Vor for Cicero mods. However DE did say that primed chamber will return at some point.

    Edit4: what are bredding grounds anyway? Thx bronte.

    I will belief it all when I see it all.

  3. Funnily enough, despite the enemies in this game having aimbot style accuracy and awareness levels, they have highly limited turn speed for their aiming.  This means that moving swiftly does in fact allow you to dodge all the bullets, both versus Corpus and Grineer.  The only circumvention to their generally slow speed is a 180 style turn they can use when you blow past them too swiftly.  Actively moving is the best defensive option available within Warframe at the moment since, when done right, it'll give you literal invulnerability.


    So long as you actively avoid putting yourself in a bad "crossfire" situation you can just butt-slide your way out of any situation.  Well, of course till you run out of stamina and get turned into swiss cheese.

    Amen to that.

  4. I like to jump-kick my enemies, even knock down leaders that way.  Helps me cut through mobs to do important things like grab a console, revive downed-Tenno, and snatch a major life-support.  My sprinting and sliding and gliding and jump-kicking as saved my teams plenty of times and they appreciate it.  Nothing noob about it.   I will quote (paraphrase) one of the devs that said "That is the style of Warframe gameplay."

  5. Wanted to make room for my sentinel slots; had an extra laser rifle from a previous Wyrm I sold in place of a Wyrm Prime I got from Prime Access...couldn't identify the two laser rifles apart and wouldn't you know...I sold the Catalyst duplicate by mistake 



    I feel your pain.  Love the pic.

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