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Posts posted by Tails-san

  1. I have to disagree, being able to swtich mod setup in-mission would be kinda broken, and make your mod choices a lot less meaningful.

    The most I'd consider calling a good idea would be the ability to change it while you're dead.

    Taking the wrong set is annoying, but there's just too much room for abuse to let you change it on the fly.

  2. 12 hours ago, (XB1)MAveric215 said:

    My headcannon: Tenno locked in the second dream are similar to humans plugged into the matrix.  Their matrix bodies are not real, but the brain interprets it as being real, so if you die in the matrix you end up dying in the real world.  The Tenno believe they ARE the warframes, so when a frame dies, it still might damage them to some degree (be it psychological, or physical).  After they awaken, they are aware that the frame is just a platform they control, so there is a clear distinction between tenno and warframe.  Their minds wont interpret a frame dying as they themselves dying anymore.



    In the case of Valkyr, Tenno can apparently feel what their warframes feel (to some degree at least).  So I don't look at Valk as the frame itself getting tortured, but rather the Tenno that is trapped within the frame is the one experiencing the torture.


    Also, even if Alad isn't actually killing anyone, he's still stealing warframes...

    This is about the way I see it, except that instead of being for those who are still locked in the second dream, it's those who only have one Warframe. And that if their only frame is ever completely destroyed, they die.

    This is a similar idea as we see with "the original" frames discussed in the quests and valkyr's backstory.

  3. On 10/05/2016 at 1:57 AM, Darthmufin said:


    You make assumptions about how the code works, and there is a good chance that these assumptions are false. The means by which the sigil's color is set is likely linked with the means by which EVERYTHING's color is set. In fact, based on the date of the post and it's title, that puts this bug's appearance around the time that they tweaked the way default colors were handled, in particular with regard to the copy warframe colors button (made it actually work with defaults, rather than giving you a light grey when copying a warframe's default colors).

    Code can be very complex and interlocking, to assume that a bug can only exist intentionally is highly ignorant.

  4. 12 minutes ago, -RIPD-Unduku said:

    Thats not very good DE, if i use Mind Control i always try to get a Enemy with a big fat Weapon like a Bombard. Its a bad idea that i minimize my own power by disarming him. Maybe you can chage it to somtehing like this:

    Enemies who was affected by any of Nyx's powers have a chance to lay down their weapon ( become disarmed ), after the powers Duration stopped.

    They said in the dev stream that this is how it works for mind control.

  5. Most "Top" builds on warframe builder are just number-chasing (Typically DPS), even when it's completely stupid. Fire Rate on Tigris is an example of this, as those builds are attempting to maximize the Burst DPS, forgetting that the weapon has to reload VERY often, making Burst DPS a meaningless number. They also frequently disregard things like punch-through for the same reasons.

  6. 14 hours ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    Steam Global Achievement stats:

    Gold Disciple - 5.7%

    So, yes.

    94.3% of the population won't be able to access it.

    More Steam Global Achievement Stats:

    Novice - 13.2%

    Initiate - 33.2%

    Weapon Smith - 46.4%

    Secrets of the Orokin - 53.7%

    Payday - 56.5%

    Agent - 59.2%


    So following this logic, 86.8% of the population won't be able to access the Saturn Relay, 66.8% of the population hasn't even achieved the first Mastery Rank, 33.6% of the population hasn't built a single item in the foundry, 46.3% of the population hasn't COLLECTED A SINGLE MOD, 43.5% of the population hasn't earned 1000 credits, and 40.8% hasn't solved a single cipher.

    You really need to take a look at what the population you're talking about consists of before throwing statistics about it around, especially in the context of these statistics supporting an argument. So yes, this is a bit of a fallacy to cite them as meaningful data.

    Something more accurate would be to say that 28.3% of players who have played at least 10 hours have achieved mastery rank 8, or that 42% of players that have built a second warframe are Mastery Rank 8+, or that 45.8% of players who have acquired a companion and 58% of players who have max leveled a companion have access to the Pluto relay. So really, this isn't as big of an issue as you're making it out to be.

  7. 20 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

    The whole deal about Dark Sector and Warframe is pretty uncertain. There's plenty of hints and 'nods' towards Dark Sector found throughout Warframe, but that may just be because Dark Sector was originally going to be what Warframe is now, only in Singleplayer. On top of that, DE themselves have never fully expressed themselves about the matter, and haven't even mentioned it in years.

    So on one hand, Dark Sector could just be a 'spiritual' prequel, since they were going to be the same game, but on the other, DE might be waiting to make a big lore reveal.

    As I see it, The Second Dream basically killed the last possibility of Dark Sector (At least as far as we know it) being part of Warframe's Canon, especially in any way previously theorized, or in any particularly meaningful way.

    And I do seem to recall it being stated that Warframe is more of a spiritual successor than a sequel.

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)ToastyFairy01 said:

    If were active around the times, Despair was once held as the strongest weapon we Tenno had access to. Do you understand why that's no longer the case? Power creep. When something new, stronger, more efficient, and easier to get comes and replaces the strongest weapons, that's power creep. Do you know what explosive weapon was held in high regard before Tonkor? Penta. Penta's descent to hell? Cutting its ammo down to mere scraps compared to what it used to have (and it deserved it) coupled with inept users that kept blowing themselves up. Tonkor doesn't have those weaknesses, actually it has even more strengths than the old Penta.


    There's an old Warframe saying: You can put six Formas on a Skana, but Galatine will still do several times more with less effort needed.

    My understanding is that Despair's fall from the best was less power creep and more Damage 2.0 knocking it down from that spot. Tonkor surpassing Penta is certainly power creep though.

  9. 1 hour ago, Harikusa said:

    This is a bug report and no moderator/admin even read it? omg.

    Just because it isn't replied to does not mean it wasn't read.

    I will say your report is rather poorly worded and not particularly helpful though. You accuse the devs of doing it on purpose, you barely explain the issue, and how it occurs, with very little actual detail.  You're also reporting multiple issues in a single thread, and your title isn't helpful. All in all your post feels more like a rant than a proper bug report. I suggest reading the General Bug Report Guidelines found in the announcement section at the top of this forum section.

    Oh, and overall, it sounds like these bugs are largely the result of an either exceptionally poor internet connection on your end or poor game performance (if your performance is bad enough to cause hitches, it can cause frequent disconnects if it hits a bad one), rather than actual bugs in the game.

  10. 21 hours ago, Dragazhar said:

    This is the issue for a friend of mine. Where would a new player get judgement points tho? The event is over.. They reworked Kela's fight to be fun and interesting but we cannot take our friend here since he just hit MR 3. The judgement points were only for the event. I think this is just a bug to be worked out by DE.

    The nodes that were Rathuum during the event are now a game type called Arena. These are functionally the same as Rathuum, including that they reward Judgement Points.

  11. 15 hours ago, numberghost said:

    Were you using the host's tower key? That's how it works. The key only gets "consumed" if the host successfully finishes the mission, so if the host quits (and therefore automatically fails the mission), the entire mission fails. 


    Otherwise, the host could start a mission with a bunch of other players, quit, keep the key, and the other players could still get the reward. 

    This is nonsensical for endless-type missions if the mission has reached a possible extraction point, however. At this point, the key is consumed regardless, preventing the free ride issue that is the entire reason the key owner leaving causes a failure. This is especially true in this case since this was the host leaving via choosing extract at the end of a round. Additionally, if it is intended behavior for the mission to end when host leaves like that (which would be bad design), then it should just force the whole party to extract, not fail the mission for those who stay.

  12. 5 hours ago, bloodshot2901 said:

    Also affects defense and interception, preventing the battle/extract menu from appearing.

    I would consider this not a bug, as if the extract/battle menu popped up in this situation, the syndicate invasion would be entirely capable of killing you during it. These missions also require the elimination of all enemies in the first place.

    Mobile Defense on the other hand, I'd say that's a bug, as completion of a defense point does not cause the game to stop like in, nor do they require the elimination of all enemies, only for the timer to reach 0.

  13. 16 minutes ago, DeFragMe said:

    Let me guess, it is Kela who is going to die ?



    joke aside, i think it is nice that it is permanent, so you actually have to do something to reach something.. now days people just taxi, and you wouldnt be able to do this like that.

    e.G.: "Oh i want Excalubur" "great lets taxi you to the boss and kill him fast the next 10 min to get the full set."

    that, that wouldnt work anymore. in this case for saryn.

    Excalibur is a bad example if you ask me, because Excalibur has no business being dropped by such a late boss, but yeah, it's kinda nice to see.

  14. Other thing that might be required based on typical rules for this kind of thing: Do not give it a name that makes it sound official, or otherwise try to make it seem official when it's not.

    38 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Yes but can I use actual ripped items? Like in steam movies?

    Strictly speaking, no, and even the source filmmaker stuff technically isn't allowed to (Ripping the models is technically a EULA violation). However, you'll notice that DE hasn't been taking these things down, even featuring their work on Prime Time and community spotlights. Deathsnack's site is also technically a massive EULA violation (Datamining and unauthorized connection to the service), but similarly remains up. Of course, EULAs in general are typically more of a "we reserve the right to take down anything that does this at our sole discretion" than something that will be enforced with an iron fist. They also reserve the right to explicitly allow things on a case by case basis, and it is not uncommon for companies to make exceptions for video creation (machinima or otherwise). (I am also not a lawyer, nor do I have any formal training in such, this is simply based on my interpretation of the document, though I am fairly confident in my ability to understand legalese.)

    So basically, It's the same thing as everyone else has said, regardless of your use of game assets, just with a bit of a higher chance of being told no or receiving a cease and desist if you use them.

  15. 1 minute ago, iDEBz said:

    IMO nobody who has unlocked the node deserve the alert noob or not. The taxi situation just promotes laziness and self entitlement in players. Like when a Vauban alert comes all the noobs come out and beg because they see how powerful he is and think they're entitled to it just because the alert is there, not because they've progressed to that node. Beyond that it's unfair to new players who have missed out on these if you would call it "taxi sessions" to see that players with the same game time have rare gear already because they leeched off someone else. It defeats the purpose of having the star chart progression.

    I consider it more of a way to help a few with a rather flawed system, and I've only ever taxied a select few alerts for non-friends (I've taxied friends often, often for different reasons). For someone who can't just get on whenever they want, missing a Vauban Helmet alert that happens while you're on can mean not getting it for months, even after you've unlocked the entire star chart. Some things really shouldn't be in the alert system in the first place, or at least not exclusive to it, so I don't mind newer players asking for taxis to these alerts.

    On a related note, there is nothing more disgusting than someone asking for taxi to Orcus Relay who isn't just clueless of the fact that said relay requires MR8+. You have two days, and you only need to unlock the planet. Go do it.

  16. 1 minute ago, iDEBz said:

    How bout "Leech" because that is what you are when you ask for someone to taxi you. Just progress through your star chart you lazy people.

    This is why I've always had mastery rank requirements in the rare event I host a taxi. I'll only bring the newbies with me, who can't reasonably be expected to have gotten that far yet, nor have any chance of getting there before alert end. Mastery rank 8+'s who need taxis are pathetic and don't deserve that alert.

  17. 1 hour ago, CrudShuzKong said:

    So what I'm getting from this thread until now is this:

    The newer a player the more discounts he gets, and the less money he spends the more discounts he seems to get. But most importantly: There is no middle ground, you either dont get them or get showered. Doesnt seem too fair to me...

    From my limited experience, it seems to be more a matter of how often you play. I never got a 75% for the first two years I played, but then I started playing a lot less (got new PC and started playing other games that I previously couldn't). I've since gotten 2 75% discounts in about the past month, plus an additional one when logging in on an alt during anniversary (alt had not seen use in almost a year).

    10 minutes ago, (PS4)B0XMAN517 said:

    I got my first 75% discount the other night, but it was a one time coupon for the @(*()$ market.

    You're on console, that's what you get instead of the plat discounts because DE can't modify the plat prices on your platforms, either for contractual reasons or lack of support store-side. I'm actually inclined to think it's more the latter, as the console stores are designed specifically as storefronts: a specific item sold for a certain price. While on PC it's an in-house system, relying on external systems only for the actual money transaction; Even for Steam it's just an x dollar micro-transaction as far as Steam cares (unless it's one of the starter packs sold via steam).

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