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Posts posted by Tails-san

  1. I think we need more testing to figure this out, because the example numbers they gave us are ambiguous as to how they work.


    +100% duration = 50% power drain.


    One might look at that and say that 2 points of duration = 1 point of efficiency, but there is another formula that fits those numbers. You see, halving the drain doubles the effective duration of the ability, it lasts twice as long on the same amount of energy.


    If this formula is how it works, then the usefulness of fleeting depends on other mods. By itself, the -60% duration would be causing the ability to drain 2.5x as much energy, completely outweighing the efficiency, even if we stack efficiency multiplicatively on that, it would result in the ability taking 25% more energy. However, under that same formula, if we have +150% duration from other mods before putting fleeting, which would give us 40% drain, adding rank 4 fleeting would give us +100% duration and +50% efficiency, which would have duration halving cost, and efficiency halving THAT, putting us at the minimum drain of 25%. Conversely, Streamline in that situation would give us 28% drain. While this is a negligible difference, you have to remember that no frame has ONLY toggles. +100% duration and +50% duration may be better for the other abilities than the mere +150% duration.

  2. This issue has been around for ages - one of our programmers was looking at it very recently but we're hoping people can provide more information for us to solve. 


    If anyone can please provide details on any other notable factors when the achievement resets - any detail could be relevant. Host/Client? Solo? Etc.

    Please let us know.


    I noticed the reset while doing an archwing mission after having not played arching in quite a whille. I believe I was a client. The issue of revives showing as 1/1000 persisted for a few missions, before it finally started counting up (I was still doing archwing, so I doubt that's related). However, it's also worth noting that said missions were played back around the slew of server issues a little while back. Past resets seemed to be at times around major updates, though it had been quite a while since the last reset before this most recent one, to the point I had high hopes that I'd finally get them.


    I also noticed when looking in my achievements, that it's actually not just these two that reset, it's ALL achievements (namely noticed shield saver also reset, which I had never gotten around to finishing off), these two just take so long to get that it goes unnoticed. This agrees with something I had noticed in the past, where the progress bar on the weapon mastery achievements would reset, though it would correct itself entirely once further progress on it was made, leaving it unaffected, aside from a minor display bug.


    Notably, the fact about progress completely failing to save (period where every revive/hack shows as 1/1000) for a short time period has happened every time. It also tends to happen to large amounts of people at around the same time. This, and the fact that the most recent reset coincided with frequent server problems makes me suspect that the problem is server-side (or at least client-server-interaction related), rather than client-side.

  3. Those %Syndicate_specter_name% BPs are drops from deathsquads.


    Those specters you're buying from Syndicates are pre-built ones, they don't have their BPs, so they won't be displayed in your Foundry.


    Yep, just check your gear and you'll see the specters there.

  4. I thought the new cloth physics were supposed to fix things like this, or did we forget to use those on this new weapon?




    Happened upon simply equipping them, continued to occur on the holstered ones when leaving the arsenal.


    Edit: After using them a bit, I can say it does this constantly.

  5. For whatever reasons...considering that these items are FOUNDER exclusive, not PC exclusive.


    It was probably a term of the agreement that PC transfers wouldn't get to bring anything that the native console players never got a chance to get, which includes founders since that ended before the PS4 release. It actually wasn't only founders items that wouldn't transfer. Anything exclusive to events that happened before Warframe came to console also wouldn't transfer, namely Snipetron, its Vandal, and Braton and Lato Vandals. On the Xbox One, arcane helmets also wouldn't transfer, as those were retired before the XB1 launch.


    You can view the details of the past account migrations here:

    PS4: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/268755-warframe-account-migration-is-live/

    XB1: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/339937-warframe-pc-to-xb1-account-migration-is-live/

  6. Third?


    We have Despair, Hikou, Hikou Prime, Kunai, Kunai Mk1, Castanas and Sancti Castanas.


    I believe he was specifically talking about Kunai and Despair, since those are both knives. Probably ignored the mk-1 since those are just tutorial version with lowered stats and the exact same model. Hikou are throwing stars, not knives. And the castanas are a completely different weapon entirely, they just use the same grip and holster positions, comparing them is like comparing Angstrum and Cestra.


    Anyway, the model difference between the Spira and the other two is much more significant than between said other two, especially when it comes to size, and the stats are unique among the class as well.



    Not every weapon needs to revolutionize the way we fight.

  7. By my understanding (though I haven't tested it personally, but I've heard from others), Any sacrifice that you've already done, you will not need to do again if you drop in rank. Note however, that if you drop into the negative ranks, there are sacrifices to get out of those negatives. Although these sacrifices mirror the ones in the positive direction, they count as separate ones, and you will need to pay them if you drop into the negative ranks of a syndicate your previously only leveled from neutral.

  8. With the latest visit, he brought Fanged Fusillade into his wares, implying that the rest of the 120% slash mods will follow, and making a second event mod set into his wares. This brings forth a number of issues.


    For one, it causes the mods to remain relatively exclusive, unacquirable outside of small, relatively rare windows. This causes their values to remain very high, and means that newer players may have to wait a long time to get their builds to the desired level. This is especially problematic with the Electric + Status mods, since the other element+status mods remain acquireable, limiting elemental combo choices in status builds for newer players.


    Secondly, it just generally annoys players who got the mod from the original event when they show up in place of a new item.


    And lastly, but perhaps most importantly, it dilutes the selection of wares that Baro has to offer. Every time he shows up, he brings with him only 3 or 4 items. This fact has proven quite constant. However, the total number of items gotten from him keeps increasing. This means that it will get increasingly longer between repeat appearances of an item, until it reaches the point where these items may appear annually at best. Adding event mod sets to his wares only furthers progress to that point without even adding anything new to the game.


    It would be much better to simply add the mods as mission or enemy drops, as was done with all the other element + status mods.

  9. Based on some of the things in your list, I'd be inclined to think your idea of the "right" direction would include automatically getting everything, and being able to clear entire missions with a single button.


    Vaykor Hek would be RIDICULOUS if it could equip the augment mod, It's already capable of outperforming the augmented hek WITHOUT the mod.

    Exalted Blade has its own stats and has no right taking mods specifically for less powerful weapons.

    Diriga was practically capable of completing entire missions BY ITSELF, I actually did an entire interception by just capping the points and then idling in the center with it.

    Multishot has been a something of a problem for a looong time. In fact, that nerf is actually LISTENING to player feedback if anything!


    Tigris alt-fire? If things had gone right, that never would have EXISTED. It doesn't even make sense in conjunction with its trigger type.

    Ash parts from manics? They COULD have just vaulted him, you know. Or maybe put him in alerts with Vauban? Or maybe dropped by the juggernaut, which spawns even less than manics.

    MR 12 for syndicate primaries? Are you unwilling to work towards powerful weapons? I think you're playing the wrong game.

    While the ducat price changes are a pain, the previous prices were kinda nonsense, with common 50-ducat parts, and those adjustments DID actually raise some parts values that were too low for their rarity.


    Oh, and those survival spawn changes? It was an update that tried to rebalance it and made it too hard, it was a HOTFIX that restored the old rates and made the missions reasonably doable again.

  10. It may not be flat-out spelled out by the studio people, but Ordis quite plainly refers to the Tenno as the Operator and makes a quip about how a chosen Warframe 'suits' you.  That sort of strongly implies the Operator changes suits, not that each suit houses a different person.


    There's also his line at the end of limbo's quest that makes it blatantly obvious that you are one tenno equipping different frames: "perhaps when you occupy this frame, you will use more... caution."

  11. As far as endless missions go:

    Tower IV Defense

    Tower II Survival


    These two keys still have Forma Blueprints in Rotation A, letting you get up to 2 per 20 minutes.


    Tower IV Interception also still has forma in both Rotations B and C.



    Alternatively, you can do single-run missions, here are some that purportedly have high (~25%) drop rates for Forma Blueprints:

    Tower III Capture

    Tower I Mobile Defense

    Tower III Mobile Defense

    Tower III Sabotage


    Not as high, but also decent (~20%):

    Tower IV Capture

    Tower II Exterminate


    While I cannot verify the exact source of these chances, they appear to be accurate in my experience farming other items in those keys.


    Additionally, Tower III Exterminate and Tower III Sabotage can drop built Forma, but this is extremely unlikely. It is also possible to get built forma from rare void containers, so you might consider looking around.

  12. I'd really like if Crush could be made to deal finisher damage (or otherwise direct to health). Magnetic damage suffers badly against Grineer Alloy Armor, and it doesn't even make sense how armor reduces crush's damage in the first place. The damage comes from their body being pulled into itself, if anything, armor would just make it hurt more as it is pulled in as well.



    Fixing the armor damage equations could help too.

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