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Posts posted by Tails-san

  1. Any pluto/Ceres Dark Sector will work, as stated previously. Defense missions might be a bit quicker, but either can work. Void Captures, Especially T3 and T4 also work great if you can get into the runs. If you can get a good team, together, the raid is also a pretty good source, doable multiple times a day, though you might need to make new teams every time. Remember that you can always use recruiting to find runs if you lack keys yourself. It can also be worth looking at mission types whenever a high-credit alert comes up. If it's something you can do quick (especially capture and deception), go for it, it can be more credits/minute than the dark sectors.


    Also, don't forget to sell your Oberon part blueprints, and any other unnecessary crap in your inventory, they can really add up. And always credit farm with full squads, there's a multiplier to credits based on squad size.

  2. Haven't used the Ignis since the update yet, but I'm assuming it still automatically deals headshot damage due to the wonky AoE mechanics?

    If so, then this weapon is probably an absolute beast now.

    Those wonky AoE mechanics were fixed. AoE no longer automatically headshots.

  3. Itzal is generally considered the top tier Archwing, with the others having minor, specialized usage at best, I'd put Elytron before Odonata though.


    For guns, Fluctus, Imperator Vandal, and Velocitus are the top ones. The Grattler is decent outside of open space as well. Velocitus is currently bugged however, fire rate is having no effect.


    For Melee, Centaur, Knux, and probably Kaszas (haven't tried it, but stats look like top tier material) are at the top. Prisma Veritux is pretty good too.

  4. As others said, as long as you're not being entirely detrimental to the team*, refusing to perform assigned duties in specialized runs, or being mean yourself, the community is generally nice, even if you end up getting in over your head and dying a lot, provided the mission is still a success.



    *Since you're new, I'll explain a few things that fall under this:

    Activating Life support before 60%. Some players like to wait longer, but activating before 60% is easily wasteful with just a couple module drops.

    Activating lasers in Void defense unless you're completely sure it won't kill any allies. To best avoid problems, don't use them at all unless it's actually necessary.

    Using Banish, Switch Teleport, or Ripline on allies without consent or good reason (ex: switch TPing a downed ally for easier revive is fine, Banish is also less of an issue than the others, as they can easily roll to cancel).

    Carelessly placing snowglobes or cataclysms (Tenno outside these entities cannot shoot enemies within, consider this when placing, and remember both are removable, cataclysm by recast, snowglobe by using freeze on it).

  5. Is this true that a status proc does more damage? I was under the assumption that the +% elemental modifiers were always in effect, unless you're talking about something like viral which reduces enemy hp to half for x seconds but then again that's only useful if they're >50% hp.


    The elemental modifiers are always in effect, but many status effects can help you kill faster.


    Viral will heavily reduce TTKs at high level, especially on automatic weapons that are all but certain to proc it before 50% HP on high status weapons. Corrosive's armor reduction (if lacking 4xCP) will make you do more damage. Additionally, Slash, Toxin, and Fire all deal DoT, while Electric will deal damage to nearby enemies, and all 4 of these are affected by crit and headshot multipliers.



    As for the main question in this topic, if you're looking to get a great weapon without too many forma invested, here's some you might consider:


    - All Syndicate Primaries. All of these are powerful, and except for Vaykor Hek and Telos Boltor, they all have 3 innate polarities. Some are D polarities, but you can work around that. There is no faction in the game where cold damage is useless, after all; Viral for grineer/void, blast for Infested, magnetic for Corpus, and even cold itself has bonuses against shields and alloy armor, with a useful proc.


    - Soma Prime. Very powerful automatic crit weapon, starts with 2 V polarities. Its rate of fire and decent status chance can let it get by using element+status mods in place of pure elements if you really want to save forma. By using these, along with a rank 8 heavy Calibur, you can easily get away with just 2 Forma.


    - Boltor Prime. I'm sure you've heard plenty about this, high DPS weapon, starts with V and D polarity. As said before, D polarity can be worked around. It might be worth noting that Boltor Prime and Telos Boltor are almost the same gun.


    - Dread. High damage, albeit largely single-target. Extremely high crit chance and good status chance; 2 innate V polarities. Can be built the same way as I described for Soma Prime for an entirely viable 2-forma build. Can replace Shred with Speed Trigger to use maxed Heavy Calibur if you wish, as bows have innate punch through on charged shots.

    -Paris Prime. Comparable to dread, just with slightly lower crit chance and different damage spread, but starts with a V and a Dash. The polarities do require modifying the aforementioned build, but you can still get away with just 2 forma by using Vile Acceleration in place of Shred/speed trigger.

  6. I would speculate that they're targeting a release window around the end of the month, so that the latest pack of Day of the Dead skins can be made available on all platforms for Halloween. The accidental patch note leak implies that the skins likely do not exist in the current console build, requiring a patch by that time.

  7. Any of the three can do well in solo, though you might want to bring along energy restores for Volt or Ember, just in case. You can usually get by without them, but things can easily go wrong and leave you low on energy, which can prove problematic for those two frames, as they're both casters, and thus kinda squishy and power-reliant, though coming from Nova that won't be much of a change, in fact, they're both less squishy than Nova, though not having Molecular Prime to cripple enemy movement and attack speeds may mean you'll take more damage nonetheless. Ash on the other hand is tankier, and less reliant on energy (having a lower pool, as well), more easily getting by when energy is in short supply.


    Personally, I find Volt and Ember more interesting to play than Ash, with their powers offering different ways to approach a situation and/or fun synergies between them.



    Also, since you're a PS4 player, do note that Ember, namely World on Fire, was tweaked along with toggle abilities as a whole in Update 17.5, which has not come to consoles yet. These changes are of great benefit to her, especially in enjoyability.

  8. Loki is correct- you aren't experiencing a bug.  When your mini mission is to "kill 30 things with rifle"  the bow will accomplish this for you as it is really just saying "get 30 kills with your primary" as he stated.


    The same goes for primaries of any kind-- even shotguns / arch-wing guns etc etc...


    Also, moving this to players helping players!


    EDIT: Also, editing the title of the thread a bit for clarity


    It even counts pistols if you have no primary! =D

  9. Sounds like you have a process that may be eating up all of your processing power.  First thing to do is open up your task manager, click on the "Processes" tab and sort the column by CPU so that the highest CPU usage is at the top.


    The top CPU usage should be "System Idle Process" if you have nothing open.


    That means 94-99% CPU is idle.  Check that first and come back here.  If its some process other than that.  Highlight it, KILL it, see if it comes back.  If it doesnt, then try playing Warframe and see how it goes.


    Then you know you have to track down whatever that process is, and either uninstall, reinstall, or get rid of it all together.


    That's the very first basic troubleshooting to do as it affecting EVERYTHING, not just warframe.




    System Idle process will not show up in more recent Windows versions' task manager unless you click the show processes from all users button (probably Vista and later, I know it doesn't in Windows 7).


    It may be a good idea to google what the guilty process is before killing it, to see WHAT it is, and how you might fix its high CPU usage before killing a process that you don't know what it does. This is ESPECIALLY the case if the guilty process didn't show up until clicking the aforementioned button. Just search "<process name> high cpu usage" and you'll likely find some useful info.

  10. Generally, the Opportunity Cost of Magnum Force is too high to even warrant use in the first place, regardless of the accuracy reduction's effect, unless that effect is itself positive.



    This is especially true if we consider the cost of maxing Magnum Force.


    I decided to investigate further, and on Sonicor, Magnum force is a bad idea in all cases.


    If you want to maximize damage for void, put Hornet Strike, Barrel Diffusion, Lethal Torrent, all 4 pure elemental mods (using primed heated charge if you've got it), and Pummel, this is higher than any build involving magnum force.


    If you're fighting a specific faction, put on expel <faction in question> instead of pummel, this is even higher than the above build against that faction.



    And this is assuming you want NOTHING but damage, and are perfectly fine with that 3 second reload time.

  11. Seems like a great change to be added when they make the scopes adjustable. Alternatively, instead of alt fire, it could just be that min zoom of scope is no scope.

    As for the Buzlok, if handled as alt-fire to toggle scope, its scope can just be removed. It's not even a sniper rifle in the first place.

  12. Adaptive Exposure. The brightness will adjust based on how light the scene is, brightening if it's dark, and darkening if it's light, like cameras and your own eyes will do.


    This can be turned off in options.

  13. On the subject of ordis, there are two ways that it could be though of. The first, and most probably given other quests, approach is the typical kind of "you are the sole chosen one" seen in the quests of most MMOs. The alternative, more outlandish approach, is to look at the exact line he says: "All I found were degraded beyond repair, but you're still functional." Given how the quest ends, he could consider all other Tenno's Cephalons as degraded beyond repair, since they refused to join him in sanctuary, perhaps blaming his attachment to his operator on degradation.


    And yes, as other said, the Liset, and perhaps more importantly, the Orbiter (The liset docks into a larger vessel known as the Orbiter, everything down the ramp is part of the Orbiter), is Orokin tech.



    Warframe isnt an MMO, Its Co-Op TPS. Sorry Just had to Correct you.


    It's still an MMO. It's an MMO Co-op Third Person Shooter. Literally the only thing left to separate it from the classic Instanced MMORPG architecture is that you access everything from the Liset instead of a hub town. Replace the Liset with the relays, and you have traditional instanced MMO setup.

  14. Oh come on. Why a tactical alert? What the hell happened to good ol' EVENTS, like, I dunno CRYOTIC FRONT or BREEDING GROUNDS? That was super great, and now... this.


    They still happen too, this is actually the first tactical alert in quite a while. There have only been two of them since the last event, not including this one. And tactical alerts are usually a lot more frequent then events since they're easier to make, and can have less impact on the game overall. They simply don't have anything truly event-worthy yet.

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